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The innovating region: toward a

theory of knowledge-based
regional development
Henry Etzkowitz1 and Magnus Klofsten2
Science Policy Institute, State University of New York, New York, USA
Linköping University, 581 83 Linköping, Sweden.

This paper sets forth a model of knowledge-based regional development conceived as a set of
multi-linear dynamics, based on alternative technological paradigms. Utilizing longitudinal
data from a Swedish region, and international comparisons, four stages of development are
identified: Inception, Implementation, Consolidation and Renewal. Innovation policy is created
‘bottom-up’ as an outcome of ‘collective entrepreneurship’ through collaboration among
business, government and academic actors – the ‘triple helix’. The key event is the creation
of an entrepreneurial university, whether from an existing academic base or a new foundation,
which takes initiatives together with government and industry to create a support structure for
firm formation and regional growth. The result of these initiatives is a self-sustaining dynamic
in which the role of academia and government appears to recede as industrial actors come to
the fore and a lineage of firms is created. Nevertheless, as one technological paradigm is
exhausted and another one is needed as the base for new economic activity, the role of
academia and government comes to the fore again in creating the conditions for the next wave
of innovation.

1. Introduction has a long-term and thriving biotech industry;

Öresund has an emerging bio-medical industry

T he common objective of knowledge-based

economic development efforts everywhere
in the world is the creation of an ‘Innovating
and New York City has the bare beginnings.
Perhaps the most important factor in explaining
these differences is the presence of an entrepreneur-
Region’. An Innovating Region has the capability ial university that both advances emerging areas of
to move across technological paradigms and knowledge and puts this knowledge to use in
periodically renew itself through new technologies developing the local region (Etzkowitz, 1983).
and firms generated from its academic base. What The emergence of university–industry–govern-
are the necessary and sufficient conditions for ment interactions – the triple helix – can also be
creating clusters of high-technology growth firms identified as a key factor in regional development
and the renewal capabilities of a supporting (Etzkowitz, 2005). Beyond research capacity in
infrastructure? San Francisco, New York and emerging and interdisciplinary fields with poten-
the Öresund Region (Sweden/Denmark) have tial for commercialization is the capability to
high concentrations of bio-medical research but effectively utilize these knowledge resources.
with strikingly different outcomes. San Francisco This innovation capacity is largely dependent upon

R&D Management 35, 3, 2005. r Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 243
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Henry Etzkowitz and Magnus Klofsten

the construction and institutionalisation of a hetero- development efforts based on existing industry to
geneous network of public/private entities that can knowledge-based regional development, from
provide firm-formation expertise, gap funding, seed either starting point of a university–government
capital and ‘collective entrepreneurship’ (Schump- ‘double helix’ supporting research without con-
eter, 1951). Relatively few regions have developed cern for use or a government–industry double
the vision, inter- institutional relationships and lea- helix supporting a traditional industrial cluster.
dership to transcend existing techno-economic para- In the US, the double helix starting point was
digms (Dosi, 2000). Indeed, strong conservative classically a university–industry relationship with
forces such as large firms in existing industries, government brought in at a later point, initially as
and their academic and government supporters, a resource provider and then as a strategic part-
often retard change by using up much of the ner. In Sweden, the classic double helix is govern-
resources needed to make the transition. ment–industry, with academia increasingly
The long-term criteria for innovation success is brought into the picture in recent years through
more than the founding of an initial cluster of an explicit ‘third mission’. The US cultural tradi-
high-tech firms. It is the ability to create growth tion tends to suppress the role of government in
firms as well as niche players and generate addi- the triple helix; while the classic Swedish academic
tional clusters, or transform old ones, as earlier tradition tends to keep the university apart from
successes are superseded (Zucker and Darby, explicit economic activity. These differences are
1998). The transition from mini-computers to more of appearance than reality since the Swedish
biotechnology in Boston exemplifies this process university has been active on the operational, but
of knowledge-based regional renewal across tech- perhaps not the strategic level since the 1980s and
nological paradigms (Cooke, 2002). Cambridge the same could be said for the role of the federal
UK has generated a significant cluster of niche government in the US.
firms but has had difficulty in creating high- The Linköping case involves both the creation
growth firms, commonplace in Silicon Valley of the necessary conditions for an Innovating
(Koepp, 2002). Some observers hold that Silicon Region, establishment of a broad-based research
Valley and Boston’s Route 128 are unique and university but also the sufficient conditions, the
spontaneous developments. We argue to the con- specific mechanisms outlined below to translate
trary that the conditions for creating continuous knowledge into useful economic activity. Only
high-tech social and economic growth can be some of these projects are internal to the univer-
identified and traced to specific organizational sity; most involve a collaboration process with
initiatives that have much in common. The objec- industry and government actors. At a Greenfield
tive of the Triple Helix Model is the identification site such as Linköping or Stanford, the industrial
of the specific mechanisms and institutional rela- actors have first to be created in order to establish
tionships, through which this transformation the collaboration process. At Stanford, the uni-
takes place (Bakkevig and Jakobsen 2003). versity was built from an industrial fortune; at
Linköping government–industry collaboration
initiated the university development project.
2. Aim and scope Both instances involved projection of a new
economic base for the region based on firm-
The aim of this paper is to derive a model for formation from academic knowledge.
knowledge-based regional economic development
that is applicable to a wide variety of circum-
stances. We shall compare and contrast various 3. The field of the triple helix
cases of knowledge-based regional economic de-
velopment to a recent Swedish case, Linköping, in The transition to a knowledge-based society is the
order to tease out the necessary and sufficient basic premise of the triple helix model. The
conditions to create an Innovating Region. Lin- university, an institution of medieval origins
köping is an instance of a US inspired model in a that played a supporting role in feudal and
Greenfield site with a history of government– industrial society moves into centre stage.
industry collaboration. It allows us to examine Whereas industry and government were the pri-
the conditions under which a double helix is mary institutions of industrial society; university,
transformed into a triple helix. We hypothesize industry and government constitute the key in-
that the involvement of an entrepreneurial uni- stitutional framework of post industrial, knowl-
versity is the key to the transition from regional edge-based societies.

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Theory of knowledge-based regional development

The transformation of academia from a decline once that paradigm runs out. It was
‘secondary’ to a ‘primary’ institution is a here- already apparent, early in the 20th century, that
tofore unexpected outcome of the institutional it was necessary to replace firms whose technolo-
development of modern society (Mills, 1958). gies and products had been superseded, or whose
Contrary to the expectation of some observers businesses had moved elsewhere. The need to
for the university’s decline (Gibbons et al,. 1994); renew the industrial base is an increasing national
its salience to knowledge-based development in- and regional concern. It leads government, as well
creases as its knowledge generating and dissemi- as companies and universities, to explore ways for
nating capacities are linked to its new innovation knowledge producing institutions to make a
capabilities. As a consequence, the knowledge greater contribution to the economy and society.
industry in modern societies is no longer a per- The knowledge-based region is a consciously
ipheral activity of concern only to scholars and constructed entity undertaken by a variety of
intellectuals. ‘An activity that might be consid- actors, typically including a triple helix of govern-
ered by pragmatic leaders as expendable; it is a ment, industry and university, with a ‘collective
mammoth enterprise on a par with heavy indus- entrepreneur’, as its engine. The classic example
try, and just as necessary to the country in which of a collective entrepreneur is US Department of
it is situated’ (Graham, 1998). Agriculture’s role in creating that country’s agri-
The triple helix model comprises three basic cultural innovation system (Schumpeter, 1951).
elements. First, it presumes a more prominent High-tech Councils and Technopoles, comprising
role for the university in innovation, on a par with representatives of different institutional spheres,
industry and government in a knowledge–based typically include university, industry and govern-
society. Second, there is a movement toward ment as their core partners but other spheres such
collaborative relationships among the three major as labour and social NGOs may be represented as
institutional spheres in which innovation policy is well.
increasingly an outcome of interaction rather These organizations play the role of ‘Regional
than a prescription from government. Thirdly, Innovation Organizer’ (RIO) in designing new
in addition to fulfilling their traditional functions, initiatives to foster economic and social develop-
each institutional sphere also ‘takes the role of the ment. Representatives of different institutional
other’ operating on a y-axis of their new role as spheres come together, combining elements
well as an x-axis of their traditional function. An drawn from each sphere to create a new organiza-
entrepreneurial university, taking some of the tion. Such groups usually have a spatial dimen-
traditional roles of industry and government, is sion that is regional in nature even though it may
the core institution of an Innovating Region. transcend previous regional definitions based on
Institutions taking non-traditional roles are topographical, national or cultural factors. The
viewed as a major potential source of ‘innovation project to create a knowledge-based region typi-
in innovation’ in contrast to innovation models in cally relies on utilising or expanding the capacities
which departures from traditional roles are of universities or even founding new academic
viewed as a net loss. Thus, in the triple helix, institutions for this purpose. Although the uni-
academia plays a role as a source of firm-forma- versity plays an important role, it usually acts as
tion and regional development in addition to its part of a broader configuration. Conversely,
traditional role as a provider of trained persons when the university fails to play an entrepreneur-
and basic knowledge. Government helps to sup- ial role it is often because a broader institutional
port the new developments through changes in coalition to encourage this role is lacking.
the regulatory environment, tax incentives and The location of research, previously uncontro-
provision of public venture capital. Industry takes versial since the results of research embodied in
the role of the university in developing training papers and publications would flow anywhere,
and research, often at the same high level as has become a political issue. As the practical
universities. implications of research occur ever closer in
The triple helix model was initially derived time to the making of a discovery, and as new
from an analysis of the renewal of the Boston industry arises from these discoveries, the loca-
economy, through a university–industry–govern- tion of research becomes relevant to every local-
ment collaboration for firm-formation from aca- ity. Thus, proponents of concentration of
demic research in the 1930s (Etzkowitz, 2002). A research resources at a few key sites, typically
region with a cluster of firms, rooted in a parti- larger urban regions and older academic founda-
cular technological paradigm is in danger of tions, run counter to proponents of renewal of

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Henry Etzkowitz and Magnus Klofsten

older industrial regions and development of The entrepreneurial university format takes the
greenfield sites around new academic founda- research university model a step further into
tions. The resulting conflict sets in motion pres- economic and social development as an academic
sures to expand existing sources of research goal. The ability to set a strategic direction is only
funding from national research councils and es- the first step toward an entrepreneurial university,
tablish new sources at multi-national, regional the necessary but not the sufficient condition. An
and local levels. The university itself is seen as a orientation to seeking out the practical as well as
future source of research funding through its theoretical implications of research and organiza-
technology transfer activities, as part of long- tional mechanisms to assist technology transfer
term vision of a self-generating entrepreneurial and firm formation fills out the picture. Next,
university. training programmes to introduce students to
entrepreneurship are required when it is not
already a part of the academic culture. Finally,
the introduction of organizational formats such
4. The emergence of the entrepreneurial as centres to encourage the generation of research
university with theoretical and practical relevance completes
a virtuous circle.
An entrepreneurial university embedded in a The university is an especially propitious site
triple helix of university–industry–government for innovation due to such basic features as its
relations can be found at the root of virtually high rate of flow through of human capital in the
any high tech region. Daniel Bell provided the form of students who are a source of potential
groundwork for this axial principle in his analysis inventors. The university is a natural incubator,
of the shift from manufacturing to service occu- providing a support structure for teachers and
pations in advanced industrial societies (Bell, students, to initiate new ventures of all kinds,
1974). Bell made this prediction in the mid- intellectual, political, commercial and conjoint.
1970s and the crossover point was reached by The university is also a potential seedbed for new
the mid-1980s in the US. Within this occupational interdisciplinary scientific fields and new indus-
shift an enhanced role for scientists and the social trial sectors, each cross-fertilizing the other. A
location of scientific research and training could dual overlapping network of academic research
be identified. An active role for the university in groups and start-up firms, cross-cut with alliances
economic and social development, rather than among large firms, universities and the start-ups
merely playing a supporting role providing hu- themselves appears to be the emerging pattern of
man capital and research resources, is the defining academic-business intersection in bio-technology,
characteristic of the entrepreneurial university. computer science and similar fields (Herrera,
A prerequisite for the university taking the role 2001; Cooke, 2002).
of entrepreneur is the ability to set its own Once a stream of firms are created from aca-
strategic direction (Clark, 1998). Not every re- demic research the university tends to return to a
search university, even those setting their strategic traditional relationship to industry, provision of
direction is an entrepreneurial university; some knowledge and graduates unless the strategy is
remain ivory tower institutions. The second step institutionalized through the creation of internal
is a commitment to seeing that the knowledge mechanisms within the university to continue to
developed within the university is put to use, produce new firms. Stanford University in rela-
especially in its local region. This can take a tionship to Silicon Valley exemplifies the chan-
variety of forms, including developing internal ging relationship of an originating university to
capabilities for technology transfer and commer- knowledge-based industry. Once the Valley began
cialization of research to playing a collaborative to produce new firms from succeeding generations
role in establishing a strategy for knowledge- of firms that had originated from the university,
based regional economic development and parti- the relationship to the original source became
cipation in initiatives to implement that strategy. more distant. The university began to seem ancil-
The entrepreneurial university presumes a con- lary to knowledge-based economic development
siderable degree of independence from govern- in Silicon Valley (Kenney and Seely-Brown,
ment, industry and ecclesiastical sponsors, on the 2000). However, Stanford continues to be the
one hand, while maintaining a high degree of source of new firms like Google.
involvement with other societal actors from this Linköping University has also demonstrated
independent standpoint. the capacity to encourage waves of firm-forma-

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Theory of knowledge-based regional development

tion. Of course, the relationship of knowledge to focusing on assisting technology development in

regional development is broader than the role of large Swedish firms (now like SAAB and Volvo
universities. Firms begat firms and can take the mostly subsidiaries of multinationals) to develop-
regional innovation organizer role in renewing a ing a capacity for high-tech firm formation. The
high-tech cluster. In the Silicon Valley down-turn focus of an entrepreneurial university will be on
of the early 1990s a firm-led organization, also new academic roles such as firm-formation and
including local governments and universities, de- the creation of organizational capacities to
veloped a strategy for a new wave of innovation, achieve this objective.
based on computer networking, that took off by Universities in a learning region focus on
the mid-1990s (Henton, 2002). The latest regen- traditional university–industry relations such as
eration effort, Proposition 71, providing 3 billion provision of human capital and consulting rela-
dollars to support stem cell research at universi- tionships. Technologico Monterrey University
ties and biotechnology firms, seeks to create a has traditionally been a source of human capital
virtuous circle of science-based economic devel- for family firms of various sizes. In developing
opment – Silicon Valley’s next wave – based on research, it is torn between choosing fields to
public credit. assist the region’s declining industries, some of
whom have severely reduced their research cap-
abilities or making bets on emerging technology
5. From the learning to the innovating areas. In this context, the state government has
region set forth a vision of transforming Monterrey into
a Knowledge City, which is likely to take shape as
The Innovating Region is based on a linear model a science park (Castaneda, 2005).
in which firm-formation strategy becomes tied to Science parks may be found in both types of
a research base, even if it does not originate from regions. However, in learning regions they are
that source. This is not the traditional linear more likely to devolve into general-purpose in-
model, based on the transfer of research results dustrial parks rather than destination sites for
to industry through publication or mobility of research-based firms. The changing role of the
graduates but rather an ‘Assisted Linear Model’ science park, especially if it becomes active in
comprising a variety of interlocking organizational high-tech firm-formation, is an indicator of tran-
mechanism such as research centres, technology sition from a learning to an innovating region.
transfer offices and incubators that move research The development of a research university, with at
with long-term commercial potential into use. least some fields chosen as a basis for future
The learning region emphasizes reverse linear economic development, is another indicator of
formats of close relations between firms and transition to an innovating region.
customers to each other as the basis for incre- An Innovating Region requires multiple knowl-
mental innovation. Innovation and Learning re- edge bases to be able to renew itself. To this end,
gions are potentially mutually supportive its universities, individually or collectively must
innovation models that can work in double har- be broad enough in their remit to be at the
ness, akin to the co-existing relationship between forefront of several areas of advanced science
normal science and new scientific paradigms, even and technology, only some of which have short-
as one eventually supersedes the other (Kuhn, term potential for application. If a university is
1962). Nevertheless, the learning region empha- too narrowly focused, say on applied IT, the
sizes building upon existing assets rather than ability to develop alternative knowledge-based
creating new ones (Ellström, 2001). Such regions sources of economic development will not be
are also more likely to be oriented to low-tech available when and if they are needed. This
than to high-tech; to government–industry rela- appears to be the case in Karskrona/Ronneby,
tions rather than to university–industry relations, Sweden where it was difficult to follow up an
to incremental rather than discontinuous innova- initial IT success.
tion (Hofmaier, 2001). Although a variety of research capabilities is a
The internal characteristics of universities and necessary condition for long-term knowledge-
their strategies for academic industry relations based economic growth, it is not a sufficient
reflect their regional orientation. A university condition. The University and region must steer
with a high level of research capacity may be a careful path between the Scylla of concentration
primarily tied to traditional industrial spheres. and the Charybdis of lack of focus. Stanford and
Thus, Chalmers University is in transition from MIT, having made an early bet on the future of

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Henry Etzkowitz and Magnus Klofsten

molecular biology became the locus of the bio- ments such as Regional Development Plans and
technology industry just a few decades later. The university memoranda and internal reports.
universities that spun out these firms had just a We utilized a semi-structured protocol to con-
few decades earlier made successful bets on elec- duct dialogical interviews with our informants.
tronics and computer research. Having developed The interviews were done with people represent-
these areas, they were in a position to capitalize ing all the triple helix functions such as science
on the intellectual and commercial convergence, park and incubator directors (2), the university
between these fields in creating bio-informatics. (2), the municipality (1), the regional county
council (1), private firms (2) and small business
support networks (2). These interviews were taped
and transcribed for later analysis. We also re-
6. Method interviewed some respondents to crosscheck in-
formation obtained from different sources. Thus,
As articulated in the aim and scope of this study, we presented the case to these respondents as a
we decided to take advantage of the longitudinal check on validity. We got feedback from all the
potential of the case study method to make a respondents and did necessary adjustments.
comparative analysis over time of the regional
role of universities. This approach allowed us to
7. Growing a knowledge intensive
develop an in-depth analysis of the stages and
environment – the case of Linköping
phases of regional knowledge-based development
and to identify and understand the potential for
Linköping, situated in the county of Östergöt-
replication from one context to another. Our
land, is the fifth biggest city in Sweden and has
objective is also to develop a theoretical under-
about 130,000 inhabitants. It is strategically situ-
standing of how, why, and under what conditions
ated between the conurbations of Stockholm and
the linear innovation model is transformed into a
Malmö and has modern road and railway com-
multi-linear dynamic. A new political–economic
munication systems, as well as an international
imperative is influencing the internal and external
airport. Whilst maintaining a historical reputa-
lives of universities and firms. The social demand
tion for culture and learning, Linköping has
for expansion of higher education based on hu-
developed, during the last 20 years, as a major
man capital and egalitarian principles has been
centre within Sweden for technological growth,
supplemented by a new driving force for academic
especially in the creation and development of new
development, an economically driven imperative
knowledge-intensive firms. Many groups within
for the application of science and technology to
this dynamic environment have worked together
restructure economies in the face of increased
to develop the region’s positive synergies.
international competition.
We have identified four stages, which are de-
We built upon previous studies of Linköping
scribed in Table 1 below. Actors at the strategic
and other regions in Europe and the US, collect-
level are active at stage 1 – then much more
ing additional data to explore hypotheses relating
operative at stage 2 and 3 – and strategic again
to the development and transformation of knowl-
at stage 4. Some few individuals are crucial in the
edge-based regions (Klofsten and Jones-Evans,
process. If the firm founders are entrepreneurs,
1996, 2000; Jones-Evans et al, 1999; Klofsten et
the people who create the conditions for firm
al, 1999). In these previous studies attention has
formation are as we call them ‘extrapreneurs’,
mainly been focused on the governmental support
who project a future vision and obtain the means
of the emergence of knowledge intensive firms
to realize it by convincing people to take specific
from the university environment and on a few key
steps to achieve the goal. Extrapreneurship occurs
actors, which are operative in that context. This
among organizations and across institutional
study however has a broader and more historical
spheres. Extrapreneurs go beyond the boundaries
perspective trying to understand the growth and
of their organization to create a collectively of
development of a whole region. We conducted
interviews with key informants at the university,
the science parks, the State County Administra-
tion Board, the municipality of Linköping, VIN- 8. The sources of an innovating region
NOVA (Swedish Agency for Innovation
Systems). In total we did 10 interviews each, To describe the development, we must go back
lasting 2–3 h. We also drew upon strategic docu- about 50 years in time. At the risk of simplifying

248 R&D Management 35, 3, 2005 r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2005

Table 1. Knowledge based regional development – a stage model.
Stage Goal Structure Process Activities

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Incipient stage: Idea Generate a new economic base Informal interaction between Searching for success -informal Building the first incubator; initial
about new regional for the region. different actors as university, meetings, discussion about service activities for early firms in
development model. municipality, research labs, regional plans, influence of incubators, basic infrastructure.
large and small firms. external ideas and successful
Implementation stage: Supply adequate infrastructure Formation of networks of Starting new organizations for Spin-off-firm-club SMIL, networks,
Starting new activities. (hard and soft) for different entrepreneurs, Informal promoting entrepreneurship. incubators and Science parks,
types of entrepreneurs. educational and social initiatives outside and inside of
activities the university.
Consolidation and Increase the efficiency of the Co-operation among regional A new networking plan Meetings between actors to define
adjustment stage: Integration system. actors for the purpose of and network of support the roles and to support each
of hard and soft activities. increased efficiency of organizations. other in marketing.
resources; to get closer to
firm needs in order to satisfy
needs of firms.
Self-sustaining growth stage: Renew the system by University policy level and Discussion of what is Activities, meetings in smaller
Avoiding decline – identifying new areas of other actors, at highest levels lacking in region. groups, newspaper articles and
create continuous growth linked to new a political system with power brochures.
redevelopment research – questioning and influence emerging; need All actors try to participate and
existing more entrepreneurs, place their efforts in the best light.
activities. research.

R&D Management 35, 3, 2005

Theory of knowledge-based regional development

Henry Etzkowitz and Magnus Klofsten

the picture, one may say that it all began with that a number of incubators and science parks
SAAB. Through an agreement with the Govern- had been built to support these companies. This
ment in the early 1950s, SAAB purchased its own process may be characterized as learning by
copy of the experimental computer BESK, the borrowing, taking an innovation from elsewhere
first main frame computer in the country. This and inserting it into a new local context.
agreement meant the start for the commercial American universities actively supported these
computer in Sweden. This high technology ven- initiatives and that there was a firm belief that this
ture then led to the founding of Linköping Uni- was positive for the development of the universities
versity in the late 1960s. An industry– as well as for the regional economy. During the
government, collaboration to foster knowledge- same period similar things begin to occur in
based development soon resulted in the creation Europe. This gave inspiration to new ideas how
of a new university in order to expand and renew Linköping could be developed into a growth
the knowledge base. Of course, the university also region. At the University, an industrial liaison
served the reproductive function of expanding the office was set up within a new office of external
human capital base and to carry out research. relations. Researchers within the Department of
However, in addition to these traditional aca- Management and Economics were expressing con-
demic functions, which could serve the needs of siderable interest in business development and
existing firms, the university took on additional entrepreneurial issues. All of these had a central
tasks of fostering the creation of new enterprises. role to draw up a plan to take advantage of and to
Since then the University has been the driving exploit university technology. In 1981, the Centre
engine behind the growth of the entrepreneurial for Technology Transfer opened in order to spread
and knowledge-intensive environment that exists the University’s research to industry. Not long
today. This engine has driven the attraction of after, new companies began spinning-off. Between
quality people and resources. Early investments in 1981 and 1984 about 40 new companies with roots
computer science and interdisciplinary sciences in the University were launched.
coupled with the University’s open collaboration The municipality of Linköping served as an
with the community led to greater innovation, early and important partner for the University.
including the generation of entrepreneurship and During 1983 TeknikByn was created, offering
the effective commercialization of new business. facilities and office service for University ‘spin-
An entrepreneurial university was established offs’ – the first incubator. The Regional Develop-
rather than a traditional isolated ivory tower ment Fund also supported the project financially.
university, with significant implications for the Within a short time, the incubator proved to be
future role of the university in the region. Linköp- too small and the Municipality decided to in-
ing University thus had a pre-disposition to crease its investment and to build a science park
become a significant regional actor, taking the affiliated with the University and Mjärdevi
role of RIO, originally assumed by the SAAB Science Park opened in 1984. When Mjärdevi
government collaboration. opened, it soon became a hot environment for
development-intensive companies. The close
proximity to the University, the possibilities of
8.1. The first step – developing the idea of networking with both big and small companies in
a new regional model the local environment, and a growing network of
In the late 1970s there were discussions between resource providers that helped stimulate company
the management of SAAB, the University and the development, gave the area its initial attraction.
Municipality about the future regional develop- And there was plenty of room for expansion on
ment due to an uncertainty regarding the future the park’s 70 hectares of land.
of SAAB. A cut in state subsidies could result in
severe and negative consequences for Linköping
considering that the company is and has been one
of the biggest employers in the region. In the
8.2. The second step – starting new
international arena universities were playing an
increasing prevalent role in regional development. Now there was an infrastructure – premises and
Several persons at the University had, through basic service – but there was a lack of professional
visits to colleagues in the USA, observed that consulting, financial resources and different forms
universities were beginning to spin-off companies of support for business development adapted to
from technology developed through research, and the new knowledge-intensive companies. Within

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Theory of knowledge-based regional development

the industrial liaison office an initiative was grated into the educational as well as to the
put forward to start a club to help develop research mission of the university.
new ideas into viable business form. With help The economic development office in the muni-
from some entrepreneurs, the club was re-shaped cipality functioned as the early management body
over time into a new organization and in 1984 of Mjärdevi Science Park. But within the same
SMIL was founded. SMIL grew out of the need year that CIE was started, the municipality
of its founders to develop their own business formed a new company dedicated to the manage-
skills. ment of the park’s unstoppable growth, including
In the beginning, activities comprised breakfast new incubator facilities, where among other
meetings that featured lectures on subjects of things new companies from the ENP-programme
current interest. This activity grew rapidly and could establish on favourable terms.
in the late 1980s SMIL offered a portfolio of
activities from informal networking to more so-
phisticated trainee programmes for business de-
velopment and management. The number of 8.3. The third stage – the consolidation
members in SMIL increased considerably as and adjustment
more companies spun out and by 1990 there The University has grown substantially from a
were some hundred companies in SMIL. few thousand students at the start, to almost 20
A hybrid interface organization played a key 000 in the end of the 1990s. The University’s early
role in the organization process. It is important to investment in computer science had made the
note that SMIL was not a part of the University University an attractive place for researchers
but a private organization managed by a board and students in this field. This investment signifi-
consisting primarily of entrepreneurs. An affilia- cantly influenced the kinds of companies that
tion to the University was essential for SMIL’s spun-out of the University. Companies such as
success, however, thanks to an assistant within Ericsson and Nokia established research and
the industrial liaison office who could offer part production facilities at Mjärdevi Science Park.
time support to the organization. The University The creation of new knowledge intensive compa-
also secured additional financial resources for nies increased rapidly during the second half of
SMIL’s operations. The reason for the latter the 1990s and statistics show that since the first
was that the different government financiers pre- company spun-off in the end of the 1970s, there
ferred to support activities inside the University were now over 400 knowledge-intensive compa-
before supporting private foundations. Therefore, nies in the region (Östgöta Correspondenten,
a co-operation was established which utilized the 1996). Several faster growth companies such as
energy and competence existing within the SMIL IFS, Intentia and Sectra expanded into the inter-
network thereby forming an active demand side, national market and today are listed on the
and which utilized the University to host essential Swedish stock exchange. The companies and the
activities and programmes – thereby becoming entrepreneurs received rewards as well. Sectra was
the physical anchor for the organization and awarded ‘The Swedish IT-company of the year’
active supply side. 1996; Kenth Ericson (founder of Softlab) was
The support activity increased and the Univer- awarded ‘The Swedish Entrepreneur of the
sity became more and more engaged. During 1993 year’; and Idonex received two important awards
the vice president for external affairs decided to in 1998: ‘The Gold Mouse’, for the Swedish
establish a new centre – Centre for Innovation software of the year, and ‘Best Internet Software’
and Entrepreneurship (CIE) – with the principal at Comdex in Las Vegas.
aim to integrate practical development activities The evolution of support activities for compa-
focused on knowledge intensive companies with nies from the mid-1990s up to 2000 brought about
research and education on entrepreneurship. The several new activities and the formation of new
relation to SMIL remains as before and the fertile organizations including
co-operation continued. With the founding of
CIE the number of activities increased leading  Financial participants both public and pri-
to a new programme for start-ups called The vate, which offer subsidies, loans or equity
Entrepreneurship and New Business Develop- capital to companies.
ment Programme – ENP. This led to the first Some of these include The Technology Bridge
academic courses in entrepreneurship offered at Foundation, University Holding, Innova-
the University. Thus, firm formation was inte- tionskapital Novare and Linktech.

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Henry Etzkowitz and Magnus Klofsten

 The County Administrative Board, in co-op- subsidies of development activities aimed at com-
eration with Almi/the regional development panies in different areas more effective.
fund, introduced an opportunity for addi- Within this frame the participants that gave
tional funding. different kind of support to knowledge intensive
 Service around patent issues was introduced companies, gathered in order to formulate a
to support the University environment common model for support to these companies.
through the organizations Forskarpatent and This became the start for ‘Growlink’, a formal
University Holding. This instrument gave designation for the regional network that had
Linköping university the ability to take own- evolved over nearly 25 years as it provided
ership and equity in firms arising from the entrepreneurs with an easier and more flexible
university. On the whole, activities around the way to take part in the variety of support that is
‘idea environment’ at the University increased available in the region. During the period the
in numbers. successful programmes from Linköping gradually
 Incubators and science parks as Berzelius began to spread to other regions in Sweden. The
Science Park, Pronova Science Park and ENP-programme that among other places started
Mjärdevi Business Incubator. in Västerås, Umeå, Örebro and Kista should
 New local networks (spin-off from SMIL) as particularly be mentioned here, but also the
Kunskapsföretag I Norrköping (KiN), Mo- development programme that was spreading to
tala Vadstena Kunskapsföretag (MOVAK). Uppsala, Karlskrona and Borlänge.
 Several new courses in entrepreneurship and
new ‘företagande’, and a new MBA-pro-
gramme for growth companies were estab-
lished at the University.
8.4. The fourth stage – self-sustaining
 A professorship in innovation and entrepre-
neurship was established at the University. In the beginning of 2000 the University made
substantial new investments in life science tech-
The creation of these new organizations meant nologies and biomedicine. Sixteen new professor-
both an increase in the existing support to the ships within these disciplines were announced.
companies, but also widening of the supply of The University’s new rector, who had a research
financial resources. An important benefit result- background in bioscience, championed these in-
ing from the expansion was better alignment of vestments. He strongly pushed for a widening of
support for a developing company. What’s more, University activities. The University that from the
the establishment of new incubator facilities start has promoted interdisciplinary teaching and
meant that the participants in the entrepreneur- research saw great possibilities to combine the
ship programmes could get immediate access to traditional concentrations on Home Communica-
suitable premises. The creation of KiN meant that tion (IT, complex systems, communication and
the companies in Norrköping did not have to go electronics) with the new focus on Life Science
to Linköping to participate in network activities, Technologies.
but these could be adapted to the companies in The recession of 2000 affected mainly the IT-
Norrköping. Teknikbrostiftelsen placed at the related industry, leading to the closing of Nokia’s
disposal seed capital for young start-ups, which Linköping office with 180 employees in Mjärdevi
in principle had not existed before. Science Park. Ericsson cut back its staff by over
At the end of the 1990s directives came from 1000 employees. Smaller companies also faced a
the Swedish government to the regions to put difficult market situation. Rather quickly there
together Regional Growth Agreements. These was a shared consternation over the future devel-
comprise different issues that concern regional opment in IT and consequently, the future devel-
development in general. In Östergötland it was opment of the entire region.
agreed to focus on company support with State During 2002, the Swedish Agency for Innova-
financing. This was a general theme of national tion Systems (VINNOVA), announced ‘Vinnväxt’
innovation policy to systematize government’s with the aim to promote sustainable growth based
role in financing initiatives. There was a feeling on an ability to compete internationally in regions
at the time of a need to create synergies among through financing of demand motivated research
previously scattered initiatives. The purpose was and development through effective innovation
to create regional co-operation between support systems. The regions could apply for money on
participants and in that way make the State condition that they were able to show active

252 R&D Management 35, 3, 2005 r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2005

Theory of knowledge-based regional development

participants in industry, academia, and in the the early stages of regional development, as in
public sector. The county Administration Board Medecon Valley and Silicon Alley. Various cases
took an initiative to write an application and the of knowledge based regional economic develop-
University co-operation was rapidly enlisted to ment may be compared to a recent Swedish case,
partner in the project. VINNOVA put aside a Linköping, in order to tease out the necessary and
considerable amount of money for the winning sufficient conditions to create an ‘Innovating
applications (total 400 MSEK), in combination Region’.
with a long-term financing (up to 10 years). This An innovating region has the capability to
promise of investment provided keen incentive for creatively reconstruct itself on a new knowledge
the engagement and co-operation among high level base. In Linköping, a reverse linear process began
decision makers and organizations. A work group from a large firm, with government encourage-
was appointed to go ahead with the aim to produce ment. The initial organizational innovation was a
an application with secure support in the region. linking mechanism between high tech start-ups,
During spring 2002 an application was deliv- bringing them into closer association with each
ered to VINNOVA to develop a regional innova- other and the university in order to facilitate
tion system based on life science technologies and collaboration and access to resources. A univer-
tools related to biomedicine, innovative electro- sity entrepreneurship training programme, ex-
nics, and Home Communications, and join these panding firm-formation activity, intersected with
with the existing system in the region. The pur- an industry driven start-up dynamic. The expan-
pose is to produce a robust regional strategy with sion of academic research capacities in the bio-
an action plan to create new platforms for con- medical sciences, including hybridization of these
tinued growth in the region. This initiative has new capabilities with the existing IT base, pro-
been named ‘New Tools for Life’. The response vided a base for creative reconstruction.
from VINNOVA was favourable and money was Linear regional development, such as the pro-
received to continue to the next application step cess that resulted in Route 128, begins with the
(complete realization plans) where a few regions development of a knowledge base. This is fol-
in the end will receive the long-term financing. lowed by interaction among triple helix actors to
Today the University, through its holding identify regional strengths and weaknesses and an
company, will lead the job to submit the final organizing process to build upon strengths. Com-
application. A reference group with representa- panies formed from academic research in the
tives from the University, the public sector, and early 20th century suggested the special potential
private firms, are appointed to carry out this of New England was its concentration of univer-
work. In addition to the work in formal groups, sities. Given a missing link of business advice and
a large number of people from these sectors are seed capital; the venture capital firm was invented
contributing to create a common strategic idea to create a stream of firms. The mini-computer
and mobilize energy to reach the common goal. industry that was developed has since been re-
Linköping University has expanded into new placed by a biotechnology industry created from
research areas, selected both for their theoretical academic research.
and industrial potential. A flexible and expanding Scepticism has been voiced whether a general-
academic base, rather than a narrowly specialized izable model can be derived from success cases
academic institution, is essential for this purpose. such as Silicon Valley and Route 128 (Pohlmann,
2002). We suggest that such a project is feasible,
based on a broader range of cases including
9. Creative reconstruction emerging successful regions. Although each re-
gional development project is a unique instance,
The objective of this paper is to derive a model for with its special peculiarities, some general ele-
knowledge-based regional economic development ments can be identified such as the triple helix
from a wide variety of circumstances. Traditional and the entrepreneurial university (Krige, 2004).
concepts of region based on geographical, politi- Even if not present in the origins of the project,
cal or cultural criteria are superseded by projects they likely appear at a later phase to fill gaps such
for high-tech development. Heretofore, labels for as those in science parks that have been developed
‘Knowledge-based Regions,’ such as Silicon Val- in a relatively isolated environment such as Kista
ley and Route 128, were affixed after the objective in suburban Stockholm and Sophia Antipolis in
had been achieved. More recently, names have the exurbs of Nice. Universities or branches of
been invented as part of a ‘branding process’ in universities have been started at both of these sites

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Henry Etzkowitz and Magnus Klofsten

to infuse the project with new sources of knowl- demics, and NGOs comprising membership from
edge and potential start-ups, all of these spheres, especially at the regional level.
Universities, heretofore seen as a source of Networks are generated from a variety of sources;
human resources and knowledge, are looked to e.g. they may emanate from collaborations between
for technology and future industry. Many uni- large firms and academic researchers, e.g. Pharma-
versities, even those in countries such as Japan cia and Uppsala University that left in place a
that until recently relied almost wholly on infor- substrate of ties that became the basis for new firm
mal ties have developed the organizational cap- formation in biotechnology. It also appears infor-
abilities to formally transfer technologies. mally among firms in a common area of activity
Universities are also extending their teaching which then may be formalized into a ‘valley’
capabilities from educating individuals to shaping through the organization of an association, e.g.
organizations in entrepreneurial education and radio valley in Gothenburg Sweden or the effort to
incubation programmes. Moreover, rather than organize a photonics cluster in Recife, Brazil.
technology transfer existing as an isolated island, Innovation can no longer be assumed to take a
some universities are combining their research, conventional linear path, whether from research
teaching and technology transfer capabilities in through development or from identification of
new formats, with each academic mission enhan- market opportunities to product introduction. In
cing the other. This process is most visible in some countries, there is a movement away from an
‘Greenfield’ sites such as Linköping and Stony assumption that there is single starting point of
Brook, New York but it is also apparent in research and an end point of the economy: an
‘Brownfield’ areas like Pittsburgh, Recife, Brazil, autonomous linear model based on laissez-faire
Albany, New York, Newcastle, England and assumptions in which innovation takes its own
Monterrey, Mexico. course. Innovation was expected to largely take
Entrepreneurship is found in academia and place within industry with other institutional
government as well as industry. New hybrid spheres playing only a limited contributing role,
organizations, such as High-Tech Councils, cross- government, e.g. acting only when clear market
cut the institutional spheres, creating a dynamic failures could be identified. In countries that, to
element that sparks further organizational inno- one degree or another, relied on central planning, it
vation. Out of a variety of possible candidates for has become accepted that government programmes
a new technological paradigm, a few foci must be have an important role to play, not only from the
selected to concentrate resources and effort. The national level – top-down – but also from the local
entrepreneurial university takes in inputs and level – bottom-up, often in collaboration with
problems from the local environment and trans- other organizations in civil society.
lates the outputs of academic knowledge into In contrast to biological evolution, which arises
economic activity. After generations of firms are from mutations and natural selection, social evo-
spun off from the original university start-ups, lution occurs through ‘institution formation’ and
academic links revert to the traditional ones of conscious intervention. Knowledge-based eco-
supplying human capital and knowledge in Sili- nomic development can be traced to specific ac-
con Valley. The role of Stanford University as the tors, typically operating in collaboration with each
source of regional innovation is forgotten, even other. The institutional elements most conducive
said to have been a myth. Nevertheless, the to success can also be identified as emanating from
university is called upon when an old technologi- the academic, industrial and governmental
cal paradigm is exhausted and a new source of spheres. When one sphere is lacking, part of a
innovation is required. knowledge based-strategy will be to substitute for
that actor and fill the gap. Due to its special
abilities in integrating organizational teaching,
10. An endless transition group research and collective entrepreneurship,
we suggest that the university, will be pre-eminent
The triple helix introduces a lateral approach into as the source for new science-based firms. This is
Innovation Policy, conceived as collaboration not to say that industry cannot be a source for
among the institutional spheres. Thus, rather than such firms. Indeed it often is but such firms tend to
solely a ‘top down’ initiative of national govern- be close to the market companies rather than ones
ment, innovation policy should also be seen as the based on emerging technologies.
cumulative result of interaction among govern- A relatively few regions have exhibited self-
ments at various levels, businesspersons, aca- renewing capabilities. A continuous flow across

254 R&D Management 35, 3, 2005 r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2005

Theory of knowledge-based regional development

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