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Past Continuous – Construção

S + TO BE (past) + VERB + ING

Formas do verbo TO BE no passado: WAS/WERE

Como estamos usando o TO BE na sua estrutura, as negações Past

Continuous são feitas colocando o NOT após o TO BE:
- They are not (aren’t) going to the school, they are going to the museum.

Para formularmos perguntas usando o Past Continuous, só temos que

passar o TO BE para frente do sujeito:
- Is he sleeping?

Empregamos o Past Continuous para descrever uma ação que estava

acontecendo quando outra ação ocorreu. Normalmente temos uma ação
descrita no past continuous e outra no simple past.
- She was walking in the park when we saw her.

Agora, podemos utilizar também o Past Continuous para descrever duas

ações que estavam ocorrendo simultaneamente.
- She was studying while her mother was working.


I was planning my vacations last night.

You were waiting for the bus when I saw you.
She was baking a cake yesterday.
He was playing volleyball at the court.
The cat was eating its food this morning.
We were Talking about this event last week.
They were watching TV when their mother arrived.

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