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Digital Library

And Meta data

Presented by
Shri Ram Pandey
The LNM Institute of Information Technology,
• Digital Library
• Components of DL
• Services of DL
• Metadata
• New Generation of DL:SemDL
• Conclusion
Digital Library
• May be Understand by two perspective
– Digital library as “Collection” of resources
– Digital library as “Institutions”
What is DL?: Collection

"A digital library is an organized and

focused collection of digital objects,
including text, images, video and audio,
along with methods for access and
retrieval, and for selection, creation,
organization, maintenance and sharing of
the collection."
What is DL?: Institutions
"Digital libraries are organizations that provide
the resources, including the specialized staff,
to select, structure, offer intellectual access to,
interpret, distribute, preserve the integrity of,
and ensure the persistence over time of
collections of digital works so that they are
readily and economically available for use by
a defined community or set of communities"
Component of DL
Digital Library : Benefits

DL brings the library to the user

Improved access - Searching and
Information can be shared more easily
Easier to keep information current
Wider access
Allow collaboration and exhange of ideas
Digital Library : Limitations

 Technological obsolescence
 Cost of content refreshing
 Rights management
 Inter-operability
 Network bandwidth
Metadata and Digital Library
METADATA (Data about Data)
• Key of locating , using and processing
digital content
• Structured data about digital object and
• Types :
1.Descriptive Metadata
2.Stuctered Metadata
3.Administrative Metadata
1.Descriptive Metadata
This Metadata provides information that :

• Allows discovery of collection or objects

through the use of search tool
• Provides sufficient context for understanding
what has been found .
• Metadata for individual objects varies by the
type of data.
• Well known DM is : MARC, Dublin Core
Structure Metadata
• This describes the associations within or
among related individual information objects.
e.g. A book which consists of pages and chapters
• It explain how individual page images make
up individual chapters , and how chapters
make up the book.
Administrative Metadata
• Facilitates metadata facilities access
management and preservation of digital
• It can describe attributes such as image
revolution file size or audio sampling rate
• Provide a record of how and when an object
was created as well as archival and right
management information
• Standard for interoperability of digital
collection is : METS (Metadata Encoding and transmission standards)
Next Generation of DL: SemDL
• Digital libraries are the next step in the
convergence revolution.
• Digital libraries are innovations, the
implementation of which is nascent in the
developing countries.
• Digital libraries hold the promise of becoming
key technologies for knowledge creation and
management in the future.

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