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Research Proposal


In a very competitive market like mobile phones Nokia started to show itself like an outsider comparing
to its main rival Apple Iphone. Since the first Iphones launched in 2007 they started actively gain the
market share across the USA and Europe stealing the position of a former market leader-Nokia.

In this research we are going to find the main causes of the champion’s fall and the drastic effects (like
loss of market share and reputation) of Iphone innovation for them. Besides, the research will cover the
consumer attitudes towards Nokia products today and the reasons of loyal customers shifting to other
rival producers.

2.Research Problem

Management Decision Problems are:

 “Why there is a decreasing trend on sales?”

 Loyal customers are complaining and not buying Nokia products anymore.

Marketing Research Problems are:

 “What is the current market share of Nokia in mobile phone market?”

 Determine the attitude of loyal Nokia customers towards the new Nokia mobiles and to Iphones.

3.Research Components

 Collect data from secondary resources to determine the market share.

 What are the key variables that customers pay attention on mobile phone purchasing?
 Which specific features they do like on Iphones and what they dislike on Nokia and vice versa.
 What is the demographic profile of customers and how is their lifestyle?
 Determine the current Iphone users which were Nokia users before.
 Find out the satisfaction rate of Nokia users after the purchase.

4.Indicative Methodology.

In this research I am going to use Exploratory type of research which I will focus mainly on target and
focus groups.

Also Conclusive research will be used to determine alternative courses of action and gain insights for
developing a solution to the problem.

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