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com:80/Forum/172913/thread/1323844589/2/-BEWARE-+Jeremy+Sil Go NOV DEC JAN

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The New Forum for Classical Singers

Recommendations and Warnings

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Anonymous Wow January 6 2012, 9:11 PM

(Login TenorD)
NFCS Member
Granted this is unacceptable behavior, however, in defense of his and LoMonaco's teachings, here
are two of his students

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deleted January 7 2012, 11:32 AM

Cindy NT
(Login ErdaTX)
NFCS Regular

This message has been edited by ErdaTX on Jan 7, 2012 11:38 AM

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Really? January 7 2012, 11:43 AM

(Login Houndentenor) These are your examples? Granted they are much better than the singers he trotted out for the
NFCS "Time Out" Corner master class I attended. Still, this is not good examples of great singing technique. They are good
examples of talented young singers with good instruments who need to learn how to maximize
resonance and legato to project their voices and not try to muscle the sound.


"I spent most of my childhood being terrified by the question 'Am I normal?'. I'm relieved now that I
know for sure that I am not." -Tom Limoncelli

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VanniCarlo I heard about him January 7 2012, 2:07 PM

(Login vannicarlo)
NFCS Member
What master class are you talking about? My friend used to study with him and they had a
falling out. But he did say he was a good teacher. I was going to take classes with him... but I'm
not sure.

This message has been edited by vannicarlo on Jan 7, 2012 2:08 PM

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Anonymous Re: Really? November 19 2012, 5:47 PM

(Login workingtenor)
NFCS Member
What do you mean by muscle the sound? If you wouldn't mind break it down in a way that a
child could understand. Thanks

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Katherine This is not good January 7 2012, 6:51 PM

(Login katherine65)
NFCS Member
This is not good singing. Both are flat, heavy, awkward and unmusical. Talented but miles from
decent techniques.

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AngeloM. its all a lie February 6 2012, 10:56 AM

(Login jclmiami28)
NFCS Member
This guys are not his students, they have gone maybe to one lesson or two a while back. First
of all, the tenor lives in NYC and yes he studied fist with Thomas LoMonaco and then with
Martina Arroyo and the baritone lives in Spain and comes to Miami once in a while to visit his
family but its not his student, in fact he studies with somebody famous in Barcelona.
this Mr. Macfiero downloaded some of the videos that he had in youtube and uploaded them to
his account, claiming that he is his student. Of course the baritone he has no idea of whats
going on behind the curtains meaning this guy's reputation. This person is dangerous.!

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Sheryl You are right February 6 2012, 2:28 PM

(Login Sheryl83)
NFCS Member
I went for one lesson and there were about 4 or 5 people that were there. I was hoarse after
about 15 minutes and they all tried to convince me it was normal. I heard the tape and I
sounded strident and. Wobbly from what he tried to get me to do. I heard a student of his
named Charles who studied with him ( I heard he since has left) and he sounded pushed
strident and wobbly. I have since run into about 5 or six people who heard his masterclass with
some nasty soprano named Jessica and they claimed not one person sounded good. They all
sounded strident, had vibrato issues and sang inappropriate rep. So I am glad to see this
warning, it is really true stay away. I normally wouldnt be so harsh but he really abused me in
that lesson to the point I went home and cried for hours.

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Sheryl He is very sick April 7 2012, 7:51 AM

(Login Sheryl83)
NFCS Member
He did the same thing to people I know. He is ruining voices and they are all getting worse.
He has some company called Opera Restoration project and they sing for each other and tell
each other how great they are. There is a terrible soprano Erin who is a teacher there. A
friend of mine had a lesson with her and was hoarse for a week after. She never went back.
She told me when Erin demonstrated for her she was totally out of tune on every pitch. I
hope your friend can get him to stop using his clips.

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Angelo He is SICK March 27 2012, 9:09 AM

(Login jclmiami28)
NFCS Member
Ok, this guy needs to be in a mental institution. HE is posting videos of this baritone who went to a
few lessons with him and left him right away because he saw that he was crazy and that his tecnique
was Horrible, and It seems like it really bothered him. He now puts pictures and videos of him on
public forums and on his blog claiming that he is his student plus False emails as well where he
praises himself about his tecnique etc. My friend doesnt know
Go what
do anymore,
JAN it seems like he
is obcessed with him or he has nothing to do at all the whole day and he is trying to make him look
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I didnt think this person was so mentally ill.

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Anonymous I can attest to everything in this... April 18 2012, 2:54 PM

(Login soprano11333)
NFCS Member
I was a student of his, or rather of one of his students that is a teacher and went to take lessons with
him over this past summer. At the end of the trip I didn't exactly agree with his technique and was
skeptical about somethings, as soon as I got back to my home; I found out from some of my friends
that were in Florida that he had started rumors about one of them and had banned 2 students
because they didn't agree with his teaching as well. I am sorry that they had a falling out but from
what I am reading and my experiences down there in the lessons and the talk behind people's back
during performances, I can say that this information is true. He does have a new forum up called
theclassicalsinger he did fashion it after classical singer and I have been on it a few times and it is
the same old drama in the whole group.

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Can you feel the love tonight? April 18 2012, 8:48 PM

King o'high Ds It is where we are!

(Login KingohighDs) It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
NFCS "Time Out" Corner That we got this far...


"All that is gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien

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Ack April 18 2012, 9:13 PM

Shrill What is with the craziness? Was it like this before???? Oh right. That's why I keep leaving but
(Login freakishlyhighsoprano) then someone starts a train wreck and SOMEONE brings it up on Facebook and I can't look away.
NFCS Regular Argh!!!

And then you have to put that Lion King earworm in my ear?!?!?!? I get Thomas songs all day
long already!

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Katherine It was only a question of time April 19 2012, 9:14 AM

(Login katherine65)
NFCS Member
I am surprised that Jeremy took this long to discover this thread. The things he wrote are the
same sort he used to put on CS forum and send to me in email. It was always a litany of how
awful ALL singers were except those he and LoMonaco taught, how dreadful any approach to
teaching was that he did not agree with and on and on, ad nauseum. He will not stop now.
"We've Only Just Begun," as the song goes. He is fond of saying that people are bad teachers
because they have not produced any world class singers. HE has not produced any world class
singers. Sigh, I have been so happy the last year that I could go to a forum without Jeremy.
Alas, it was not meant to be.

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Jonathon Why bash? November 18 2012, 10:42 PM

(Login workingtenor)
I have sang with a few opera companies and I have young artist programs under my belt. I have
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connections with many big names in the business. I'm not working much yet but I will be and I study
30 Dec 2016 with Jeremy. I admit there is a very strong ego involved but this 2015 2016
does not 2017 his teaching.
diminish I'vecapture
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also ears his students and I've hear tons of singers who are having brilliant careers. I have a few
friends who will be big names very soon an they don't study with Jeremy. I've witnessed not only
change in my voice but in others. I have had great great teachers and I've been successful in
contests but it wasn't until I started study with Jeremy that I became happy with singing. It's such a
free sound. As for the video of hector palacios, he stopped study with Tom and Jeremy. He still
needs work but you cannot deny the freedom in that voice. He still needs more work. Even from
comments on this blog they I find a few saying that students who took and knew anything about
singing said and say he is definitely a talented teacher. He teaches a soprano I have know for years
and I've never heard her sound better. He did indeed take over for Tom. Tom asked him to finish his
pedagogy book and to take over his students. Say what you will about Tom but he had the students
to prove he could teach. Many successful professional singers. And as for bill Schumann, he isn't as
great a teacher as you might think! I know many who have left. He doesn't teach the right top. It's
thin and white. Don't believe me that's ok too but I've met and talked to a few of his tenors who left
because of it but he does have fantastic connections!!!! That doesn't make him great. If he were so
great then where are his del monaco's? He doesn't Ben have a Hadley. Tom got sick not vocally but
physical ailment stopped his professional career. I've heard recordings of that man that are
spectacular but aren't released. Jeremy has many of them from tons wife. If Tom didn't trust this guy
then why did he have his blessing. Look, I get it, he only sees it one way and unfortunately his ego
makes him look lacking in vocal technique but I assure u it is quite the opposite. When I started with
him I also ha trouble making it through a lesson without fatigue but now, wow my voice is so strong.
It's crazy!! I understand it doesn't work for everyone but ImHo it is the closest technique to that of the
greats. One has to question why the singing is so different now. Hopefully I am lucky enough to one
day show he is a better teacher than the pounding he is taking here. I also think that some who can't
make it grouch the first lesson are just scared to put faith in the teacher. I admit in my first few
lessons I was so fatigued and worried that it was wrong but 7 months later I know it is was and is the
right move for me. But I also trusted what he was teaching and I still do. I hope that I don't take a
pounding for believing its right. I prayed and I am at peace. Don't knock it til u try it. An for any of you
teachers questioning his ability to teach and asking where his singers are... I like to know where
yours are.

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Why bump old threads? November 19 2012, 5:14 PM

(Login Houndentenor) Did you think you were helping? All you did was poke a stick in a hornet's nest.
NFCS "Time Out" Corner

"I spent most of my childhood being terrified by the question 'Am I normal?'. I'm relieved now that I
know for sure that I am not." -Tom Limoncelli

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