Unit 3: "My Feelings"

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Unit 3: “My Feelings”

Unit Summary

Through learning about effort qualities in movement, students will also explore their
own feelings and emotions. Students will explore how their own self feels different each day
and why they feel certain ways. Through exploring how the body feels during certain
emotions, the students can express their emotions. Students will collaborate with others, read
stories, write stories, draw, and move through the unit. Students will be assessed on their
writing, reading, and vocalization skills as well as their skills in movement demonstration. This
unit will explore the past tense and continue to explore grammar such as punctuation and


The dance concept of effort will be the core to this unit, because effort is about the
mover’s inner intention. The quality of efforts dive into the dancer’s emotions. The English
vocabulary will be rooted in words of emotions and feelings because this is connected with
self-expression and self-identity. This unit will focus on kinesthetics and interpersonal
intelligence while teaching students how to read, write, and recognize both emotions and effort
qualities in dancing. Through learning and exploring feelings, students investigate
intrapersonal intelligence and can develop empathetic skills. Feelings are center to self
expression and self identity. Students can also learn about emotions to better navigate
challenges in them. Students will explore independent practices within this unit, building from
the peer collaboration emphasis in the previous units. Emotions are associated with self-
identity, and this unit will grow students’ values of themselves as holistic humans. Learning
about the emotions of others can also build an awareness to diversity in feelings and how each
individual’s emotions and feelings vary. Since the previous units emphasized the physical
body to create a map of the physical self for learning dance, this unit will dive into the body’s
feelings and the self’s emotions. The exploration of the inner self may help students value
themselves beyond simply physical beings. The journaling system of self-reflection will be the
same and consistent from the previous units with additional questions added. Consistency in
the offering of an open-ended question may help students discover themselves in their abilities
to self-reflect. Students may be able to discover their strengths and challenges in exploring
their strengths and challenges. This unit will incorporate both the past and present tense,
through one verb of “to feel.” Conceptually, speaking and expressing the past involves a level
of self reflection. Students will be discussing how they felt in past situations. This may
challenge students to critically think, and grow awareness to their own feelings beyond the
present moment.







How do I feel?
How do you feel?
Why do I feel this way?

Present tense:
I feel

I feel ____ today

I feel ______ when _____
I feel happy when _______

Past tense:
I felt
I felt ______ when ______

Capitalization to begin a sentence

Periods at the end of sentences

Critical Questions

1. How can you express the emotions vocabulary list verbally as well as through reading
and writing?
2. How can your body move with (free flow, bound flow, light weight, strong weight,
sustained time, and quick time)?
3. How can you build movement using effort based on your emotions?
4. How do certain emotions feel in your body?
5. How can we evaluate the emotions of others?

Content Questions
1. What is an emotion?
2. What is a period?
3. What is present tense?
4. What is past tense?
5. What is effort?
6. What is flow?
7. What is free flow?
8. What is bound flow?
9. What is weight?
10. What is strong weight?
11. What is light weight?
12. What is time?
13. What is quick time?
14. What is sustained time?

Unit Student Learning Outcomes

1. Students will recall their vocabulary list verbally

2. Students will demonstrate their vocabulary list knowledge through writing
3. Students will demonstrate their vocabulary list knowledge through reading

4. Students will demonstrate flow, weight, and time effort factors in their bodies
5. Students will identify flow, weight, and time effort factors in other’s bodies

6. Students will create a dance phrase based on their emotions of a certain situation

7. Students will explore how various emotions feel in their bodies

8. Students will evaluate the emotions of others (peers, characters in books, etc) to
explore intrapersonal intelligence

9. Students will assess strengths and challenges in the self through self-reflection

Movement Concepts

What is the quality of movement?
What is the mover’s inner intentions towards movement?
This is the way the mover focuses energy
This coordinates the whole being in dynamic ways and is associated with mood and emotions

Effort Factor: Flow: Flow is about feeling alive. How do I keep going?
Effort Element: Free Flow: easy flowing, abandonment, outward flow
Effort Element: Bound Flow: holding back, controlled, careful

Effort Factor: Weight: Weight is about sensing our relationship to gravity What is my impact?
Effort Element: Light Weight: resisting gravity
Effort Element: Strong Weight: using gravity

Effort Factor: Time: time is about the attitude towards time, rather than simply the amount of
time. When do I need to complete the task?
Effort Element: Quick Time: urgent, instantaneous, staccato
Effort Element: Sustained Time: leisurely, lingering, prolonging

Possible addition if needed:

Space (Effort Factor): space is the attention given to general and personal space. In what
manner do I oriente myself in general and personal space?
Direct Space (Effort Element): focused, laser focus, zeroing in
Indirect Space (Effort Element): multi focused, flexible attention, all around awareness

Unit Assessment

Pre Assessment of English vocabulary words:

1. To begin pre assessment, an interview design aimed at the entire group of students will
be conducted. Questions asked will include:
I feel happy. How do you feel?
What is a feeling?
What is an emotion?
What does it look like to be happy?
What does it look like to be sad?
- Responses from students will provide me with information on the level of vocabulary

and grammar in emotions and feelings students have.
2. After the oral pre-assessment, I would give students the English vocabulary list in Balinese
and ask them to write down any English word they know for the vocabulary list.

Cumulative Assessment:
1. Students will demonstrate recognition of vocabulary words. Students will be given a
list of vocabulary words in Balinese and translate them through writing into English.
2. Students will demonstrate how to verbally express the phrase “how do you feel?” as
well as be able to reply with “I feel ____”
3. Students will create a movement phrase with a partner, and identify the effort qualities
used in the phrase.
4. Students will evaluate through writing and verbalization why they chose certain effort
qualities to express certain emotions.

Prerequisite Knowledge/Experience

Body parts
Bony landmarks
Low level
Mid level
High level
Locomotor movement
Nonlocomotor movement

Student Learning Assessment Student Learning Assessment

Outcomes: English Outcomes: Dance
Language Concepts

1. Students will 1. Students will stand 1. Students will 1. I will observe

demonstrate in a circle, and we demonstrate free students demonstrate
vocalization of will throw a ball to flow and bound flow free and bound flow
vocabulary words indicate whose turn it in their bodies (How in small groups. In
(What do our is. Students will can you move with free flow, I will look
vocabulary words choose from a list of free flow? How can for easy flow and in
sound like? How can English vocabulary you move with bound bound flow, I will
you say them? What words posted on the flow?) look for controlled
does it feel like to say wall a word to movement. I will
them?) vocalize. The student make notes of my
will throw the ball to observations during
the next student. It the movements.
will be encouraged

that students do not
repeat a word that has
been said.

1. Students will 1. We will go around 1. Students will 1. Students will have

illustrate their the circle, using the identify free flow and a partner. One student
emotions in the given prompt “I feel _____ bound flow verbally at a time will
moment verbally right now.” The based on observation demonstrate
(How do you feel words will be posted of other bodies. movement of either
right now?) with Balinese (What does free flow free or bound flow.
translations for and bound flow look The other partner will
students to use for like? How are they verbally identify the
reference. different? What are effort. I will rotate
you looking for when around the room to be
differentiating free able to hear everyone
and bound flow?) communicate with
their partner.

1. Students will 1. The emotions will 1. Students will 1. Students will be

demonstrate reading be written in large identify through given an exit ticket
their vocabulary list font on the board. writing free flow and slip with a number
with correct Students will each bound flow based on one and two. I will
pronunciation (How come to the board, observation. demonstrate two
can you vocalize the read a word, and then (How do we spell free movements. For each
vocabulary list? What underline the word flow and bound flow? movement, the
does the vocabulary they just read. The Which letters are student will write
list sound like? What rest of the class will included? How can either free or bound
sounds do letters embody that emotion. you identify free and flow.
make?) Students will repeat bound flow in a
the exercise so they body?)
can have the
opportunity to read
multiple words.

2. Students will 2. Students will, with 2. Students will 2. Students will

verbally identify the a partner, have a demonstrate light perform light weight
emotion they felt in conversation weight and strong and strong weight
the past, using past including: “How did weight in their with a partner to the
tense. (How did you you feel (student bodies. (How can you class. I will look for
feel this morning? inserts a day or move with light students’ resistence or
How did you feel situation)?” and “I weight? How can you use of gravity.
yesterday? How did felt ____.” move with strong
you feel when ___ Each student will weight?)
happened?) have a turn asking the
question and

providing the answer.

2. Students will 2. Students will 2. Students will 2. As an exit ticket, I

differentiate the past collaboratively write identify through will perform both
tense and present a class book together. writing light weight light weight and
tense when Each student will be and strong weight strong weight and
expressing emotions given two pages of based on observations students will write
the book. The student (How do we spell down which
will write one feeling light weight and demonstration was
phrase in the past strong weight? Which light weight and
tense, and one feeling letters are included? which was strong
phrase in the present How can you identify weight.
tense based on light and strong
situations of their weight in a body?)
choosing. Each
student will also draw
alongside their
sentences. Students
will read their pages
of the book to the
class, and then I will
read the book as a
whole to the class.

2. Students will 2. In small groups,

identify light weight students will go
and strong weight around the circle
verbally based on choosing to perform
observation (how can either light or strong
you say light and weight. The student
strong weight? How to the right will
are these concepts verbally identify the
pronounced?) weight that was just

3. Students will 3. To discover 3. Students will 3. Students will dance

discuss how different emotions within the demonstrate quick in groups across the
emotions feel within body, students will time and sustained space with locomotor
their bodies explore their time in their bodies. movement with quick
emotions from (How can you move time, and then
multiple stimulus with quick time? How sustained time. I will
including stories, can you move with observe the quality
images, and music. sustained time?) for being
Students will then instantaneous or
engage in discussion, lingering.
and key words or

ideas from students
will be noted. *The
discussion may
involve use of

3. Students will 3. As a class, a book 3. Students will 3. As an exit ticket,

identify the emotion will be read while the identify through students will write
of a character in a students embody each writing quick time down either quick or
book in different moment of the book, and sustained time sustained time based
situations (How can which may include based on on the observation of
we evaluate the movement or noises. observations. (How their peer performing
emotions of others?) The prompt “how can you identify quick or sustained
does ___ feel when quick and sustained time.
_____?” will be used. time in a body? How
can you write quick
and sustained time?
How do you spell
quick and sustained

3. Students will 3. In a circle, the first

identify quick time student will move
and sustained time with either quick or
verbally based on sustained time. The
observations student to the right
(How do you say will verbally identify
quick and sustained the time used in the
time? What do quick movement. Then, the
and sustained time partner who just
look like?) verbally identified the
movement will move
with either quick or
sustained time so the
next person can

4. Students will 4. I will give each 4. Students will 4. Students will work
assess the emotion of student a slip of paper compose a movement an independent
a peer who is with an emotion phrase based on their practice in class to
embodying a given written on it. With a emotions that day create a movement
emotion (How does partner, the students (How can you use phrase based on their
your partner feel? will take turns effort qualities to emotions (length and
How do you know embodying their express emotion? music/sound to be
how someone feels? emotion that was Why do these effort determined). During
Can you know how given to them. The qualities represent the independent

someone feels?) partner will write this emotion?) practice, I will
down the emotion observe one on one
they feel their partner with each student to
is expressing. determine progress.

4. Students will 4. Students will create

identify the effort a poster which
qualities used in their explains the effort
movement phrase, qualities in their
and how each effort phrase, and why are
portrays their idea they in their phrase.
(How do the effort
qualities used
represent the emotion
or story portrayed in
the movement?)

5. Students will recall Students will be given 5. Students will 5. Students will
their vocabulary list their vocabulary list discuss why they present their posters
(What emotions have in Balinese and they used the effort created in the
we learned?) will translate the qualities they did to previous class in
words to English. portray their which they identified
Students will hear the emotions. (Why did the effort qualities in
each English you choose the efforts their movement
vocabulary word read to portray your phrase. Students will
out loud, and students emotion?) explain why they
will write it down. chose to

5. Students will Students will share

explain a strength with a small group
and challenge of one element from
theirs in the unit. each prompt based on
Students will journal their entire week of
at the end of each journaling. This may
class based on the be in either their
following prompts native language or
about the day: English.
“I remember ____”
“I felt __________”
“A strength I had
today was ________”
“A challenge I had
today was________”

Unit Scope and Sequence: Description of Each Lesson

●Drawing what it looks like to be different emotions
●Associating emotions with colors
●Roll emotions dice and embody emotion
●Creating nonsense sounds for expression of each emotion
●Create class embodiments of brief movements and also individual movements for the
same word
● Show image to students, and leave emotion blank/silent for them to fill in (“today I feel
___” in The Way I Feel)
● Moving across the space with different emotions
● Analyzing emotions in others


● “The Feelings Book” by Todd Parr

● “The Way I Feel” book
● “All Kinds of Feelings” book
● “My Many Colored Days” book
● Poster Paper
● Music
● Markers
● 8.5x11 printer paper: 2 per student and extras
● Stapler
● Blue notebooks


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