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Ulimately, fat loss comes down to one thing: eee ents aT 1] <> |] SLEEPING GIANTS jing in a caloric deficit. All that really means is that your body is burning off ae eres Seats However, many people (myself previous self included) would rather chew on pavement. This sheet is intended to provide a few easy to implement tips that will help nudge you into a caloric deficit. You don’t have to count calories, and you can apply it to your current diet. These suggestions are given with the assumption that you are Per ee = Getting adequate sleep (8+ hours a night) - Drinking plenty of water (1/2 of your bodyweight in ounces, ex: 150 Ib = 75 oz of water daily) = Moving your body more (any type of exercise: walking, hiking, yoga, weight lifting etc.) edd Raa ee ee ter Cae short, protein and fiber tend to keep you full longer, ee cnt in functioning more effectively. Prioritize in protein sources, fibrious vegetables, and fruits in Pe eae es NO DRINKS WITH MEALS oe ene Ree eae ere Senn Cer Mat eer) ‘and mastication process will give the brain enough time to register what is going on. Drinking at the same time you are chewing will break down the foods faster, leaving less time for mastication and less time for your brain to register you are eating, To naturally ‘eat less, drink liquids before and after your meals, Paris CREATE A FOOD LOG CUT LIQUID CALORIES Dr eee eu Rd calories a day. Over the course of a week, that’s almost a whole pound worth of liquid calories! Try to drink only black coffee, unsweetened tea, and water. You can also have zero calorie drinks, zero calorie sweetener, and mineral water. REDUCE FAT single gram of fat contains 9 calories. A single gram of a carb or a protein only contains 4 calories. This means there are more than double the amount of calories in a single gram of fat than in the other two macronutrients. This does not mean fat is “bad” and should be avoided (fat is essential for our overall well being). However, a quick fat loss hack isto simply Pe nero 7 foods such as nuts, butter, salad dressings, mayo, and re een eee ae een es Write down what you eat, EVERYDAY. It doesn’t have to be in exact measurements, but you should outline a general idea (ex: Monday Breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs, ham, and toast). Why isthis effective? It forces you to become Crea Lay ere Rea make it alot easier to create a meal plan for your back and review your log. You may start to n Prrroe er omar help you make any necessary adjustments if you are not losing weight. CLICK HERE n, knowing what you regularly eat will inthe future. At the end of the week, go ice patterns you never noticed before (ex: is will allow you to see what you can cut out and

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