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A UDP Project Business Model Report on


Nishant kushram (160050109023)
Rahul mandal (160050109025)
Pruthvirajsinh (160050109026)
Rashi chafekar (170053109002)

Group ID:-
Under guidance of
Prof. R.K.Yadav

A Project report submitted to

Gujarat Technological University
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
The Degree of Electrical Engineering
Academic Year
This is to certify that research work embodied in this project report entitled “DIFFERENTIAL
PROTECTION OF TRANSFORMER” was carried out by Nishant kushram(160050109023), Rahul
mandal(160050109025), pruthvirajsinh matroja(160050109026),Rashi chafekar (170053109002)
studying at BABARIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY for partial fulfillment of Bachelor of
Engineering degree to be Awarded by Gujarat Technological University. This project work has been
carried out under my guidance and supervision and it is up to my satisfaction.



Signature and Name of guide Signature and Name ofHOD

Prof.R.K.YADAV Prof. Pritesh Mankad

Seal of Institute


We hereby certify that we are the sole authors of this project report and that neither any part of this
project report nor the whole of the project report has been submitted for a degree to any other University
or Institution.
We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the current project report does not infringe upon anyone’s
copyright nor violate any proprietary rights and that any ideas, techniques, quotations or any other
material from the work of other people included in our project report, published or otherwise, are fully
acknowledged in accordance with the standard referencing practices. Furthermore, to the extent that we
have included copyrighted material that surpasses the boundary of fair dealing within the meaning of the
Indian Copyright (Amendment) Act 2012, we certify that we have obtained a written permission from
the copyright owner(s) to include such material(s) in the current project report and have included copies
of such copyright clearances to our appendix.
We declare that this is a true copy of project report, including any final revisions, as approved by project
report review committee. We have checked write up of the present project report using anti-plagiarism
database and it is in allowable limit. Even though later on in case of any complaint pertaining of
plagiarism, we are sole responsible for the same and we understand that as per UGC norms, University
can even revoke Bachelor of Engineering degree conferred to the student submitting this project report.


Name and SignatureofStudents: Name and Signature ofGuide

Nishant kushram Prof.R.K.YADAV

Rahul mandal

Rashi chafekar
We would like to express our sincere gratitude towards all the people who have contributed their
precious time and effort to help us, without them it would have been a great difficulty for us to
understand and complete the project.

We would especially like to thank Prof. Pritesh Makad Head of Department and Our Project Guide Prof.
R.K.Yadav for their unabated enthusiasm in calculating into us, motivation for undertaken for this
project and in paving the way for our experiment and also rendering their expert guidance throughout
every milestone of ourproject.

We would also like to convey our sincere gratitude and indebtedness to all other faculty members and
staff of Electrical Engineering Department, BITS, Vadodara who best owed their great effort and
guidance at appropriate times without which it would have been very difficult on our projectwork.

Nishant kushram (160050109023)
Rahul mandal (160050109025)
Pruthvirajsinh (160050109026)
Rashi chafekar (170053109002)

Transformers are the important parts in the power system. So, development of better protection device
for Transformers is essential. Differential relay technique can be employed to protect the Transformers.
In this paper we have used differential relay mechanism with Arduino. By programming in the Arduino
the protection of transformers can be done. Programming is quite efficient than differential relay
mechanism, so it is better to use Arduino instead of differential relay. The working of transformer is
verified by Arduino every time. It senses the condition of transformer each and every second. If it
founds any error then it sends commands to the circuit breakers to trip the main potential transformer.
So it is the efficient and best method to protect the transformers under abnormal conditions.
1.1 Introduction 8
2.1 Keypartners 10
2.2 Keyactivities 10
2.3 Valueproposition 11
2.4 Keyresources 11
2.5 CustomerRelationship 12
2.6 CustomerSegments 12
2.7 Channel 13
2.8 Cost structure 13
2.9 Revenue Stream 14
List Of Figures
Figure 1 : Unfilled BusinessModelCanvas 8
Figure 2: Proposed BusinessModelCanvas 9
Figure 3:KeyPartners 10
Figure 4 : KeyActivities 10
Figure 5:ValueProposition 11
Figure 6:KeyResources 11
Figure 7:CustomerRelationship 12
Figure 8:CustomerSegments 12
Figure9: Channel 13
Figure 10:CostStructure 13
Figure 11:RevenueStreams 14

Fig 1. Unfilled Business Model Canvas

Thus business model canvas can be used to visualize such customer expectations and market problems.
This exercise will increase the market strategy and implementation of technology. This will make them
more effective in market. This exercise brings discussions on viability and cost effectiveness into picture
with their impact.
This exercise will enable us to have knowledge on the steps required to ensure that a solution they
develop via project should have a user who can afford it with desired needs. This exercise helps us to
understand the true value of the proposed solution. Business Model Canvas is used to validate the
market significance of products and services which will be of technology nature in this case.Technology
projects are often solutions or processes that solve a technicalproblem.
However the market implementation of such solutions also require that the problem solution is designed
to overcome not just the technical barriers but also market and business related barriers of costs,
customer reach and collaborations and those that pertain to the practical nature of limited initial
capacities within the team.
Fig 2. Proposed Business Model Canvas
In this we can do partnership with different companies according to our product. By doing this we can
get the idea about what is market scenario, optimization in product and cost can be achieved, from
where we can get the raw material of ourproduct.

Fig 3. Key Partner

In this we are made aware about how will they represent their product to customers. They can use the
following for marketing of the product.

Fig 4. Key Activity

In this one can directly come in contact with customer requirement. In this they will aware the customer
about their product. How it is usable and beneficial over the conventional product and which kind of
services they will provide to customers.

Fig 5. Value Proposition

In this section we can get idea about, from which kind of industries, they will purchase raw material for
their product.
Fig 6. Key Resources

In this section we get to know about how they will manage the relationship with customer by giving
them lucrative services.

Fig 7. Customer Relationships

In this section, customers are bifurcate according to their product usage & to which kind of customer
they can sell their product.
Fig 8. Customer Segment
In this we got to know about how they will approach customers, which media they should select for the
marketing of their product.

Fig 9. Channel

They can attract customers towards their product by giving them lucrative offers in cost. In which
department, they should have to invest most.
Fig 10. Cost Structure

Fig 11. Revenue Stream

Business Model Canvas will be helpful to people to embark entrepreneurship. One can make a good product
from their project. Increase manufacturing unit in India and enhance the economy of India. On
completion of our project “differential protection of transformer” we can improve the quality of power
transferred and provide uninterrupted power supply. Also real time monitoring of different parameters is
done which can provide safety to the substation and its equipments. Secondly, using growing
technology, the project has been successfully implemented. Thus the project has been successfully
designed and tested.

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