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Lesson Plan for edTPA

(No more than 4 pages for each lesson)

Lesson Title: Using input/output tables

Grade Level: 9th

Interdisciplinary Connections: Reading and writing

Lesson Duration: 42 minutes

Language Function: (Bloom’s Taxonomy) Students will be able to understand the relationship between
transformed shapes by utilizing an input/output table

Syntax and Discourse Students will write the relationship between transformation and the input/output table
by using mathematical vocabulary.

Special Ed
Communication Needs: I have a few students that are bilingual and speak Spanish. The materials will be
translated to their native language.


Central Focus/Purpose Statement: The purpose of this lesson is for students to be able to utilize
mathematical vocabulary in order to prepare them to complete the transformation project at the end
of the unit. In their final product, students will be asked to use the words translation, rotation and
reflection to describe the transformation of several shapes.

NYS Next Generation Learning Standards: (All phases) Represent transformations as geometric
functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give points as outputs. Compare transformations
that preserve distance and angle measure to those that do not.
Special Ed: Alternate Achievement: Dynamic Learning Maps- (DLM) Use properties of geometric
shapes to describe real-life objects.
Objective(s): Students will be able to translate shapes when they are given written instructions.
Students will be able to describe the translation being performed when they are given an input/output
Special Ed: IEP Goal(s) addressed: Students will be able to use a calculator to translate the coordinates
of a shape.
Academic Language: Translation, transformation, shift up, shift down, shift right, shift left.


Technologies and Other Materials/Resources: Worksheets, calculators, smart board.

Before the lesson: Students prior understanding will be assessed before the lesson. During the do
now, students will be prompted to discover the properties of translation. Students will be asked to
identify the changes to the coordinates with each translation. The teacher will walk around the room
to assess student’s ability to shift the shape as well as identify the pattern in the coordinates.
Students will also be asked to describe the relationship between two tables. The teacher will walk
around the classroom as students are working to assess the language and description students use.
Specifically, the teacher will be assessing the vocabulary students use in this description. Students will
also be asked to describe the relationship between the graphs. The teacher will also be assessing the
vocabulary students use in this description.
During the lesson: Students will be assessed during the lesson. Students will work with a partner to
complete a worksheet. As students are working, they will be asked to complete an input/output table
and graph the original and transformed shape. In addition, they will be asked to write the translation
that was performed by using mathematical phrases. The teacher will walk around the room to assess
student’s ability to translate the shape as well as their ability to use the mathematical phrases.
Furthermore, the students will be asked to create an input/output table based on written
instructions. Students ability to apply their understanding of translations to create an input/output
table will be assessed as the teacher walks around the room. Specifically, the teacher will be assessing
student’s ability to appropriately translate the written instructions into a mathematical expression.
At the end of the lesson: Students will be assessed at the end of the lesson by completing an exit
ticket. Students will be asked to complete the input/output table and graph the original and
transformed shape. After doing this, they will be asked to use mathematical terms to write the
translation that they completed. In addition, students will be asked to create an input/output table
based on the written instructions. They will also be asked to graph the original and transformed
shape. The teacher will utilize the exit tickets to assess students ability to use mathematical terms to
describe the translation as well as apply the translation from written instructions.


Anticipatory Set/Hook: Elicit Prior Knowledge (ENGAGE) In the previous lesson, students applied their
understanding of perpendicular, parallel, circle, line segment and angle to describe the relationship between
several realistic objects.In this lesson, students will build upon those concepts by discovering new
relationships. Students will be asked to individually complete a do now. In the beginning of the do now,
students will be prompted to translate a rectangle. First, they will be asked to write the coordinates of the
original rectangle. Then they will be asked to move the rectangle 3 units to the right and write the new
coordinates. During this step they will be prompted to notice that the x coordinate will be increasing by 3.
Next, they will be asked to move the previous rectangle 4 units up and write the new coordinates. This step
will prompt them to recognize that the y-coordinate is increasing by 4. In question 4, students will given an
input/output table with coordinates as well as a blank input/output table with translation expressions. They
will be asked to complete the blank table and describe the relationship between the two tables. Furthermore,
they will be asked to graph the previous tables on a graph and describe the relationship between the table
and the graph.
Procedures (Overview of lesson):

Time Instructional Strategies/THE FIVE E’S

# minutes 1. Students will independently complete the do now. The teacher will walk around the
room to monitor students progress and assist struggling students.
2. The teacher will conduct a class discussion in which student volunteers write their
answers on the board. The teacher will ask higher order thinking questions, such as
“can you explain how the input/output tables in the do now relate to their graphs?”
3. The teacher will facilitate a class discussion in which the teacher expands upon the
definitions for the word’s transformation and translation. The teacher will define
each term by saying “A transformation is a function that moves or changes a figure in
some way to produce a new figure. A translation moves every point of a figure in the
same direction.” The teacher will ask higher order thinking questions, such as “In
other words, how could you describe a translation?”. The teacher will explain that
the x-coordinate shifts to the right when there is a plus sign and it shifts to the left
when there is a minus sign. In addition, the teacher will explain that y-coordinate
shifts up when there is a plus sign and it shifts down when there is a minus sign.
Students will be encouraged to rewrite the rules in their own words. The teacher will
select student volunteers to share their answers. In addition, the teacher will ask
higher order thinking questions such as, “Based on what you know about
translations, why do you think this rule exists?”. 
4. The teacher will model how to complete the input/output table when provided with
an expression for each coordinate. Specifically, the class will be given the
coordinates: (-2,4), (3,4), (-2,7), (3,7). The teacher will use a calculator for each point
to add 2 to the x coordinate and subtract 2 from the y-coordinate.  In addition, the
teacher will graph the original and translated shape. The teacher will model how to
use the mathematical phrases to describe the relationship between the original and
the translated shape. For example, the teacher will say, “Based on the input/output
table and the graphs, we know that the shape was translated by being shifted right 2
units and down 2 units”. 
5. Students will work with a partner to complete an input/output table with provided
expressions for each coordinate. Students will work with a student that speaks the
same language as them and will be given the instructions in their native language
and English. The teacher will also display the sentence starters “I know this is a
_______ because_______. Since __________ I know this is a _______”. Students will
graph the original shape as well as the translated shape. The instructions state,
“Complete the table. Graph the original shape and the translated shape.Use
mathematical vocabulary to describe the rule applied to the original shape.” In
addition, they will be asked to describe the translation that they performed by using
mathematical phrases. The instructions “Consider the coordinates in the table. Apply
the following translations to create a new table: shift the shape up 2 units and right 3
units” Since each pair will be asked to complete 2 questions in this style, each
student will rotate the role they play in completing the question. In each question,
one student will be in charge of completing the input/output table and graphing the
original shape and the other student will be in charge of graphing the new shape and
describing the rule that was applied to the original shape. The students will rotate
roles after the first question. The teacher will walk around the room to monitor
student progress and assist struggling students. In addition, the teacher will ask
higher order thinking questions “Based on what you know, how could you explain
the shape moving up?”. In addition, students will work with their partner to create
an input/output table based on written instructions. Students will graph the original
shape and the translated shape. Since each pair will be asked to complete 2
questions in this style, each student will rotate the role they play in completing the
question. In each question, one student will be in charge of creating the new
input/output table as well as graphing the original shape and the other student will
be in charge of completing the new input/output table as well as graphing the
translated shape. Students will rotate roles after the first question. The teacher will
ask higher order thinking questions such as, “Can you predict how the shape would
look if the operations were opposite?”. 
6. The teacher will conduct a class discussion and ask students “how a shape can be
transformed in multiple ways to look different?”. The teacher will prompt students
to use the terms translation and transformation. 
7. Students will individually complete an exit ticket. The exit ticket will ask them to
complete an input/output table based on the provided expressions. They will graph
the original shape and the translated shape. In addition, they will use mathematical
phrases to describe the translation. Students will also be asked to create an
input/output table based on written instructions. They will be asked to graph the
original shape and the translated shape.

Differentiation : This lesson can be differentiated to meet the needs of different students. For example, the
materials can be presented to students in a larger font. In addition, the resources can be translated to another
language. For example, the definitions can be translated to Spanish to say “Una ___________ es una función
que mueve o cambia una figura de alguna manera para producir una nueva figura. Un _________mueve cada
punto de una figura en la misma dirección.” Furthermore, students can use computers to complete the
input/output table and graph the shapes.
Specially and Culturally Designed Instruction (e.g. Students with IEPs, 504s, ELLs etc.): The teacher will read
the instructions for each assignment outloud to the class. This will allow the teacher to meet the needs of
students with IEPs without singling them out.

Closure: Students will complete an exit ticket in which they display their understanding of the relationship
between the input/output table and the mathematical phrases that represent different translations. This
activity relates to the essential question, “how can a shape be transformed in multiple ways to look different?”
because students will be performing the translations in order to alter the shape. In addition, this activity
prepares students for their final project because they will be performing different translations based on a

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