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Praxis Core Exam Analysis 1

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Deanne Gonzales

College of Southern Nevada

The Praxis Core Exam is a series of tests in which future teachers must eventually take to

be able to be licensed and certified as a teacher. These tests are required for future educators to
Praxis Core Exam Analysis 2

see if they are competent enough to provide the prescribed curriculum in the classroom. To pass

the Praxis reading test, the test-taker must at least get a score of 156, 162 on the writing exam,

and finally, they must also score at least 150 on the math test.

I have not done any of the practice tests that are available for me to use. I have only done

what was required to do for this class which would be the Teacher Test Prep Praxis Core practice

tests. As I was taking the practice test, I realized how hard the test was despite it being just a

practice test. I was not prepared in any way, shape, or form before taking the practice test. I was

taken aback at how difficult most of the questions were. Honestly, to prepare for the practice

exam, I told myself to simply do my best and will try and prepare for the actual test when it


The scores being so low did not surprise me, although, what I got a higher score on did. I

scored 32% on the Reading portion of the exam, which means that I need significant

improvement. 53% was what I got for the writing which also meant that I needed significant

improvement and finally, I received a score of whopping 63% on the math exam meaning I

needed improvement but not as significant as writing and reading. I was surprised at the test

scores that I received as I have always been terrible at math and was always decent in my

English classes. I thought that the result that I would get on the practice exam would the

complete opposite. I thought I would heavily fail the math exam but did quite well compared to

reading and writing.

While taking the math test, I noticed that there was an abundance of questions that I

could just not understand. I could not even fathom how to be able to answer the questions that

were written down. I realized that I do need to take it seriously and practice more on the tests

immensely. I have decided that for the sake of my future, I will have to find a tutor that will be
Praxis Core Exam Analysis 3

able to help me with the Praxis Exam. Doing practice tests and studying up on it by myself just

would not work. Finding someone that can teach me and help me one-on-one is what I need to

pass my Praxis.

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