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Hydroelectric Project Quimbo

In 2007, the Hydroelectric Construction project was declared Socioeconomically viable and by
resolution 899 of May 15, 2009, the environmental license was granted to the company EMGESA S.A.
E.S.P for construction El Quimbo Hydroelectric Project, located in the jurisdiction of the municipalities
of Garzón, Gigante, El Agrado, Paicol, Tesalia and Altamira, in the Department of Huila. Project that
contemplates the formation of a reservoir on the Magdalena River by means of a dam in the canyon
sector called El Quimbo, located about 1300 m upstream from the mouth of the Paez river. This project
is born from a national energy auction, in the Government of President Álvaro Uribe Vélez, states that it
is necessary to guarantee the energy sustainability of the country until the year 2030, being the
Quimbo one of the 3 largest power generation projects within the Plan of Expansion of the CREG 2014-
2019, after Hidroituango and Hidrosogamoso. Project that was built in an area of high seismic and
volcanic risk, also involved the ood of 8,586 hectares, which submerged important natural ecosystems,
areas of archaeological interest, as well as numerous farms for agricultural production, affecting in turn
the rights of local communities to decide on their territory and protect their ways of life.

Main Works of the Quimbo

Results of the Audit

The visit was made without any inconvenience or setback
and they were made available to the audit team.No relevant
ndings were found in the route, however the following
recommendations were made:
• Expose in strategic points the Environmental Policy of the
• Train all project staff about the company's Environmental Request a report on the nal disposal of solid waste
Policy, including operational and assistance charges. and contaminants of certi ed collection companies.
• Carry out the monitoring of the nal disposal of solid and
polluting waste of the companies responsible for the
collection, transport and treatment of such waste.

Finds found by other sources ANLA. (2017). News | The ANLA con rms the sanction
to Emgesa S.A. E.S.P. for breach of the obligations
established in the environmental license of the
According to the document of April 4, 2019 issued by hydroelectric project "el quimbo".
the Government of Huila to the National Authority of Retrieved on May 8, 2019, from
Environmental Licenses - ANLA, the company should rma-
have started the revegetation and / or reforestation sancion-emgesa-sa-esp-incumplimientolas-
of the 64 hectares on the left margin of the protection obligaciones-establecidas-licencia 
strip, in which it should be established during the Governorate of Huila. (2019). Declaration of
rst year of operation. In which it is considered that moratorium on the El Quimbo Hydroelectric Project
the company has not complied with this requirement. Environmental License. Neiva: Governorate of Huila.
The company also failed to comply with the Recovered from:
preventive measure imposed by the Alto Magdalena http:// le:///C:/Users/acbah/Downloads/documento
Autonomous Regional Corporation, which ordered %20de%20moratoria%20(1).pdf  
the suspension of logging and logged more than 95% Quimbo | Enel-Codensa. (2019). Retrieved from
of the area of the reservoir, without lifting the
preventive measure. Having carried out the study in emgesa/el-quimbo.html 
the area of the reservoir when only 5% of the forest
remained, it did not allow us to know the species of
epiphytes present there, with which the gravity of the
ecosystem of the tropical dry forest and the survival
Photographic record and annex
of species destroyed .

Audit conclusions
In carrying out the audit, the compliance of the
company with SGA implemented and established by
the objective of the audit was evidenced, although no
relevant ndings were found in the route.
We identi ed possible ndings that were identi ed
by information provided by the Government of Huila
in which they were not exposed in the journey and
therefore should be taken into account as potential
non-conformities in which corrections should be
made to such non-conformities to reach the
established standards.

Improve billboard of communication about the
environmental policy of the company
check list:
AndreaCamila Bahamon Peña
Lista de Chequeo.pdf C.C 1018417713 Grupo 34
por Andrea Bahamon


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