Academic Dishonesty

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Academic Dishonesty

Academic Dishonesty

The academic article that I found is called “Promoting Academic Integrity in the Context of 21st

Century Technology”. This article explained how academic integrity is a fundamental value and

that maintaining that value is central to achieving the mission of providing high-quality

instructional programs (Solmon, 2018). The author states that “cheating in academic settings is a

widespread problem” (4) and that the perception is that the growth of technology in recent years

has compounded this concern. The author, Melinda Solmon, provides an overview of the issues

related academic dishonesty and the problems that are associated with cheating on college

campuses and online. A variety of ways technology can be used by students to cheat in online

courses are mentioned throughout this article. The article doesn’t just describe how cheating can

occur in online classes but also offers strategies that can be used to decrease cheating and

promote ethical behavior. The responsibility of preventing cheating and promoting ethical

behavior falls on administrators and faculty. The author investigated what the underlying

motivation for academic misconduct in students were. Solmon found that there is evidence that

shows college students do not see cheating as wrong (Solmon, 2018). They believe that they are

utilizing the resources that are given to them when in actuality they are cheating and being

dishonest about the knowledge that they hold. This was founded by a survey given to multiple

college groups of all ages. They were asked how they felt about cheating in online classes as

well as on campus (Solmon, 2018). These findings proved that students did not believe that

using outside recourses without properly citing was considered cheating. One strategy that the

author offers for academic integrity is to make sure to give the students access to appropriate
Academic Dishonesty
support when they are accused of plagiarism and propose a model. The goal is to always be

supportive of the students.

Academic Dishonesty

Solmon, M. A. (2018). Promoting Academic Integrity in the Context of 21st Century

Technology. Kinesiology Review,7(4), 314-320. doi:10.1123/kr.2018-0042

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