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Always make time to laugh

I have learned that time is not kind, time does not slow down, and time cannot be

gained. I look back at my life and I realize I have wasted a large number of hours being unhappy

or angry about small inconveniences. My belief is simple; Be happy! I know this is not a very

deep belief but it has pulled me out of my darkest emotions. I express my happiness with

laughter. I always make the time to laugh, even when I am crying. My life is easier when I am


My parents always told me “life is short” but I did not believe them until I realized that I

am nineteen and I have been through so much. When I was eight I went through a traumatic

event that changed my life forever. I was paralyzed from the neck down to my toes and the

doctors diagnosed me with Transverse Myelitis. While I was in the hospital I never lost my hope

I fought every day to get better. Throughout my whole life I have been positive about my

medical needs, because that’s just my external health. My mental health is more important to


I have struggled with depression in the past and I do not ever want to feel that way

again. The idea that other people have depression and feel the way I have felt is unfathomable.

I hope that I can help other people by being happy. It brightens my day when I see other people

enjoying life. Life should be fun and exciting. I will not take time for granted. I have been given a

life and I’m going to live my life and be happy.

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