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Opening Training

Training – Opening training

The program has special training functions for openings and endgames. In both you keep playing a position
against the computer until you learn how to handle it.

In the list of openings that appears you can choose one you want to learn. The position that defines the
opening appears on the board to the right. Click OK if it is the one you want to practice.
The position is transferred to the main board and you can start playing against the computer. Every time you
press Ctrl-N (for "New game") the same position appears on the board – until you switch off the opening
training mode.
There are three options on the top left:

l Learn moves: This brings the initial position on the main board, and you are expected to play the main
line from scratch. This is of course given below the board in the picture above.
l Change sides: This will switch sides whenever you start a new game so you can learn both sides of
the opening.
l Detailled: You get a more detailled set of openings (as in the picture above) rather than the basic set.

When you practice an opening against the computer, if you enter a move that is not part of current theory the
coach will appear and warn you. It will offer you the following alternatives:

l Show move: This shows you the main line continuation in the position.
l Ignore: Lets the move you have entered stand. Of course this means you are deviating from the main
l Take back: This takes back the move you have entered and allows you to try again.

Note: you can extend the opening training database.

mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files%20(x86)\ChessBase\ChessProgram13\ 16/04/2020

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