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Ethical considerations in
developing a public health
response to pandemic influenza

Epidemic and pandemic

alert and response Ethics, Equity, trade and human rights
Ethical considerations in
developing a public health response
to pandemic influenza
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Acknowledgements iv
Glossary v
Glossary references vii
1. Introduction 1
2. General ethical considerations 3
Balancing rights, interests and values 3
The evidence base for public health measures 3
Transparency, public engagement and social mobilization 3
Information, education and communication 4
Resource constraints 4
3. Priority setting and equitable access to therapeutic and prophylactic measures 5
General considerations 5
Criteria for use in prioritization 6
Additional considerations related to priority in access to vaccines 7
Medical and nursing care 7
4. Isolation, quarantine, border control and social-distancing measures 9
Core governmental responsibilities 9
Considerations related to specific public health strategies 10
5. The role and obligations of health-care workers during an outbreak
of pandemic influenza 13
Establishing the nature and scope of health-care workers’ obligations 14
Reciprocal obligations of governments and employers 14
Promoting compliance with health-care workers’ obligations 15
6. Developing a multilateral response to an outbreak of pandemic influenza 17
The importance of international cooperation 17
Sharing specimens and promoting equitable access to pharmaceutical interventions 17
Assistance to countries in need 18
Issues for countries receiving assistance 18
Attention to the needs of all populations, regardless of their legal status in a country 18
Communication policies 19
References 21
Annex. Additional bibliography and links 23


This document was prepared by Carl Coleman and Andreas Reis of the WHO Department of Ethics, Trade,
Human Rights and Health Law1 and Alice Croisier of the WHO Global Influenza Programme Unit in the
Department of Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response. We would like to acknowledge the essential
contributions of the participants at the technical meeting and the global consultation on ethical issues in
pandemic preparedness, the members of the four working groups, and particularly the vital input of the
working group Chairs, Robert Archer, Larry Gostin, Ross Upshur, and Marcel Verweij.
This work was done under the coordination of Nico Drager of the Department of Ethics, Trade, Human
Rights and Health Law,1 Keiji Fukuda of the Department of Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response and
Paul Gully, Office of the Assistant-Director-General for Communicable Diseases.2
In addition, we would like to acknowledge the support of WHO staff Marie-Charlotte Bouësseau, Alex
Capron, Peter Carrasco, Katie Chan, Ana Estrela, Fernando Gonzalez, Gregory Härtl, Frederick Hayden, Hel-
ge Hollmeyer, Aylin Jaspersen, Gillian Nycum, Helena Nygren-Krug, Kidong Park, Bruce Plotkin, John Rain-
ford, Jeanne-Marie Scott, Christoph Steffen, and Dick Thompson in this project.
The final document was further strengthened by written comments and critiques on previous drafts from
Carolina Alfieri, Julienne Anoko, Benjamin Berkman, Elaine Gadd, Marc Guerrier, Amy Haddad, Pengiran
Hishamuddin, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Harald Schmidt, and Michael Selgelid.
This project was supported in part by a grant from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health.

Renamed Department of Ethics, Equity, Trade and Human Rights as of 1 November 2007.
Renamed Cluster of Health Security and Environment (HSE) as of 1 November 2007.


Confidentiality: The obligation to keep information Fair process: Daniels and Sabin (6) propose the
secret unless its disclosure has been appropriately following key elements in a fair process for setting
authorized by the person concerned or, in extraordi- priorities:
nary circumstances, by the appropriate authorities.
• Publicity: The process, including the rationale
Epidemic/pandemic (1): An epidemic is the oc- for setting priorities, must be made public and
currence in a community or a region of cases of an transparent; consultations and public hearings
illness, specific health-related behaviour or other should be held. Publicity and involvement of key
health-related events clearly in excess of normal stakeholders are particularly important in con-
expectancy. A pandemic is an epidemic occurring texts where policy and programmatic decisions
worldwide or over a wide area crossing interna- occur in a multi-actor environment and affect
tional boundaries, and affecting a large number of large parts of the population.
people. The WHO global influenza preparedness • Relevance: The affected stakeholders must
plan (2) includes six phases in a pandemic scale, di- view as relevant the reasons, principles and evi-
vided into three periods: the inter-pandemic period, dence that form the basis of the rationale for fair
the pandemic alert period, and the pandemic pe- decision-making on priorities.
riod. (These phases are defined in order to propose
• Revisability and appeals mechanisms: In the
a framework for pandemic preparedness planning
case of new evidence and arguments, the pro­
activities; the proposed phases may not all be de-
cess must allow for reconsidering and revising
tectable in sequence).
decisions. It must allow for an appeals process
Equity: The fair distribution of benefits and bur- that protects those who have legitimate reasons
dens. In some circumstances, an equal distribution for being an exception to the adopted policies.
of benefits and burdens will be considered fair. In
• Enforcement or regulation: There must be a
others, the distribution of benefits and burdens
mechanism in place that ensures that the previ-
according to individual or group need will be con-
ous three conditions are met.
sidered fair. For example, in some circumstances, it
may be equitable to give preference to those who Human rights: Human rights are universal le-
are worst off, such as the poorest, the sickest, or gal guarantees protecting individuals and groups
the most vulnerable (3). Inequities are differences against actions that interfere with fundamental
in health that are unnecessary, avoidable, and are freedoms and human dignity. Some of the most
considered unfair and unjust (4). important characteristics of human rights are that
they are guaranteed by international standards;
Fair innings argument: This argument reflects
legally protected; focus on the dignity of the hu-
the idea that everyone is entitled to some “nor-
man being; oblige states and state actors; cannot
mal” span of life years. According to this argument,
be waived or taken away (although the enjoyment
younger persons have stronger claims to life-
of particular human rights may be limited in excep-
saving interventions than older persons because
tional circumstances); are interdependent and in-
they have had fewer opportunities to experience life
terrelated; and universal (7).
(5). The implication is that saving one year of life for
a young person is valued more than saving one year International travel and border controls:
of life for an older person. Measures that are designed to limit and/or con-

Ethical considerations in developing public health response to pandemic influenza

trol the spread of infection across entry points to those who face disproportionate burdens in pro-
a country (by road, air, sea, etc). They can include tecting the public good, as well as taking steps to
travel advisories or restrictions, entry or exit screen- minimize those burdens as much as possible (9).
ing, reporting, health alert notices, collection and
Social-distancing measures: A range of commu-
dissemination of passenger information, etc.
nity-based measures to reduce contact between
Isolation: The separation, for the period of com- people (e.g. closing schools or prohibiting large
municability, of infected persons (confirmed or sus- gatherings). Community-based measures may also
pected) in such places and under such conditions be complemented by adoption of individual behav-
as to prevent or limit the transmission of the infec- iours to increase the distance between people in
tious agent from those infected to those who are daily life at the worksite or in other locations (e.g.
susceptible or who may spread the agent to others substituting phone calls for face-to-face meetings,
(1). avoiding hand-shaking).
Necessity: Public health powers are exercised un- Distributive justice/global justice: This ethical
der the theory that they are necessary to prevent principle requires that the risks, benefits, and bur-
an avoidable harm. Government, in order to justify dens of public health action be fairly distributed.
the use of compulsion, must therefore act only in Beauchamp and Childress (10) view distributive
the face of a demonstrable health threat. The pub- justice as the “fair, equitable, and appropriate dis-
lic health officials must be able to prove that they tribution in society determined by justified norms
had “a good faith belief, for which they can give that structure the terms of social cooperation”.
supportable reasons, that a coercive approach is Global justice is social justice on a global scale and
necessary” (1). it requires countries, particularly developed coun-
tries, to ensure not only that their own citizens are
Palliative care: Palliative care is an approach that
protected, but also that other countries, particular-
improves the quality of life of patients and their
ly developing countries, have the means to protect
families facing the problems associated with life-
their citizens.
threatening illness, through the prevention and re-
lief of suffering by means of early identification and Solidarity: Union or fellowship between members
assessment and treatment of pain and other prob- of a group or between peoples of the world. In-
lems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual (8). dividuals in solidarity with one another are firmly
united by common responsibilities and interests,
Prophylactic measures: Measures to defend
and undivided in opinion, purpose and action (11).
against or prevent disease.
Therapeutic measures: Measures taken to com-
Proportionality: A requirement for a reasonable
bat infection or disease.
balance between the public good to be achieved
and the degree of personal invasion. If the inter- Triage (1): The process of selecting for care or for
vention is gratuitously onerous or unfair it will over- treatment those of highest priority or, when re-
step ethical boundaries. sources are limited, those who are more likely to
benefit (from the French “trier”: to sort, choose).
Quarantine: The restriction of the movement of
healthy persons who have been exposed to a sus- Transparency: An ethical principle that requires
pected or confirmed case of infection with a highly policy-makers to ensure that their decision-
communicable disease during the likely infectious making process is open and accessible to the pub-
period (1). It is a precaution aimed at preventing lic, through clear and frequent communication of
further spread of infection to other people. information.
Reciprocity: A relationship between parties char- Utility/efficiency: The principle of utility requires
acterized by corresponding mutual action. Reci- that one acts so as to maximize aggregate welfare.
procity calls for providing something in return for This implies an additional principle of efficiency, i.e.
contributions that people have made (3). For exam- the idea that benefits should be obtained using the
ple, reciprocity implies that society should support fewest resources necessary.


Glossary references
1. Last J. A dictionary of epidemiology. 4th ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001.
2. WHO global influenza preparedness plan. The role of WHO and recommendations for national meas-
ures before and during pandemics. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2005 (
csr/resources/publications/influenza/WHO_CDS_CSR_GIP_2005_5/en/index.html, accessed 1 October
3. Equity and fair process in scaling up antiretroviral treatment: potentials and the challenges in the United
Republic of Tanzania: case study. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2006.
4. Whitehead M. Concepts and principles of equity and health. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for
Europe, 1990 (EUR/IC/RPD 4147734r).
5. Williams A. Intergenerational equity. An exploration of the ‘fair innings’ argument. Health Economics,
1997, 6:117–132.
6. Daniels N, Sabin JE. Limits to health care: fair procedures, democratic deliberation, and the legitimacy
problem for insurers. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 1997, 26(4):303–350.
7. The United Nations System and Human Rights: Guidelines and Information for the Resident Coordinator
System approved on behalf of the Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) by the Consulta-
tive Committee on Programme and Operational Questions (CCPOQ) at its 16th Session, Geneva, March
8. National cancer control programmes: policies and managerial guidelines, 2nd ed. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 2002 (, accessed 1 October 2007).
9. University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics. Pandemic influenza and ethics – stand on guard for
thee. Ethical considerations in preparedness and planning for pandemic influenza, 2005 (http://www., accessed 1 October 2007).
10. Beauchamp TL, Childress JF. Principles of biomedical ethics, 5th ed. New York, Oxford University Press,
11. Bioethics dictionary. UNESCO/IUBS/EUBIOS, available at: (accessed
1 October 2007).


Although we cannot predict when the next influ- pandemic occurs, countries must discuss them now
enza pandemic will occur, since the 16th century, while there is still time for careful deliberations.
the world has experienced an average of three Responding to the request by Member States,
pandemics per century, occurring at intervals of 10 WHO’s Departments of Epidemic and Pandemic
to 50 years (1). Morbidity and mortality have varied Alert and Response and of Ethics, Trade, Human
across pandemics, making accurate predictions of Rights, and Health Law1 launched a joint project on
the impact of the next pandemic impossible. How- “Addressing ethical issues in pandemic influenza
ever, a new influenza pandemic may result in a sig- planning”. In March 2006, WHO established four
nificant burden on human health and lead to major working groups (corresponding to Chapters 3–6 of
social and economic disruption. In addition, the this document) to deliberate on key ethical ques-
implementation of public health measures aimed tions related to a potential influenza pandemic. On
at limiting social interaction (such as restrictions on 18–19 May 2006 technical meetings of the work-
gatherings and population movements) are likely ing groups took place in Geneva, Switzerland.
to have a major impact on trade and tourism. In Based on the discussions at those meetings and
view of these possible consequences, countries and the comments received, four background papers
the international community must prepare to cope were written. These papers then formed the basis
with a pandemic and mitigate its impact. for deliberations at a global consultation that took
Many critical ethical questions arise in pan- place on 24–25 October 2006 in Geneva. The con-
demic influenza planning, preparedness and re- sultation was attended by some 100 experts and
sponse. These include: Who will get priority access representatives from international organizations,
to medications, vaccines and intensive care unit WHO staff from regional offices and headquarters,
beds, given the potential shortage of these es- and observers from Permanent Missions in Gene-
sential resources? In the face of a pandemic, what va. The main objective was to discuss, on the basis
obligations do health-care workers have to work of the draft background papers, the ethical issues
notwithstanding risks to their own health and the to be addressed in developing and implementing
health of their families? How can surveillance, isola- a public health response to pandemic influenza,
tion, quarantine and social-distancing measures be and to lay the groundwork for the formulation of
undertaken in a way that respects ethical norms? WHO guidance in this field. This document has
What obligations do countries have to one another been produced from the insights gained from the
with respect to pandemic influenza planning and consultation, further international meetings, and
response efforts? other inputs including the report entitled Stand on
If these questions are not properly addressed guard for thee (2) by the University of Toronto Joint
in planning, the response efforts in the event of a Centre for Bioethics (WHO Collaborating Centre),
pandemic could be seriously hampered. A publicly- Canada, the discussion forums organized by the
discussed ethical framework is essential to maintain Espace Ethique (Paris, France), and WHO regional
public trust, promote compliance, and minimize
social disruption and economic loss. As these ques-
tions are particularly difficult, and there will be in- Renamed Department of Ethics, Equity, Trade and Human

sufficient time to address them effectively once a Rights as of 1 November 2007

Ethical considerations in developing public health response to pandemic influenza

workshops on rapid containment held in Cambo- principles emphasized include equity, utility/effi-
dia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia. ciency, liberty, reciprocity, and solidarity. The docu-
The purpose of this document is to assist social ment also addresses the need for transparent and
and political leaders at all levels who influence policy timely sharing of information to improve evidence-
decisions about the incorporation of ethical consid- based policy design and facilitate public engage-
erations into national influenza pandemic prepar- ment in the decision-making process.
edness plans (for link to national plans see Annex). This document addresses issues related to pub-
The document focuses on priority setting and equi- lic health, primarily those likely to arise during the
table access to resources, restriction of individuals’ pandemic alert period and the pandemic period
movements as a result of non-pharmaceutical in- (see Glossary). Since specific decisions will depend
terventions (including isolation of cases, quarantine on local circumstances and cultural values, it will be
of contacts, and limitation of social gatherings), the necessary to adapt this global guidance to the re-
respective obligations of health-care workers and gional and country-level context, with full respect
their employers and governments, and the obliga- to the principles and laws of international human
tions of countries vis-à-vis each other. Key ethical rights.

General ethical considerations

Balancing rights, interests and values of public health measures will often be difficult and
Preparedness planning for an influenza pandemic may change over time. Policy-makers should base
involves balancing potentially conflicting individual their decisions on the best available evidence at any
and community interests. In emergency situations, given time. To facilitate these efforts, in the event
the enjoyment of individual human rights and civil of a pandemic, WHO will attempt to disseminate
liberties may have to be limited in the public inter- evidence-based guidance as rapidly as possible, as
est. However, efforts to protect individual rights the pandemic threat evolves. Preparedness plans
should be part of any policy. Measures that limit should be flexible enough to allow timely adapta-
individual rights and civil liberties must be neces- tion as new evidence about the nature of the dis-
sary, reasonable, proportional, equitable, non-dis- ease arises.
criminatory, and in full compliance with national
Transparency, public engagement
and international laws.
and social mobilization
In balancing competing interests and values, poli-
Public engagement and involvement of relevant
cy-makers can draw on ethical principles as tools for
stakeholders should be part of all aspects of plan-
weighing conflicting claims and for reaching appro-
ning (3). Policy decisions and their justifications
priate decisions. Ethics does not provide a prescribed
should be publicized and open to public scrutiny.
set of policies; rather, ethical considerations will be
This will help to:
shaped by the local context and cultural values. The
principles of equity, utility/efficiency, liberty, reci- • increase public awareness about the disease-
procity, and solidarity (see Glossary) are especially related risks and enable people to take steps
helpful in the context of influenza pandemic prepar- at individual, family, workplace and community
edness planning. Although these principles often level to prepare for and respond to an influenza
give rise to competing claims, they provide a frame- pandemic;
work for policy-makers to assess and balance the • contribute to the development of adequate and
range of interests that follow from them. All ethical effective plans and increase public confidence
deliberations must take place within the context of that policies are reasonable, responsive, non-dis-
the principles of human rights, and all policies must criminatory, and in line with local circumstances
be consistent with applicable human rights laws. and values;
• secure the agreement of the public and civil so-
The evidence base for public ciety on the use of therapeutic and prophylactic
health measures measures and their distribution;
Public health measures that involve significant costs • provide useful feedback to planners regarding
and/or burdens should be reserved for situations both information that they may lack (such as on
where they can be reasonably expected to make local conditions) and the acceptability of their
a difference to the consequences of a pandemic. plans to the general public;
Because little may be known about the virulence • maintain public trust, add to the legitimacy of
and transmissibility of the next influenza pandemic plans, and ensure the accountability of decision-
virus until it has started spreading widely, judg- makers both in the planning stage and during a
ments about the likely effectiveness and benefits plan’s implementation;

Ethical considerations in developing public health response to pandemic influenza

• promote public compliance and mitigate fears uncertain and this uncertainty should also be com-
of the unknown and the possibility of social dis- municated in clear, non-alarmist language. Informa-
ruption or panic that can result, particularly in tion available will change continuously throughout
circumstances where the public is expected to the pandemic, requiring adjustments of response
make sacrifices and possibly incur financial loss strategies based on ongoing assessments of the
or infringements of their personal autonomy. risks and potential benefits of interventions. These
adjustments, and the justification for them, should
Information, education, and be communicated to the public.
In order for public engagement in preparedness Resource constraints
planning to be meaningful, effective modes of com- While all countries must make reasonable efforts to
municating with and educating the public about prepare for an influenza pandemic, differences in
the issues involved are essential. The principles of access to resources mean that what is reasonable
outbreak communication are: trust; transparency; for one country may not be reasonable for another.
communicating to the public early, dialogue with In developing countries, limited resources and im-
the public; and planning (4). Advance planning will mediate health-care needs may make it difficult to
allow the development of strategies that will reach develop and implement comprehensive plans (5,
the entire population and that are linguistically and 6). In some cases, it may be possible to generate
culturally appropriate. The following types of infor- resources by using available funds more efficiently.
mation should be communicated during all periods, In addition, some measures, such as developing
including the inter-pandemic period: culturally-sensitive communication strategies, may
• the initiatives being undertaken to allow citizens be achievable with a relatively modest commitment
or communities to participate in the develop- of resources. However, at some point countries will
ment of pandemic response policies; have to make difficult decisions about the relative
• the nature and scope of the threat and related weight to be given to pandemic preparedness com-
risks, and the spread of the pandemic; pared to other important public health priorities,
• the steps that are being taken to respond to the such as HIV and malaria. These decisions about re-
pandemic, including new policy developments source allocation should be informed by a process
and their justifications; of public engagement, and their rationale should
• scientifically sound, feasible and understandable be clearly communicated to the public.
measures people can take to protect themselves The resource constraints facing developing
and/or others from infection. countries, as well as the global nature of the threat,
underscore the importance of international coop-
The decision-making criteria and procedures that
eration in developing a global response to an influ-
will be used during an influenza pandemic should
enza pandemic (see Chapter 6).
be communicated to the public as far in advance as
possible. Some of this information will inevitably be

Priority setting and equitable access to
therapeutic and prophylactic measures

An influenza pandemic will require countries to • how individuals can access whatever therapeutic
make difficult decisions regarding the allocation of and prophylactic resources are available for them-
limited therapeutic and prophylactic measures (see selves, their families, and their communities.
Box 1). Many different ethical principles can be ap-
Regardless of the criteria selected to govern the al-
plied to rationing and priority-setting in health care.
location of therapeutic and preventive measures,
The principle of utility, for example, suggests that
certain basic elements will be important in all
resources should be used to provide the maximum
plans. These include:
possible health benefits, often understood as “sav-
ing most lives”. The principle of equity requires that • facilitating access to the highest level of treat-
the distribution of benefits and burdens be fair (see ment possible given available resources, with
Glossary). When these principles conflict, the appro- careful attention to the needs of all populations
priate balance to be struck should be determined in (see also Chapter 6);
an open and transparent process that takes into ac- • providing clinicians with clear and transparent
count local circumstances and cultural values. screening and treatment protocols in line with
the latest guidance from WHO or relevant na-
General considerations tional health authorities;
As part of pandemic influenza planning, policy- • incorporating mechanisms that
makers should establish a process for setting pri- — ensure that the guidelines and protocols are
orities and promoting equitable access that: followed;
— enable clinicians to inform health authorities
• involves civil society and other major stakehold-
when clinical experience suggests the need
ers in the decision-making process (see Box 2)
for revisions of the protocols;
so that decisions about the criteria to be used in
— enable clinicians to take part in the process
allocating scarce resources are made in an open,
of updating guidelines and protocols as the
transparent, and inclusive manner;
pandemic progresses;
• incorporates clear, pre-established mechanisms
• proposing prioritization criteria related to the
for revising decisions based on new evidence
maintenance of a functioning health-care sys-
when appropriate.
tem as needed in a crisis situation, ensuring
Even when access to treatment or prophylaxis is lim- — a fair balance between treatment of influ-
ited, the public is entitled to timely and accurate enza patients and the treatment of patients
information. Communication strategies should en­ with other serious conditions;
sure that the public has access to information about: — among non-influenza patients, the prioriti-
zation of access to the general health-care
• the availability of drugs for treatment and
— among influenza patients, the identification
• the availability of other preventive and therapeu-
of those who will receive hospital-based ver-
tic measures;
sus home-based care, and criteria for early
• the standards and procedures that will be used
discharge (potentially even if still infectious).
to guide the allocation of drugs and other pre-
ventive and therapeutic measures;

Ethical considerations in developing public health response to pandemic influenza

Box 1

Allocation of scarce resources – Swiss Influenza Pandemic Plan 2006 (7)

The Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics drafted a document on ethical questions in pandemic
preparedness, which was integrated into the Swiss Influenza Pandemic Plan. The following tiered model for the alloca-
tion of scarce resources is adapted from the Swiss Influenza Pandemic Plan:
1. During the first phase, everyone who needs treatment will receive it. This phase will continue until the number of
those requiring treatment exceeds the capacity of the enhanced treatment facilities. In this phase treatment will be
administered to individuals on a “first come, first served” basis or to those who are already being treated for another
2. The second phase begins when it is no longer possible to treat everyone because therapeutic capacity is exhausted
and some have to be turned away. In this phase, scarce therapeutic resources will be reserved for those whose condi-
tions are most threatening.
3. Finally, the third phase corresponds to the triage used in war or disaster situations. From the outset of this phase
scarce resources should be reserved for patients with life-threatening conditions. When all those with life-threaten-
ing conditions can no longer be treated, priority will be given to those who are expected to have the best chance of
survival as a result of treatment. Conversely, treatment in this phase will, if possible, be withheld only from those
who are unlikely to benefit from it. Individuals with a poor prognosis will be given palliative treatment only in this

Criteria for use in prioritization • workers who provide critical services nec-
Although the principle of utility is not the only rel- essary for society to function as normally
evant ethical consideration, it is an important factor as possible; such policies should be devel-
to take into account when establishing prioritiza- oped with great care, given the danger
tion policies. Utility considerations include: that those which favour certain categories
of workers may be perceived as unfair and
• for individual benefit
undermine public trust.
— the likelihood that an individual with pan-
demic influenza disease will experience a Another principle, which may sometimes conflict
medical benefit if provided antiviral and ad- with utility considerations, is equity. Considera-
juvant treatment; tions of equity may lead to giving priority to:
— the likelihood that an individual at risk of in- • the worst-off (in terms of severity of illness)
fection will become infected/ill if influenza- • vulnerable and disabled populations
specific antiviral prophylaxis is not provided; • uninfected persons who are at high-risk of de-
• for community benefit veloping severe complications and dying from
— the likelihood that an infected individual will influenza if they become infected.
infect other persons if not given access to
antivirals (for treatment or prophylaxis) and Different views exist on whether it is appropriate to
infection control measures; consider age in making prioritization decisions.
— the overall reduction in disease burden ex- • The “fair innings” argument (see Glossary) sup-
pected to result from the intervention; ports giving priority to relatively young persons.
— the potential value of giving priority to: • The goal of reducing overall disease burden
• essential health-care workers might also provide a rationale for favouring
• other workers who provide life-saving younger persons, even if the fair innings argu-
services ment is not accepted.
Age-based prioritization criteria should be adopted
only after wide public consultation. Such criteria

3. Priority setting and equitable access to therapeutic and prophylactic measures

Box 2

Inclusion of Maori in pandemic planning – New Zealand (8)

The influenza pandemic in 1918 hit the indigenous Maori population of New Zealand especially hard. Even today, they
have a poorer health status than the general population and often have a lower socioeconomic status. They are there-
fore considered a vulnerable population from a health perspective. The Ministry of Health included Maori representa-
tives in its pandemic planning process to protect the needs of this vulnerable group in a future pandemic.
In December 2005, the Ministry of Health convened a meeting with a Maori focus group of seven members, including
health and disability sector experts as well as District Health Board Maori managers, to identify key issues for the Maori.
It was decided in this meeting to create a Pandemic Maori Reference Group. During a second meeting in June 2006,
issues discussed included the development of fact sheets for Maori communities and access to other resources, Maori
engagement with District Health Boards and the role of Maori providers, workforce preparedness, and community in-
frastructure and needs. The Pandemic Maori Reference Group is now part of the health sector branch of New Zealand’s
pandemic planning process.

should rely on broad life stages, rather than rank- and will depend on age, socioeconomic status, un-
ing individuals based on differences of only a few derlying health conditions, and availability of health
years. care including access to antivirals for treatment
or prophylaxis. In addition, a policy of vaccinating
Policy-makers should ensure that criteria for prior-
those at highest risk of dying will not necessarily be
ity setting do not discriminate against individuals
consistent with other possible goals, e.g. reducing
based on inappropriate characteristics, including
spread of infection in the population.
but not limited to
There are thus several reasonable although some­
• gender times competing approaches to prioritizing who
• race and ethnicity should be vaccinated (9). These include:
• religion
• prioritizing health-care workers and other essen-
• political affiliation
tial service providers to help sustain the health-
• national origin
care system;
• social or economic status.
• vaccinating groups of people known to be cen-
Additional considerations related to tral to spreading infection or “super-spreaders”
priority in access to vaccines (if this strategy is expected to be effective);
The current state of influenza vaccine production • vaccinating persons at increased risk of death if
technology used in many countries suggests that infected.
the first doses of a vaccine against a new pan- Additional priority setting criteria may be required;
demic influenza virus will not be available until 5–6 one approach could be to prioritize children and
months after the pandemic has been declared. Pro- young adults based on the fair innings argument
duction of sufficient doses to meet global demand (see above).
could take additional months. Therefore, it is criti-
cal that policy-makers at all levels, in consultation Medical and nursing care
with political and civil society leaders, agree on Many influenza patients will require basic medical
how the vaccine will be used as it becomes avail- and nursing care, including treatment directed at
able (see Box 3). Many consider that vaccination is relief of symptoms. Developing and maintaining
most urgent for persons who are at highest risk of health-care infrastructures for primary care is a ma-
dying from influenza if infected. Epidemiological jor priority for pandemic preparedness, especially
studies during the pandemic should help to identify because such investments will be beneficial at all
such high-risk groups, but this information may not times and not only during a pandemic.
exist when the vaccine first becomes available. The
risk of death once infected may differ by country

Ethical considerations in developing public health response to pandemic influenza

In addition, plans should address: • the importance of providing palliative/support-

ive care to all persons who need it.
• the rules for terminating treatment of patients
suffering from pandemic influenza and other
diseases and conditions, so that other patients
can have access to scarce resources (such as
mechanically-assisted ventilation);

Box 3

Community participation in vaccine priority setting – Public Engagement Pilot Project on

Pandemic Influenza 2005 (10)
The Public Engagement Pilot Project on Pandemic Influenza (PEPPPI) was launched in 2005 by a consortium of organi-
zations in the United States of America to pilot test a method of engaging the public in vaccine-related policy decisions.
Consultations were conducted with citizens-at-large and a stakeholder group that included representatives from organi-
zations with an interest in pandemic influenza and expert consultants. The goal of PEPPPI was to develop an improved
plan for pandemic influenza that would be likely to receive public support, and to demonstrate that public engagement
can be productive in the policy process for pandemic influenza preparedness.
A first consultation was convened with the stakeholder group to frame the issues, secure background information and
to raise awareness of the ethical dilemmas related to vaccine prioritization. A second consultation invited citizens-at-
large to select highest priority goals for an influenza vaccination programme. A follow-up meeting with the stakeholder
group was held, as was a broader citizen-at-large consultation where citizens were asked for their feedback on the pri-
ority goals established during the initial citizen-at-large consultation. In total the consultations involved approximately
300 participants with diverse backgrounds and points of view.
The groups reached a high level of agreement that the first immunization goal should be assuring the functioning of
society, followed by the goal of reducing individual deaths and hospitalizations due to influenza. This project showed
that stakeholder groups and citizens-at-large can be engaged in the policy-making process around pandemic influenza
preparedness; they can learn about a technical issue, interact respectfully, and reach a productive outcome on compli-
cated technical policy issues.

Isolation, quarantine, border control
and social-distancing measures

Countries have an obligation to minimize the bur- Core governmental responsibilities

den of disease on individuals and communities, but With appropriate international financial and tech-
they must do so in a way that is respectful of indi- nical assistance, countries should develop core
vidual rights and liberties. The need to balance the capacities for public health surveillance and
interests of the community and the rights of the in- response that comply with the international legal
dividual is of particular importance in the implemen- obligations in the framework of the International
tation of public health measures such as isolation, Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 (12). They should
quarantine, social distancing and border control. also review existing public health laws to en-
While all of these measures can legitimately be at- sure that they
tempted in order to delay the spread or mitigate • provide authority for appropriate actions that
the impact of an influenza pandemic, the burden might be necessary in the event of a public
they place on individual liberties requires that their health emergency;
use be carefully circumscribed and limited to cir- • clearly delineate the procedures that must be
cumstances where they are reasonably expected to followed to institute particular public health
provide an important public health benefit. measures;
Internationally-accepted human rights principles • recognize the importance of grounding public
provide the framework for evaluating the ethical health actions in scientific evidence;
acceptability of public health measures that limit • pay attention to ethical principles of necessity,
individual freedom, just as human rights provide proportionality, social justice, liberty, confiden-
the foundation for other pandemic-related policies. tiality, reciprocity, fair process, efficiency, trans-
Many of the considerations discussed in this chap- parency and accountability;
ter are in fact explicitly incorporated into human • protect the confidentiality and security of per-
rights documents. The Siracusa Principles (11), one sonal information and limit the disclosure of
such relevant document, state that any limitations personal health information to the minimum
on human rights must be in accordance with the necessary to achieve legitimate public health ob-
law; based on a legitimate objective; strictly nec- jectives; information should be shared only for
essary in a democratic society; the least restrictive legitimate public health purposes, and to the
and intrusive means available; and not arbitrary, maximum extent possible individuals should be
unreasonable, or discriminatory. In addition, princi- informed about third parties’ access to their per-
ples of distributive justice require that public health sonal information, the intended use of the infor-
measures do not place unfair burdens on particular mation and the reasons the information is being
segments of the population. Policy-makers should shared.
pay specific attention to groups that are the most
vulnerable to discrimination, stigmatization or iso-
lation, including racial and ethnic minorities, elderly
people, prisoners, disabled persons, migrants and
the homeless.

Ethical considerations in developing public health response to pandemic influenza

Countries should develop community-specific • provide employment protection for workers who
communication and social mobilization strat- comply with social-distancing measures against
egies that the wishes of their employers;
• incorporate the input of employers, unions, and
• are linguistically and culturally appropriate;
other relevant stakeholders, particularly with re-
• are developed with community input;
spect to plans for work closure procedures and
• provide comprehensive, timely, and balanced in-
the use of alternative work schedules;
formation based on the best available scientific
• be made available in advance to the key actors
evidence and expert opinion;
who will be charged with implementing these
• keep communities informed on the nature and
measures so that they can adapt them to the
evolution of the threat and on developments in
local culture and context and prepare for their
governmental policy, including changes in public
health laws;
• provide scientifically sound, feasible, and under- Plans related to travel restrictions and border
standable measures that people can take to pro- controls should
tect themselves and others from infection, such
• accord with the WHO recommendations (5, an-
as personal and community hygiene practices.
nex 1) for each stage of a pandemic and be adapt-

able to evolving international recommendations;
Considerations related to specific public
health strategies • respect, to the extent possible, the individual
right to freedom of movement;
The appropriateness of specific public health strat-
• ensure informed consent of affected travellers
egies cannot be determined in advance of an in-
for examinations, prophylaxis, and treatment in
fluenza pandemic. The effectiveness of selected
accordance with the IHR (2005) (12).
measures will depend on factors that are currently
unknown, especially the pathogenicity and the Plans related to the isolation of symptomatic
transmission pattern of a new influenza virus sub- individuals and quarantine of their contacts
type. In considering whether to adopt particular should
public health strategies, countries should rely on
• be voluntary to the greatest extent possible (see
the best available scientific evidence. Restrictions
Box 4); mandatory measures should only be in-
on individual liberties should not be adopted un-
stituted as a last resort, when voluntary meas-
less there is a reasonable expectation that they will
ures cannot reasonably be expected to succeed,
have a significant impact on containing the spread
and the failure to institute mandatory measures
or mitigating the impact of the disease, and they
is likely to have a substantial impact on public
should be terminated when they no longer appear
to offer significant benefits. All public health meas-
• provide for infection control measures appropri-
ures must accord with international human rights
ate to each confinement context (such as hospi-
laws and national legal requirements, and govern-
tals, temporary shelters, or homes) in order to
ments should pay special attention to protecting
protect others from infection;
the interests of vulnerable populations.
• ensure safe, habitable, and humane conditions
In planning for the use of particular public health
of confinement, including the provision of basic
measures, countries should take into account the
necessities (food, water, clothing, medical care,
following factors.
etc) and, if feasible, psychosocial support for
Plans related to social-distancing measures
people who are confined;
• consider the development of mechanisms to ad-
• to the extent possible, provide means of miti- dress the potential financial and employment
gating adverse cultural, economic, social, emo- consequences of confinement;
tional, and health effects for individuals and

4. Isolation, quarantine, border control and social-distancing measures

• protect the interests of household members of • provide fair procedures for making decisions
individuals who are isolated and treated at the about affected individuals; in extraordinary cir-
household level, including recommending or cumstances, exceptions to normal procedural
providing alternative housing if living with the protections may be appropriate where immedi-
isolated patient is likely to put them at significant ate action is essential to protect the health of
risk of illness (for example, immunocompromised others, but in all cases legal recourse should be
family members); available to individuals to challenge their isola-
tion or quarantine.

Box 4

Attitudes towards the use of quarantine – a multisite research survey (13)

A telephone survey designed in the USA by the Harvard School of Public Health and the US Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention was conducted in four locations: China, Hong Kong SAR; China, Province of Taiwan; Singapore; and the
USA. Respondents were given information on the use of quarantine in the event of an outbreak of a communicable dis-
ease and questioned on their attitudes towards this public health measure. These four locations were chosen based on
their past exposure to quarantine measures; the USA being the location where quarantine has not been used in recent
In all locations, a majority of respondents supported quarantine measures for persons suspected of having been ex-
posed to a communicable disease (China, Hong Kong SAR, 81%; China, Province of Taiwan, 95%; Singapore, 89%;
USA, 76%). Support was lower in all locations if refusal to comply with a quarantine order could lead to arrest (China,
Hong Kong SAR, 54%, China, Province of Taiwan, 70%; Singapore 68%; USA, 42%).
The study showed variations with respect to the approval of measures for monitoring compliance with quarantine poli-
cies. In general, respondents in the USA were less supportive of restrictive monitoring measures than respondents in the
other locations. In all four locations, a majority supported monitoring through periodic telephone calls and daily visits,
but periodic video screening received less support. The majority of respondents in the USA rejected electronic bracelets
and guards positioned in front of quarantined buildings, whereas these measures were supported by a majority of re-
spondents in China, Hong Kong SAR, China, Province of Taiwan, and in Singapore.
A large majority of USA respondents preferred home quarantine, whereas a smaller number of respondents in the
other locations preferred quarantine at home to institutional quarantine. The main worries about being quarantined in
a health-care facility were being exposed to someone with the contagious disease, overcrowding, and difficulty com-
municating with family members.
The authors concluded that policy-makers need specific plans to deal with the public’s concerns about compulsory
quarantine policies.

The role and obligations of
health-care workers during an outbreak
of pandemic influenza
The availability of health-care workers will be es- which can result in civil and/or criminal penal-
sential in order to provide an effective response to ties. Some legal obligations are also moral or
an influenza pandemic. Therefore countries should professional obligations. However, not all moral
develop policies that clearly delineate health-care or professional obligations are backed by legal
workers’ obligations, in order to give them notice requirements.
of what will be expected of them (for an example,
A strong case can be made for recognizing a moral
see Box 5). In developing such policies, countries
obligation to provide care during an outbreak of
should consider that obligations can be recognized
communicable disease, especially a disease of pan-
in one or more of the following ways, which are
demic proportions. The arguments for recognizing
not mutually exclusive:
such an obligation are strongest for workers, such
• Moral obligations – Moral obligations are as physicians, respiratory therapists and nurses,
based on a society’s understanding of “right” whose specialized training gives them critical skills
and “wrong” behaviour and/or appeal to uni- that cannot be provided by other persons. How-
versal sets of values. They tell people what they ever, even for workers with specialized skills, the
“should” do, but they are not in themselves le- moral obligation to work during an influenza pan-
gally binding. Policies that address individuals’ demic is not unlimited. Judgments about the scope
moral obligations can play an important role of any particular worker’s moral obligations must
in creating social norms in favour of particular take into account factors such as the urgency of
behaviour. the need for that individual’s services and the diffi-
• Professional obligations – Professional obliga- culty of replacing him or her, the risks to the worker
tions are based on a particular profession’s own and indirectly to his or her family, the existence of
understanding of how members of that profes- competing moral obligations, such as family care-
sion should behave. Professional obligations are giving responsibilities, and his or her duties to care
often set by professional associations through a for other (present and future) patients.
formal deliberative process and may be set out The difficulty of establishing clear rules about
in guidelines or codes of ethics. Violations of the scope of health-care workers’ moral obligations
professional obligations can sometimes result in suggests the need for caution in translating such
sanctions within the profession, such as repri- obligations into legally enforceable duties. From an
mands or loss of certain professional privileges. ethical perspective, the least problematic enforce-
• Contractual obligations – Contractual obliga- ment mechanisms are those that have been vol-
tions are obligations that individuals have vol- untarily adopted by those who will be affected by
untarily assumed as part of an agreement with them. Thus, governments should encourage profes-
someone else (e.g. employment agreements). sional organizations to develop policies regarding
When people do not uphold their contractual ob- professionals’ obligations to work during epidemics
ligations, they may be required to pay money to of communicable diseases. Similarly, employers and
the other party to the contract, or they may suf- workers should review existing contractual obliga-
fer other penalties, such as loss of employment. tions (such as employment agreements) to ensure
• Non-contractual legal obligations – Many that they contain appropriate requirements for
laws create binding obligations, the violation of epidemics. Countries should enact laws requiring

Ethical considerations in developing public health response to pandemic influenza

health-care workers to work during a public health • accommodate legitimate exceptions regarding
emergency only if they conclude that moral, pro- assignment of individuals with fragile health
fessional, and contractual obligations are unlikely status to risky situations (e.g. individuals who are
to be sufficient. immunodeficient or pregnant);
Health-care workers’ assumption of increased • be discussed in an open and transparent manner
risks to their health during an influenza pandemic before they are implemented.
gives rise to reciprocal obligations on the part of
governments and employers. Preparedness plans Reciprocal obligations of governments
and employers
should ensure that mechanisms to satisfy these re-
ciprocal obligations are in place (see below). In exchange for health-care workers assuming in-
creased risks to their health during an influenza pan-
Establishing the nature and scope of demic, governments and employers have certain
health-care workers’ obligations reciprocal obligations. Governments and employ-
Policies outlining health-care workers’ obligations ers should seek to minimize risks to health-care
should workers to the extent reasonably possible by
• be developed by or in consultation with those • ensuring that adequate infection control systems
who will be directly affected by these policies, are in place in hospitals and other health-care
including professional organizations, unions, facilities;
and other relevant groups; • providing preventive measures (e.g. prophylaxis,
• cover the diverse occupational roles of health- personal protective equipment, infection control
care workers who may be exposed to increased protocols) to health-care workers, in line with
risk during an influenza pandemic, including technical advice and updated as new epidemio-
non-conventional health-care practitioners (e.g. logical evidence becomes available;
traditional healers) involved in the response • considering the appropriateness of giving health-
plan; care workers priority access to antiviral drugs
• consider the appropriateness of assigning health- and medical care if they develop influenza;
care workers to functions not normally within • providing health-care workers with access to
their scope of responsibilities, including assign- psychosocial treatment and support.
ing non-professionals to perform tasks that are
These risk reduction methods are important for
normally performed by professionals, or assign-
the protection both of health-care workers and of
ing professionals to work in areas for which they
the public. To avoid the further spread of infection,
are not licensed or trained;
workers have an ethical obligation not only to use
• recognize that the duty to work notwithstand-
the protective measures that are offered to them,
ing risks to one’s own health is not unlimited;
but also to report if they become infected and to
• ensure that health-care workers are asked to
accept temporary exclusion from work until they
assume risks only when their participation can
are no longer infectious.
reasonably be expected to make a difference to
Governments, professional organizations, and
the consequences of the pandemic (e.g. reduc-
health-care employers should ensure that health-
ing morbidity and mortality, alleviating pain and
care workers receive adequate education and
suffering, preventing nosocomial infection, limit-
information about
ing the spread of the pandemic at the commu-
• the risks associated with taking care of patients
nity level);
affected with all communicable diseases, includ-
• seek to distribute risks among individuals and
ing pandemic influenza;
occupational categories in an equitable manner,
• measures they can take to help protect them-
taking into account the fact that some catego-
selves and others, and the risks associated with
ries of workers may have to be exposed to great-
not using those measures;
er risks given the nature of their activities;
• expectations regarding their duty to provide care
during an influenza pandemic or other commu-
nicable disease outbreak;

5. The role and obligations of health-care workers during an outbreak of pandemic influenza

• information about any social benefits available care workers, countries should ensure that policies
to them or their families; on sanctions comply with the Siracusa principles
• information about the legal or other conse- (10) and other applicable human rights standards.
quences of failing to work. In addition, such policies should
Governments should use their best efforts to de- • be established in advance by government
velop or strengthen benefits systems that will authorities and/or professional organizations,
provide and broadly disseminated to those who will be
governed by the policies;
• medical and social benefits in the case of illness
• reflect judgments about the level of risk that
or disability of health-care workers during an
health-care workers can reasonably be expected
to assume in fulfilling their obligations;
• death benefits to the family members of health-
• take into account the appropriateness of impos-
care workers who die after being exposed to the
ing sanctions if the reciprocal obligations of gov-
pandemic influenza virus in the course of their
ernments and employers have not been met;
• take into account the relevance of mitigating fac-
Promoting compliance with health-care tors, such as individuals’ competing obligations
workers’ obligations to care for sick family members or others, when
Policies setting forth health-care workers’ obliga- deciding about the imposition of sanctions;
tions during an epidemic of a communicable dis- • ensure that fair procedures are followed before
ease can be influential even if they do not create sanctions are imposed;
any enforceable legal obligations. When such poli- • provide for an appeals process for health-care
cies are developed through a transparent, equita- workers who have been sanctioned, either dur-
ble, and accountable process, they are likely to be ing or after the pandemic period.
accepted as legitimate by those who are affected The considerations in this chapter relate specifi-
by them. As such, they can contribute to a climate cally to health-care workers. In order to minimize
in which workers feel a personal moral responsibil- the societal disruption of an influenza pandemic,
ity to continue working despite an increased risk to countries may also want to consider their relevance
their health. to workers outside the health-care sector who pro-
Any policies that go beyond moral guidance to vide essential services. Such workers include those
include sanctions for non-compliance – whether in public utilities, workers in factories that provide
adopted by governments, professional organiza- indispensable (medical) supplies, and key adminis-
tions, or individual employers – should be tailored trative decision-makers.
as narrowly as possible. Because excessive sanc-
tions could infringe the human rights of health-

Ethical considerations in developing public health response to pandemic influenza

Box 5

Health-care workers – the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan for the

Health Sector (14)
Rather than focussing exclusively on the obligations of health-care workers, the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan for
the Health Sector (CPIP) provides guidance on mitigating the expected health-care worker shortage during an influenza
pandemic. The CPIP recommends the establishment of a human resource management team to plan and implement the
management of workers during a pandemic. Relevant considerations for such planning and implementation include the
expanded, new or different responsibilities that health-care workers may be required to take on, the recruitment of ad-
ditional staff for the pandemic response (e.g. retired physicians, trainees, therapists, technicians, etc), and the provision
of advanced and refresher training for health-care workers and potential recruits regarding pandemic plans, changing
roles and responsibilities, supervising volunteers, crisis management, and emergency planning.
The CPIP also outlines reciprocal obligations to health-care workers. Liability insurance should be provided for workers
and volunteers who may be required to act outside the scope of licensing or other authorization. Additionally, health-
care workers should be considered a high priority for immunization during a pandemic because they are critical to the
pandemic response. Health-care workers should also be provided with personal and emotional support, family care and
job protection.
The CPIP acknowledges that under emergency legislation, provincial and federal governments may have the authority
to designate “Essential Services” workers where an emergency has been declared and to compel such workers’ time
with due compensation. However, the CPIP also urges that compelling workers should be a last resort and should only
be used after all other methods of obtaining a sufficient number of health-care workers to respond to a pandemic have
been reviewed. Moreover, the CPIP points out that a state of emergency may not be declared and so system-wide (as
opposed to institution-based) planning should be undertaken to mitigate a health-care worker shortage.

Developing a multilateral response to an
outbreak of pandemic influenza

There are several reasons for policy-makers to incor- in countries with common borders (see example in
porate international considerations into influenza Box 6). In addition, cooperation will help to make
pandemic preparedness planning. First, the ethical plans technically and ethically sound, ensure that
principle of solidarity (see Glossary) suggests that national plans are transparent, and contribute to
countries should respond collectively when natural their legitimacy. International efforts should include
threats to health are identified. Second, countries mechanisms to:
have obligations to help one another under inter-
• promote cross-border cooperation in surveil-
national laws, including human rights laws; many
lance and exchange of information at all periods
of these obligations are affirmed and elaborated
including pre-pandemic, pandemic alert, pan-
upon in IHR (2005) (12). Finally, an influenza pan-
demic and post-pandemic periods;
demic is inherently a global crisis; lack of response
• facilitate countries’ participation with WHO in
to a pandemic threat in one country puts all other
joint rapid containment efforts (15) in order to
countries at increased risk. It is therefore in each
stop, or at least slow, the spread of the initial
country’s national interest to contribute to interna-
emergence of pandemic influenza;
tional efforts to prevent and respond to an influ-
• avoid disparities in care across borders;
enza pandemic.
• promote the timely and accurate sharing of sci-
Yet, it is one thing to agree in principle that
entific information;
countries should assist one another before and dur-
• promote international evaluation or peer review
ing an influenza pandemic and another to work
of national influenza pandemic preparedness
out the details of what such cooperation actually
plans through a public and transparent process,
entails. Because resources will be limited, countries
taking into account the availability of resources;
are likely to face difficult choices between the need
• promote principles of fair process, equity, and
to protect their own populations and to support in-
global justice.
ternational efforts. Advance planning at the inter-

national level can help countries clarify what they Sharing specimens and promoting
expect of one another during each period (pre- equitable access to pharmaceutical
pandemic, pandemic alert, pandemic and post- interventions
pandemic). In addition, international cooperation is Broad international cooperation in the develop-
likely to increase the effectiveness of national pre- ment and dissemination of vaccines and treat-
paredness plans. ments is in the interests of all countries as such
cooperation offers the best chance of minimizing
The importance of international the global impact of an influenza pandemic (16).
According to the principle of reciprocity, each coun-
Because of the global impact of an influenza pan- try should do what it can to contribute to this ef-
demic, international and regional cooperation and fort, with the understanding that it can expect the
coordination in the development and implementa- same from the rest of the international community.
tion of influenza pandemic preparedness plans will Therefore, countries should:
be essential to an effective response, particularly

Ethical considerations in developing public health response to pandemic influenza

Box 6

International issues – the Belgian preparedness plan for pandemic influenza (17)
The Belgian preparedness plan for pandemic influenza advocates for a coordinated European response to pandemic
influenza. Such a coordinated response could prevent the risk of medical “shopping” where persons cross borders to
access treatments or vaccinations not available in their home country.
The national plan identifies potential discrepancies in country responses in the provision of protective equipment and
therapeutic and prophylactic measures, as well as hospital care, communication and trade, and proposes solutions for
a coordinated response. A coordinated response could also prevent the requisitioning of health-care workers practising
outside their native countries, a prospect that could leave some countries facing an even worse shortage of health-care
The plan states that Belgium will provide equal treatment to foreigners who are in Belgium, regardless of their legal sta-
tus in the country. Likewise, foreign nationals will be subjected to the same public health measures as those applicable
to Belgians. The authors base this policy on equity considerations and also on the need to protect Belgian citizens from
infection by untreated individuals living within national borders. Belgium encourages other countries in Europe to take a
similar position with respect to foreign nationals living within their borders.

• continue to support, strengthen and improve • ensure that support is provided in a manner that
the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network is technically sound, sensitive to local social and
and its procedures through the timely sharing of cultural circumstances, and in line with the na-
viruses or specimens with WHO Collaborating tional influenza pandemic preparedness plans;
Centres; • ensure that, to the extent possible, international
• participate in the development and implemen- support is provided following discussion and
tation of frameworks and mechanisms that aim agreement with the host country or, when that
to ensure fair and equitable sharing of benefits, is not possible, with international organizations
in support of public health, among all countries, such as WHO.
taking into particular consideration the specific
needs of developing countries. Issues for countries receiving assistance
Countries that receive financial and/or technical
Assistance to countries in need assistance have a duty to use this assistance
National and international policy-makers should appropriately by:
establish and test mechanisms to provide coor-
• ensuring that resources are directed according
dinated assistance to countries in need. These
to need rather than for political reasons;
mechanisms should:
• providing donated medications and influenza
• address needs for both financial and techni- pandemic vaccines at no cost to the recipient, in
cal assistance (e.g. collaboration for laboratory order to promote equitable access;
diagnosis); • passing on any unneeded donations to other
• incorporate fair and objective criteria for provid- countries that can use them.
ing assistance;
• apply to countries in need both during and after Attention to the needs of all
populations, regardless of their legal
an influenza pandemic; status in a country
• facilitate rapid assessments and timely decision-
International and national monitoring should pay
particular attention to the needs of all popula-
• consider the potential contributions of both gov-
tions, regardless of their legal status, especially
ernmental and nongovernmental actors;
with respect to access to health care. Such popula-
tions include but are not restricted to

6. Developing a multilateral response to an outbreak of pandemic influenza

• displaced persons must be followed by ongoing communication of

• refugees detailed public health information on the event,
• asylum seekers including, where possible, case definition, labora-
• migrants tory results, source and type of the risk, number of
• travellers. cases and deaths, conditions affecting the spread
of the disease and the health measures employed.
Communication policies In addition to international notification, in order
The International Health Regulations (2005) to promote public understanding and support for
are legally binding regulations adopted by most international collaboration in pandemic response
countries to contain the threat from diseases that efforts, governments should establish coherent
may spread rapidly from one country to another. and transparent communication policies (4)
Under the IHR (2005), States Parties to the Regula- that:
tions are required to notify WHO of all events “that
• promote collaboration between countries, par-
may constitute a public health emergency of inter-
ticularly at the regional level;
national concern” (PHEIC). This notification obliga-
• explain the importance of international coop-
tion, expanded since IHR (1969) (18), includes novel
eration in minimizing the adverse health, social,
or evolving public health risks, taking into account
industrial, and economic effects of an influenza
the context in which the event occurs, and includes
pandemic and its aftermath;
human influenza caused by a new virus subtype.
• articulate how such international efforts are
Notifications must occur within 24 hours of assess-
grounded in ethics and human rights.
ment by the country using the decision instrument
provided in Annex 2 of IHR (2005). Notifications


1. Avian influenza: assessing the pandemic threat. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2005 (WHO/
CDS/2005.29) (, accessed
1 October 2007)
2. University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics. Pandemic influenza and ethics – stand on guard for
thee. A Ehical considerations in preparedness planning for pandemic influenza, 2005 (http://www., accessed 1 October 2007).
3. Ethical values for planning for and responding to a pandemic in New Zealand – a statement for discus-
sion. National Ethics Advisory Committee, New Zealand, 2006 (
nsf/indexcm/neac-resources-publications-pandemic, accessed 1 October 2007).
4. WHO outbreak communications guidelines. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2005 (http://www., accessed 1 October
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ures before and during pandemics. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2005 (
csr/resources/publications/influenza/WHO_CDS_CSR_GIP_2005_5/en/index.html, accessed 1 October
6. WHO checklist for influenza pandemic preparedness planning. Geneva, World Health Organization,
2005. (WHO/CDS/CSR/GIP/2005.4) (
CDS_CSR_GIP_2005_4/en/, accessed 1 October 2007).
7. Swiss influenza pandemic plan 2006 (p. 246). Federal Office of Public Health, Switzerland, 2006 (http://, accessed 1 October 2007).
8. Ministry of Health. New Zealand influenza pandemic action plan. Wellington, Ministry of Health, 2006
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2006, 312:854–855. (, accessed 1 Octo-
ber 2007)
10. Citizen voices on pandemic flu choices. A report of the public engagement pilot project on pandemic in-
fluenza. 2005 (, accessed 1 October
11. United Nations Economic and Social Council. Siracusa principles on the limitation and derogation provi-
sions in the international covenant on civil and political rights. Annex, 1985, UN Doc. E/CN.4/1985/4.
12. World Health Assembly. Resolution WHA58.3. Revision of the International Health Regulations (http://, accessed 1 October 2007).

Ethical considerations in developing public health response to pandemic influenza

13. Blendon RJ et al. Attitudes toward the use of quarantine in a public health emergency in four countries.
Health Affairs, 2006, 25(2):w15–25.
14. The Canadian pandemic influenza plan for the health sector, Annex H: Resource management guide-
lines for health care facilities during an influenza pandemic. 2006. Coordinated by Health Canada and
the Public Health Agency of Canada. Available at:
2006_e.pdf. (accessed 1 October 2007).
15. WHO Interim Protocol: Rapid operations to contain the initial emergence of pandemic influenza. Ge-
neva, World Health Organization, 2007. (
draftprotocol/, accessed 1 October 2007)
16. World Health Organization. Sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits: Inter-
disciplinary Working Group on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness. Report by the Director-General. A/
PIP/IGM/4. 9 October 2007. (, accessed Octo-
ber 2007)
17. Plan belge d’urgence pour une pandémie de grippe. Partie 2: Plan opérationnelle. Comité de coordi-
nation interministériel Influenza. 2006. Chapter 1, p. 1–9, and Annex Border problems in case of an
influenza pandemic (, accessed October 2007, ac-
cessed 1 October 2007).
18. What are the International Health Regulations? Geneva, World Health Organization, 15 June 2007
(, accessed 1 October 2007).

Additional bibliography
and links

WHO resources
Addressing Ethical Issues in Pandemic Influenza Planning. Four discussion papers. Geneva, World Health Or-
ganization, forthcoming. Will be available at: (,
accessed 1 October 2007)
Global consultation on addressing ethical issues in pandemic influenza planning Summary of discussions,
24–25 October 2006, Geneva, Switzerland. Geneva, World Health Organizations, 2007.(WHO/CDS/EPR/
GIP/2007.1) (, accessed
1 October 2007)
WHO consultation on priority public health interventions before and during an influenza pandemic. Geneva,
World Health Organization, 2004 (WHO/CDS/CSR/RMD/2004.9) (
influenza/consultation/en/, accessed 1 October 2007)
WHO guidelines on the use of vaccines and antivirals during influenza pandemics. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 2004. (WHO/CDS/CSR/RMD/ 2004.8) (
influenza/WHO_CDS_CSR_RMD_2004_8/en/, accessed 1 October 2007)
Avian influenza: WHO Guidelines, recommendations, descriptions, full list in chronological order at: http:// guidelines/en/index.html (accessed 1 October 2007)
WHO web page on influenza (accessed 1 October
WHO web page on the International Health Regulations (2005) (accessed
1 October 2007)
A link to some of the published National Influenza Pandemic Plans can be found at:
disease/influenza/nationalpandemic/en/index.html ( accessed 1 October 2007)

Other key resources

New Zealand National Ethics Advisory Committee
Getting through together: ethical values for a pandemic. The National Ethics Advisory Committee – Kahui
Matatika o te Motu (NEAC) has completed its work on ethical values for a pandemic. Getting through
together emphasizes using shared values to help people to care for themselves, their whanau and their
neighbours, and using shared values to make decisions in situations of overwhelming demand. Getting
through together also gives guidance on some key issues in pandemic ethics. (
nz, accessed 1 October 2007)

UK Department of Health
The ethical framework for the response to pandemic influenza. The ethical framework is designed to assist
planners and strategic policy-makers with ethical aspects of decisions they face before, during, and after an
influenza pandemic. It may also help clinicians and other health and social-care professionals with decisions

Ethical considerations in developing public health response to pandemic influenza

they need to make in the same context. (

Publications PolicyAndGuidance/DH_073179, accessed 1 October 2007)

Ethical guidelines in pandemic influenza. As part of its planning for a possible outbreak of pandemic in-
fluenza, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) worked with the Ethics Subcommittee of
the Advisory Committee to the Director, CDC to identify ethical considerations relevant to public health
decision-making during the planning for and responding to pandemic influenza. (
science/phec/guidelinesPanFlu.htm, accessed 1 October 2007)

Documents from the Bellagio meeting

With support from the Rockefeller Foundation, an international group of experts met in Bellagio, Italy, from
24–28 July 2006 to consider questions of social justice and the threat of avian and human pandemic influ-
enza, with particular focus on the needs and interests of the world’s disadvantaged. (http://www.hopkins-, accessed 1 October 2007)

Plate-forme veille et réflexion “Pandémie grippale, éthique, société”

This site is an initiative by the “Espace éthique” and the “Université Paris-Sud 11” dedicated to the ethical
aspects of a potential flu pandemic (in French). (, accessed
1 October 2007)

Provincial Health Ethics Network

The Provincial Health Ethics Network (PHEN) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization which provides re-
sources to people in Alberta, Canada, to support systematic and thoughtful analysis of ethical issues in the
health system.( accessed 1 October 2007)

Quebec Public Health Ethics Committee (Comité d’éthique de santé publique, CESP)
Opinion about the public health dimension of the Quebec plan for fighting against pandemic influenza
(in French). (
35570c61afcd975685256ead00636ccc/$FILE/AVIS_PQLPI-MS_vf.pdf, accessed 1 October 2007)


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