Oi Thi'Ijld RT, 1R F,/R: Notification of Affidavit of Uccl Financing Statement

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':§)<, ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ ':§)<,

notification of affidavit of uccl financing statement

(exercise of constitution for the united states of america - secured ri ghts)

prince noble james bey

14700 harding street oak park michigan 48237
- - -·

:;;.. € i '-i5 9ree//f;e/,J I L&J b
~oi>thi'iJld rt,1r;;f,/r -r 7
notice to agent is notice to principal and notice to principal is notice to agent


i am prince noblejames bey, a moorish american national, in capitas nolo, in propria persona, suijuris, in
proprio solo in proprio heredes

i am an aboriginal indigenous sovereign moorish american national and i am exercising all my rights at this
time and at all points in time.

whereas you, as the VONDA EVANSNonda Evans d/b/a president ofVONDAS LAW have been found in
violation of the treaty of peace and fri endship of 1786 and 1836 and the constitution for the united states of
america 1789 and 1791 .

you are hereby notified that an affidavit of universal commercial code l financing statement lien has been
placed on you in both your personal and professional capacity.

see attached for further details.

attached are the fol lowing affidavit of written initial universal commercial code financi ng statement - fixture
fi ling, land and commercial liens

affidavit of uccl financing statement [VONDAS LAW]

link to actual document from source of link, etc. website or scrib.com

for the "supreme laws of the land" and additional supporting lawful commands and directives visit website
www.moorishameri canconsulate.org and download the following:

affidavit of sovereign american gold standard lawful command [credit instrument number
a boriginal and indigenous peoples documents: ,iorthwcsl amcxcm / north africa / north america / 1the nroroccan empire' -

continental united stales: 'temple of the moon and oun': non - domestic, non - resident, non-subject - being the rightful heirs and
inheritors of the land .
page I of 2 macn-a035 notific ation and due process of affidav it of uccl finan cing statement macn-
201 908020729 08 .02.2019]
2018-01-04 termination of corporate trusteeship
https://www .scribd.com/document/4098864 29/macn-rOOOOOO I 02-afiidavi t-o f-tem1ination-o f-
trusteesh ip
2018-06-09 notice of existence of the moorish american consulate at northwest amexem
https://www.scribd.com/document/40986121 8/macn-rOOOOOO l l 8-notice-of-existence-of-the-moorish-
treaty of peace and friendship between morocco and the united states of america 1787 and 1836 still in
[1787/1 836 morocco empire treaty of peace and commerce between the moorish empire and the united
states government service corporation]
https ://www.scribd.com/document/4098622 73/macnOOOOOO 12 9-treaty-of-peace-and-friendship- l 78 7-
and-1836-with-certi fied-cover
•!• av trust
macn-r333333333 trust declaration of the moorish divine and national movement of the world,january
21 , 2018
https: //www.scribd.com/document/409887283/macn-r333333333-trust-declaration-moorish-divine-
macn-r999999999 declaration of trust of the moorish national republic federal government
https://www.scribd.com/document/409887923/macn-r999999999-declaration-of-trust-of-the-moo rish-
macn-rOOOOOO 199 the declaration of independence and the constitution for the united states of america
https ://www.scribd.com/document/4 l 23 74087 /macn-rOOOOOO 199-the-declaration-of-inde pendence-
macn-r000000200 the original constitution for the united states of america 1789 and 1791
https://www .scribd.com/document/4123 73 8 l 3/macn-r000000200-the-original-constitution-for-the-
united-states-of-america- l 789-and-1 79 l
macn-rOOOOOOl 93 the zodiac constitution by cm bey
https://www .scribd.com/document/412363214/macn-rOOOOOO 193-zodiac-consti tution-by-cm-bev
macn-r0000002 l 1 articles of confederation of 1777
https://www.scribd.com/document/4 13458615/macn-r0000002 l l-articles-of-confederation-of- l 777

nothing in this lawful document is consent to any jurisdiction other than the jurisdiction of my ancestral
moorish estate.

upon my inherited status, i prince noble james bey, being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other
respect known as american - al moroccan - moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the ' five
points of light' - faire, trudf,,, peace, f,,r,e,edo.in, and ~ lice; being competent (in my own proper person) to attest
to this affidavit upon which i place my autograph; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the following to be
true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, 'colored' or improper
use or purpose.

. .
tant um est um um cxitu m
11 amen, dico vo bis. qurecumquc alligaveritis super Lcrr::im crunt ligatfl ct ego in caclo ct quaccumquc solvcrilis super tcrrnm crnnt solurn ct in caclo"
fl amen. dico vobis, quoccumque all igaveritis super tcrro m cru nt lign1a et ego in caclo ct quaccumquc solvcritis super 1errnm crunl soluta ct in cm:lo"
"amen, dico vobis, qua:cumquc alligavcritis super tcrram crunt ligata ct ego in caclo ct quaccumquc solvcritis super term,11 crunt solutn ct in cnclo"

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: 11onhwcs1amexcm / 11onh af'rica / 11orth a mcrico / 'the moroccan empire' -
continental united states: 'temple of the 11,oon and ,un': non-domestic, non - resident, non-subject - heing the rightful heirs and
inheritors of the land.
page 2 of 2 macn-a035 notification and due process of affi da vit of uccl financing statem ent macn-
rxxxxx xxxx



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- i.s.l.a.m . ~

fixture filing, land and commercial lien
national safe harbor program ucc § 9-521 whereby nationals who file written uccl cla ims can file uccs in any state .

I 2-;J, -z_.ozo
To: VONDAS LAW and all derivatives thereof
and all assigns, agents and heirs

;z 6-1 ~ac/
M l rkil24' t./c·o71p
45.500680 -83.203060

mail: documents or requests for copies can be submitted to:

cc: [mayor muriel bowser]
john a wilson building
1350 pe1msylvania avenue, nw
washington, de 20004
7019 0700 0001 1699 9786/9590 9402 5560 9249 4519 94
cc: [district ofcolumbia government corporation]
recorder of deeds
110 I 4111 street, sw, S'h floor
washington, de 20024

cc : [office of tax and revenue - jeffrey dewitt]

1101 4th st sw #270
washington, de 20024

from : moorish american consu late

moorish nati onal republic federal government
prince noble james bey
care of 14700 harding street
near. [oak park michigan republic zip exempt]
affidavi t of written initial universal commercial code financing statement fo:turc filing
§ 28:9-521. universal form of written financing statement
re: th is is an initial universal commcrical code fixture filing per de officia l codes
§ 28:9-501, § 28:9-502, § 28:9-516a, § 28:9-516b, § 28: 9-520c, § 28:9-521 and all other applicable codes
concerning secured party creditors and initial filings .
§ 28:9-521 un iversal form o~wri!t~~ finan ci~g statement~ a fi~ing office that accepts written records
may not refuse to accept a wntten 1111tial financrng statement 111 this form and format except for a reason
set forth in § 28:9-5 l 6(b) entitled "what constitutes filing; effectiveness of filing". (a) except as otherwise
provided in subsecti on (b), communication ofa record to a filing office and tender of the filing fee or
accep tance of the record by the filing office constitutes filing.
I macn-rnnnxxx_affida,·it or univers11 l commtrical code 1 fin ancing statemcnl IVONDAS LA.WI
aboriginal and indigenous peoples· documents: northwest amcxem / northwest afr1cn / north amcncn / 'lhc nonh gntc' - the moroccnn empire -
continental united st.ales; 'temple of the moon and sun·/ ·turtle island'· non - domestic, non - resident, non - subject.
- mnnr- / muur; - hcine the rrnhtful heir; ::ind nrimnecnit urc hinhriE1ht - inhcri1nr; nflhc lnncl
except as otherwise provided in subsecti on (b), if the local law of the di stri ct governs perfecti on of a
security interest or agricul tural lien, the offi ce in which to fil e a fi nanc ing statement to perfect the securi ty
interest or agricultural lien is:
( I) the recorder of deeds, if (b) the fin ancing statement is fil ed as a fi xture filing and the collateral is goods
that are or are to become fixtures; or
(2) the mayor in all other cases, including a case in whi ch the co llateral is goods that are or are to become
fix tures and the fin ancing statement is not fil ed as a fixture filing.
(b) the office in which to fil e a financing statement to perfe ct a security interest in collateral, including
fixtures, of a transmitt ing util ity is the office of tbe mayor. the finan cing statement also constitutes a
fixtu re fi ling as to the collateral indicated in the financing statement which is or is to become fixtures.
§ 28 :9-515 duration and effectiveness of financing statement; effect of lapsed financing statement. (f) if
a debtor is a transm itting utili ty and a fil ed initial finan cing statement so indicates, the financin g statement
is effective until a termination statement is fi led.
§ 28:9-521 : universal form of written financing statement and amendment.
uccl financing statement
~ ollowing instructions

a. name & phone of contact at filer (optional)

prince noble james bey

b. email contact at filer (optional)

c. send acknowledgement to: (name and address)

moorish american consulate
moorish national republic federal government
sbaron tracey gale bey, mohammedan vizir Oudge]
care of 444 township line road, box 7 12
near (havertown pennsylvania republic] zip exempt north america
"the above space is for

"fi li ng office only

I. debtor's name: provide only one debtor name (la or lb) (use exact, full name; do not omit,
modify, or abbreviate any part of the debtor's name); if any part of the individual debtor's name
will not fit in line 2b, leave all of item 2 blank, check here [ ) and provide the individual debtor
information in item 19 of the finance statement addendum form (form ucclad)

la. organization 's name


lb. individual's surname first personal name

additional name(s)/initial(s) that are part of the name of this debtor suffix

le. property address

), 'l I 'I S-_f)J-12e17 Ref,c( r oo< cf
city state postal code country
5Nf(,,.f'i •r(q ' WI ( · L-/ f tJ 7 t.

2 n111cn•rn 1nn:n_affidavi1of unive rsal commcri cal code I financi ng slolcmcnl IVONDAS LAW}
abo riginal and indigenous peoples' documents: norllmcst amexem / northwest afri cn / north nmerica / 'Ll1c north gate' - the moroccan empire -
continental united states; ·temple oftl1c moon and sun' I 'turOe island ': non -domestic. non . n:sidcnl, non - subjcc1:
- moor.-; / muu r- - hcine the ri[! h1r111heira and nrimoecnilurc hirt hril! hl - inheritors of 1hc land
2. debtor' s nnmc: prov ide only one debtor numc (ln or lb) ( USl1 l'X11ct, full nnmt·; do not omil,
mod i~ ·. or :1bbrcvil1te uny pnrt oft'hc debtor 's name; if:my part oflhe individu11 I debtor' s nmnc will
not fit

in line lb, lcnvc 11ll of item I blank, check here ( I nnd provide the individua l debtor infornrn t ion in
item 10 of the finance stntement nddcudum form form uccl ad

2n. orgnnization' s nnme


2b. individunl's surname first personal name

11dditional namc(s)/in itia l(s) th at are part of the nam e of this deb tor suffix

2c. ma iling address

28145 greenfield road

city state postal code country

Southfield Mich igan 48076
42.500680 -83.203060

3. secured first party creditor (or name of assignee of assignor secured party) : provide only one
secured party name (3a or 3b)
moorish national republic federal government

3a. organization's name

3b. appellation
prince noble james bey
add itional name(s)/in itial(s) suffix

3c. mailing location

14700 harding
fcity state postal code country]
near. [oak park michigan] zip exempt
wi thout the united states ofamerica
4. collateral: this fina ncing statement covers th e following collatera l:
this financing statement covers the following collateral: the coll ateral covered by this financing statement is
the indebtedness of the debtor to the secured (first) party creditor in the sum certain amount of:
$ 1,000,000,000,000,000 in gold backed lawful tender due for each parcel the debtor is occupying upon th e
land to which prince noble j ames bey and all moorish american nationals of the moorish natio nal republic
federal government, the moorish american consul ate and the moorish divine and national movement of the
world are heirs to pursuant to the treaty of peace and friendship 1786 and 1836 and the american mandate
for the land, previously held in the united nations trusteesh ip system (1946) in geneva switzerland , and the
constitution for the un ited states 1791 . nunc pro tune. this true bill in commerce has been executed pursuant
t'o the following universal commercial codes that govern the private secured first party cred itor. charges are
also calculated pursuant to the fraud and other violations comm itted against the moorish american nationa ls
at north america as well as indebtedness for debt engaged into before the said constitution and for occupy ing
the land of th e moorish american nationals. the said treaty is the attached library of congress certified
publication entitled the public statutes at large of the united states of america, volume 8 pages 100 through
I 05, certified september 26, 1990, signed and sealed by li brary of congress photoduplication service acting
chief shirley m . berry on november 8, 2007. charges are add itiona ll y calcu lated pursuant to all writs and
affidav its (statements of truth in law, am ity, trade & commerce) fi led by the moorish american nationals
where the abovementioned debtors have caused injury to the esta te of the secured first party creditor at any
and all times on the land pursuant to the said treaty . proof of serv ice of each writ and affidavi t is attached .
creditors notice against the li able parties is the j udgement. res judi cata. stare decisis. right of the secured
party creditor. additi onally, this claim is filed pursuant to internat ional commerc ial claims, aboriginal &

J mac n-rxru:n:n.x_affidav il o r univr rsnl commtriral c0tk I fina nci ng slatt mtnt jVONDAS LAW)
aboriginal and ind igenous peoples' documents: nortlm est amcxcm / north west africa / north nmericn / "the north gate' - the moroccan emp ire -
continental united slates: ' temp le of the moon and sun'/ ' turtle island·: non - domestic, non - n:sidcnL. non - suhJCCl.
- moor,; / muurs - hcin a the ri ahlfu l hei rs nnd nrimnl!eniturc hirt hrii! ht - inheritor<: nfth c IRnd

• t

imperial claims (antiquitous claims). this is a filing to encumber land, property, real estate, and all
conm1ercial transactions by debtor (all principals and agents) also pursuant to *ucc 9-607 collection and
enforcement by secured party*ucc 9-203 attachment and enforceability of security interest*ucc 9-609
secured party 's right to take possession after default. all contracts with the united states corporation company
are cancelled effective september 11, 2018.
new contracts with the moorish national republic federal government fo r the debtors are as follows:
all debtors named above have current contracts with the moorish american nationals at no11h america which
is the treaty of peace and friendship 1786/1836, the constitution for the united states 1791 and this ucc I
financing statement whose document number is 7019 0700 0001 1699 9786
the moorish american consulate record number for this lawful document is macn-rxxxxx3527 and
downloadable from the following website link:

the terms of your contract with the moorish national republic federal government, the moorish american
consulate and the moorish american nationals is that the moorish american nationals are to be respected as
the secured first party creditors at all times and now the new heirs to [VONDAS LAW] and all of its
intellectual property and holdings. contract particulars are to be discussed as soon as this notification is
confinned received by [VONDAS R. EVANSNonda R. Evans dba PRESIDENT OF VONDAS LAW]
the only flag that will fly at north america, morocco is the moorish american flag [red with five pointed green
star] and all "us banners of amity and commerce" are outlawed and are ' commanded to be ' removed
immediately. all indigenous people who are not of the moorish nation (melanin dominant) birthright and
bloodline are subjects of the moorish american nationals. all immigrants who do not pledge sincere
allegiance to the moorish flag will be arrested and detained and/or deported. all who pledge allegiance to the
moorish national republic federal government and the moorish american flag will be made subjects and are
mandated to protect and serve the moorish american nationals upon our land.
the property with all acreage is now the property of the moorish national republic federal govemment, the
moorish american consulate and the moorish american nationals. the property is to be turned over to prince
noble james bey with the keys and codes to all of the buildings no later than July 30,2020. the moorish
american govemment will begin using the property at that time. anyone who obstructs, hinders, encumbers,
speaks against, or resists the mandates of this affidavit will be seized by the grand army of the republic,
formerly known as the united states military, and detained in a jail cell indefinitely. prince noble james bey,
the moorish national republic federal government, and the moorish American nationals are the creditors and
[VONDAS LAW] , are the debtors to the moors. as with all property at no11hwest america, if at any time a
moorish american national should send by mail , deliver, hand, send, or state a notification to the residence
of any foreigner, european, or immigrant stating that you are lo vacate the premises of any property at north
america, along with providing a copy of the treaty of peace and friendship 1786/1836 and a copy of the
moorish american consulate notice of existence, you are to vacate the premises at once without question or
hesitation. the moorish national republic federal government will provide remedy to you at our discussion.
we remain in honor and governing accordingly.

the property has been conveyed into the moorish national republic federal government trust under record
number macn-r999999999, along with the private trust of prince noble james bey under record number
macn-rxxxxx1466 which can be downloaded along with a copy of the declaration of trust of the moorish
national republic federal at www.moorishamericanconsulate.org/public notice.

all utilities and Jiving services at morocco are al no charge or feudal fee to the moorish american nationals.
the moorish national republic federal government is the only government with superior jurisdiction at north
america. only gold and silver are to be used as currency in payment of debts. fiat currency, federal reserve
debt notes are outlawed forever.
you will not charge the moori sh american nationals any currency, money, or otherwise as you are the debtors
and the moorish american nationals are the creditors.
5. check only if applicable and check only on e box:
collateral is held in a trust (sec instructions)
being administered by a deceden t's personal representative.

6a. check only if applicable and check only one box:

public-finance transaction manufactured-home transaction
xx a debtor is a transmitting utility

4 macn-rx n nuxx_affidavil of universal commcricol code I nnancing statement iVONDAS LAWI

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest runexem / northwes1africa / north mncrica / '1 he north gale ' . the moroccan empire.
coalinental united states: ' temple of the moon and sun ·/ 'turtle island ': non . domestic, non . rcsiden~ non - subject,
- monr(; I muur~ - hcinl! lhe ri !!hlfiil heir. ~md nrimoPcnitnrc hirthrieht - inhcrilofli of lhc lan11
6b. check only if applicable and check only one box:
o agricultural lien o non-ucc fil ing

7. al ternative designation (if applicable):

o lessee/lessor o cons ignee/consignor o seller/buyer o bailer/bailor o licensee/licensor

8. optional filer refe rence data (maximum principal indebtedness)

the governing principle does extend to the american mandate for the land, held in geneva switzerland (1948),
the united nations american mandate for the land held in the united nations trusteeship ( 1948) and the
amendment xiii (20 sections) of the constitution for the united states of arnerica, ratified : nov 18, 1865 by ¾
of the several states . we, the moors at north america, claim trusteeship, heirship, executorship, administration
of, and beneficiary status of all land in the western hemisphere and all land as mandated by our ancient
aboriginal pharaonic ancestors.

notice to agent is notice to principal and notice to principal is notice to agent.

upon my inherited status, i prince noble james bey, being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other
respect known as american - al moroccan - moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the ' five
points of light' - t -, ~ - µ,,a, ~ . and jtt4Ua; being competent (in my own proper person) to attest
to this affidavit upon which i place my signature; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the following to
be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, 'colored ' or
improper use or p urpose.

i am :

prince noble jam es bey

moorish an1erican national of northwest amexem
autograph- omnia iura reserva ntis
c/o 14700 harding
near. corporate [oak park rnichigan repub lic] zip exem pt
northwest amexem - northwest africa - north america - the north E?ate

S mncn-n: nxx.u:.xx_a ffid nv it of unive rsal co mm cricnl code I fin und 11g st11 1cmc11 1 JVONDAS LAW)
aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: nonhwcst am excm / nortJm cs t africa / north amcri cu / ' the north gate' - the moroccn n emrirc -
con tinental united states; ·temp le oft.he moon and sun ' / ' turtle islond': non - domesti c, non - resid ent.. non - subj ect,
- moor. / nu.mrc; - hci ne !he rif.! ht fill hciN nnd nri nmeen i1 urc hinhri2hi - inheritnr"I; nf1h c hmd
~ ~ ~~ea. at,~~ ~
""'°""'- tl,t,,,u,e "'1141uN14l •~,_e,,ie,,t o/, d,e .,,,f,i
UteuM I -,di 4llltlfk4 I 'd.e"""" tJ4fe'
u;,u,u,, dtlutu "'4MflUe4lld,
':§>a ~ te.fde o/, d,e - - " ' " " ~ ':§>a
d.e~U4tUjll!le~~ - utMo/,tMf4Mt
~ i.s.l.a.m. ~

cover letter for affidavit of uccl financing statement

(exercise of constitution for the united states of arnerica - secured rights)

prince noble jamcs bey

14 700 main street
Oak park michigan

n~tice to agent is notice to principal and notice to principal is notice to agent

for the ··supreme laws of the land" and additional supporting lawful commands and directives visit website
www.moorishamericanconsulate.org and download the fo llowing:

affidavit of sovereign american gold standard lawful command [credit instrument number
201908020729 08.02.2019)
go ld-standard-lawful-command-credit-instrument-number-20l908020729-08-02-2019
2018-01-04 termination of corporate trusteeship
https ://www .scri bd.com/ document/4098 864 29/macn-r000000 102-affida vit-o f-termi nation-of-
trusteesh ip
2018-06-09 notice of existence of the moorish american consulate at northwest amexem
https://www.scribd.com/document/409861 2 l 8/rnacn-r000000118-notice-of-existence-of-the-moorish-
am erican-consulate
treaty of peace and friendship between morocco and the united states of america 1787 and 1836 still in
[1787/1 836 morocco empire treaty of peace and commerce between the moorish empire and the united
states government service corporation]
https://www.scribd.com/document/409862273/macnOOOOOO 129-treaty-of-peace-and-friendshi p- 1787-
and-1 836-with-certified-cover
av trust
macn-r33333 3333 trust declaration of the moorish divine and national movement of the world, january
21 , 2018
and-national -movement-of-the-world-jan-2l -2019
macn-r999999999 declaration of trust of the moorish national republic federal government
national-rcpubl ic-fedcral-government
macn-rO00000 199 the declaration of independence and the constitution for the united states of an1erica
https://www.scribd .com/document/412374087/macn-rOOOOOO 199-the-declaration-of-independence-
and-the-constitution-for-the-uni tcd-statcs-of-america-1776
macn-r000000200 the original constitution for the united states of america 1789 and 1791
https://www.scribd.com/document/4 l 23 73813/macn-r000000200-U1e-original-constitution-for-the-
united-states-of-america- l 789-and- l 79 l

a boriginal and indigenous peoples' documenls: rt0rlh\\ cst amexem / rionh a frica ,' north a merica / 'the moroccan empi re' -
cont inental uni ted states: 'temple of the moon and ,un': non - domestic. non - resident, non-subj ect - being the rightful hei rs and
inheritors of the land.
page I of 2 cover lette r for affidavit of uccl fi nancing statemen t ma cn-r0000004 I 8
.. r0000()()193 the zoJJac con.'>tituUon b~ cm be)
'1t1ps· ~'"'~1h.i ~·om d I\. um.:nt .! I~•<,-;~ I.! macn -r,.1000()() J11 ,_, ldt
m,1~n-r0000002 I I art.ides of conli-dcration uf 1777
hl.!n.'c..: \\W\\ ,-('.ri!xl.-.,,m do.:umcnL -H].! ,Sfil' macn-rflOOO(l4 2.l.!.:.a-.. ~~l.'..:."'- aj__ err··





I 7

L _J

1. DEBTOR'S NAME : Provide only l2ll§. Deblor name (1a or 1b) (use exact, full name; do not om!~ modify, or abbreviate any part of the Debtor's name); if any part of lhe Individual Debtor's
name will not fit In line 1b, leave all of ilam 1 blank, check here D and provide the Individual Debtor lnformalion In ttem 10 of the Financing Slatament Addendum (Form UCC1Ad)




2. DEBTOR'S NAME: Provide only l!Il§. Deblor name (2a or 2b) (use exec!, full name; do not omit, modify, or abbreviate any part of the Debtor's name); if any part of the Individual Debtor's
name will not fit In line 2b, leave all of item 2 blank, check here D
and provide the Individual Debtor Information In Item 10 of the Financing Statement Addendum (Form UCC1Ad)




3. SECURED PARTY'S NAME (or NAME of ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR SECURED PARTY)· Provide only l!.!l! Secured Party name (3a or 3b)




4 . COLLATERAL. This fi nancing statement covers the follow,ng collaleral.

5. Check !1!!!x If applicable and check IIWJ! one box: Collateral Is

held In a Trust (sea UCC1Ad, Item 17 and lnslrucllons) being administered by a Dacedenrs Personal Represenlallva
6a. Check gaJy_ ii applicable and check gaJy_ one box:
6b. Check l2!!ll£ If applicable and check Q!]]x one box:
0 Public-Finance Transaction Manufactured-Homa Transaction
0 A Dablor Is a Transmitting Ulllity 0 Agricultural Lian Non-UCC Filing
7 . ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION (II applicable): Lessee/Lessor
A nDTl(UJAI CII co DC:CC0C't..lf'IC nATA ,
Consignee/Consignor Seller/Buyer 0 Ballae/Ballor 0 Llcensell/Llcensor

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