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Year 1 – Week 2

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Morning warm up Complete phonics Clean up the kitchen Complete phonics Help make dinner. Teach someone at home
treasure hunt number 1. after a meal. treasure hunt number 2. how to wash their hands.
Morning English English English English English

Writing Writing Writing Writing My Time Capsule

 Write a letter to a  Narrative: Write a  Procedure: Write  Complete the all  Write a letter to
teacher from story called I’m a procedure on about me page in yourself in the
school. stuck! How to wash your your time capsule back of your time
hands. journal. capsule journal.
Fitness: Go be active for Fitness: Go be active for
10 mins. See Extra 10 mins. Fitness: Go be active for Fitness: Go be active for Fitness: Go be active for
Resources on website for 10 mins. 10 mins. 10 mins.
ideas. Wushka Reader: choose a
reader and do the activity Wushka Reader: choose a Handwriting: Letter Y Wushka Reader: choose a
reader and do the activity reader and do the activity
Wushka Reader: choose a Wushka Reader: choose a
Spelling: Make a memory
reader and do the activity Spelling: Choose a reader and do the activity Spelling: Choose a spelling
game and play against a
spelling game from the game from the placemat
family member.
Spelling: Word jar game. placemat to complete to complete using words
using words form the form the memory game.
memory game.
Middle Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths

Fractions: Watch video Fractions: Complete Fractions: Exploring Fractions: Exploring Prodigy
fractions worksheets: Fractions – Fair Feast Fractions – Paper Halving
Choose 5 or more worded One Half, Read and View paper halving ideas
fractions questions to Colour the Fraction and from website. Complete
answer. Halves and Quarters. activity.
Afternoon Inquiry (HASS) Inquiry (Science) Inquiry (Science) Greek My art portfolio

Sort out activity Me as a scientist Copy the Greek writing Still Art
 Use the food View the YouTube video:  Check on your on the front of the
listed in the “peel different parts of plants. seeds and activity and draw your Which fruit will you choose
the fruit” activity Colour and label the complete your 2nd family enjoying time to draw?
and sort them different parts of a visual record of together at home. What
out. Which ones flower. Write a sentence your seeds. Draw, are the fun activities you
are natural? about what each part of label and do?
Which ones are the flower does. measure.

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