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Things that could be changed:

An individual has turned **indifferent**(doesn't care)

Absolves **himself/herself** of all responsibilities

Society based on the principle of **Inclusivity** and Universal brotherhood/sisterhood

(3rd WHEREAS Paragraph) Create a **just** society

Disadvantage can depend on the **priveleged** (advantaged.. usage I'm not sure)

Work hard towards achieving human well-being

3d) To ensure the welfare of people of disadvantaged..

3j) is not clear

3k) various

Bb. With a specific focus on leadership

nn. Fundamental freedom?

Possible additions:

To ensure overall development of human consciousness

To tackle stunted growth, malnutrition and other abnormalities in children

To make financial sound investments with the funds accrued

To work towards ending the stigma towards disabled people.

Enabling mechanisms to assist disabled children in schools and provide opportunities to them
on par.

To spread humanity over ethics and morality

To ensure equality of opportunity for well-being and equality of well-being

To make sure every child turns into fully developed global citizen.
To work for the eradication of existing social ills like dowry, female infanticide etc.,

Build dependent societies and independent individuals

Providing entrepreneurial avenues amd developing local brands.

Preserving traditional knowledge

Steps to digitize the personal documents and develop smart communities. Go digital!

To promote new forms of agriculture and generate better incomes.

To build animal protection shelters and aid for injured strays.

To promote efficient energy systems.

To implement PURA strategies.

To provide avenues for financial independence for empowerment of rural women

To enable people to shed their limited identities

To build smart and sustainable villages

Providing modern mechanisms for sewage workers thereby ending the henial manual

Clean villages, clean energies, promoting biofuels.

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