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The Franson Family

Christmas Miracle Mad-Lib!

2010 had a handful of high points for our family, but to tell the truth, most of it was pretty boring. Lots of
time spent watching TV, napping, and wishing the kids were better at cleaning up after themselves. But that doesn’t
mean that our 2010 can’t still seem exciting to all of you … in your imaginations! So, below are a few sentences
with blanks where the fun parts are. You fill them in with whatever you want and you make the Franson Family
2010 the best year ever! (p.s. the real answers are included below1 so that when the authorities come calling, you can
testify correctly).

In July, Nancy went to the (1 - place) to have a (2 - thing) removed from her (3 - body part) . In
August, Chloe had minor surgery to have a (4 - thing) removed from her (5 - body orifice) . In September,
Chloe had another minor surgery to have a ( 6 - thing) removed from her (7 - body orifice) . Lots of orifices this
year. In June, all of us piled in the (8 - vehicle) with (9 - relatives) to go spend a week in (10 - place) .
While in (11 - place) we saw a (12 - animal) less than (13 - distance) from us. Bruce almost (14 - past tense
verb) his (15 - thing) . This last (16 - season) Ike played his first season of (17 - sport) , earning both a (18 -
thing) and a (19 - thing) . Not all was good for Ike, though. In the process of making a (20 - thing) he dropped
the family (21 - thing) (22 - verb) — ing it. Penelope is in first grade. Thus far, she has received a grand total of
(23 - number) grades below an A, and was told by a neighbor that she looks like (24 - fictional character) , and she
is so (25 - adjective) that she should (26 - verb) in (27 - artistic endeavor) . Bruce still thinks it’s all part of her
long-term plot to take over the (28 - place) .

Thanks for putting up with us for another year. We love you all, and whoever returns this with the most
creative and entertaining answers wins a (29 - prize) .

Happy Holidays!
1 – Emergency Room; 2 – sewing needle; 3 – finger; 4 – penny; 5 – throat; 6 – cyst; 7 – eye, or right next to it anyway; 8 – minivan; 9 –
Nancy’s parents; 10 – Yellowstone; 11 – Yellowstone; 12 – wolf; 13 – 15 feet; 14 – dropped; 15 – camera; 16 – fall (or I will accept
football season); 17 – football; 18 – trophy; 19 – bloody nose; 20 – short film of the toilet; 21 – camera; 22 – break-ing; 23 – zero; 24 –
Hermione Granger; 25 – pretty; 26 – act; 27 – movies; 28 – world; 29 – nothing.

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