Experiancesfinaldrafts Mailecoulter

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Once Upon A Time 

By: Maile Coulter 

Thesis Statement: No matter who you meet, what you experience, and what you think,
you should always be kind, respectful, and loyal.

Chapter One  
Princess Rosalina  
Once Upon a Time, there was kingdom far, far away. The kingdom was surrounded in
big, green grass hills, that were filled with fields of flowers.The town was full of joyous people,
apple trees covering the land, people singing and dancing every night to celebrate their lives. The
air was crisp, with beautiful monarch butterflies flying through the flower fields. There lived a
King and a Queen, and a little princess named Rosalina. The queen was raised to be a kind,
respectful, loyal princess, so she would become a beautiful queen who would protect the land. As
so she would do the same to her daughter.
One aspect that the queen's mother taught her, was to care for your people, listen to what
they say, and to be aware of what is happening in and out of the kingdom. The queen taught
Rosalina, from when she first opened her eyes to when she was preparing to be crowned queen.
She read her stories of the village, and the old wise tales of the kingdom every night. She sang to
Rosalina every morning as she dressed her. The Queen sang the same song every morning, about
a strong, beautiful girl who was to become the greatest of all queens.
As Rosalina became older, she made friends, and she was able to be a teenage girl,
instead of a busy princess. She soon learned that not everyone is not who they say they are, and
that not everyone is nice. People can be mean, but you have to be strong, and ignore it. Rosalina
learned to ignore, and to be friends with the good kids, who are nice. Rosalina was a very funny
girl, she was a fun princess, she liked to be goofy and made dumb jokes. Also Rosalina was the
clumsy one of her family, which is surprising because she can be so graceful, like a princess
should be.
Rosalina also learned as she met people and made new friends that she found if you treat
people how you would want to be treated, they will do the same. Also that the best friends are
respectful, and are loyal to you, they never break a promise, and they always keep secrets. You
can trust them . Some people that Rosalina have met are mean, and disrespectful. She has
learned that some people will say things that they don’t mean, that they don’t keep your secrets,
and they break their promises. So as Rosalina met new people, heard about different people, and
made new friends she learned to be kind, that not everyone is nice, and that people can be mean,
but to always be kind, respectful, and loyal to her people.

Chapter 2 
Tragedy Strikes  
Rosalina just turned fourteen. Everyone was behaving unusual, they were always
whispering, or talking in groups. The air was filled with distress and gloom. Their faces
looked concerned and worried, Rosalina had no clue what was going on. Rosalina hadn’t
read the newspaper in a few days and was questioning the behavior of the villagers. One
day Rosalina picked up the newspaper at breakfast and read about a terrible disaster
that struck in a far land from their kingdom. There was a collapsing dam, that held all of
the village's water. Rosalina didn’t know what to think, she was shocked, she had never
really paid attention to anything that happened outside of the kingdom. She started to
think about what they must be feeling and going through. Rosalina was beginning to
recognize what is happening around the world, and starting to understand and realize
how lucky she is to be in the place where she is, where nothing ever happens, and where
everyone is always filled with kindness and joy.
Once Rosalina read the newspaper she ran straight to her mom, showing her and
explaining to her what happened. She was asking her mom how something like this
could happen. Rosalina wanted to do something so badly, but her mom explained that
sometimes you just can’t do anything besides think about them everyday and hope that
everyone will be ok. Rosalina continued to think about all the families, the children and
babies. What they could do, what they were going to do. She flipped through the pages
of the newspaper and found pictures of the damage that the dam had created. Rosalina
felt awful that she couldn’t do anything. But she remembered that sometimes tragedies
happen, and you just have to deal with it ,and hope that everyone will be ok.

Chapter 3  
The Journey 
One day Rosalina decided that she wants to go visit somewhere far away from her
kingdom. After the tragedy, she wanted to know what other places around her were like,
and the different people that existed, because Rosalina as she grew older noticed how
there are so many different people and personalities. So Rosalina went to her mom, and
told her how she wants to travel around the realms and experience different places and
people. Rosalina’s mom wasn't so sure about this idea, but Rosalina would not take no
as an answer. The queen decided that she may go, only if she comes with.
They set for a month's trip, they traveled through snow, wind, rain, and heat. The
beginning of the trip was difficult at first, but they finally reached their first stop after
three days. As soon as the carriage stopped, Rosalina jumped up and out of her seat, to a
beautiful town full of forests, and wildlife. Rosalina was amazed by everyone, their
kindness and respect. They met the princess of their kingdom, Isabella. She was around
the same age as Rosalina, she had beautiful long, silky, red hair. They invited Rosalina
and the Queen into their castle to have tea. They talked about their kingdoms, and
showed the castle to Rosalina and her mom. After they walked around the villages,
talking to different villagers, and listening to their stories. Rosalina was so pleased with
everyone, and everything, they said their goodbyes, and proceeded with their trip.
As they went on with the trip, visiting different kingdoms, and the people of the
villages. Rosalina listened to many of the families stories, and struggles that they have
been through. She loved getting to meet so many people with so many different
personalities. She noticed how people see certain things differently, and how everyone
has different opinions. Rosalina also saw how not everyone is kind and respectful, some
villagers ignored their presence, and didn’t want to talk to them. Also how some people
weren’t the nicest, and how some of the opinions and thoughts that people had were
shocking in a way that she didn’t know what to say or think. She was so confused by why
anyone would think those certain things. As their journey came to an end, she learned
that there are thousands of different people, personalities, opinions and thoughts. She
learned that not everyone has the same thoughts as she does and that people may not
always be nice, and respectful. But she remembers that not matter what, she must be
kind, respectful, and loyal.

Self-Portrait Link-

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