If Plans Work Out

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If things go according to plan:

 I hopefully get 70% and using calculator to calculate the percentage in need in second
semester to get a first class.
 With the first class I get a job. I move out again, somewhere new, somewhere unexplored.
 I jump into another realm, to world of work. This time I have the job I want to do. What I’ve
worked towards for so many years. I work, work hard, learn a lot, have some long nights and
long days. I feel as though I am fulfilling my purpose.
 I make money, I build go relationships, connections.
 I do my master’s at the age 26, I get a first class.
 I go back to work and work towards my goal as Chartership.
 After 2 years, 28, I’m a Charted Chemical Engineer. Why, because in the end I believed.
 In the crucial year of my life, I realise close to the end, but in time. I make changes in my life
for the better.
 28, I get married to a beautiful and kind woman. I don’t know what I even dream to happen,
all I know is that I will love them forever and give it my all to protect her. That day I will lose
the ability to fear. The cup will become a lion, Sher!
 I keep working and developing and planning how I will mark my name in the history of
engineers. What amazing development will I bring? I help the people, I bring ease through
what Allah had bestowed upon me. This is my destiny. I only wish I realized this sooner.
Watch now, for the changes I shall to by surroundings. I will organise my life, put things
where they should be.
 At 32, Finally I set to fulfil my plans, first the world, second for humanity.
 At this stage, it has just begun now. Now equipped with the experience, skills and
knowledge, I change the world one step at a time in my own little but helpful way.
 Family, my work and the people. This is the priority order, ofcourse Islam is above all 3.
 After this, I’ll have to have a hard think about whats to come next. It’s okay to not know
everything right now, don’t focus so much on tomorrow that you forget to live today!

Murtaza, me, myself, I will always root for myself when no one else will. I will push myself through
everything, like a diamond I will shine.

WE were created from earth. The land we live on, this is what we were created from. Everything that
see see, hear, feel, touch and taste. It is ourselves. It is why every human knows to look after the
world. But many choose to ignore its call. This world sustains us. We must foster the love back. Every
action we take is a step closer to either a better wold or a worse. WE have free fill, we have the fire
of will to make our dreams come true.

This is my life you know.

Watch the number of times I fall, again and again. Watch, when I rise again and again. We fall from
jumping, one step at a time, learn the foundations first then race.
If I don't get a first:
 I get a second class. With that I manage to do my master. From a master I get into year exp
or a job. Master>exp>job, job>exp>masters then continue plan.

If I don’t get in a uni or job.

This is it, the end. I’ve wasted my life. I will live as a loser from now on. I won’t be able to accept
that. 23 years wasted. And then to waste the rest of my life. I become severely depressed. I go crazy
and move to Japan. In order to not worry about food their, I eat non halal food but make to pray
everyday I eat non-halal food. I remain as a muslim, alone but somehow I manage. I live the rest of
my years alone but peaceful. I then get back on my feet and end up doing something else that could
be of good use. I learn something with computers. Then I work from home, slowly I make progress
with my field, I get the basics and then begun to run. I become very successful. With my new
profession I bring good to war torn areas and teach in schools. I become a worth role model. I may
not shine brightly but my heart will carry on to bloom. I never stop, no matter how many times I fall.
I always get back up. This world is not everything, don’t forget that quote about the sinking ship. The
more we become deluded with the world the more we drown. Money, career success, wife, family,
this is not what defines life. Life is about love. Love for the good and what is right. Trying to always
get better. Taking a step back into where we are. Looking up, and looking ahead of what new thing is
to come. The sun shines bright upon us all.

Nothing is the end.

There is always more.

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