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Does Appearance Matter?

I think that appearance doesn't really matter, because there are lots of young girls that want to
get healthy, but just can’t, so it is sad and that’s why I think that it doesn0t matter !
Posted by: Ashley | December 9, 2006 06:21 PM

I am a strong believer that appearance matters very much because realistically that’s what
draws you to or repels you from a person when you first encounter them. To further my point I
was watching your show on does appearance really matter on I believe 9-22-06 and the African
American woman you had on the show (to my disappointment I didn’t catch her name) as a
guest caught my attention so much I had to write you to see if there is any possibility of me
getting to know her a little better. I think she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I
just wanted let her know that. See first impressions really do matter. Thanks for the great work
on your show Tyra and keep up your appreciated efforts. A fan from Detroit.
Posted by: Carnell | October 24, 2006 01:32 AM

A lot of us try to say "not to judge a book by its cover" but we all do, it's not necessarily being
shallow, it's just our nature, however, some people take it to the extreme and just use making
fun of people as a crutch to hide their own insecurities, so for girls who may have low self
esteem: people who say stuff about your appearance are usually the ones who want something
you have but they don't.
Posted by: Holly | October 18, 2006 03:49 PM

I do believe appearance matters. Appearance is the first thing people see when they meet you
or see you out in public period. It’s sad to say sometimes but appearance can either make you
or break you. And with the society we live in it is valued HIGHLY.
I know this for a fact I have been made fun of and picked on about my appearance. I must say
first off I am 23 and a college graduate. Although many adults and adolescents do not believe
me because I do not look as such. I have been told many times that I am 16 to 18 years old.
Also my height does not help the situation either, I am 4'11.
One time I was kicked out of a story because I came in during school hours and the worker
thought I was 16 and felt I couldn't come in without my mother. I was highly upset and didn't
respond to such because I was too shocked at such a comment. So that goes to say
appearance does matter. I know I have tried all sorts of ways to look older or my age so to
speak and I am still working on it today.
Posted by: Desiree | October 14, 2006 08:21 PM

Appearance matters big time. Everywhere you go someone is looking at you. Everyone judges
other people and there is not one person who can say they never have. Appearance is what
people see first about you.
Posted by: Artavia | October 10, 2006 03:47 PM

I think the show today on what others think about you was amazing. I think we have all been
judged based primarily on our physical appearance and I'm glad we can work to dispell myths
and help highten self esteem. I'm working on a Ph.D. right now and I'm particularly interested in
working with women with self esteem issues and in the area of beauty and aesthetics. I am so
happy to see that other people are interested and observant of these areas as well. Thank you
for helping people, myself included, to see the flaws in our own thinking.
Posted by: Ally | October 9, 2006 04:11 PM

I do if you are not thin or gorgeous forget about getting a job or getting that second look that’s
why so many young girls you see today with eating disorders or getting plastic surgery the world
has really made appearance made to seem it’s important...
Posted by: loretta | October 7, 2006 01:33 PM

I don’t think appearance matters, but unfortunately others think it does. I don’t mean, you go to a
job interview and you wear pyjama bottoms and a tee. Of course first impressions are important.
I mean, if you don’t want to wear what’s "in style" then don’t and if you do then do it.. Don’t bring
yourself down because everyone teases you or says stuff behind your back, enjoy life and
screw the others, it’s what's inside that counts! If people want to judge a book by its cover then
fine but you may really miss out on a great friendship or even a relationship.
Live life the way you want to, it is yours.
Posted by: Cassie | October 5, 2006 01:06 PM

Sadly, appearance does matter in life. Every day everyone is judged by what they look like. First
impressions. If you wear some old dirty clothes people, obviously, are going to look at you
differently. If you wear something nicer people are more likely to come up to you. Looks are the
first impression in life in everything from friends, to dating to getting a job.
Posted by: Michelle | October 3, 2006 03:17 PM

I don’t think that looks matter but in some ways it does sometimes cause people only feel good
about themselves when they are dressed nicely. I say that if you are having a bad day it’s a
good thing to look nice or to dress up. I am the type of person to dress up cause I think that
anywhere you go you should look your best it just shows that you take good care of yourself.
But it’s not to see what others think I have been going with this guy for almost 2 years now and
he doesn’t care what I look like because he knows me and who I am inside not by what I wear
he still knows that I’m the same person he met 2 years ago. So it doesn’t matter cause it’s what
you want you weren’t brought on this world to please others and I haven’t had to please my
boyfriend by the way i look I was just myself and Still to this day he feels the same about me. So
looks shouldn’t matter but only to yourself.
Posted by: Kaylen | October 3, 2006 09:27 AM

I think appearance does matter when making first impressions, like at an important meeting or in
situations that can forward your career but for friends no way.
Posted by: Sandra | October 3, 2006 02:35 AM

I think it depends on the individual. Sometimes when an individual pays too much attention on
the appearance of others or themselves, they end up being insecure or over confident. These
kind of tendencies may affect their mental and emotional health. In these circumstances, we can
say that appearances do matter because they already affect the individual as well as the society
(on a bigger point of view). But in other cases, when individuals don't really mind about what
others think and live their lives according to their own set of rules, appearances don't matter at
all. I think people will be much happier with their lives if they go out to the world to express
themselves, and not to impress others.
Posted by: Lavinia Charmaine | October 2, 2006 11:54 PM

Yes, our physical appearances indeed matter in our society. Is this really a new revelation for
anyone? Tall, short, skinny or flabby, we will have a preconceived opinion of a person. I must
Posted by: Jerry | October 2, 2006 09:55 PM

Appearance has a lot to due with everyone’s life. Everyone wants to look good no matter what. I
am 20 years old and have braces. I have gone through oral surgery and it was by far the worst
thing that has ever happened to me. I don't smile. I'm ashamed to smile. I have had two teeth
pulled and it has been the worst thing ever. I have two big gaps in my mouth. I can't ever
explain to you how ugly I feel waking up every morning and not smiling due to horrible teeth. I'm
a big fan and watch top model and saw what you did to the two girl’s teeth. That was amazing! I
can't imagine what it would feel like to be able to laugh without covering my mouth. I think you
made a huge difference on their lives and gave me hope to maybe someday have a great smile.
Posted by: Jill | October 2, 2006 09:24 PM

Personally, I have never judged anyone by how they look, it is wrong and mean. but I know that
appearance does matter because when I was in middle school I was treated horribly because I
was ugly, fat, and had pimples. then later, starting at the tenth grade, I started to lose weight,I
got taller, my pimples went away, and I got an owl glass shape. I was treated so much better,
SO much better that it’s not even funny. in middle school I was teased and no one wanted to be
the ugly girl’s friend, I hated myself. but in high school , and till today, I am treated good. People
aren’t afraid to be seen with me and no one judges me by my look, and I am so happy now. It is
such a difference. So, in short, appearance should not matter, but sadly, it does.
Posted by: fatima | October 2, 2006 08:47 PM

I think appearance really does matter, it’s the first thing people look at when they see you, and
it’s what most people base their opinions on.
Posted by: kendra | October 2, 2006 08:27 PM


Posted by: Tierra | October 2, 2006 08:08 PM

I don't think appearance is everything but, when you are in a middle-school where everyone is a
judge on looks you tend to drift away from everyone. I look what's within. I look at the soul. I
think people that are so kind like you. Though I have low confidence in myself I try to see me as
even worthy of the word pretty. But, it's hard. I hope one day that people will not judge on others
looks and look on the inside and see everyone is beautiful in their own way.
Posted by: Kimi | October 2, 2006 04:11 PM

Appearance really does matter. It is very sad but that's the way it is. The media stress nothing
but looking pretty and being fabulous. Even though it shouldn't matter as long as you are happy
with yourself you still have to come out and look 100%
Posted by: Tierra | October 2, 2006 09:33 AM

I don't think appearance matters at all. It’s all about who you truly are and not hiding behind a
look that is not you. You want people to see the real you. You should be happy the way you
look, and a touch of makeup usually brightens up my day, it makes you stand out especially for
interviews, going to a wedding etc.
Posted by: Sharron | October 2, 2006 08:49 AM

Yes we are judged on the way we look, I have been living with strabismus all my life and my life
has been hell. This is a very hard condition to live with. This lowered my self esteem. It affects
my communication skills. I wish I can get this fixed, and since my family are against surgical
solutions, this ruined my relationship with them also
Posted by: Antoinette | October 1, 2006 11:25 AM

Yes It matters to some people but not to me I don't think it fair to look at someone and say
something about them.
Posted by: | September 29, 2006 09:30 PM

I feel clothes are an expression of who you are as a person. Clothes shouldn't make the person,
the person should make the clothes. People in general needs to understand because you dress
a certain way on the outside doesn't mean your personality is the same on the inside. Clothes
shouldn't matter, your personality should. The media always want us to be what they want us to
Posted by: Theresa | September 29, 2006 07:14 PM

I don’t think appearances matter that much. I have always been unattractive and I don’t really
care what people say or think about how I dress and talk. I say if that’s who you want to be then
go on and be it.
Posted by: Kelly | September 29, 2006 02:11 PM

Everyone is so judgemental out there. I feel that appearance does matter only because people
make it matter. I would be a hypocrite if I said it didn't. But for everyone, we shouldn't let
appearance get to us. You can only be who you are & you should accept it.
Posted by: Panida | September 29, 2006 11:11 AM

I read through most of these comments and when they are talking about appearance they are
referring to the way a person dresses. So, when judging a person by appearance is it their outfit
you are judging or is it their features? It's their features. Nobody can really control what features
they have unless they have the money to buy superficial ones. However, for most people, that is
unrealistic. People everyday get made fun of because of their features, even though everyone
knows that that is what was given to them, but we tend to choose the shallow route and say
"Oh! It is about the clothes!" When in actually it isn't. Get real people, you know you judge
people based on their features more than you judge them on their clothes, and no matter how
many times somebody says it, it is not the inside that counts.
Posted by: Steph | September 29, 2006 03:24 AM

People say beauty is on the inside, but at the same time you can still be judged on your looks,
and of all people I know all about it. In my opinion a person's appearance really does matter. A
lot of people can be cruel to others not realising what effects words can have on the person
being teased. I've experienced it all, and to this day I’ve never had a high self-esteem and I
know I never will.
Posted by: Jasmine Kassady | September 28, 2006 07:38 PM

I think that no matter how hard you try, and no matter how good of a person you may be, it's
human nature to judge someone based on looks alone when you first meet them, even if you
get to know them better later. I think it's sad how much our culture (in America) places
importance on looks, and how TV and magazines convince young girls to think that being
skinny, tan, and beautiful are the only things in life that matter. It doesn't matter how much you
weigh or what colour your skin is, as long as you're a good person and try your hardest to look
Posted by: Jordan | September 28, 2006 03:03 PM

Ever since I was a little girl I was teased about having crooked teeth. So because of this I
believe that appearance does matter or I wouldn't have been picked on so badly. My income
doesn't permit me to get them fixed, so even though I know I am pretty, I will never feel
confident about myself to fully smile. Until the day that a miracle occurs and I get them fixed I
will never be able to enjoy the feeling of a great smile. It breaks my heart to know that. I used to
wish that I would fall on my face or have someone punch me in my mouth so that by chance
they would knock out all my teeth, so I would have to get fake ones. But I came to realize that I
love my teeth because other than them not being straight I have never had a cavity in my life
and I'm 19 years old, so I am very proud that I took such good care of them. My teeth hold me
back from following my dreams of becoming a model. So yes, I believe appearance does
matter, if you have dreams like mine.
Posted by: Sasha | September 28, 2006 11:43 AM

To me appearance doesn’t matter I strongly believe that beauty comes from the inside out. Most
of my friends say that I have the "ugliest" boyfriend around but to me he’s wonderful. Looks
never played a key role in my life and many people think that I ‘m lying but that’s honestly how I
feel and the way it is.
Posted by: Chandra | September 28, 2006 09:12 AM

Appearance matters yes and no. Depends on the context. Appearance does matter in a sense
that it's the physical representation of yourself. You only get one body so take good care of what
God has blessed you with if for nothing else at least out of self respect. Now appearance should
not matter when it comes to deep judgement calls on a person’s life. You can't look at
someone’s exterior and confirm any "real" factual information about them without first actually
sacrificing a little time to get to know them. (Hence the cliché "Appearances can be deceiving".)
Anything less one would be treading water on the shallow end of the pool. Peace, Love and
God Bless!!
Posted by: Natasha | September 27, 2006 10:44 PM

Appearance is everything when you don't know someone. We all judge one another and place
people in the little boxes in our minds (prejudice). We all do it. This mechanism protects us (ex:
from suspicious looking people), but can be harmful to us (ex: if we choose not to do outreach to
those who are different than ourselves).
Posted by: Erica | September 27, 2006 06:30 PM

I don’t know why appearance matters, but it does. It’s good to make a good first impression on
someone, but then once you get to know them you see them for who they are on the inside, and
not the outside, so then appearance doesn’t matter to you anymore... It really doesn’t matter to
me though, I always get to know people before I judge them on how they look... judging a book
by its cover, not always nice... just get to know someone first... :-)
Posted by: Krista | September 27, 2006 01:10 PM

I think it does rather it is negative or positive. We all do it...until we get to know people. I am
personally one who gets judged by the cover. I am the type of person who wears baggy
clothing...mostly adidas sweats...because I am overweight and feel comfortable and genderless
this way...I have gotten looks and statements like I want to be a boy or a lesbian...which in fact
neither are true...It can be depressing but I don't know how to be anyway else. So people
shouldn't judge because you never know what that person is going through.
Posted by: Tyi | September 27, 2006 01:20 AM

First impression is important as first appearance is. so I think it matters. but I will be glad if size,
race and gender are not included
Posted by: nana ama | September 26, 2006 09:05 AM

Appearance is the reflection of who you are and appear to be in the eyes of the people around
you. Over time it becomes the definition of who you are. Some people don't care what people
think of them but at some point you want to be accepted and your appearance does start to
Posted by: LaTricha | September 26, 2006 07:24 AM

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; however, your body is supposed to be a sacred temple. We
are to take exceptional care of our bodies. When you look good you feel good and when you
feel good people will treat you good. Sometimes illness can takeover and people respect it. Just
pick yourself back up again. Neither am I a model nor actress but a normal single parent but
there is a difference when u fix (yes I am from Texas) yourself up and when you don't and go
out in public. People will smile, talk and hold doors open for you. People like to be inspired and
motivated and when you are out in public people will treat you different when your appearance
is kept up....Everyone likes to be complimented on something(s) & if you haven't recd any or
gave your own self any lately you may need to check yourself. Some people watch closer than
we really want to admit and sometimes compare themselves to you so it's important that when
in public your appearance is always being noticed for better or for worse.
Posted by: yvette | September 25, 2006 10:45 PM

I think that appearance does matter! Definitely in today’s society. I live in a very country town,
moved here from the city and I am looked different at because of my colour. There aren't too
many African Americans here so they are treated differently and I am only mixed. But I am who I
am and I won't change the way I dress or act for no one. Most people that hear this question
think of fashion wise but it's more than that!
Posted by: Cierra | September 25, 2006 10:08 PM

Appearance can matter. It just depends on the situation. I don't judge people I don't know just
because of what they are wearing. You don't know their situation. I personally like to look nice
when it's time, but just going to Wal-Mart to get groceries I am comfortable in sweat pants and a
tank top. I don't always have to wear make-up or have my nails done, but what is sad are the
girls that think like that. They are the ones who make it hard on all of us who don't mind having
our off days.
Posted by: Cami | September 25, 2006 09:30 PM

I think it depends on the circumstances and situation. If it comes to getting a job you should try
to look the part. I am a personal trainer and although there are really good personal trainers that
are overweight would you pick the overweight trainer or the one that looks like she works out
hard, herself?
Posted by: Cindy | September 25, 2006 05:06 PM

Appearance is important for a job interview or a date. But I don't see how you would guess what
someone does for a living by the way they dress when they're not on the job. You should be
able to dress the way you want when you off the clock, but dress appropriately when it's
Posted by: Steve | September 25, 2006 04:33 PM

Appearance is very important especially when it comes to the corporate world. I found that
sometimes looking too "feminine" can be a drawback. Very few "pretty" girls make it to the top

Posted by: Kathy | September 25, 2006 04:21 PM

i think appearance matters because when you go on a job interview, if you see someone on the
street, or go on a date before you open your mouth the first thing they see is your outfit, how
you are make-up looks, how your hair is cute.
Posted by: kween | September 25, 2006 04:13 PM

Appearance does matter and to an extent it should because sometimes you can judge the book
by its cover. It is important to take care of yourself, doing so shows the world that you care
enough to put forth the effort to look presentable. However, not all appearances are appropriate
for whatever may be at hand.
Many helpful points were made on "Does Appearance Matter?" The image make overs
presented the same terrific people but in a more situation freindly manner.
I do have one question though. Image wise I am pretty well covered. I do not think I would be
mistaken for something like a stripper. However, I am often mistaken for a younger individual
which is not all bad but professionally I think it is hurting me. I think my personality is my
downfall. Most people with my personality type are male so I do not have too many female
friends. My interests tend to gravitate to more male oriented things. I know what I want and I am
not quick to give into compromise. I am a natural born leader and tend to gravitate towards
leadership positions. Tis hurts me professionally as I get bored very easily and often times when
completing a follow up for interviews I am told that I am over qualified and have too little
experience. I am willing to start at the bottom and work my way up (althoguh I prefer a fast
track). I know I have many marketable qualitites. I have a college education and have recently
moved into paralegal studies as I discovered that teaching is not for me. My question is how can
I find a career oriented job that will provide me with experience to move up when I have a lack
of expirence?
Posted by: Kendra | September 25, 2006 03:44 PM

It's not just how you look that counts in a first appearance that matters. Unfortunately, a large
percentage of people are unaware of how the words that they utter, the verbal inflection in their
speach and their body language often count for more than their physical impression. It's not just
your looks, and how you are dressed that count in the full presentation!
Posted by: Jan | September 25, 2006 03:36 PM

Appearance does matter: Our bodies are extensions of our minds, which builds flesh and bones
etc from our mentality/spirit/thoughts/
This is why I am naturally attracted to women who will rebalance my system. I am not
intellectually programmed to pick brains and neglect body-types. This is why there are more
problems than necessary afterwards.
I look first at thick black women, and the others after.
Posted by: Mike | September 25, 2006 03:34 PM

You have to dress and carry yourself according to the situation you're in. If you're around friends
and family, real friends, it shouldn't matter. But when you're marketing yourself in order to form
non-intimate/personal relationships, (like in your career or for business purposes) you have to
sell yourself. First impressions do matter.
Posted by: Taytu | September 25, 2006 03:29 PM

Appearance does matter: Our bodies are extensions of our minds, which builds flesh and bones
etc from our mentality/spirit/thoughts/
This is why I am naturally attracted to women who will rebalance my system. I am not
intellectually programmed to pick brains and neglect body-types. This is why there are more
problems than necessary afterwards.
I look first at thick black women, and the others after.
Posted by: Mike | September 25, 2006 03:28 PM

Unfortunately society is very judgemental and judges people based on the outward appearance.
I believe you have to love yourself FIRST and if others have a problem with you, it's their
Don't get me wrong. There are certain social standards that should be followed such as good
hygiene, being polite, dressing appropriately for a job interview/job, etc., but you cannot worry
about what people think about you. That's why I love Mo'Nique because she loves herself and
says, "Who are they?" They are no better than she is, and if someone isn't paying your rent,
then, hey, they can think what they want. According to the experiment on the show, people are
normally wrong in their judgements.
The basis of this show, to me, should've been that you cannot judge a book by it cover and it's
time to start changing our way of thinking instead of saying, "Well that's the way society is."
Remember, especially Patsy, who posted that she is concerned about being judged. Nobody,
repeat NOBODY is better than you. You can never please everyone so be true to whomever
you are, and if you love yourself, that's all you should be concerned about. If you love yourself,
you won't care what people think.
Posted by: Teri | September 25, 2006 03:14 PM

Unfortunately, yes. Appearance does matter to a certain degree. If you're going on a job
interview it would be best to dress according to how you would want the interviewee to perceive
you. Or like the physchologist mentioned on the show. Take time out to explore the organization
and see how the workers are dressed. =D
Posted by: Ashley | September 25, 2006 03:02 PM

apperance matters. just look at the fly black dude that dated the crazy tony-danza chick. wow,
he's hot!
Posted by: Kajsa | September 25, 2006 02:59 PM

Posted by: DOMINIQUE | September 25, 2006 02:48 PM

i felt really bad for for the girl Heather. When she started to cry becasue she was not even 24
yet and the audience thought that she was 40 it really cut into my heart seeing adn knowing that
it had that BIG of an affect on her. I want her to know that I would be her friend if I knew her and
that she should keep her head high and no matter what others think or say as long as she is
happy she is fine.
Posted by: Tana | September 25, 2006 02:19 PM

Physical appearance is the first impression, therefore we naturally judge others on the outside
first before getting to know the person’s inside. I believe that physical appearance shouldn’t be
important on how we look at people, but it is sad to say that in reality many people do judge
others on their outside. I think I am an average looking women, but when I dress-up I get treated
very well and when I don’t people would just ignore me. From my own experiences, I have
learned not to judge people on the outside because judging others will only make me miss out
on knowing a very sweet person.
Posted by: Joni | September 25, 2006 02:10 PM

Well eventhough we want to say that it doesn't it does and it is very real, I watched your show
where you had the five girls from differnt races and the two proffessors from UCLA discussing
this matter at the end of the show when they asked everyone to hold and raise their hands and
said "THIS IS AMERICA!" I cried that is so true and even if I am a hispanic american it hurts me
to see how far all this prejudice has gone and how half the time we need not but to look in the
mirror and judge ourselves before judging others!! Thank you Tyra for having that show I hope it
causes an impact on our generation and those to come in order to move to a better future
without hate and violence!!
Posted by: Priscilla | September 25, 2006 02:06 PM

Posted by: ~*~Lupe~*~ | September 25, 2006 01:33 PM

Apperance should not matter but in this society today it does. The first thing people notice when
they see you is you outer apperance; and alot of times it count especially for a job.
Posted by: Jamica Parris | September 25, 2006 12:19 PM

ohhh tyra should of asked her audience about her... I was a little shocked when she did
not...because it seemed like something she would do!!!!
I missed A DAY OF SCHOOL FOR YOU TYRA...but don't worry still getting strait A'S! ;p
Posted by: Rick_luvs_tyra | September 25, 2006 12:14 PM

I think that appearance does matter, especially first appearance. You can be who you are to a
point. If you like to dress comfy do so. Instead of wearing pajamas or bedroom shoes to the
grocery store wear those velour pants or something that is in fashion now.
I mean things like size, race, gender, ect, should not matter because it's what's inside that
counts. Although when a person first see you they look at your outer appearance. I know it's
bad but it's true so that's why we need to learn to dress appropriate at work, school, dates, etc.
Posted by: Leticia | September 25, 2006 12:11 PM

It does matter. try to tell myself that it does not...but it does...

Posted by: Rick_luvs_tyra | September 25, 2006 12:08 PM

It seems to me that it would be a more worthwhile endeavor to help people change peoples
stereotypical perceptions as opposed to teaching a few individuals how to fit the generally
accepted 'mold'
I understand the need to put your 'best foot forward' but it's a shame to give the impression that
you (Tyra and staff) agree with the notion that you have to 'abide by the rules of appearances'
Posted by: Stacy | September 25, 2006 12:05 PM

I do believe that appearance matters. However I dont believe that there is one standard that
every one should live up to. I feel that if you truely believe that you look your personal best then
you are going to feel your best, confidence is the most important factor in your appearance.
Posted by: Tonna | September 25, 2006 12:04 PM

Appearance shouldn't matter, but it does in very many ways. I am a tattooed older woman and
cannot find a job to save my life these days! I have lost contact with family and others due to my
appearance. it's not fair but you cannot take it personally, you have to be comfortable with you!
Posted by: candi | September 25, 2006 11:16 AM
Appearance should only matter to yourself. People will judge irregardless whether you are at
your best or worst. When people base you on your appearance its only their opinion of you. I do
believe we all do that to an extent.
We should not allow other peoples opinion of us to get us upset because remember its only
their opinion. Beauty starts from within if you are happy aobut your appearance and comfortable
with it than be proud of it. People today seem to be in the high fashion and always want what
other people have or want to dress like a certain indivdual. We all are our own person and have
or own style thats what makes us so unique in this world.
Always know if a man does not choose you or you did not get the job at an interview than it was
not for you. Through our walk in life we will encounter things and believe this when God places
you with that perfect man or that perfect job thats because thats where he wants you to be and
who God chose for you. Our time and God's time is two different times. So if you dont get that
job or get that man. Than it was not for you and there is something better out there waiting for
So be happy with your appearance, style, and most importantly yourself because know one can
love you better than yourself and God!
Posted by: Maddy | September 25, 2006 10:42 AM

I have to say I was bothered a little by this episode. i loved the message behind it but a very
large ethnic group that has also suffered hundreds of years of discrimination wasn't even
approached. Native americans. I have native american in my background and I'll be the first to
admit I'm not the best person to speak for their oppersion but the only reason I'm not in touch
with that part of my background is my family has either lost touch with that fact or doesn't care
so it is not easy information for me to access. But being from that descent, having two half
brothers who are from spanish descent, and having a step brother who is african american I can
honestly say that native americans are dicriminated against just as much. I don't think we can
really say that any one race has it worse than any other but if you're going to try to understand
and change it you have to approach all of it. Not just the one's that are in the public eye at the
Posted by: Charlie' Nicole | September 25, 2006 10:27 AM

NO! No appearances does not matter. Who's who to judge? Now as far as some woman having
her butt and breast out (as seen on the show today!) it's her business. But too much showing is
going way overboard. That's no too cute. Give people reasons to call you names.
Posted by: Lovin | September 25, 2006 10:09 AM

What a great show that brings to the forefront an issue that is still in the closet. Unfortunately
appearance does matter but worse than that are the sterotypes that accompany those feelings. I
can see the point of view of every race on the show yet there is a historically a common link
between black and bad. Immediately upon greeting a person who has color there are questions
as to thier intellect, morals, character of person and work ethic. The gulf that seperates one
another is the same distance that could be brought together if at home we were all subject to
the same upbringing in our individual homes as children. There are so many social issues in
individual communities that start the line of division everything from economics, education, and
portrayals in the media that tender the sterotypes that put a noose around the necks of one
entire race. In every race there are definitely seedy individuals who perpetuate less than human
qualities, but it's when it's tolerated by a group instead of frowned upon that it reinforces that
one person to go away feeling they are embraced. It is beautiful to be culturally different in fact
it's necessary in order to understand one another. We all have our hang ups no matter our
education or economic status. What can bring changes is our desire to open our minds. The
Black audiance member who is so angry has a lot to do with the belief that no one appreciated
or made atonement as a nation to the Black people who were under durest for many centuries.
Every race that has been mistreated except for the Native americans have received
compensation or public acknowledgement for the misdeeds that occured. Also every race has
their own Nation to call home. Blacks have simply been declared African-Americans simply
because of the hue of thier skin. When the ships sailed the seas many decades ago no one
knows who was picked up and where they were dropped off because like animals we were
merely a description in their ledgers. So in saying all of that I am simply suggesting don't equate
the anger of a person of color as baseless take a trip to learn aboout a race who through no
fault of thier own still seeks validation in a world where appearance still matters.
Posted by: cassaundra | September 25, 2006 09:59 AM

I saw the show about racial discrimination. I want to know why no one in the media talks about
the discrimination of Native Americans anymore. I am caucasion from the south and I definately
believe that these people have been discriminated against the most in this country. To this day
they are still segregated. Your producers didn't even put them on the show. How discriminaory
is that?
Posted by: Orion | September 25, 2006 08:41 AM

BRAVA!! Excellent show. I’m a 60+ light skin, light eyed Afro American who was raised primarily
among my own people. Consequently the negative remarks and actions I have experienced
have come from Afro Americans. I empathize with my sister who cut her hair to look more
ethnic. For the same reason I cut my hair in the 70’s and wore a ‘fro which actually took more
effort than wearing it in another style. Because both my parents had mixed genetic
backgrounds, they were exposed to many forms of discrimination during their lifetime. They
raised me to be respectful of all people regardless of their race or status in life - to treat people
as I wished to be treated. As the closing segment of your show demonstrated – we are all more
alike than we are different. We should embrace our similarities and learn from our differences.
Posted by: lanna | September 25, 2006 08:32 AM

hi i think it does matter because first impressions an african male staying wellington
w/cape thanx i must admit i really want to met this georgious diva tyra shes so sweat.
Posted by: simon | September 25, 2006 08:19 AM

Of Course "Appearance Matters" Tyra, it's the greatest! form of communication on our universe
baby. "Appearance is my favorite way of speaking without saying a word"! Great!! show Tyra,
Posted by: Cyril L. Davis | September 25, 2006 08:13 AM

How could you embarrase a sister the way you did? You should have had at least two africian
americans with different presentations.
Are you tring to have fame at the expense of your race?
Posted by: Barbara | September 25, 2006 08:02 AM

first impressions are just an excuse, another barrier to separate people. i am so sadden to hear
the guest crystal having no friends. in all my experiences and being who i am and where i've
been it is simply a tragedy that a visual appearance should merit a value judgement that could
deny an opportunity for something wonderful or needed in our lives.
Posted by: sylvia | September 25, 2006 07:28 AM

Appearance should not matter but in real life it does. When you first meet someone that is truly
the first impression you get of that person. I like to be in sweats and a t-shirt but I know I can't
dress like that for every occasion.
Posted by: I, | September 25, 2006 07:22 AM

Unfortunately in our society appearance matters very much. I just thank God that I am secure
enough in who I am that what others think of me is of little importance. If I'm interviewing for a
job I look professional because I am professional not because of some fear that I won't get the
job. I dress according to my perception of the event. I don't dress up to go to the grocery store
but I will do my hair and look presentable because I would feel uncomfortable otherwise.
Posted by: Celia | September 25, 2006 07:10 AM

Appearance is very important in everyday life. People that dress like a gangster are usually
trouble makers. Parents need to educate their children early on. Otherwise, they will grow up as
a gangster. Usually, you can tell if a person is a trouble maker. They usually have a mean face.
It does not matter if you are White, Black, Middle-Eastern, or Asian.
Posted by: Peter | September 25, 2006 06:31 AM

Appearence shouldnt matter espicially to me im thirteen and six foot thats right six foot and
being this generation everyones a shrimp but ive learnt to live with it.
Im not going to say i love you because i think you have to know someone before you love them.
But you do inspire me to be a model. Thankyou :)
Posted by: Tara | September 25, 2006 03:50 AM

I believe ones apprerance tells a lot about who one is. Going by the saying, "you never have a
second chance to create a first impression". so why look frozy when you can look foxsy and be
one to reckon with.
Posted by: grace | September 25, 2006 01:30 AM

Appearance does matter because what if you were going to a job interview do you think you
would get a job looking any knid of way but professional? First impresions are lasting
Posted by: Simone | September 24, 2006 08:24 PM

i think that in this world appearance does matter because usually right when you walk into a
room people judje you on what you look like just cuz it's the first thing they see/notice about you,
but i also think that your personality is REALLY important and its not just about the way you look
Posted by: thilini | September 24, 2006 07:37 PM

appearance matter sometimes.but for me,as long as your beautiful inside not really in the
outside you can find your match.and maybe that person whom youve been longing for may fall
for your personality.if you think u aint pretty like others does,your wrong.everyone is pretty.god
made us shouldnt be ashame of what god gave who are you.
Posted by: yna | September 24, 2006 07:04 PM

I think that appearance does matter when you want to make a good impression. In the society
we are in you have to look the part if you want to make friends, get a job, be respected, and get
a man. For example if you were looking to work in a law firm and you walk in with daisy dooks,a
belly shirt, a pair of adidas and pink hair your most likely not going to get the job. In the event
you are trying to make a good impression appearance does matter.
Posted by: Khadijah | September 24, 2006 04:31 PM

I think appearance does matter ,it shouldnt but i does.

Everyone (even if they say they dont) will judge a person by the way they look or dress because
its human nature.To me it matters how i look or present myself because its not nice when your
out and the person standing next to you smells or is dressed inappropriately .
Posted by: Veronika | September 24, 2006 02:58 PM

Appearance really does matter, as a matter of fact, i fell in love with Tyra because of her
appearance the first day i saw her in the movie"coyote ugly". I am a Nigerian, i know what it
means to catch d attention of people and we, Nigerians believe that "every second, we are
under the scrutiny of people around us and probably, someone is looking up to us in order to
learn how to put up an appealing appearance". It has once been said that the way you dress is
the way you would be addressed.
Posted by: uche | September 24, 2006 05:50 AM

I must respectfully say that you show about appereances, are only perpetuating certain
preconceived notions about race, ethnicity and people in general. Perhaps you have the right
intentions, but not adequate preparation. Let's see my point for a minute. If you see an animal
with big teeth, would you run? of course you would, simply because it is human nature to fear
what's mysterious to us, however, when it comes to people, we must always rationalize
stereotypes and fear because if we allow them to reside within ourselves, they become
prejudice and ultimately discrimination. Perhaps, you can next do an incredibly controversial
show about undocumented immigrants, or even immigrant families, and how they have helped
others, created a life for themselves and have left families behind. how their tears have turned
into tears of joy, and how they have overcome politics, obstacles that only gives them character,
strength and courage. Do shows that have substance, because our country has many shows
that lead to nothing..perhaps yours, with the right guidance can be as controversial as possible
(ratings). I would certainly watch it, and give you plenty to talk about.
Posted by: Franz | September 23, 2006 10:01 PM
Appearance shouldn't matter because a person is who he/she is. It shouldn't what ethnicity you
are, how you look or speak or walk should never matter. To me you are who you are, and no
one no matter how much they want it, they can't change who you truly are. People make
mistakes, its normal, so even if you do, learn to learn from it and love it because it means you
are human. As I already said, you are who you are.
Posted by: Crystal | September 23, 2006 06:39 PM

In a way I believe appearance does matter, because that is the first thing you see when you
meet a person and if you don't keep it up, there can be a problem.
Posted by: Amanda | September 23, 2006 04:52 PM

to a point yes wich is sad. but if i tied lookin for a job in sweats and a t shirt i would never get the
job. i would say if your just goin to the store then it shouldn't cause comfy is the best way to be
Posted by: carly | September 23, 2006 08:32 AM

I think that appearance matters for me cause I feel that people will judge me if I don't look my
best everyday.
patsy :)
Posted by: patsy | September 23, 2006 07:03 AM

Even though we wish it didnt. Men cant get enough of a skinny woman, and that leaves us plus
size woman all alone. Appearance doesnt matter to all, but for the majority of america it really
does. I know because Ive been looked down on because of my own weight. Im a beautiful girl,
however I got chunky thighs, and men always say Im a sexy big woman. I hate it. I wish the
world would just accept people for themselves.
Posted by: Carlie | September 22, 2006 09:16 PM

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