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Adjective describe nouns. Adjective give us more information about a noun. Mark and Jane
are carrying a chair. Mark and Jane are carrying a heavy chair.
The adjective “ heavy ’ is describing the noun “ chair “
The adjective is the same for singular nouns and plural noun. Jane is holding a red apple.
There are some red apples on the palte.
Positive of adjectives
1 before a noun ( attributive position) : there is a small in the garden. I have some new shoes.
2 after line verbs ( predicative position) : appear be become feel get look seem small taste
The adjective functions as a subject complement.
The car is old. Jane is feeling cold. The flower smalls nice.
Certain adjectives are used only before the noun ( attributive positive) elder, eldest live main
My elder sister is a teacher. My sister is elder. Wrong
There is a live fish in the aquarium. The fish seems live. Wrong
I crossed the main road. The road is main. Wrong
These adjective are not used after a link verb ( predicative positive)
Certain adjective are used only after a link verb ( predicative position) afraid alone ashamed
asleep, awake
He seems afraid. She is alone for Christmas. He feels ashamed. The baby is asleep. She is
awake. These adjective are not used before the noun ( attributive position)

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