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Amarie Arellano (1603653) Virtual Photoshop

Degree Programme in Tourism and Event Management (TOBBA16)

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Porvoo Campus

Original Photo: background:

Step by step Instructions:

1. Create an A4 size canvas.
2. Ctrl O to open the background file. A pop-up window will open and select the
background.jpg image
3. Ctrl A to Select All, Ctrl C to copy, Ctrl W to close.
4. Now, Ctrl V to paste.
5. Ctrl T to free transform and adjust to fit in the canvas
6. Ctrl O to open the original photo file. A pop-up window will open and select the
originalphoto.jpg image
7. Use the Quick Selection Tool, click on the areas of the photo to cut the background.
Selected area will now have marching ants.
8. Right click inside the area the click Select and Mask… to be able to have a smooth
edges, adjust until satisfied. Click OK.
9. Ctrl C to copy, Ctrl W then Ctrl V to paste
10. Ctrl T to free transform and adjust to fit in the middle while holding the Shift to
avoid being deformed.
11. Ctrl M to adjust Curves or Click Image > Adjustments > Curves… adjust to blend
12. Select Horizontal Type Tool. Click and drag inside the white cardboard in the photo
to create a text box; type the texts and using fonts like Franklin Gothic, font size 30,
font color: black. Hit Enter
13. On the Layers Panel, Set Opacity to about 90% and change the Blending to
14. Hold Ctrl&Shift + N to create a new layer
15. In the Layers Panel, drag the new layer in between the original photo and the
16. Select Brush Tool, set brush size to about 1000 px, Hardness to 0%, then
Opacity to about 20%, Color to black, then brush to the sides to create a shadow.
17. In the Layers Panel, Select all Layers but clicking the first layer then while holding
the Shift, click the last layer, then Ctrl E to merge all the layers.
18. Click File > Save as… Rename to Own photo, choose JPEG (*JPG;*JPEG;*JPE),
then Click Save.
This photo assignment shows how being at home; a combination of prison but relaxing at the
same time.

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