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Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De México

Facultad de Química

Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad

Artículo y Comentario de Sustentabilidad

David Murrieta Martinez

Everyone has to be sufficiently aware of what they do, but how do you accomplish

The answer is in the article because it tells us something very important as

environmental education, from a young age we have to instill that responsibility
with our environment, perhaps at that time they only seem small or unimportant
things; things like not throwing garbage in the streets, planting a little tree,
respecting green spaces, are small proposals that in the long run make big

This may work at any age, but it is more related to infants or young people
because as you grow responsibilities are increasing, they can go so far as to make
decisions at the company level where many more factors like what they social,
economic, and of course environmental.

If from a young age you are instilled in this environmental education to an adult it
will be easier to solve problems like the previous one where you will have to deal
with highly toxic residues or something like that.

For us to reach sustainability you have to make big changes and of course you
need great commitment, but on the part of all those involved because if only one of
the factors acts the rest will continue in the same so you will not see a
breakthrough , if somehow all people, both physical and moral, came to an
agreement, the perception of the world would change quite a bit since a cleaner
world, with more responsible people, conscious companies, among other things
would lead us to stop looking for alternatives of life on other planets and better only
to observe them as knowledge because our planet is the best and there would be
no need to abandon it.

This may all seem very distant or very difficult, but come on, you just have to take
care of the planet and take care of us, we give you health and he will do it with us
as with clean airs, drinking water, food, etc.

It's not difficult and it's everyone's job

Let's save the planet.

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