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[08:08, 23/04/2020] SmgVO Ka Odi: Aturan Main On The Spot Challenge

Hari Kamis, 23 April 2020

Haaaaiiii teman-teman. Kali ini, kita mau ajak teman-teman untuk mencoba OTS CHALLENGE BAHASA
INGGRIS yang nantinya akan direview oleh Kak Sita - salah satu anggota keluarga Semarang Voice Over
yang fluently in English.

Harapannya teman-teman jangan malu dan jangan minder untuk mencoba. Karena kedepannya, bisa
saja ada orderan VO yang menuntut kita berbahasa Inggris, entah hanya satu dua kata, satu dua kalimat,
atau full script in English. Biasanya kalau bahasa asing, fee nya juga beda lho tarifnya hohohoho.
Selamat Mencoba
Semangat Berlatih
[08:44, 23/04/2020] SmgVO Ka Odi: [OTS CHALLENGE TRACY]

Tracy is ten years old she lives in a Children's Home but would like a real home one day with a real
family meet Tracy follow her story and share her hopes for the future in this beautifully observed
touching and often very funny tale all told in Tracy's own words

1) Kali ini teman-teman diminta untuk menjadi NARATOR cerita anak berbahasa Inggris, yang kalimat
narasinya masih mentah.

2) Berdasarkan challenge Tracy, coba teman-teman mulai belajar menganalisis pemenggalan kata yang
sesuai dengan kenyamanan saat membacanya.

3) Jangan lupa gunakan


Tracy is ten years old //she lives in a Children's Home/ but would like a real home// one day with a real
family meet/ Tracy follow her story/ and share her hopes for the future// in this beautifully observed
touching/ and often very funny tale/ all told in Tracy's own words

Tracy is ten years old //she lives in a Children's Home/ but would like a real home// one day with a real
family meet/ Tracy follow her story/ and share her hopes for the future/ in this beautifully observed/
touching/ and often very funny tale/ all told in Tracy's own words//

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