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Your Name: Lizeth Reyes Genre of the Book: Contemporary Realistic

Fiction, Humor, School and family picture book
Book Title: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day: Special Limited
Author: Judith Viorist
Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers; Special, Limited edition, 2009
Date: April 5, 2020
1. Pre-K/ CCSD K-2nd Grade Core Standards:
Writing Standards K–5:Grade 2 students: 3. Write narratives in which they recount a well
elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and
feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.

Speaking and Listening Standards K–5 :Grade 2 students: 4. Tell a story or recount an

experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent

2. Objectives:
SWBAT - Students will get to retell and explain their bad day by writing it or telling, and
understand that everybody goes through a bad day too.

3. Materials/Equipment:
 book
 construction paper
 stapler
 pencil
 pen
 markers
 crayons
 whiteboard

4. Teaching:
A. Reading the book
B. Extension activity:
After reading the book in the reading center, I will tell them that even teachers have bad days just
like Alexander. We will raise our hand if we ever felt like we had a bad day, and some of us will
put our hands up. Some will want to share their experience, and they will be able to tell us. As
the teacher, I will encourage them to write their own book how Alexander did, and explain a bad
day they had, and if they had the choice to go somewhere to be happy, where will it be. I will
show them my bad day book, and my last page will show them my happy place. They will go
back to their table and draw their day, and explain their drawings by writing their text. The last
page will be their happy place or happy item that will help them be calm; it can be their mom,
favorite food, or even their favorite toy.
5. Closure:
While they are making their stories and illustrations, I will go to them and ask them questions
about their choices of experience. I could ask them if they need my help with how to finish their
drawings or their text. Once they finished creating their bad day story, they will present them if
they like. After listening to their stories and viewing their happy place or item, I will address to
them that many people do different things to fix their bad day. I will give tips on how to take a
deep breather with their eyes closed and imagine that happy thing that can calm them down. The
best thing to do in a complicated situation is to just close your eyes and take a deep breathe.
Once they do this, I will let them know that calming down and pausing for a second can help
people's day feel better, and not be completely horrible.

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