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Heating, Ventilation and Air

Building Design 2
Major Factors in HVAC Design
• Significance of Design Criteria 6. Humidification
• Achievement of the desired 7. Dehumidification
performance of any HVAC system, 8. Air-change rates
whether designed for human comfort or 9. Positive-pressure areas
industrial production or industrial 10. Negative-pressure areas
process requirements, is significantly 11. Balanced-pressure areas
related to the development of 12. Contaminated exhausts
appropriate and accurate design criteria.
Some of the more common items that 13. Chemical exhausts and fume hoods
are generally considered are as follows: 14. Energy conservation devices
1. Outside design temperatures: Dry 15. Economizer system
bulb(DB), Wet bulb(WB) 16. Enthalpy control system
2. Inside design temperatures: cooling 17. Infiltration
degF DB and relative humidity 18. Exfiltration
3. Filtration efficiency of supply air 19. Controls
4. Ventilation requirements
5. Exhaust requirements
Major Factors in HVAC Design
• Design Criteria Accuracy
• Some engineers apply much effort to determine design conditions with great accuracy,
however, this is usually not necessary because of the great number of variables involved
in the design process. Strict design criteria will only increase the cost of the necessary
machinery for such optimum conditions and may be unnecessary.
• HVAC engineers should be practical in their designs and accept the fact that the
occupants will adapt to minor variations
Major Factors in HVAC Design
• Outline of Design Procedure
1. Determine all applicable design conditions, such as inside and outside temperature and
humidity conditions.
2. Determine all particular and peculiar interior space conditions that will be maintained.
3. Estimate, for every space, heating or cooling loads from adjacent unheated or uncooled
4. Carefully check architectural drawings for all building materials used for walls, roofs, floors,
ceilings, doors, etc., and determine the necessary thermal coefficients for each.
5. Establish values for air infiltration and exfiltration quantities, for use in determining heat
losses and heat gains.
6. Determine ventilation quantities and corresponding loads for heat losses and heat gains.
7. Determine heat or cooling loads due to internal machinery, equipment, lights, motors, etc.
8. Include allowance effects of solar load.
9. Total the heat losses requiring heating of spaces and heat gains requiring cooling of spaces,
to determine equipment capacities
10. Determine system type and control method to be applied.
Major Factors in HVAC Design
• Temperatures Determined by Heat Balances
• In hot weather, comfortable indoor temperatures may have to be maintained by a
cooling device. Heat should be removed from the space at the same rate it is gaining
heat. There must be a heating balance between heat out and heat in. Comfortable inside
conditions can only be maintained if this heat balance can be controlled or maintained.
• The rate at which heat is gained or lost is a function of the difference b/w the inside air
temperature to be maintained and the outside air temperature. Such temperatures must
be established for design purposes in order to properly size and select HVAC equipment
that will maintain the desired design conditions.
Major Factors in HVAC Design
• Methods of Heat Transfer
• Heat always flows from a hot to a cold object. This direction of heat flow occurs by
conduction, convection or radiation and in any combination of these forms.
• Thermal conduction – a process in which heat energy is transferred through matter by the
transmission of kinetic energy from molecule to molecule or atom to atom
• Thermal convection – a means of transferring heat in air by natural or forced movements of
air or a gas. Natural convection is usually a rotary or circular motion caused by warm air rising
and cooler air falling. Convection can be mechanically produced (forced convection), usually
by use of fan or blower
• Thermal radiation – transfers energy in wave form from a hot body to a relatively cold body.
The transfer occurs independently of any material between the two bodies. Radiation energy
is converted energy from one source to a very long wave form of electromagnetic energy.
Interception of this long wave by solid matter will convert the radiant energy back to heat.
Major Factors in HVAC Design
• Thermal Conduction and Conductivity
• Thermal conduction is the rate of heat flow across a unit area (usually 1 ft2) from one
surface to the opposite surface for a unit temperature difference between the two
surfaces and under steady-state conditions. Thus, the heat-flow rate through a plate with
unit thickness may be calculated from
• 𝑄 = 𝑘𝐴(𝑡2 − 𝑡1 )
• Where
• Q = heat flow rate, Btu/hr
• k = coefficient of thermal conductivity for a unit thickness of material, usually 1 in
• A = surface area, normal to heat flow, ft2
• 𝑡2 = temperature, F, on the warm side of the plate
• 𝑡1 = temperature, F, on the cooler side of the plate
Major Factors in HVAC Design
• Thermal Insulation
• A substantial reduction in heating and cooling loads can be made by the judicious use of
thermal insulation in wall and roof construction.
• Thermal Criteria for Building Interiors
• There are three very important conditions to be controlled in buildings for human
• Dry-bulb temperature,
• relative humidity and
• velocity or rate of air movement in space
• Outdoor Design Conditions
• Dry-bulb temperature
• Humidity conditions
• Prevailing winds

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