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October 2007


The AACE International Journal of

Cost Estimation, Cost/Schedule Control, and Project Management

Promoting the Planning and

Management of
Cost and Schedules

• Technical Article -
Using Simulation to
Optimize Excavator
Truck Selection
• Technical Article -
Construction Audit —
An Essential Project
Controls Function
• Technical Article -
A Comparison
Between the Non-
Mixed and Mixed
Convention in CPM
FOCUS: • President’s Message -
Return on Your
• Women in
Project Controls -
Bonnie L. Halkett
• Education Board News -
Volunteers Needed
to Review Chinese
S&K 5th Edition
• Legal Brief -
Contractors’ Tort
Claims Leave Design
Wondering if
Liability is Spiraling
Out of Control

The Association for the Advancement of

Cost Engineering International
Visit our website at
The AACE International Journal of
AACE International
Cost Estimation, Cost/Schedule Control, and Project Management
Board of Directors

William E. (Bill) Kraus, PE CCE ESTABLISHED 1958
International Aviation Consult., GA
Depar tments
Stephen P. Warhoe, PE CCE CFCC President’s Message ................................3 From the Cover ....................................26
WSDOT, WA Women in Project Controls ..................6 Professional Services Directory ..............33
e-mail: Education Board News ..........................8 AACE International Bulletin ..............34
Legal Brief ............................................10 AACE International Bookstore ............41
Past President
James G. Zack Jr., CFCC For the Bookshelf..................................18 Article Reprints and Permissions ..........43
Fluor Corporation, CA Special Focus ........................................19 Calendar of Events ..............................44
949-349-7905/fax: 949-349-7919
e-mail: Featured Ar ticles
Vice President-Administration
Kerri J. Hunsaker Stannard Using Simulation to Optimize Excavator Truck Selection 12
865-241-3262 Dr. Eric Asa
e-mail: The effective selection/matching and operation of the best excavator-truck systems are paramount to the suc-
cess of construction operations. In view of the uncertainty inherent in the excavator-truck system, huge front-
Vice President-Finance
end costs involved, varying operating and maintenance costs, project managers cannot leave the equipment
Marlene M. Hyde, CCE
matching process to chance. Computer simulation involves the use of complex mathematical modeling tech-
407-702-6857 niques to duplicate the processes to be optimized. This approach facilitates system analysis, decision support
e-mail: and serves as a cost-effective tool in sensitivity analysis (what-if scenarios) of construction excavation operations.
The use of simulation together with best practices approach can lead to the identification of system drivers and
Vice President-TEC aid in the optimization of the entire systems.
Vera A. Lovejoy, CCE PSP
Parsons Transportation Group, HI
Construction Audit — 20
e-mail: An Essential Project Controls Function
Vice President-Regions Alexia Nalewaik, CCE
Mark G. Grotefend, CCC Many construction projects, both publicly- and privately-funded, require that a project audit be performed by
CH2M Hill Inc., WA an independent party. The audit not only tests the accuracy of invoices and other charges incurred against the
206-988-5503 construction project, but may include a review of processes used in project management and project cost/
schedule controls, and a comparison of those processes to industry best practices. Thus, the audit function is
Director-Region 1 an essential project controls tool.
Stephen O. Revay, CCC CFCC
Revay & Associates, Ltd. Calgary, Canada
A Comparison Between the Non-Mixed and 28
e-mail: Mixed Convention in CPM Scheduling
Director-Region 2 Dr. Gunnar Lucko
Michael A. Withers This article analyzes a basic difference between two methodological approaches that are in current use for crit-
M.A. + Associates, Inc., MD
ical path method (CPM) calculations, both in professional practice and in teaching CPM scheduling. Based
on a literature review and on a comprehensive discussion of this major issue, the article clarifies this inconsis-
tency, illustrates the correct use of either method with an example, and provides guidance on how to avoid any
Director-Region 3 confusion in CPM calculations by using the clarified definitions for periods and instances in time developed
Michael B. Pritchett, CCE herein. This article thus achieves a reconciliation of these two competing methods to benefit the entire sched-
Faithful+Gould, GA uling community.

Director-Region 4
In This Issue
Robert D. Bakewell, CCC
Board of Directors Contact List ........................1 The 4h Quarter (4Q) Certification Exams ......9
Cummins & Barnard, Inc., MI
Statement of Ownership ....................................4 How to Submit a Technical Manuscript ........11
e-mail: Passport Reminder for Annual Meeting ..7 Annual Meeting Abstract Deadline ............17
2007 Exam-On-Demand Schedule ................9 Index to Advertisers ......................................33
Director-Region 5
Andy Padilla, CCC On the Cover: The Sunset Drive Office building in Olathe, Kansas is a LEED (Leadership in Energy and
PNM Resources, NM Environmental Design) Gold certification structure under the Green Building rating system. See page 26 for article.
COST ENGINEERING AACE International Headquarters
Director-Region 6 Vol. 49, No.10/October 2007
209 Prairie Avenue, Suite 100
Alexia A. Nalewaik, CCE MRICS Managing Editor - Marvin Gelhausen -
Morgantown, WV 26501
Moss Adams LLP, CA Graphic Designer/Editor - Noah Kinderknecht -
213-399-1373 ph: 800.858.COST
IT/IM/Graphics Specialist - Robin Donley -
e-mail: fax: 304.291.5728

Executive Director Policy concerning published columns, features, and articles -

James R. Baxter
Viewpoints expressed in columns, features, and articles published in Cost Engineering journal are solely those of the authors and do not represent an official position of AACE
International. AACE International is not endorsing or sponsoring the author’s work. All content is presented solely for informational purposes. Columns, features, and articles not
e-mail: designated as Technical Articles are not subject to the peer-review process.
of a company’s financial statements and
records, in order to provide reasonable
Construction Audit—An Essential assurance that the data is accurate and
complete, and is presented according to

Project Controls Function generally accepted accounting principles

(GAAP). There are several kinds of
finance-related audits, but the best known
Alexia Nalewaik, CCE is a direct result of Sarbanes-Oxley section
404—an audit of the entity’s internal
ABSTRACT: Many construction projects, both publicly- and privately-funded, require that a proj- control structure for financial reporting
ect audit be performed by an independent party. The audit not only tests the accuracy of invoic- and safeguarding assets.
es and other charges incurred against the construction project, but may include a review of In contrast, a performance audit
processes used in project management and project cost/ schedule controls, and a comparison of
provides an independent assessment of
those processes to industry best practices. Thus, the audit function is an essential project con-
trols tool.
performance, with the purpose of
determining how well established goals
KEY WORDS: Audit, construction, cost, project and schedule controls, and management and objectives are being achieved, and
with the additional objective of identifying
opportunities for improvement.
any construction projects, both With capital expenditures given such

M publicly and privately funded,

require that a project audit be
performed by an independent party. The
high visibility on the financial statement,
and with increasing corporate awareness of
accountability and expenditure controls, it
Performance audits may include
functional audits for economy and
efficiency, evaluating the planning process,
space use, staffing, and established
audit not only tests the accuracy of invoices is the rare construction contract that does
procedures. A performance audit for a
and other charges incurred against the not contain a “right to audit” clause.
construction program will typically
construction project, but may include a The clause is commonly found in
combine an in-depth review of
review of processes used in project government contracts, and is increasingly
expenditures with an analysis of
management and project cost/schedule being included in private-sector contracts.
compliance with applicable laws and
controls, and a comparison of those The language varies from contract to
funding requirements, and may also
processes to industry best practices. Thus, contract, but the clause typically provides
include an examination of the program
the audit function is an essential project the owner with a restricted or unrestricted
management plan and its effectiveness as
controls tool. right to audit operations, contracts,
projects, programs, and expenses.
In this capacity, the auditor for a
The Right to Audit The owner may choose to audit
performance audit is acting in an advisory
The Public Company Accounting continuously, at intervals, or at closeout.
role, where the performance audit results
Reform and Investor Protection Act of The clause allows the owner the right of
in findings, conclusions, and
2002, also known as the Sarbanes-Oxley access to all of the contractor’s files during
recommendations presented for the
Act of 2002, was a US federal act created to the contract term, and often for a specified
purpose of client decision-making.
protect shareholders and public interest. period following final payment on the
Some broad audit scopes may include
In addition to other requirements, contract. Audits are becoming an integral
a review of installed materials and
certain sections of the act require all and unavoidable part of any construction
equipment to ensure that the contract
regulated companies to establish an audit project.
specifications have been satisfied and the
committee, to document internal controls
quantities billed match those installed.
and evaluate their effectiveness, and to Audit Scope
Audit work of this type requires the use of
certify that financial statements fairly When the owner exercises their right
technical auditors who have an
reflect the company’s financial situation to audit, the objective may be a financial
engineering background and experience
and operations for the period presented. audit, a performance audit, or some
with specifications compliance.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act has had an combination of the two. The scope of the
impact on construction projects because audit is determined by the owner, who may
Conducting the Audit
capital expenditures for new construction, elect to audit a construction contract, a
Once the owner determines to
renovations, and expansion represent a specific supplier, a construction project, or
perform an audit, whether through an
substantial investment, usually shown on the entire construction program. Audits of
outside consultant or through their own
the balance sheet as “assets.” Such items as publicly funded construction may be
internal audit department, an audit team
capital assets, construction in progress, required by law, whereas private sector
will be assembled. Typically, this blended
bond issuances, leases, depreciation and audits are typically requested by internal
team will consist of the auditors, and
capitalized interest may be reflected in corporate governance, as a representation
representatives from the owner and the
several places in the financial statement, of accountability to shareholders and
contractor. Owner team members may
including the aforementioned balance stakeholders.
include staff from internal audit, finance,
sheet, income statement, cash flow Financial audits include financial
and project management. Contractor team
statements, and notes to the financial statement and finance-related audits. A
members may include the project
statement. financial statement audit is an examination

20 Cost Engineering Vol. 49/No. 10 OCTOBER 2007

executive and staff from project The audit will also require sampling is the most frequently used
management, project controls, and participation on the owner’s side, with method of selection because it is easy to
corporate finance. requests for such documentation as the apply and its arbitrary nature guarantees
At the kickoff meeting attended by the following. impartiality—it is typically used for large
audit team, the audit scope will be populations of data.
reviewed and the work plan will be • executive- or board-level authorization The tested sample will be used to
discussed. The audit may be conducted in for capital project; ensure that the contractor’s payment
phases by one team, or smaller teams may • cash flow analysis; applications agree with the terms of the
be assigned to specific portions of the audit. • corporate request for and approval of contract, verify that items billed on the
The owner may provide the auditors funding; payment application have been incurred
with a list of specific issues to investigate. • list of individuals approved to issue by the contractor, identify non-
The auditors will require work space at contracts or approve payment reimbursable items and duplicate
both the owner’s and the contractor’s applications; payments, and ensure that project
offices, either at corporate headquarters or • correspondence; reporting includes all costs incurred by
in the construction trailer. A spirit of • purchasing files; both the contractor and the owner. Labor
cooperation will need to be emphasized, • presentations and reporting to and material charges will typically be
because the contractor (and sometimes the stakeholders, including annual reports; traced back to their origin, such as
owner’s staff) tend to view the audit as an and timesheets, payroll records, subcontractor
intrusion. • policies and procedures. invoices, and bill of materials.
During or immediately prior to the Failure to provide information, or
kickoff meeting, a document request will The auditors need to quickly become delays in responsiveness, will prolong the
be provided to both the owner and the acquainted with the history of the project, audit and will increase the cost of the audit.
contractor, so that the necessary the roles and responsibilities of the project However, a dedicated audit team will not
documentation may be made available to team, and project risks. This is most easily allow an uncooperative contractor to affect
the auditor in a timely fashion. accomplished by reviewing the monthly their scope of work—in fact, upon
For construction projects, the owner narrative status reports for the project, and encountering opposition from those being
will typically require the contractor to keep conducting interviews with members of the audited, an audit team will often be
records of all labor, materials, and other owner and contractor project team. motivated to investigate further. When a
items furnished during construction or the Key project team members, such as document cannot be provided promptly,
performance of services. These records the project executive, project manager, the auditor may assume that the document
may be requested for review during the project controls, purchasing, contracting, does not exist and (if there is substantial
audit, including the following. and finance, can expect to answer delay) may further suspect that the
questions about existing policies and document has been created specifically in
• employee timesheets; procedures, gaps and challenges, project response to the audit request.
• daily logs; cost and schedule status, lessons learned, Field observations also contribute to
• payroll records; successes and failures. the audit. The auditor may request a tour of
• subcontract and vendor files with bid Audit testing represents the bulk of the the construction site, and will also record
documentation; audit work plan. A sampling will be taken their impressions while visiting the
• contracts, change orders, purchase of timesheets, purchase orders, contracts construction trailer and offices. Notes on
orders, invoices and canceled checks; and subcontracts, general ledger charges, the cohesiveness of the project team,
• owned and leased equipment records; payment applications and invoices, and adequacy of document controls,
• master budget and project cost reports; supporting documentation for these items. inefficiencies, communication
• detailed accounting reports, including “Testing” is a term used to describe the effectiveness, safety issues, and more can
direct and indirect costs; practice of evaluating a discrete set of data be used to develop audit findings and
• master schedule and variance reports; by selecting (“sampling”) and reviewing recommendations.
• relevant financial records and only a percentage of that data. There are a The auditors may also coordinate with
transaction support, such as the number of sampling methods available, but and report to various groups, such as the
general ledger; in construction project audits the sampling owner’s audit committee, facilities
• list of individuals approved to sign is often performed on a judgmental, planning committee, citizens’ oversight
contracts or approve invoices; random, or a stratified dollar-unit statistical committee, or board of trustees.
• lien releases; basis.
• proof of insurance; The methods are chosen based on the Audit Findings
• performance or payment bonds; desired objective. Judgmental sampling When the field work has concluded,
• project management plan; may be used to determine whether or not the audit findings will be summarized in a
• organization chart and staffing plan; policies, procedures and controls are being report and presented to the client. Some
• closeout documentation, including used—however, this method may lead to audits will conclude with a closeout
warranties, as-built drawings, and biased results. The errors found in dollar- meeting, at which the findings and
operation manuals; and unit sampling can be used to project an remedies will be discussed and both the
• monthly narrative status reports. estimate of reliability. True random

Cost Engineering Vol. 49/No. 10 OCTOBER 2007 21

owner and contractor management’s Similarly, if the contractor is providing • Moderate—Finding may be material
responses to the findings can be recorded. services for a project which is larger than to accomplishing project or company
Overcharges and questioned costs will any that they have previously completed, objectives. Corrective action is
typically be reported as the focus of the they run the risk of failing to perform. They required, and could result in project
findings, along with any additional audit may lack strength in scheduling, may be cost or schedule impact if left
observations about controls and overcommitted and thus unable to deliver, unresolved.
management. However, the auditor may or they may lack sophistication in project • Low—Finding represents a minor risk,
elect not to report some findings if they are management and controls. The auditor can and is immaterial to accomplishing
determined to be immaterial. review the contractor’s policies and project or company objectives but may
Materiality is a measurement of the procedures and, as part of their findings, result in inefficient operations.
impact (or value) of the findings. suggest improvements which will increase Resolution of this finding is suggested.
Information is considered to be material if controls for expenditures, cost and
it has the potential to influence decision- schedule. An analysis of the contractor’s Table 1 provides a list of typical audit
making, or if its omission or misstatement organization chart may identify skills gaps findings.
will have an impact on the project cost which need to be filled. The auditor may In the report, the auditor will list the
report or financial report. Clearly, offer advice for improvements in monthly findings, and will recommend
materiality varies directly with the scale of reporting, which will enable the owner to corresponding corrective actions. Periodic
the construction project or program. have better visibility in areas of cost, follow-up should be delegated to a
The quality and quantity of audit schedule and contingency risk. responsible party and must be performed to
findings is also directly proportional to the If the auditor is an independent third ensure that audit issues have been resolved
level of sophistication of the owner and the party, they will have the ability to speak out or that recovery of overcharges has taken
contractor. While the focus of the audit about owner and contractor issues. place. The follow-up may occur at periodic
may be on overcharges, the auditor often Whereas a project team member’s intervals after the audit has concluded, or
has the construction experience to make suggestion may be overlooked or ignored, may take place immediately prior to the
suggestions related to project controls and or certain concerns might never be voiced next year’s audit.
industry best practices. for fear of alienation or repercussions, the
For example, the owner may lack auditor’s findings are designed to be highly The Aftermath of the Audit
experience with construction and may and unavoidably visible at the executive The effects of the audit will begin to be
have undertaken the building of new level. discernable soon after the report and
facilities in response to current or future A skilled auditor will use interviews findings have been submitted and
business needs. Because the owner may be and field observations to identify topics of discussed. A ripple of change will typically
unfamiliar with project management concern, and will weigh the observations to start at the epicenter of the project, led by
methods and complicated construction determine whether the issue is widespread management or the project executive.
payment applications, and they may lack or is that of one isolated individual or The findings which represent the
the staff to adequately support the project department. The auditor will then consider greatest risk and impact will often be
and review invoices, they may be the public or corporate impact of their addressed immediately, with a focus on the
completely reliant on the contractor for findings. If the topic is highly political or recovery of overcharges and negotiation of
project management and project controls. explosive, the auditor may briefly mention potential cost reductions. Other findings
Conversely, the contractor is focused the issue as a finding in the report, and will typically be resolved in direct
on maximizing profit and using the terms then write a separate and confidential proportion to the level of risk and amount
of the contract to their benefit. The owner, “management letter” to provide of effort required.
therefore, has a high risk of overpayment to clarification and detail. Ultimately, the audit will have some
the contractor, and scope/cost/schedule The audit findings will typically be detectable positive effect and measurable
overruns due to their dependency on ranked according to their potential impact outcome on the “system,” whether that
external technical and professional or financial exposure, as follows: system can be defined as the project, the
expertise. owner/contractor relationship, or the
The owner may have accepted a • Very High—Finding is material to values and methodologies of the
contract that was drafted by the contractor; accomplishing project or company organization. As the findings are resolved
the auditor can help to protect the owner objectives, and is serious enough to and recommendations are implemented,
by including in their findings a draft of severely impair the project or cause the following results can typically be seen.
stronger and clearer language for future business disruption if not resolved.
contracts, which anticipates and addresses • High—Finding deserves attention by • Better enforcement of compliance
potential problems. The auditor can also management within a specified time with existing policies and procedures.
help the owner by making period, and is material to • Revision of policies and procedures to
recommendations to strengthen controls, accomplishing project or company incorporate the owner’s values and
and by identifying unallowable or objectives. While not as urgent as a current (actual) practices by the
duplicate charges, overcharges, and math finding ranked “very high,” this finding project team.
errors. could disrupt certain business • Changes to the project management
processes. structure.

22 Cost Engineering Vol. 49/No. 10 OCTOBER 2007

Audit Issue Risk
Construction program was started before budget Lack of expenditure controls at the start of the
and schedule were finalized. project.

Construction program scope clearly exceeds the Accountability to voters or funding source, possible
available funds. legal implications, facilities needs not met.

Funding for construction program was obtained Failure to accurately track expenditures against
from several different sources. funding source, difficulty in identifying key sched-
ule milestones for funding requests.

Owner’s purchasing department procures some Project controls does not capture owner’s expendi-
construction program FF&E and services. tures, resulting in understatement of project
progress and incorrect cash flow reporting.

Failure to review payment applications and invoic- Potential overpayment with respect to hourly rates,
es against contract provisions. quantities, reimbursable expenses, scope, and

Change orders are calculated using unit rates high- Potential overpayment with respect to hourly rates,
er than those included in the contract. quantities, reimbursable expenses, scope, and

Failure to require justification for contingency and Hidden profit.

allowance expenditures.

Failure to require justification for reimbursable Hidden increase to the contractor’s fee.

General requirements are included in the schedule Potential overpayment of general conditions items,
of values as direct costs, upon which general condi- and hidden increase to the contractor’s fee.
tions and fee are added.

Retention is not held consistently on subcontracts. No financial recourse available for subcontractor
Program manager time is allocated between proj- nonperformance.
ects on a percentage basis, not on actual time

Monthly equipment charge over the course of the Understatement / overstatement of actual project
project exceeds the Fair Market Value for the costs, lack of an appropriate time reporting system.
equipment. Potential overpayment for equipment.

Equipment is charged to several projects, instead of Potential overpayment for equipment.

being allocated on a percentage basis.
Lack of policies and procedures for the new system,
Fiscal operations has recently implemented a new possible failure to capture expenditures, incorrect
accounting system. cost reporting.
Table 1 — Typical Audit Findings

Cost Engineering Vol. 49/No. 10 OCTOBER 2007 23

Audit Issue Risk

The procurement process is shortchanged by limit- Not enough bids to create competition.
ed advertisement, a succinct supplier list, or a short
turnaround time.

Owner does not have a restricted list of individuals Lack of expenditure controls.
who are authorized to sign invoices or contracts.

Labor burden is calculated incorrectly. Potential overpayment of fringe benefits.

Duplicated charges and math errors. Potential overpayment for labor, materials, equip-
ment, reimbursables. Hidden profit.

Billing for late fees, failure to give credit for early Potential overpayment. Contractor absolved of
payment savings. responsibility for lateness. Possibility of contractor
cash flow issues.

Billing for materials purchased but not installed. Potential overpayment for materials. Hidden profit.

Failure to give credit for deductive change orders. Hidden increase to the total contract value.
Table 1 — Typical Audit Findings (Continued)

• Tighter internal controls. Construction projects represent Springs, FL: Institute of Internal
• Strengthening of project controls. considerable financial risk for both the Auditors, 2002.
• A reduction in errors and overcharges. owner and the contractor. Any reduction of 2. Cashell, James D., George R.
• Improved communication between that risk represents cost savings. While a Aldhizer, and Rick Eichmann,
the owner, contractor, and project construction project audit may generate Construction Contract Auditing.
team. measurable cost reductions for the owner Internal Auditor, February 1999.
• An increase in focus on prevention through the recovery of overcharges and Altamonte Springs, FL: Institute of
and early detection of risk. the discovery of errors, the monetary value Internal Auditors, 1999.
• Greater visibility of change and trends. of improvements in internal and project 3. Creech, W. Doug. Sarbanes-Oxley
And, controls cannot easily be quantified, if they and Cost Engineering. AACE
• Evolution by the owner, contractor, can be calculated at all. International Transactions, 2005.
and project team toward a culture of The primary benefit from audit work is Morgantown, WV: AACE
continuous improvement in the effective resolution of the audit International, 2005.
findings and implementation of the audit 4. Flannagan, Deborah. Here Come the
While it can be said that the auditor is recommendations. Strengthened controls Auditors. AACE International
often the least welcome person in any and continuous improvement generate Transactions, 1988. Morgantown,
organization, a distinct change in attitude increases in efficiency and profitability WV: AACE International, 1988.
does occur when the project team over the lifetime of the project and the 5. Steele, Mark D. and Peter A.
perceives and accepts that the previously organization. Because the role of project Shannon. Detecting Hidden Fees in a
“unwelcome intrusion” by the auditor has controls involves educating the project GMP. AACE International
resulted in positive change. team, managing project cost and schedule, Transactions, 2005. Morgantown,
Subsequent audits are often performed addressing risk and change, and accurately WV: AACE International, 2005.
more quickly and with measurably less reporting project status, the audit function
resistance from the project team, which is is an essential part of project controls. ◆ ABOUT THE AUTHOR
a result of both greater acceptance by those Alexia Nalewaik is Director -
being audited and the auditor’s level of RECOMMENDED READING Region 6 on the AACE International
familiarity with the organization. Team 1. Applegate, Dennis and Curtis Board of Directors. She is a senior
members who have seen positive change Matthews. Building Controls Into manager with Moss Adams, LLP,
occur following an audit are more likely to Capital Construction. Internal
leading the firm’s construction audit
recommend that audits be conducted on Auditor. June 2002. Altamonte
other projects.
and advisory practice. She has over 15

24 Cost Engineering Vol. 49/No. 10 OCTOBER 2007

years of public and private sector industry experience,
having experience in cost and risk management, owner’s
representative services, audit and project controls. She has
served as an alternate representative to ICEC; former chair
of the Women in Project Controls Task Force and was a two-
term past president of the Southern California Section.

The 2008 Editorial Calendar:

The monthly themes of each issue of the Cost Engineering
journal will be the following. However, monthly themes are
subject to change without notice based upon production
January: Academic/Education;
February: Building Information Modeling;
March: Claims and Dispute Resolution;
April: Cost Estimating and Analysis;
May: Management Issues (i.e., focus on facilities
management/materials management);
June: Annual Meeting Issue;
July: Government Public Works;
August: High Tech Research (focus on the aerospace
September: Annual Meeting follow up issue;
October: Planning and Scheduling;
November: Project Cost Control (i.e., focus on the
transportation industry); and
December: Value Improving Practices (oil,
gas, and chemical industries)

Coalition to Promote
Role Code Officials
Play in Public Safety
A US coalition will under take the goal
to educate the public, industry, and elected
officials about the critical role officials play
in improving the level of safety in the built
The “Raise the Profile” Coalition,
committed to creating awareness about the
important role code officials play in making
everyday life safer, is made up of building
safety professionals, trade associations, man-
ufacturers, consumers, and other stakehold-
ers committed to improving public safety
by raising awareness of code officials’ roles.
Throughout the US and round the
world, people have sustained injuries,
death, and economic loss because of unsafe
buildings and systems. These losses are suc-
cessfully minimized through the applica-
tion and ongoing enhancements to codes
and standards (building, electrical, fire,
HVAC, plumbing, property maintenance,
zoning, environmental, etc) and a regulato-
ry system to administer them. ◆

Cost Engineering Vol. 49/No. 10 OCTOBER 2007 25

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