01w-Kimberlychisom-Unit7-Eportfolio Review

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ePortfolio Rubric

EPortfolio Rubric    Kimberly Chisom/Terri

Criteria Exemplary - 4 Proficient - 3 Limited - 2 Unsatisfactory - Comments
Introduction of All artifacts are Most of the Some of the No artifacts are  4-All your
Artifacts accompanied by artifacts are artifacts are accompanied by artifacts are
an Introduction accompanied by accompanied by an Introduction properly
Artifacts are that clearly an Introduction an Introduction that clearly introduced
accompanied by explains what the that clearly that clearly explains what the and are well
an introduction item is, why it explains what the explains what the item is, why it defined as to
that clearly was created, and item is, why it item is, why it was created, and why they are
explains what the why it’s was created, and was created, and why it’s created.
item is, why it was important. why it’s why it’s important.
created, and why important. important.
it’s important.
Selection of All artifacts and Most artifacts and Some of the The artifacts and  4-Artifacts
Artifacts work samples are work samples are artifacts and work work samples do are related to
Selects artifacts clearly and related to the samples are not relate to the the
that support the directly related to purpose of the related to the purpose of the ePortfolio.
purpose of the the purpose of the eportfolio. The purpose of the eportfolio. The
eportfolio, and eportfolio. The eportfolio eportfolio. The eportfolio does
the skills/abilities eportfolio includes a variety eportfolio not include a
demonstrated in includes a wide of artifacts. includes some variety of
each section. variety of variety of artifacts.
artifacts. artifacts.
Reflection on All reflections Most of the A few of the The reflections do  4-
Learning clearly describe reflections reflections not describe the Reflections
Reflections on the learning (i.e. describe the describe the learning (i.e. has
each page/section skills, abilities, learning (i.e. learning (i.e. skills, abilities, demonstrated
describe the growth, skills, abilities, skills, abilities, growth, growth and
learning (i.e. achievement, growth, growth, achievement, abilities.
skills, abilities, accomplishments) achievement, achievement, accomplishments) Each artifact
growth, that occurred from accomplishments) accomplishments) that occurred from is well
achievement, producing the that occurred from that occurred from producing the organized.
accomplishments) artifacts. producing the producing the artifacts.
that occurred from artifacts. artifacts.
producing the
Connection to All reflections Most of the A few reflections The reflections do  4-
Future Learning illustrate the reflections illustrate the not illustrate the Reflections
ability to illustrate the ability to ability to are designed
Reflections effectively ability to effectively effectively for future
illustrate the critique work and effectively critique work and critique work or learning and
ability to include goals for critique work and include goals for include goals for areas of
effectively continued include goals for continued continued growth.
learning (long and continued learning (long and learning (long and
critique the work short term). learning (long and short term). short term).
and identify areas short term).
for continued
Navigation and The various parts The navigation The navigation The navigation 4- Your web
Readability of the portfolio links generally links are links are page is well
The organization are labeled, function well, but somewhat confusing, and it thought out
of the eportfolio clearly organized, it is not always confusing, and it is difficult to and very
and how to and allow the clear how to is often unclear locate artifacts creative. I am
navigate to reader to easily locate an artifact how to locate an and move to very
various locate an artifact or move to related artifact or move to related pages or a impressed by
sections/pages is and move to pages or different related pages or a different section. how
clearly indicated. related pages or a section. different section. Many of the professional
different section. Some of the external links do everything
Page layout Color, external links do not connect to the looks. I was
(including Color, background, font not connect to the appropriate able to
headings, font size background, font styles, and type appropriate website or file. navigate
and color, styles (italic, bold, size for headings, website or file. through the
whitespace, and underline) and sub-headings and The eportfolio is website with
other text type size for text are generally The eportfolio is difficult to read no issues.
formatting make headings, sub- used consistently often difficult to due to
the eportfolio and headings and text throughout the read due to inappropriate use
artifacts easy to are used eportfolio. inappropriate use of fonts, type size
read. consistently and Horizontal and of fonts and type for headings, sub-
enhance the vertical white size for headings, headings and text
Writing is clear readability space alignment is sub-headings and and font styles
and free of throughout the generally used text or (italic, bold,
grammatical, eportfolio. appropriately to inconsistent use of underline). Color
spelling, and Horizontal and organize content. font styles (italic, of background,
punctuation vertical white bold, underline). fonts, and links
errors. space alignment is The writing is Color of decreases the
used appropriately largely free of background, readability of the
to organize grammatical, fonts, and links text, is distracting
content. spelling or decreases the and used
punctuation readability of the inconsistently
The writing is errors. text and used throughout the
clear and free of inconsistently in eportfolio.
grammatical, some places Horizontal and
spelling or throughout the vertical white
punctuation eportfolio. space alignment is
errors. Horizontal and used
vertical white inappropriately,
space alignment is and the content
sometimes used appears
inappropriately to disorganized and
organize content. cluttered.

The writing Numerous

includes include grammatical,
some spelling or
grammatical, punctuation errors
spelling or hinder effective
punctuation errors communication
that distract the and distract the
reader. reader.

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