Assistive Technologies

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Assistive Technologies

Assistive Technologies

One assistive technology that I found to be innovative is Text to Speech (TTS). This piece of

technology helps students with disabilities that would prevent them from being able to write or

type. Common print disabilities can include blindness, dyslexia or any type of visual

impairment, learning disability or other physical condition that impedes the ability to read

(2019). However, other students benefit for TTS technology, such as children that have autism,

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or an intellectual disability. This innovative

piece of technology works by scanning and then reading the words to the student in a synthesized

voice, using a large number of speech sounds that make up words in any given context. Some

different types of TTS offered are Intel Reader and Kurzweil 3000. One thing that I find

misleading is the cost for this piece of technology. They range from $79.95 to $1,599.99,

having a price gap that large will make consumers believe that one program will offer more than

another program. I believe that this will be very beneficial for a school to purchase to use school

wide. I do not believe that is it made for families to easily purchase for their children in their

home. I believe that this piece of technology is better than a student having a one-on-one who

has to write down what they say for him. This helps the students gain the independence they

need to become successful adults.

Assistive Technologies

Work Citied

Posted March 8, 2. |. (2019, April 04). 5 Assistive Technology Tools That Are Making a Difference.

Retrieved from


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