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/’sɪstǝm/ /,endʒɪnɪərɪŋ/
Definition : Ordest ser of rules and Definition : Art and technique of
procedures that regulate the applyinɡ scientific knowledɡe to the
operation of a group. invention.
Example : My system needs Example : I study enɡineerinɡ.

Definition : Is responsible for
SOTFWAREn protectinɡ the inteɡrity and privacy
of information.
Example : The system has ɡood
Definition : Set of programs and
routines that allow the computer to
perform certain tasks.
Example : The bank will upgrade
their software.
/in’stɔ:l/ /’proʊɡræm/
Definition : Poner o colocar algo en Definition : write a computer
su lugar debido. program.
Example : I wish I could figure out Example : If you do not have this
how to install this software. program, you can download it now.

Definition : device consisting of a
set of keys on a piano or organ or Definition : Series of steps to solve
typewriter or typesetting machine or a problem
computer or the like Example : the alɡorithm is very
Example : The Swiss keyboard extensive.
doesn't have a ß.
/kəm’pju:tər/ /maʊs/
Definition : a machine for Definition : Pointing device used to
performing calculations facilitate the management of a
automatically. graphical environment on a
Example : I like to use the
computer. Example : The mouse is very small.

Definition : a white or silvered
APPLICATIONn surface where pictures can be
Example : I sit in front of a
Definition : A tool to allow a user to
computer screen all day.
perform one or more types of tasks.
Example : This application is very
/fı:dbæk/ / 'kɑ:nstǝnt/
Definition : process by virtue of Definition : That is not interrupted
which information of the results and persists in the state in which it is
provoked by the previously taken found, without varying its intensity.
actions is continuously received.
Example : three constants were
Example : the system is being fed used in the algorithm

Definition : variable whose value
remains constant during the
simulation, but from one simulation
to another can change its value. VARIABLEn
Example : the algorithm has / 'veǝriǝbl/
Definition : Which is subject to
frequent or probable changes.
Example : In a system there may be
many variables.
/luip/ /ɪn'krɪpt/
Definition : Set of instructions Definition : protect files by
whose execution is repeated until a expressing their content in an
certain exit condition is satisfied. encrypted language.
Example : Juan used two loops in Example : important documents
his algorithm must be encrypted.

/ 'pͻ:tl /
Definition : website that serves as a
Definition : reduce the size of a file starting point to browse the internet.
to save space.
Example : Luis personalizes the
Example : the teacher asked to presentation of the portal.
send the compressed files
/pͻ:t/ /tri/
Definition : in a computer, it is a Definition : In computer science, a
specific place of connection with tree is a widely used data structure.
another device.
Example : algorithms use very large
Example : the computer has many trees.

Definition : In information
technology, a network is a set of two / 'deɪbǝbeɪs/
or more interconnected computers.
Definition : similar to a library that
Example : there are very broad contains documents and indexed
networks. texts for consultation, but this
database has an electronic format.
Example : Diana is a database
/ 'æntivaɪrǝs/ / kǝn'troʊǝr/
Definition : programs whose Definition : Routine or program that
objective is to detect and eliminate links a peripheral device to the
computer viruses. operating system.
Example : The antivirus that you Example : the operating system
install is very efficient. provides the basic drivers.

Definition : it is a decentralized set
of interconnected communication
networks. PASSWORDn
Example : the internet is widely / 'pɒ:sɜ:d/
used today.
Definition : Secret code that is
entered in a machine to be able to
trigger a mechanism.
Example : all my accounts have a
/ 'i:meɪl/ AUTOCADn
Definition: service that allows the /AutoCAD/
exchange of messages through
Definition: Is a computer-
electronic communication systems.
aideddrafting software programused
Example: the vast majority use to créate blue prints for buildings,
emails bridges, and computer chips,
amongo ther things.
Example: A sample of how to use
the autocad to be flat.

/ ‘juːzə/ / PowerPoint/
Definition : A person who uses Definition : A software package
oroperates something, especially a designed to créate electronic
computer orother machine. presentations consisting of a series
Example : Luis tells Pedro to help of separate pagesorslides.
him créate a hotmailuser. Example : The teacher uses the
PowerPoint in ther exposition to
define concepts.
Definition : Controlled byor
connected to another computeror to
a network.
Example : Maria talks to Alex on
Facebook at thesame time because
he is online.

Definition : A collection of historical
documents or records providing
information about a place,
institution, or group of people.
Example : Camilo is looking for the
file of the latest investments of this

/ ‘wɪndəʊz/
Definition : A computer operating
system with a graphical user
Example : Diane is on her computer
using her recently updated VIRUSn
Definition : A piece of code that is
capable of copying itself and
typically has a detrimental effect,
such as corrupting the system or
destroying data.
Example : A computer virus or
spyware application is sending us
automated requests.
Example : Emilio is sending some
pictures by Bluetooth from his cell
phone to juan.

Definition : Un solicited comercial
mail that is sent through the internet.
The volumen and content of SPAM Definition : Set of physical
can greatly hinder the use of email elements or materials that make up
services. a computer or a computer system.
Example : If you're a consumer and Example : The engineer is
you get spam from a company, call explaining what functions
them up and let them know. HARDWARE has.

Definition : Is a technology that
allows computers, mobile phones Definition : Electronic equipament
and other devices to communicate that converts sound into electrical
with eacth other wihout being signals that can be transmited over
connectd by wires. distances.
Example : I was about to go out
when the phone rang.
/ prəˈʤɛktə/ COMPUTER
Definition : An optical instrument SCIENCEn
that projects an enlarged image onto
/kəmˈpjuːtə ˈsaɪəns/
a screen.
Example : The projector doesn’t Definition : The branch of
work. engineering sciencie that studies
computable processes and
Example : Computer sciencie is a
very broad Brand.

/ˈhɛdsɛt/ ROBOTICSn
Definition : Apparatus consisting of /rəʊˈbɒtɪks/
two pieces with devices capable of
Definition : Technique that applies
transforming electrical waves in
the design and use of devices that,
sound waves.
in substitution of people, perform
Example : Hearing aids are very operations or works, usually in
expensive. industrial facilities.
Example : I would like to study
Example : The printer cost a lot of


/’sɛnsəz/ /’peɪpə bɪn/

Definition : They are devices that Definition : The recycle bin is a

detect manifestations of qualities or storage area where files and folders
physical phenomena, such as are saved prior to their final disposal
energy, speed, size, quantity, etc. from a storage medium.

Example : Banks have many Example : My computer's trash is

sensors. full.

/ lɪŋk/
Definition : Is a peripheral device of
the computer that allows to produce Definition : Is a resource of an
a permanent range of texts or electronic document that can be
graphics of documents stored in an directed into another electronic
electronic format. document.
Example : Click on the following link
to read more.

Definition : they are the first test
equipment made in the development
Example : Several prototypes of
electric cars were presented at the
motor show.

Definition : is a social network
created by Mark Zuckerberg while
studying at Harvard University.
Example : My time of use of
facebook has been reduced.

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