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Stem and Leaf

Exercise 2
1 Stem Parts
4 Leaf Parts

2 Stem Modifications
5 Leaf Morphology and

3 Bud Types
6 Questions for Research
Stem Parts

Stem Modification
Plant Habit: Aerial and erect to ascending Plant Habit: Underground and rosette- Plant Habit: Underground and rosette-
shrub forming forming
Stem Type: Woody Stem Type: Herbaceous Stem Type: Herbaceous
Phyllotaxy: Alternately decussate Phyllotaxy: Whorled-basal Phyllotaxy: Whorled
Stem Modification: Thorn Stem Modification: Bulb Stem Modification: Bulbous
Plant Habit: Erect Plant Habit: Precumbent Plant Habit: Erect
Stem Type: Herbaceous Stem Type: Herbaceous Stem Type: Woody
Phyllotaxy: Alternate Phyllotaxy: Opposite decussate Phyllotaxy: Alternately
Stem Modification: Rhizome Stem Modification: Produces latex that Stem Modification: Prickle
can cause dermatitis and others
Plant Habit: Erect Plant Habit: Forbs - subaerial
Stem Type: Herbaceous Stem Type: Herbaceous
Phyllotaxy: Opposite decussate Phyllotaxy: Alternate
Stem Modification: Rhizome Stem Modification: Runners
Plant Habit: Climbing - aerial Plant Habit: Upright- underground
Stem Type: Herbaceous Stem Type: Herbaceous
Phyllotaxy: Alternate Phyllotaxy: Alternate
Stem Modification: Tendrils Stem Modification: Tuber
Bud Types

Bud classification: Terminal

Bud structural type: Mixed, Protected
Bud classification: Axillary / Lateral Bud classification: Collateral Bud classification: Terminal
Bud structural type: Mixed, Naked Bud structural type: Flower, Protected Bud structural type: Mixed, Protected
Leaf Parts

Base Petiole


Type: Simple Type: Compound – Odd Pinnate

Leaf Morphology and
Leaf Form: Simple Leaf Form: Simple Leaf Form: Simple
Phyllotaxy: Opposite Phyllotaxy: Alternate Phyllotaxy: Whorled
Blade shape: Elliptic Blade shape: Ovate Blade shape: Ovate
Venation: Netted- arcuate Venation: Netted- palmate Venation: Netted- palmate
Margin: Entire- undulate Margin: Serrate Margin: Entire- undulate
Apex: Acuminate Apex: Acuminate Apex: Broadly acuminate
Base: Attenuate Base: Attenuate Base: Rotund
Surface: Adaxial Surface: Abaxial Surface: Adaxial
Stipules: Present Stipules: Absent Stipules: Absent
Modification: Leaf and stipular glands Modification: Puberulent Modification: Bracts
Leaf Form: Simple Leaf Form: Aveoles Leaf Form: Simple
Phyllotaxy: Opposite Phyllotaxy: Alternate Phyllotaxy: Alternate
Blade shape: Lanceolate Blade shape: Obovate Blade shape: Ovate
Venation: Pinnate Venation: None Venation: Pinnate
Margin: Entire Margin: Entire Margin: Serrate
Apex: Cuspidate Apex: Rounded Apex: Acuminate
Base: Rounded Base: Rounded Base: Attenuate
Surface: Adaxial Surface: Surface: Adaxial
Stipules: Present Stipules: Absent Stipules: Present
Modification: None Modification: Spine Leaves/Succulent Modification: None
Leaf Form: Pedate Leaf Form: Simple Leaf Form: Odd- pinnately compound
Phyllotaxy: Alternate Phyllotaxy: Whorled Phyllotaxy: Opposite
Blade shape: Lanceolate Blade shape: Ovate Blade shape: Elliptic
Venation: Palmate Venation: Pinnate Venation: Pinnate
Margin: Denticulate Margin: Crenate Margin: Entire
Apex: Cuspidate Apex: Acute Apex: Acuminate
Base: Oblique Base: Truncate Base: Rounded
Surface: Adaxial Surface: Adaxial Surface: Adaxial
Stipules: Absent Stipules: Absent Stipules: Absent
Modification: Adhesive Modification: Fleshy leaves Modification: None
Leaf Form: Simple Leaf Form: Simple Leaf Form: Simple
Phyllotaxy: Unifoliate Phyllotaxy: Alternate Phyllotaxy: Alternate
Blade shape: Subulate Blade shape: Elliptic Blade shape: Toothed
Venation: Parallel Venation: Pinnate Venation: Reticulate
Margin: Ciliate Margin: Crenate Margin: Crenulate
Apex: Cuspidate Apex: Mucronate Apex: Cleft
Base: Gradually tapering Base: Obtuse Base: Saggitate
Surface: Adaxial Surface: Adaxial Surface: Adaxial
Stipules: Absent Stipules: Absent Stipules: Absent
Modification Leaf spines Modification: None Modification: Tendrils
Questions for
Potatoes are tubers produced on
stolons that burrow into the soil.
What stem parts correspond to

Q1 the potatoes’ eyes and the areas

between them?

• Eye – node
• Area between eyes - internode
Briefly discuss hypotheses on
how compound leaves were
phylogenetically derived from

elaborated simple leaves and
reduced branch systems.

• Partial Shoot Theory

• Subdivisions of simple leaves
Do you find compound
leaves ONLY in dicots?
• No
Q4 Is there a significant difference of
compound leaves relative to strong
winds? How about to leaf- eating
animals? Justify your answers.

• Minimized surface area

• Depends on texture and
In cacti, the leaves are reduced into spines. Give some
possible reasons why the cacti underwent such modification.
• Protect the plant
• Provide necessary shade
• Collecting point
• Collect water
In pitcher plants, the leaves terminate
with a pitcher-like structure. In terms of
environmental adaptation, what special
function does this specialized structure
serve the whole plant?
• To help the plant gain its food
through preying on insects.

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