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Award Address

Depression and Gender

An International Review

Frances M. Culbertson
University of Wisconsin--Whitewater and Mental Health Associates

This article reviews and updates major research findings answer some questions associated with the differences
on depressive disorders and gender relationships in the between women and men in the occurrence of depression
United States and abroad. It also considers some of the observed in some countries.
World Health Organization's assessment instruments that
may clarify the relationship between depression and gen- Review of Literature on Gender and
der and its cross-cultural ramifications. With psychology Depression
converging across national boundaries and with gender
being a variable in psychological research both nation- Although there has been much research on gender in the
ally and internationally, gender and its relationship to United States, gender as a research variable has not been
depressive states is emerging as a focal point of interest widely used in studies conducted outside the United
and concern. States. Despite W H O ' s long history of research on de-
pression, those efforts did not include psychology until
recently, and the inclusion of gender differences in de-
pression has not become part of W H O ' s research.

B eginning in the 1970s and continuing to the present

day, two important and stimulating developments
in the area of depression have occurred cross-
culturally. One development was represented by the be-
ginning studies of Weissman and Klerman (1977) on sex
This article reviews seven significant publications
that together form an important part of the foundation for
a cross-cultural understanding of depression and gender
differences. These studies, listed chronologically, are as
follows: (a) W H O ' s publications from 1973 to 1995; (b)
differences and the epidemiology of depression. The studies by the National Institute of Mental Health
other development was marked by the World Health Or- (NIMH; Depression Awareness, Recognition, and Treat-
ganization's (WHO's) initiations into the areas of stan- ment [D/ART] Program, 1987); (c) psychiatric .studies of
dardization of psychiatric diagnosis, classification, and Weissman and Klerman (1977; Klerman & Weissman,
statistics (Sartorius, 1972; WHO, 1973) and its concomi- 1989); (d) an American Psychological Association (APA)
tant development of assessment instruments that have task force report (McGrath, Keita, Strickland, & Russo,
proved to be reliable and valid across nations (Janca, 1990); (e) Nolen-Hoeksema's (1990) study on sex differ-
Ustun, & Sartorius, 1994). ences in depression; (f) 1993 publications by the Depres-
sion Guideline Panel and the Agency for Health Care
Gender and Depression Policy and Research (AHCPR); and (g) the National Co-
For the past 30 years or so, in the United States and morbidity Study by Kessler, McGonagle, and Zhao
internationally, women have experienced depression (1994).
about twice as frequently as men. Some researchers even
quote a f e m a l e - m a l e ratio of 3:1 for depression (Kler-
man & Weissman, 1989; Wetzel, 1994). For major de- Editor's note. A version of this article was originally presented as
pression, which is more impairing than a number of other part of an Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International
medical conditions, the ratio has been reported as four Advancement of Psychology address at the 103rd Annual Convention
of the American PsychologicalAssociation, New York,August 1995.
women for every man, although rates vary with ethnicity
and culture (Sileo, 1990). For bipolar disorder (manic Author's note. Frances M. Culbertson, Department of Psychology,
depression), the rates are equal between the sexes (Weis s - University of Wisconsin--Whitewater, and Mental Health Associates,
man, 1987). Madison, WI.
Given these ratios for depression in women and men, I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to Robert
gender is an important variable in cross-culturally con- Koehler and Alice Cunninghamfor their assistance in library searches.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
ceptualizing, assessing, and treating depression. Cross- Frances M. Culbertson, Mental HealthAssociates, 20 South Park Street,
cultural research on depression and gender should help Suite 403, Madison, WI 53716.

January 1997 • American Psychologist 25

Copyright 1997 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0003-066X/97/$2.00
Vol. 52, No. 1, 25-31
World Hrmlth Organization's Studies and other Westem nations (NIMH, D/ART Program,
Research in the field of clinical depression has been an 1987). The results of this major study reported the life-
ongoing task for WHO from the 1970s to the mid-1990s time prevalence of affective disorders, which included
and undoubtedly will continue for some time. In a WHO depression, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse, and
report, Sartorius (1979) estimated that more than 100 the comorbidity of these disorders. This review also in-
million individuals in the world suffer from depression vestigated the relationship between gender and depres-
and these 100 million people then affect three times as sion. It found that women had higher rates of depression
many other people during their illness. Also, Sartorius than men, with a ratio of 2:1 being very common. Only
reported that the recognition of culture as an important bipolar depression occurred with equal frequency in
variable in depression studies led to studying depressive women and men. The D/ART Program review suggested
disorders in five different cultures: Basel, Switzerland; that there were three possible explanations for this differ-
Montreal, Canada; Nagasaki and Tokyo, Japan; and Teh- ence: (a) Women were more willing than men to seek
ran, Iran. Three goals in Sartorius et al.'s (1983) study help and thus were recorded in the database of depression
were to develop simple, reliable instruments to measure in higher numbers; (b) biological differences in women
depression in different cultures; to obtain descriptions of and men may have been a causal factor; and (c) psychoso-
the depressive states that may occur in these different cial factors, such as different rearing environments, dif-
cultures"; and to establish a network of field centers for ferent social roles, and less favorable economic and so-
further research. This 10-year study led to the findings cial opportunities and positions in their world, may have
that cross-cultural studies were feasible and appropriate had a relevant influence. It was theorized that depression
for long-term, follow-up investigations and that the sim- in men may be concealed by their use of alcohol.
ple assessment instruments used in this study were reli- With regard to treatment strategies, the NIMH,
able (Sartorius et al., 1983). D/ART Program (1987) report indicated that antidepres-
In 1989, Sartorius reported that WHO was engaged sive drugs and short-term psychotherapies were effective.
in a 10-year follow-up study of depression involving a The D/ART Program also stressed the need to research
number of different countries to examine whether the gender in relation to treatment.
positive findings of symptom similarity would be more In addition, the NIMH, D/ART Program's (1987)
generally confirmed. In addition, he reported that WHO review of studies o f depression reported that although
had produced new cross-cultural instruments for as- women were more susceptible to depression than men in
sessing mental health status that were proving to be reli- later life, prior to adolescence there was no such gender
able and valid for cross-cultural studies. difference. Also in this report, the D/AKr Program noted
Sartorius (1993) noted that WHO's program in epi- the progress that was occurring internationally in assess-
demiological psychiatry had three achievements: The first ment and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders by WHO,
was its contribution of knowledge to the field of mental especially in developing consistent diagnostic criteria for
illness in different sociocultural settings; the second was depression, as much work continues to be needed in this
its contribution to reliable and valid methods (e.g., assess- area. The hope was expressed that better cross-cultural
ment procedures), which allow for meaningful national research studies would assist in determining the biologi-
and cross-cultural studies; and the third was the develop- cal and psychosocial determinants related to gender dif-
ment of a network of participating individuals and cen- ferences and depression in all national and international
ters. The WHO reports on the assessment instruments studies. The D/ART Program emphasized the importance
relevant for cross-cultural studies of depression, research of longitudinal studies to support an understanding of the
beginning in the 1980s and continuing into the 1990s, relationship between early development and childhood
are discussed later in this article. depression and between childhood depression and adult
WHO has been a major contributor to cross-cultural depression.
studies of depression, but these research programs mainly
have been in primary medical care or hospital settings
Psychiatric Studies
where there are few, if any, psychologists. But this is now In 1989, Klerman and Weissman reported findings of
a changing condition, and engagement of psychologists several large epidemiologic studies that suggested a per-
in medical settings may provide avenues for psycholo- sistent gender effect. The studies were conducted in the
gists to also become involved in WHO research. It should United States, Sweden, Germany, Canada, New Zealand,
be noted that with the influx of psychologists in this field Puerto Rico, and Korea. The review of these studies by
of study, gender studies may be more likely to become Klerman and Weissman reported temporal changes in
part of WHO's research programs. As noted above, at depression for cohorts born after World War II as follows:
present, WHO studies do not involve gender compari- (a) Onset periods of depression were decreased, and in-
sons, although they do include equal numbers of men creases occurred in late adolescence or early adulthood;
and women in their samples. (b) rates of depression increased for all participants from
Awareness, Recognition, and
tment Program
In 1987, NIMH published a review of the epidemiologi-
1960 to 1975; (c) women were persistently reported to
be two-three times more likely to be depressed than
men across all adult ages; (d) a persistent family effect
cal studies of depression conducted in the United States occurred; and (e) there was a suggestion of a narrowing

26 January 1997 • American Psychologist

of differential risk to men and women due to a rise in other studies and countries were excluded from her analy-
the risk of depression in young men. These findings oc- ses. Of the studies she included in her analyses, women
curred in samples from the United States, Sweden, Ger- were diagnosed as having depressive disorders signifi-
many, Canada, and New Zealand but not in samples from cantly more frequently than men, at a 2:1 ratio. She also
Korea and Puerto Rico nor in the sample of Mexican found that women reported a greater number of de-
Americans living in the United States. pressive symptoms than did men.
American Psychological Association's Task Force Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
on Depression
In 1993, AHCPR published two volumes on depression
In 1990, APA published its task force findings on depres- in primary care. These volumes provide guidelines for
sion among women in the United States (McGrath et al., patients and primary care physicians regarding detection
1990). The findings regarding gender and depression and treatment of depression in primary care settings.
were as follows: In the United States, women were at They also report gender differences related to depression.
higher risk for depression than were men because of In its epidemiologic report on depression in primary care,
socioeconomic, biological, and emotional variables; AHCPR noted that in Western industrialized nations, for
women's personalities and cognitive styles and lack of major depression, the incidence was 2% for men and 5 -
problem-solving strategies were associated with de- 9% for women. The lifetime risk factor was 7 - 1 2 % for
pressive states; posttraumatic stress, as in sexual or physi- men and 2 0 - 2 5 % for women. AHCPR also found that
cal abuse, was noted as one of the major contributing risk factors for gender differences occurred in community
factors to depression; married women were more likely samples and therefore were not due to female-seeking
to be depressed, and the more children there were in behaviors, a factor reported to be associated with depres-
the family, the greater was the frequency of reported sion in women. These findings were also reported as
depression; and lastly, for women, economic status was being unrelated to race, education, income, and civil
highly related to reported depressive symptoms, and pov- status.
erty was found to be a "pathway to depression"
(McGrath et al., 1990, p. xii). Given these findings,
The National Comorbidity Study
McGrath et al. suggested that treatment involve a careful Finally, in 1994, Kessler eL al., in their National Comor-
diagnosis and that cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, bidity Study, conducted the first national mental health
and sociocultural feminist therapy as treatment modal- survey in the United States using a modified WHO diag-
ities, as well as medications, be closely monitored for nostic instrument developed for cross-cultural work. The
treatment efficacy. results of this study revealed that women, as compared
with men, had a lifetime and 12-month prevalence of
Work by Nolen-Hoeksema depression of almost 2:1, confirming the findings pre-
viously reported. Other findings of interest were that fe-
In 1990, Nolen-Hoeksema published her book Sex Differ-
male adolescents had a higher ratio of depression than
ences in Depression, which reviewed studies of depres-
male adolescents, Hispanics in the sample were the high-
sion and gender conducted outside the United States.
est reporters of depression, and African Americans were
Nolen-Hoeksema reported on gender differences in de-
the lowest reporters of depression. Kessler et al. noted
pression in individuals from high-income countries (de-
that despite the complexities of assessing and diagnosing
veloped countries) and low-income countries (developing
depression, a 2:1 ratio for depression in women com-
countries). In her review of studies of treated cases of
pared to men cross-culturally, especially in the developed
depression outside the United States, Nolen-Hoeksema
countries, has been fairly reliable.
reported that there was a mean 2:1 female-male ratio of
depression in developed nations. However, in studies of Current Status of Gender Differences in
depression outside the developed nations, she reported
no significant findings of female-male depression differ-
ences, especially in developing countries. These findings Some recent studies, however, have reported different
led her to suggest that the culture of a country is a sig- findings--findings showing a higher rate of depression
nificant determinant of female-male differences in among men, which may lead to changes in the currently
depression. accepted ratio of 2:1 between women and men. In 1992,
Nolen-Hoeksema (1990) also reported that high- Weissman, Bruce, Leaf, Florio, and Holzer found the
income countries, for example, Sweden, Denmark, and ratio of depression in women to men to b e 2.41:1. But,
Australia, had significant gender differences in depression the more recent National Comorbidity Study by Kessler
whereas low-income countries, for example, Nigeria and et al. in 1994 showed a ratio of 1.7:1 of women compared
Uganda, did not. However, these findings cannot be gener- to men, indicating a higher relative rate of depressive
alized to all high-low-income countries. As Nolen- disorders for men than previously reported. Furthermore,
Hoeksema noted, her review of studies from 1956 to 1981 in both studies, the rates of depression in men between
included only those investigations that were considered the ages of 20 and 30 were higher than in women, similar
adequate in methodology and design; therefore, many to the NIMH, D/ART Program (1987) findings. Kessler

January 1997 • American Psychologist 27

et al.' s findings of higher ratios of depression for female Conceptualization of Depression
adolescents as compared with male adolescents support
the 1991 data of Reinherz, Frost, and Bilge that higher There appear to be consistent findings, no matter what
diagnostic instruments are used or where people are as-
ratios of depression were occurring in younger people
sessed (e.g., in a community, a hospital, a primary care
than in older people and, at younger age levels, female
facility, educational settings), that women experience de~
adolescents were reported to be experiencing higher lev-
pressive states more frequently than men, with the ratio
els of depression than male adolescents.
of 2:1 appearing to be robust. However, it is not known
It must be noted that not all of the research findings
if the depressive states are similar or different. Who is
across cultures are the same with respect to rates of de-
more likely to show depressive-anxiety disorders? Who
pression and gender differences. In developing countries,
is more likely to experience major depressive disorders?
the depression and gender ratios are not the same as those
Is the depressive experience similar in men and women?
reported above. Kisekka (1990) noted the 1972 study of
Orley in which gender differences in psychiatric institu- Are the symptoms of depression similar or different
tions of Africa were compared. Orley found higher rates across cultures? Do male and female assessors in differ-
ent nations evaluate depression and patient problems sim-
for men than for women, in contrast to the findings of
no gender differences by Nolen-Hoeksema (1990). To ilarly? To answer these questions, reliable and valid in-
account for this difference, Kisekka speculated that the struments are needed that will generate accurate and
gender differences may have been due to men in the work meaningful data.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
situation being more readily referred for mental health
Disorders (4th ed.; American Psychiatric Association,
assistance; that men were more aggressive, and this ag-
1994) is an attempt to provide a common diagnostic plan
gression was more likely to be noted by the police; and
with an agreed-upon conceptualization and language for
that most referrals to institutions came from the police.
mental disorders in the United States. This manual, as
To account for the women's findings, Kisseka noted that
women, more often than men, might seek out alternative well as the International Classification of Diseases
(WHO, 1992), provides a system for classification of
facilities for help, such as churches and "indigenous,
disordered behaviors and diagnoses of mental disorders,
traditional healers."
such as depression, that can be used in most countries
Another study of psychiatric disorders in two Afri-
around the world. However, although these diagnostic
can villages in Uganda by Orley, Blitt, and Wing (1979)
systems are presently used, a universally acceptable con-
found no differences in depressive states between men
ceptualization, assessment, and diagnosis of depression
and women. An interesting sidenote to their study is that
continues to be problematic (Kleinman & Good, 1985).
they found depression to be the highest reported disorder
for all Ugandans and that Ugandan village women, as World Health Organization's Assessment
compared with women living in the inner suburbs of Instruments
London, were more likely to report depression; the re-
ported depression was more severe; and twice as many In an endeavor to provide instruments of "common lan-
of the Ugandan women as compared with the British guage," WHO, over three decades, developed and re-
women were reported to be depressed. searched a group of instruments for assessing mental
Studies of depression in developed nations provide disorders, labeled the Composite International Diagnos-
some fairly consistent findings regarding gender differ- tic Interview (CIDI), the Schedules for Clinical Assess-
ences in depression. The findings from low-income na- ment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN), and the International
tions, such as Africa, yield mixed gender-depression ra- Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE; Loranger et
tios. Further cross-cultural research, including that done al., 1994). To date, these instruments have been field-
on high-income and low-income nations' differences, and tested in 30 centers around the world. Data are now
developed and developing countries' differences, in emerging that indicate the instruments are deemed to
gender-depression relationships is needed to allow re- be generally acceptable, appropriate, and reliable across
searchers to understand the underlying factors of gender- cultures (Janca et al., 1994; Sartorius, 1994; Wing, Babor,
depression ratio differences. Cross-cultural research will Jablensky, Regier, & Sartorius, 1990; Wittchen, Rob-
prevent researchers from making erroneous assumptions ins, & Cottler, 1992).
and inferences about depression as well as illuminate The CIDI instrument has a core version (CIDI Core
cultural variables that contribute to or mitigate against Version 1:1) that is a highly structured instrument in-
depression, particularly gender differences. tended for use by trained lay interviewers. The SCAN
Although continued cross-cultural research is instrument is primarily designed for experienced clinical
needed to gain a better understanding of depression and psychologists or psychiatrists to apply in clinical settings.
gender (see discussion in the Conceptualization of De- It is a semistructured assessment instrument for adults
pression section below), there is another important issue and consists of an interview schedule, a present-state
that needs to be addressed as research data are gathered. examination, a glossary of differential definitions, an
That issue is the conceptualization and assessment of item-group checklist, and a clinical-history schedule. It
depression in research studies and its importance to the is a much more comprehensive instrument than the CIDI.
understanding of these differences. The IPDE assesses characteristics of mental health prob-

28 January 1997 • American Psychologist

lems relevant to a diagnosis of personality disorder. This sued by WHO (Sartorius, 1989). Hopefully, gender com-
instrument is also intended to be used by experienced parisons will also be explored.
clinical psychologists or psychiatrists. Risk factors that lead to depressive states in a culture
The University of Michigan Survey Research Center are also being studied by WHO. McGrath et al. (1990)
used a modified CIDI instrument in Kessler et al.'s (1994) reported that in the United States, women's risk factors
study of lifetime and 12-month prevalence of Diagnostic for depression include reproductive issues, personality
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., styles, sexual and physical abuse, marriage and children,
rev.; American Psychiatric Association, 1987) psychiatric minority status, and genetic factors. Are these risk factors
disorders in the United States. This was the first study for depression common to women around the world?
to administer a structured psychiatric interview (modified Developmental stages and their relationships to de-
CIDI) to a national probability sample. Recently, pressive disorders, particularly in the aging population,
Wittchen et al. (1992) conducted a study on the cross- have become an important research area in understanding
cultural feasibility and reliability of the CIDI. WHO and depressive states. Are there psychological differences and
other researchers are continuing to collect data using stresses at different age levels (developmental periods
these assessment instruments across a number of of life) that give rise to depressive disorders? Do these
countries. different developmental inputs and depressive disorders
Training and reference centers throughout the world require different treatment approaches?
are now open to assist mental health clinicians, psycholo- The significance of developmental levels to the un-
gists, psychiatrists, and other researchers in the use of derstanding and treatment of aging persons and depres-
these instruments. Training in the administration and in- sion has been pinpointed in the work of Newman, Engel,
terpretation of the CIDI in the United States is available and Jensen (1991). They investigated characteristics of
at the Department of Psychiatry of the Washington Uni- early and later aging in women, particularly their de-
versity School of Medicine. Training in the administration pressive symptom differences. Their findings indicated
and interpretation of the SCAN instrument is available that there were two different depressive symptom patterns
at the University of Connecticut Health Center, Farm- in the aging sample. The pattern in the younger age co-
ington; the Washington University School of Medicine; horts was labeled depressive syndrome. The pattern in
and the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and the older age cohorts was labeled depletion syndrome.
Public Health. IPDE training centers are located at the The elderly depletion syndrome had the features of
Cornell Medical Center. These instruments should be a self-worthlessness, a feeling of no interest in things, loss
significant resource for psychologists interested in cross- of appetite, a general sense of hopelessness, and thoughts
cultural research in mental disorders, especially depres- of death or dying. Symptoms of dysphoric mood and
sion, by providing common assessment tools for cross- self-blame were not significant variables, as is usually
cultural comparisons. It is important for researchers to found in the classic depressive symptom model. Thus, it
remember that except for Kessler et al.'s (1994) study, was suggested that older persons may be at decreased
gender in WHO work has not been a variable, and yet risk for the classic depression syndrome but at increased
the importance of understanding the role of gender in risk for a quieter, more unconventional form that is not
mental health assessment and treatment is crucial, nation- recognized in the mental health setting. Newman et al.
ally and internationally. (1991) stated that two very different pictures of the men-
tal health of the aging population, especially regarding
How Cross-Cultural Research Informs depression, may be emerging. These findings need further
Work on Women and Depression study in order to test their cross-cultural validity and
reflect the importance of including developmental stages
The additional issues regarding depression in women that in cross-cultural research on depression.
need to be considered for cross-cultural comparisons are
(a) continued work on symptom similarities of depres- Conclusion
sion in men and women; (b) risk factors for depression, From the review of the studies reported in this article,
such as educational, economic, social, political, and cul- the ratio of women to men for depression is about 2:1 in
tural factors and their interactions; and (c) developmental developed countries, but for developing countries, the
stages and their relationships with depressive disorders. ratios vary, with most reporting no differences in ratios.
Generally, depression is defined as a disorder of the For major depression, the ratio is more often reported as
mind that affects the physical, psychological, and social 3:1 or 4:1, and for bipolar disorder, it is more likely to
functioning of an individual. Most investigators consider be reported as 1:1. According to the literature reported
reports of sadness, helplessness, eating disturbances, so- above, these ratio differences appear to be fairly reliable
cial withdrawal, loss of ability to concentrate, ideas of and stable. Symptom similarities for depression across
inadequacy or worthlessness, tension, lack of energy, and nations also appear to be fairly reliable. Findings from
anxiety to be signs or symptoms of depression (Beck, current, ongoing WHO studies (Sartorius, 1993; Thorni-
Ward, Mendelsohn, Mack, & Erbaugh, t961; McGrath croft & Sartorius, 1993), with many more nations partici-
et al., 1990). Are these symptoms universal and cross- paring in these studies, will more firmly establish the
culturally similar? This question is presently being put- findings reported here.

January 1997 • American Psychologist 29

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Correction to "APA-Accredited Predoctoral Internships

for Doctoral Training in Psychology: 1996"

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