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Washington Archibald High School

Department Test Consumer Arithmetic Wages

1) A typist is paid a basic wage of $22.50 per hour for a 40-hour week.

i. Calculate the typist’s basic weekly wage. (1 mark)

Overtime is paid at one and a half times the basic hourly rate.

ii. Calculate the overtime wage for ONE hour of overtime work. (1 mark)

To earn some extra money, the typist decided to work overtime.


iii. The wage she would earn for overtime if she worked for a TOTAL of 52 hours during
a given week. (2 marks)
iv. The number of overtime hours she must work during a given week to earn a TOTAL
wage of $1440. (2 marks)

2) The basic wage earned by a truck driver for a 40-hour week is $560.

i. Calculate his hourly rate. (1 marks)

For overtime work, the driver is paid one and a half times the basic hourly rate.

ii. Calculate his overtime wage for 10 hours of overtime. (2 marks)

iii. Calculate the TOTAL wages earned by the truck driver for a 55-hour week.
(3 marks)

3) The gross monthly salary of a manager is $5 875. Calculate her net annual salary after
deductions of $976 were made monthly. (2 marks)

Define the Terms Below (1 mark each)

1. Flat pay 3. Net 5. Gross

2. Wage 4. Tax 6. Commission

Total 20 marks

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