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Lesson Plan or Unit Plan Format Form Please download 2 copy ofthis form and fil itoutelectronicaly on ‘your computer Title Class La"au- What do you bring tothe table? Overview brief deserition ofthe lessons content and howit relates toa larger unt of instruction. Explain why the skills and knowledge are important for students to develop. Include prerequiste student knowledge required to meet lesson outcomes and relationship to future learning lemonstrati ‘of Content and Peday This lesson wil give the students opportunity to practice wring without the guidance and structure ofa writen sentence carer, which they have been working on inthe classtoom. The students will use a combination of drawing and writing to express personal thoughts toa prompt based on a message or theme from the book. The teacher wil fst, read the book to the students, then as a class ne wil discuss the theme af the story. ‘They willbe able to identfy and describe the characters and key details rom the tet. They willthen respond tothe prompt of ‘what is your special talent through personal and opinion-based writing Enduring Understanding(s) Essential Question(s) Important ideas or processes forthe students to explore and uncover | Promote inauiryto discover the enduring understanding(s) (a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy) (fa: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Peda ‘© The students have their own voice they should implement in © Why did the people wait a long time before they picked their wring the lite hull? Connecting personal experiences and attributes to a story ‘Analyzing the ‘bg picture” of stories Express thoughts and opinions through wating ‘© What was the special talent ofthe litle huli? ‘© What special talents do you have that you could bring to ala? (MeTighe, J, 8 Wiggins, (2013). Essential uestions: opening doors to student understanding. Reteved from tp /ebookcentral roquest com) Content Standard(a) Standardized statements about what the students should know orbe able todo (ie., The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or Havait Content & Performance Standards Il that align withthe enduring understandings, essential questions, and student learning objectives. (fc: Setting Instructional Outcomes) Anchor standard: COSSELALITERAGL.CORAWA Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Grade level standard: K.RLA1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key detai I can ask and answer questions about important details in the book vi -0801/7 Elementary Education Program (EEP) ~ College of Education ~ University of Hawai at Manoa Lesson Plan or Unit Plan Format Form Please download 2 copy ofthis form and fil itoutelectronicaly on ‘your computer KRL With prompting and support, describe relationship between illustrations and the story in ‘they appear. I can match the picture withthe story K.W.1 Use a combination of drawing, 1, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic of the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the book or topic. I can draw or write to help me share what | think. K.W.8 With guidance and support from adults, reeall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. | can use what | know and have read to answer questions. Knowledge of Students ‘description of 1) students’ curent level of understanding and experiences wth the content inthe lesson and 2ithe students’ interest, unique characteristics, and needs. (th: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students) Content knowledge and skis: The students have an understanding of writing. The students use best guess speling to spell words the dont know. They have also been learing about punctuation. Some of the students have a good understanding of speling the sight words (.¢. the, ike, to, |, and, etc) Prior academic performance: The students have basic writing skills, where they are able to write letters legibly. The students have been exposed to sight words that will ad their speling, as well as use their best guess speling to write their opinion writing piece. The students are able to listen tothe story and retell key details within stories. ‘Student Learning Objectivesiinstructional Goals What the students are expected tobe able to do andiorto know bythe end of the lesson or by the end of multiple lessons. 19 Instructional Outcomes) Use a bulleted list and start your objective using an action verb that is measurable Students will now ‘© writing opinion-based piece using drawings (© what isa theme ‘Students will be able to: write @ response to the promot using pictures and writing explain what they wrate about listen tothe story being read ‘© connect the theme and characters inthe story to their personal response to the prompt vi -0801/7 Elementary Education Program (EEP) ~ College of Education ~ University of Hawai at Manoa Lesson Plan or Unit Plan Format Form Please download 2 copy ofthis form and fil tout electronically on ‘your computer ‘Application of skills and strategies (Briefly desoribe what skill and strategies will be used by students to lear the benchmark) Skil ‘Strategy {a learning behavior that is intended (Techniques that will help students lear the ski) for students to do automatically) Reading Comprehension Identifying the main idea and details Writing independently Create an opinion writing piece using drawings and writing, without a written start for the students to trace Crtcal Thinking Using identified theme of story, write an opinion writing piece Student Assessments Checks for student understanding throughout the lesson formative assessment tasks) and evaluation of howrthe students have met the student learning outcomes including the evaluation criteria (summative assessments) and all assessment tols. (if: Designing Student Assessments) The students wil isten to the story and connect to the message ofthe story The teacher formative assessment used to measure student learning is listening and facilitating discussion. The teacher will also walk around during worktime to rronitr that students are staying on task and folowing writing instructions. The teacher summative assessment used to measure student learning is through writing assignment and student explanation oftheir work. ‘Academic Language Demands and Supports ‘The ways that students will be required to use content area language during the lesson and the instructional strategies o be used to help the students to meet the language demands. (1a: Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; th: Knowledge of Students) ‘Academie vocabulary: © sting © explain ‘© personal opinion Language Supports: © verbal explanations Lesson Procedures ‘description of the sequence of learning experiences (what the teacher wil do and say and whatthe students will do during the lesson) ‘including the launch ofthe lesson the ways the materials willbe presented, the ways the students wll actively engage in learning, the questions posed, and the lesson closure. ({a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; {e: Designing Coherent Instruction) vi -08017 Elementary Education Program (EEP) ~ College of Education ~ University of Hawai at Manoa Lesson Plan or Unit Plan Format Form Please download 2 copy ofthis form and fil tout electronically on ‘your computer Use GRR model provided below OR content specific lesson ramework (BE model, IDMete] Lesson Procedures Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks ‘Adescrintion of what the teacher will do and say and what the students will do during the lesson that 4) uses clear steps that convey the use of muttiple strategies, supports, and resources and 2) lst opportunities offered for multisle modes of participation Keep in mind that each lesson may not have all ofthe GRR Instuctional components and add/delete rows if adapting). Be specific, write what you plan to say and include examples of what you wil do. Startwith an action verb CORRECTLY NUMBER BULLET EACH STEP in one numeral sequence (e.g., 1, 2,3). Use letters if there are substeps (ta, 1h, te) Instructional component ‘Sequence of Ae Classroom management ‘© counting down from’ attention getter ‘© Raising hand, with finger over mouth ‘© “Okay boys and girls, eyes on me” 1. Introduction “Today, boys and gils, we are going to he reading this book Listen carefully hecause we are (2:3 minutes) going to have a class discussion about the book. Then, you guys will do some writing, answering the question | give you at the end ofthe book” 2. Building Background (@rrinutes) “Look at this book, can someone raise their rand and tel me what you see” “Does anyone know what plant this is?” [will explain what a taro is and what a hui is ‘What do you guys think the book will be about?” 3. Focushnini lesson ( do) identify key details of the story Introduce the promet and instructions 4 Guided practice (We Discussion do) © Who were some ofthe characters? (10 minutes) Why did they wait until the end to pickthe litle huli? © What was the litle hui used for ater he was big? © What was the huli’s “special talent?” vi -080117 Elementary Education Program (EEP) ~ College of Education ~ University of Hawai at Manoa

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