In The Middle of The Desert

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In the Middle of the Desert

The wind blew sand into my eyes and it was at that moment when I woke
up and realized that I was in the middle of the desert, I looked around and
there was only sand, I looked down and I only saw sand and I looked up
and I saw the burning sun which was burning me, I was very confused, I
did not remember how I got there, but then I sat down and began to
remember everything.
It was December 22, 2008 when I was preparing to go to visit my family in
Colombia, I had been all year in France because I had gone on an exchange
it was the best year of my life since I met a new country, I learned a new
language, I met new friends, I ate foods which I had never eaten before in
my life and many other things, the only bad thing was that I was separated
from my family for a whole year, but in a short time I was going to see
them again and tell them all the stories of my adventures in France, I was
very excited because besides seeing my family in two days it was going to
be Christmas and Christmas with my family is the best.
I had already packed all my clothes, so I gave the keys to my room to the
owner of the house and took a taxi to the airport, arrived at the airport and
it was 7 o'clock at night, the flight was at 9 but always I liked being
punctual, I went to the waiting room and waited there for two hours, then I
got on the plane and began to think about all the things I would do when I
arrived in Colombia. It was approximately 11 at night when the plane lost
control in the air and began to fall, the impact was very hard, the plane fell
in the middle of the desert and it was all destroyed, apparently everyone
had died since I started screaming "THERE IS SOMEONE ALIVE" but
nobody answered me, it was very rare that only I was alive, however I did
not worry because I saw lights coming from a village that apparently was
not very far, so I left the ruins and started walking towards the village and
suddenly a hurricane hit me which knocked me unconscious, apparently
that was what had left me far from everything, far from the ruins of the
plane so I no longer had the possibility of someone going and picking me
up, maybe I should have stayed on the plane and so maybe someone would
go later to rescue the survivors, but I got away from the plane, the
hurricane dragged me and I ended up in a place where there was nothing.
I didn't know how long I was unconscious, I didn't know what time it was, I
didn't know what day it was, the only thing I knew was that I was in the
middle of the desert, I was wondering if maybe I could still get home for
Christmas but I didn't even know What country was I actually in or what
continent was I in, after a while of thinking too much the idea came to me
that maybe I was in the Sahara desert and then I remembered that at school
they had taught me that the Sahara desert was Located in Africa and which
is the largest desert in the world, then I was depressed because the desert
was too big and I did not have a compass to know where I was walking. It
was also going to take me years to walk the entire desert to reach an urban
However, I did not give up and began to walk I did not know where I was
going but I told myself that no matter where I went I had to get somewhere
no matter what it would take days, I also thought that the faster I walked
the faster you went to go to some urban area, then I started running, I
thought about my family, my mother, my father, my three brothers and my
grandparents and I was even more motivated, which gave me energy to run
faster, I think I ran during a full hour but obviously the energy was going to
run out and that was when I ran out of energy and I had to stop, I was too
tired, my face was very red and burned from the sun, I was very thirsty and
it was very hot , the only thing I could do was take off my shirt, pants,
shoes, and socks, and I only stayed wearing my underwear, then I lay down
on the sand which was very hot but I was so tired that I didn't even care and
I was so tired that I immediately fell asleep.
When I woke up it was night, I was all covered in sand, I got up from the
sand, I cleaned my body and when I looked at my body I was very burned,
my skin was too hurt maybe I shouldn't have taken off my clothes, also my
legs hurt since I had never run for so long and without stopping in my life. I
too was still very thirsty and still did not see anything close, I did not see
even an oasis with water to drink or at least a tree or palm tree to relax in
the shade. I was also starting to get hungry and there was no animal to kill
and eat it, I was literally in the middle of nowhere there was only sand.
After a while it dawned and despite the fact that I was very tired I walked
more to find some food, something to drink or at least a shade to rest, also I
could not stay still since at any time again the sun was going To be too
strong, I was already very concerned about my health since I had not eaten
or drunk anything for more than 48 hours and I was afraid that at any
moment I would drop dead. After a while walking I stumbled on something
long when I turned my head to look I saw that it was a long green object
with brown spots, then I was scared because I thought it was a snake and I
did not have the strength to fight a snake but then I looked closely and it
was only the skin of a snake, so I took it since I knew that it was going to
be useful to me for something, I thought that it could be useful to me and
what occurred to me was to urinate inside the skin and then drink my urine,
At first I thought that doing that was very unpleasant but I was very thirsty
and that was the only solution I found to not be thirsty anymore so I did it.
After drink my own urine I felt a little better and I spent the whole day
walking and when the sun was setting I could find an oasis, for me it was a
blessing, it was a very beautiful place it had palm trees, a small lake and
there were a few animals and insects, I decided not to walk anymore and
stay there since I could survive there and if maybe I walked and walked
away from the place I could get lost, then I stayed there and next to the
oasis wrote "HELP" in the very big sand in case some day, some plane or
helicopter passed by. And effectively two days later a helicopter passed
over and saw my auxiliary signal, so they came down and rescued me and
left me in Cairo the capital of Egypt and from there I called my family and
they send me money to go home.

Made by: Tomas Cedeño 11º

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