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Short Form (All Genres)

Your Name: Lizeth Reyes

Title: Are We There Yet? Author: Dan Santat

Illustrator: Dan Santat  Publisher/Year:Little, Brown Books for Young

Readers, 2016

Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction, Fiction

Summarize the content of the book –

A. For Fiction Form Genres—Explain the characters, the setting, theme and plot of the
The characters in the story are the parents, the boy, and his grandma. The theme is adventure,
patience, and imagination. The family were driving up to grandma's house to celebrate her birthday.
The parents told the boy that it was going to be a fast ride, but he did not believe that. He was bored
and asked when they were there going to get there. The parents answered him, but he was not happy
that time was going by slow. He then told them that he needed to go to the bathroom because it has
been forever. He was bored and fed up that he started to imagine things. His creativity helped him
pass time. He did not realize when they got to his grandma's house. His imagination was fun, but he
was happy to see his grandma and that they were there.
Explain how the book appeals to children, their interests, developmental levels, fun
illustrations etc. Give specific examples from the book:
The book will be interesting to children because that also get bored in the car. They will ask
their parents when they will be there, because there is nothing to do in the car. Siblings will
fight and make something up to pass time. Children will read this story and relate so much
because felt the same way before. In their emotional development, they will feel sympathetic
towards the boy's boredom and be amazed at how his imagination made time fly. The
illustrations will keep the readers interested because the boy's imagination is colorful and
Rate the book 3

Explain your rating.

The story was entertaining and short. It was fun to read and the illustrations were creative to express
the story. As an adult, I still get bored on a road trip, but now instead of complaining I listen to music
or take a nap. As a child, I remember I would complain to my parents when we will get there. This
book brought back memories on how my brother and I would "race" the other cars, and be creative
with our imagination on the car ride.

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