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Luis Carlos Aponza Varon

3867 Street Green City, Bogotá, 57317342634,

9th March 2020

Jaime Castro
Dsitri Plástico Ltda
Principal Designs
1531 wilson st.
Business City, NY 12345

Mrs Distri Plasticos Ltda,

In an attentive and respectful way I turn to you, to make known that studies have been
advanced in which it has been made clear that you are one of the largest producers of
plastics nationwide and I have also undertaken that they are carrying out research to be able
to replace the total material and raw material that you are using to make the bags and
plastics that you distribute daily in your branches. And it is very important to remind you
that I hope that the change will come soon because, as you know, plastic is one of the
materials that take longer to decompose and this is being associated with the pollution that
therefore ends in a very important contribution to global warming.

I appreciate all the attention given and the time they have given me, in terms of the
different visits I have made to their facilities, the attention is the best and I know that their
intentions for the change also, I await a prompt response, to have an excellent day.


Luiz Carlos Aponza, Systems Engineer.

Para el foro.

Well, I think that the article, which is investigative and documentary, focuses on a very sad case for
both wildlife, the planet and us and its inhabitants. It is very discouraging to see how species that
subsist in cold climates can no longer remain in their ecosystem because of us and it is more
unfortunate to know that we drag them to a slow and painful death, in particular the case of this
animal, which is very devastating since if it is good in Canada as well as there is a law for the
prohibition to feed these species, the prohibitions for the misuse of the resources that man uses
for his daily life should be hardened and already put a stop to stop pollute our planet and let's put
aside that global warming is a myth or a legend. We must act immediately to counteract this
whole situation and not let our animals and our ecosystems continue to disappear and die.

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