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Leadership & Team Management 1 Lecture #1

by Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed

MGMT - 623

Virtual University, Pakistan

Faculty of Management Sciences

Leadership and Team


“It’s easy to get players. Gettin’

‘em to play together, that’s the

hard part.”
Casey Stengel

Professor Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed

Lecture Notes
Leadership & Team Management 2 Lecture #1
by Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed

Lecture #1

Topic: Introduction, Organization the stage for leadership

Leadership & Team management:

Today's effective leaders must have the capability and confidence to build and
develop focused and motivated teams that deliver outstanding operational
performance in line with the strategic goals of the organization. This course
highlights the processes and techniques leaders
have at their disposal to develop their effectiveness
and maintain top team performance.
Leadership Team

‘Leadership’ and ‘Team Management’ are two

commonly used words in today’s organizations.

The course derives its roots from the basics of Leadership And Team Management
organizational management. In order to build a
strong footing for learning of the concepts of
leadership and team management, we need to
understand the concepts of organization.

What is an Organization?

An organization is a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some

specific purpose, goals e.g. hospital, profit or non-profit organization, hotels etc.

A. Organizations share three common characteristics: What is an

(1) each has a distinct purpose; (2) each is composed
• Social entities
of people; and (3) each develops some deliberate
• Goal oriented
structure so members can do their work. Another way • Deliberately structured
to look into this is ….. • Linked to the external environment

B. Although these characteristics are important in

defining what an organization is, the concept of an organization is changing.
These differences include: flexible work arrangements, employee work teams,
open communication systems, and supplier alliances. Organizations are
becoming more open, flexible, and responsive to changes.

C. Organizations are changing because the world around them has changed and
is continuing to change. These societal, economic, global, and technological
changes have created an environment in which successful organizations
must embrace new ways of getting their work done.
Leadership & Team Management 3 Lecture #1
by Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed

D. Organizations are working in a dynamic environment and are responsible to

different stake holders which can be employees, customers, suppliers,
Competitors, Government etc.


Organizations are subject to different challenges. These challenges may be in

the form of new trends in the business, changing in the working environment, or
technology etc.

Every organization have some social entities, have some goals for achieving
desired outcomes, and for achieving these goals, organization have specific
structures and most important is to link with the external environment. They are
not operating in isolation but in a dynamic environment. The most important
entity in any organization is the people, the employees of the organization, which
makes the organization different from the other organizations. The people of the
organization are very important and they work in the organization as different
groups/teams e.g. admin, finance, marketing, Human resources, technical etc.

Change in the organization:

Change is the true reality of today’s organization. With out change no organization
can survive in this competitive environment.

Organizational change is defined as any alteration of people, structure, or

technology in an organization. Instead of trying to eliminate change,
managers/leaders must realize that change is always present and that they
should seek ways to manage change successfully.


Both external and internal forces create the need for change.

A. External forces creating the need for change come from various sources:
1. The marketplace
2. Government laws and regulations
3. Technology
4. Labor markets
5. The economy

B. Internal forces creating change usually originate from the internal

operations of the organization or from the impact of external changes.
These internal forces include:
1. Changes in strategy
2. Changes in the workforce
3. New equipment
4. Changes in employee attitudes
Leadership & Team Management 4 Lecture #1
by Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed

As discussed during lectures the following are the difference between the
traditional and new organizations.

The Changing Organization

Traditional New Organization

„ Stable „ Dynamic
„ Inflexible „ Flexible
„ J o b -f o c u s e d „ Skills-focused
„ Work is defined by job „ Work is defined in terms of tasks to
p o s i ti o n s be done
„ Individual-oriented „ Team-oriented
„ Permanent jobs „ Temporary jobs
„ Command-oriented „ Involvement-oriented
„ Managers always make „ Employees participate in decision
decisions making
„ Rule-oriented „ Customer-oriented
„ Relatively homogeneous „ Diverse workforce
workforce „ Workdays have no time boundaries
„ Workdays defi
Leadership & Team Management 5 Lecture #1
by Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed

Critical Skills for Success In The New Work Place:

Excellence: You need to excellent in any way what ever you are doing and
excellent work is done through excellent team of people.

Networking: Today’s success is the networking of organization, networking with

the peoples and especially with the stakeholders and people who matter.

Entrepreneurship: For Managers/Leaders to be successful skills

entrepreneurship is very critical. In this competitive world, an organization can
only survive with good ideas, creativity, innovation and risk taking.

Technology: Technology is the back bone of any organization. Each operation

depends now on technology. For this purpose organizations are paying a huge
cost. Keep you up-to-date with technology is also very important. Decisions of
managers/leaders to chose relevant technology for different operations is very
Changing Technology
a. Competitive factors or new innovations often require
introduction of new equipment, tools, or operating
b. Automation is a technological change that replaces certain
tasks done by people with machines.
c. Computerization has probably been the most visible
technological change in recent years.

Marketing: For surviving in this competitive environment one should have wonderful
ideas. Marketing is also becoming the critical factor in the success of organizations.

Marketing is “getting the right products to the right people at the right price
and at the right time & place with the right promotion.”

Workplace Changes:

– Belief in human capital

– Demise of “command-and-control”
– Emphasis on teamwork
– Preeminence of technology
– Embrace of networking
– New workforce expectations
– Concern for work-life balance
– Focus on speed

New workplace:

In this era, a highly competitive global economy has created unparalleled

opportunities and unprecedented uncertainties and smart people and smart
organizations create their own futures by applying new ideas, innovation and
Leadership & Team Management 6 Lecture #1
by Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed

adopting continuous change. Companies with a future are committed to people

because people are the assets. Also Companies with a future have high
performance expectations and provide supportive work environments. High
performing companies gain extraordinary results from people. So in this situation
smart people and smart organizations create their own futures and
companies are more committed to people as they are the key to successes
and also providing the supportive & congenial working environment to them.

What is the Role of Management?

Management is more concern about building High performing managers …

working relationship with others, help the team – Build working relationships with others.

members to develop the skills for better – Help others develop their skills and
performance, providing help to develop team performance competencies.
work among them and providing them with a – Foster teamwork.
conducive/quality environment for performance – Create a work environment that is

and satisfaction. In this connection, performance-driven and provides

satisfaction for workers.
management should know that each individual
is a value-added worker and if they are
satisfied and motivated, organization can achieve their goals efficiently and

Competence For Managerial Success:

Foe a manager/leader to successful the following competencies are required.

– They must be good communicator
– They understand Teamwork and foster it among their team members
– The need to understand the concepts of Self-management
– Quality of a good leader is very essential
– Critical thinking
– Professionalism
– Crises management
– Global management skills

Importance for Innovation & Change:

In today’s dynamic workplace, managers can be sure that one thing will remain
very important—change. In order to compete successfully, managers must
encourage creativity and innovation among all of the employees in their

Material presented during this course is taken from different books, presentations and
work done by great peoples in this field to make the material understandable for a
common person and purely for learning purpose. Material/work used from different
sources is highly acknowledged.

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