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Post Philosophy Statement

My original pre-personal philosophy statement has not changed at all. I still feel that same way I

felt in my original statement that every student deserves a chance to learn regardless of their needs.

My opinion of excluding a child from a mainstream classroom is not how you handle children with

disabilities. I witnessed for myself how integrating a special needs student in the classroom is

beneficial to their sense of self. I still believe that being around their peers is so important and

helps them to feel like they are a normal part of society. I still feel that this is how it should be and

how it should always be. I think excluding students from the mainstream classroom does them

more harm than good. My inspiration to be a special education teacher still comes from my

nephew, however, Mrs. Mooshaigian inspired me not just to be a teacher but to be a good teacher.

I did not observe a special education teacher in the classroom. Therefore, I can only answer

intuitively and I believe your role as a special education teacher is to never give up on your students

and their learning abilities. Every student can learn. My goals for my students with special

education needs is no to focus on what they can’t do and focus on what they can. I think that that

special needs students learn best when you treat them like everyone else. I believe that teachers

owe their students with special education needs respect regardless of their learning disabilities.

They need to feel cared for and they need to know that you have their backs.

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