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Lesson Plan

Name of lesson: No Texting While Driving Campaign

Grade Level Appropriateness: 10th Grade

Technology Content Standard Addressed: National Educational Technology Standards for Students
(NETS)-S Addressed: Standard #1 Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and
develop innovative products and processes using technology. Found at

Other Content Standard: Digital Media

Objective: The student will use their computer to design a No Texting While Driving poster board by
adding text and using computer drawing tools, photos or videos.

Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: Computer, PowerPoint, Internet and your imagination

Suggested Group Size: 1

Procedures: Please use your creativity and imagination to design your illustration. Your campaign idea
will be entered into our local DMV contest. The winner will receive a pass to the front of the of line
when obtaining their Driver’s License. No appointment needed! In power point you want to select the
home tab. Under the New Slide Menu, please select the title slide. You will be using this slide to create
your poster. Please add your text in the Click to Add Title Box of your slide. Try and come up with a
catchy and clever slogan to get your point across “No Texting While Driving”. Now the fun part, in the
Click to Add Subtitle of your slide you can copy/paste a drawing from another computer software of
your choice, insert a photo from the insert tab under images or simply copy/paste a photo from the
internet. If you really want to be creative and add a video, you can do so from the insert tab under
media. If you choose to add a video remember to test it. Now have fun with this and good luck!

Assessment: Your Poster Campaign will be graded on how well you demonstrate the use of drawings,
pictures and/or videos to promote awareness by using a collection of artifacts and PowerPoint.

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