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Learning activity 2 Evidence: Timelines

I was born on August 24th,1999 in the city of Bogotá, in the same year i was born on November
17 there was an interview with the Venezuelan channel Globovisión , the ELN guerrilla chief
stated that Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez had registered for the Sao Paulo Forum on May
30 , 1995, then on Dicembre for 4th, 2000 The mayor Bogotá had created the masive public
transportation in whole City, in the next year in E.E.U.U Attack on the twin towers , after 2003
When I was 4 years old I wanted to be an amazing player soccer but I knew I couldn't because I
had asthma, then 2007 When I was 8 years old my parents told off me because I had done a graffiti
in the neighbour's house, so to year later in 2009 My father gave a electric guitar to me in
christmas day, after 2012 We moved to another house, so i was 16 years old my girlfriend of that
time told me we were going to be parents, in the same yera had begun at the university and one
year ago there was An explosive bomb in escuela de cadetes General Santander.

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