The Book of Colossian

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By: Lark Murry


This paper is a personal Commentary written down based on what the word of God
has revealed to me as I meditated upon it. It recorded a personal Bible study (ESV).
However, I assure you that as you read through, God will surely speak and reveal to
you as He did it to me as I studied. As you go through make sure that you come down
in my level that you surely be blessed even more what I have gained from God’s

The Book of Colossians

The book of Colossians helps us to understand and see crystal picture of who Christ
is. This letter is a confronting and encouragement letter to the Church in Colossians.
Paul opens with a thanksgiving for the Colossians’ faith and a prayer that their
Christian growth may continue (1:1-14). He then announces the theme of his message,
which is the greatness of Christ and his work. Paul’s letter to the Colossians Church is
to fortify it against false teaching (teachers) who tried to impose strict rules about
eating and drinking and religious festivals. Paul shows the superiority of Christ over
By: Lark Murry

all human philosophy and traditions. He opened the deity of Christ i.e. the image of
the invisible God (1:15), who redeemed and reconciled the lost mankind to God

Since false teaching leads people into bondage, so Paul wanted the church to hold on
firmly to the truth of the gospel and so to enjoy their freedom in Christ (2:6-15). They
were not to submit to religious systems that people have invented, for their new life is
bound up with Christ and with him alone (2:16-3:4). They should give expression to
this new life by getting rid of old habits and developing qualities of character that are
Christ like (3:5-17), whether in private life, in the home, or in society at large (3:18-
4:6). If you read carefully you see Paul keeps personal details till the end. He talks
about various people, of whom some are with him, some about to visit Colossians, and
some resident in and around Colossians (4:7-18). He wrote this letter while he was in
prison in Rome probably in AD 60.

V 1:1-2 – “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our
brother, 2 to the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossians: Grace to you and
peace from God our Father”.

Apostle Paul was called to be a minister among the Gentiles, so when he wrote this
letter to the Church in Colossians he wanted to let them know who he is. He knew
himself that Christ Himself assigned him to be His servant. In meanwhile, he also
knew himself so well that he was an apostle to witness Christ to the unheard people.
He was not an apostle by himself, but by the will of God through Christ Jesus. With
this notion, he sent a greeting to the Church full of boldness and confidence that he
was an apostle who was appointed by Christ Himself. While addressing the Church in
greeting them with the peace of God, he also mentioned Timothy who was with him.
Paul knew that the peace of Christ can satisfy the inner heart of man.

Timothy- he was a faithful servant of Christ who was converted and become a member
in the body of Christ under the ministry of Paul. He was a mix-parents child i.e. his
By: Lark Murry

father was a Greek and his mother was a Jew (Acts 16:1). He became Paul’s spiritual
son (1Timothy 1:1) and became a good shepherd of God’s flock in Ephesus.

V. 1:3-8- “We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray
for you, 4 since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have
for all the saints, 5 because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have
heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, 6 which has come to you, as indeed
in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since
the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth, 7 just as you learned it
from Epaphras our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your
behalf 8 and has made known to us your love in the Spirit”.

Apostle Paul never tried to overtake what he doesn’t put a hand or established,
however, he had a cared and concerned for the believers. He viewed equally all the
believers who are in the body of Christ “no Greek or Jews” (Galatians 3:28), and more
than a word he rejoiced in the Lord for them. He was God’s fearing servant. Not like
today’s leaders who see differently between Church members or others denomination
thinking that they belong to other Churches. But here we see Paul encouraged them
and making them confirmed that a man of God is praying for them and rejoicing and
thanking in the Lord for the way they responded to the calling of the Lord and the way
they intimated in God’s word.

Apostle Paul constantly acknowledges God the Father for what he heard about their
faith. With a thanksgiving heart, he also prayed for them. Paul’s prayer was not just
once but constantly in love 24/7. He prayed without ceasing that they might reach the
purpose of God. On the other hand, since their faith was growing in Christ Jesus that
produced love in return to love all the saints. He also knew that by practicing love and
growing in faith they were laying hope in heaven. And this was the impact of listening
and obeying what they heard of the gospel. Like the other believers in the world they
bear fruits and were growing from the day they heard the Gospel. They understood the
grace of God as Epaphras had tough them who was a faithful minister of Christ Jesus
and a co-prisoner of Paul in Rome (v.7, Phil 23). Every believer is expected to grow in
the Lord Jesus Christ and to bear fruits that others may enjoy the fruits and thankful to
By: Lark Murry

God. The Church at Colossians was fruitful and for that Paul was thankful to God for
their good reputation. Paul’s heart was overwhelmed and felt with joy for what he
heard about the church for they were in love of one another in the spirit (cf 3-5).

V. 1: 9-12 – “And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you,
asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom
and understanding, 10 so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to
him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. 11 may
you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance
and patience with joy, 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share
in the inheritance of the saints in light”

Paul was a great mentor and a good encourager who always push others forward with
the Gospel. He proclaimed Christ to the lost and brings them into the light of Jesus
Christ. In a meanwhile also he nurtured them because he had concern for them, and
wanted the Church to identify that he was always behind them and not leave them
alone. Paul said “we prayed for you without ceasing” for he interceded on their behalf
that they might grow more in faith and stay stronger (Ephesians 1:15-16). He prayed
that they might be filled with the knowledge of God and wisdom. One of the zeal of
Paul for them was that he wanted them to be rich in the understanding of God’s
wisdom in His will. He instructed them to strive to be in the level of perfection, and
walk in the manner of worthy and to please God, also present blameless before God.
Therefore he encouraged them to bear fruits in every good work they do.

V.1:13-14- “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to
the kingdom of his beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of

Adam was tripped over in the hands of Satan by the moment he decided to disobey
God and all mankind was under the control of Satan/Evil. With that one evil act it had
been passing on even today’s generation and we choose to live under the hands of
evil. But then here what Paul wrote to the Church was an affirmation and assurance
that God had transformed and brought us in His light through the redemptive work of
By: Lark Murry

Jesus Christ on the cross by forgiving us of our sins. Christ who delivered us from the
power of the ruler in the air, Satan, and welcome us in the Kingdom of God because
God the Father has qualified us to enter His Kingdom through Christ Jesus. So people
of God, the God who delivered in those days are still at work. Now Christ is calling all
after He set us free from the bondage of sin and Satan. Christ has forgiven us and
made us sons and daughters of God the Father. And being a child of God we are
expected to dwell with Him, not with and in the world. The word of God says “draw
near to me and I will draw near to you” (James 4:8).

V. 1:15 “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation”.

Here Paul was talking (explaining) about Christology who Christ is, because he
wanted the church to understand. No doubt! They believed in Christ Jesus, but didn’t
understand fully or even half and therefore they were shaken in some extents of what
they have believed. Suppose if they understood Christ well who He really is, then they
wouldn’t have influenced by the things outside Christ. When Paul wrote this letter to
them, they were already engaged and influenced by wrong teaching, Gnostic,
philosophies, and belief of human traditions.

The Church in Colossians failed to notice and acknowledges the reign of Christ Jesus,
but rather more on their own influential philosophy and traditions. Therefore, Paul had
shown and explained who Christ was and is. Christ whom they had received before
through Epaphras (1:7). They already heard the Gospel before Paul’s letter and even
he heard all about them how they were when they accepted Christ and how they bear
fruits and developed in Christ Jesus (1:2-6). However, in a couple of years after
receiving Christ they began to backslide in their old being- their faith began to fade
away. They denied the supremacy of Jesus Christ. So here, Paul gave a crystal picture
of Jesus Christ to make them known.

The Image of the invisible God- Paul began with an affirmation that Christ is the
image of the invisible of God. In ever Paul’s letter, he gave a clear picture of who
Christ is (2 Corinthians 4:4, Philippians 2:6). A question may ask about the ‘image of
the invisible God’ do God has an image or is He human or a thing that has an image?
By: Lark Murry

Yes, God is an infinite and invisible God that cannot be seen and God doesn’t have
any form, but also He can have form and be seen. Here Paul’s point is that in this way
Christ is the exact image of the invisible God. Christ represents God of being or
becoming a human being. In a new logic, He is the image of the infinite God in a
human form. God can be visible and indeed we have seen God “no one has ever seen
God, but He has made us known/seen” (John 1:18, 14:7, 9).

Image refers – Christ has eternal power, Christ- divine nature who has been clearly
seen and revealed to us (John 1:14), Christ- the Creator (John 1:3-5), Christ –
Redeemer (Galatians 3:13), Christ- Full of mercy and grace (John 1:14). Another
question may ask “human being also created in God’s image” (Gen 1:26-7), but the
answer is very simple. We understand Christ Himself is God and we are created in His
image. Paul’s concept of the image here is mainly the function of His divine.

The Firstborn over all Creation: - Normally when we say firstborn, it refers to the
one who is born in the first place through mother, the eldest in the family. So you may
ask a question that how can Christ be the firstborn of all creation? And indeed Christ
was also biologically the firstborn of Mary. However, in this verse when Paul says
that the firstborn is not referring to physical birth in the family. We understood that
Christ is the image of God and He’s God, so Paul's notion is referring that Christ is the
creator. He exists even before the creation account. The concept of firstborn refers to
Christ has already used from the Old Testament and Paul is quoting the notion again
to remind the Church in Colossians.

In Psalms, 59:27 says “I will appoint Him the firstborn, the most exalted of the king of
the earth”. Paul explained that Christ has all authority over all creatures. The Church
in Colossians started to deny Christ and started to find God or salvation in their own
way. Therefore Paul brought this impression to make them understand. The firstborn
refers that Christ came down from heaven, not from dust like a human being. He is the
Lord of all. Christ is completely holy and has full authority over all creations. Christ is
supreme. Colossians Church failed to see the supremacy of Christ and began to
worship creatures rather than the Creator to get salvation (2:18-19). They put Jesus
lower from the actual truth, so Paul reminded them again because he had so much
By: Lark Murry

concerned for their faith and salvation. Christ is the first priority, the supreme, eternal
and that’s why Paul used the firstborn of all creation.

V. 1:16 “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and
invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were
created through him and for him”.

When God created whatever is recorded in the Bible (Genesis 1:1f), Christ was
already there in the creation. In other words, Christ existed even before the account of
the creation era (John 1:1-4). The picture that Apostle Paul gave is very vivid and he
understood Christ very well more than any other person on earth that could understand
Christ. Paul didn’t just know who Christ is but far beyond knowing; he understood
Christ and lived like Him in his daily life. “By Him all things were created” since Paul
understood Christ as far from human wisdom or intellectual and that’s the reason he
confronted the Church in Colossians.

Christ who created the whole universe, visible and invisible things – created for Him.
Everything in heaven and on earth, seen and unseen belongs to Him (God). He is the
author and owner of every creature. Therefore even the wind obeyed His voice “And
he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was
a calm” (Luke 8:24). And even though the demon tries to control the things on earth
and in between the heaven and the earth, but they themselves obeyed and listen to the
voice of Christ Jesus “now a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, and
they begged him to let them enter these. So he gave them permission” (Luke 8:32).
Because they knew Christ that He is the Son of God and the ruler and the creator of

V. 1:17-18- “And he is before all things, and in him, all things hold together. 18 And
he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the
dead, that in everything he might be preeminent”.

We see what the text declares the supremacy of Christ Jesus that He was there even
far before all things existed into being, the firstborn of all things of all creations
(1:15). He is the infinite, uncreated one, and therefore He holds all things in Him.
By: Lark Murry

Once I heard a prisoner saying that when a person is put in prison he has to be under
somebody who is in the prison earlier than him. If Jesus Christ was not there in the
beginning, then how he can be the creator of all things or control all things, holds all
things. Can a child exist before their parents? Impossible! The same way creatures
can’t have existed before the creator.

Christ is the head of the church, every mankind, every creature, and the beginning of
all things (v.18). Paul sought the church to know the actual truth that if there was no
Christ in the beginning the cosmos won’t exist. Once the world was dead but He
reinstalls the world by becoming the firstborn from the dead and everything he might
be preeminent (sovereign).

V. 1:19-23 “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, 20 and through
him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by
the blood of his cross. 21 And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind,
doing evil deeds, 22 he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order
to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, 23 if indeed you
continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that
you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation7 under heaven, and of which I,
Paul, became a minister”.

In Christ alone, we see the fullness of God that dwelt. So Paul was confronting the
Church that God was pleased to dwell in Christ alone and through His, the work of
reconciliation was done in both heaven and on earth. When we lived in sin and ding
all kinds of evil, we hate the truth. We don’t want to hear or know the truth rather we
hate God because we were living in sin. And we made God as our enemy for our
minds are occupied by evil behaviour (eg. King Saul and David). We are far from God
by being alive and which brought a result of dead to our spirit.

Therefore, Christ became the peacemaker in between the broken bridge, God, and
mankind. And only in Him, the broken pieces of mankind could fix it, and therefore
on the cross, Christ had fixed every broken piece. Further, Paul encouraged the
Church that once who were alienated and hostile in mind (made enemy to God) and
By: Lark Murry

doing all kinds of evil, Christ has reunited in his body in God’s family. The act that
Christ took which has been shown on the cross is to make mankind alive.

Mankind was guilty, infected, and full of debts that deserve eternal death, but Christ;
in his holiness brought us back through his death on the cross, in order to present us
blameless before God the Father. Therefore, Paul advised the Church not to stumble
by any worldly belongings but to grow in the faith of the Gospel of what they have
heard for the hope. Apostle Paul told them that he himself is a minister of the Gospel
which they head and has been proclaiming in all creation under heaven. It was to give
assurance to the Church that the work of Christ on the cross was reality. Christ
reconciled us to proclaim the gospel. That where Apostle Paul himself became a
minister in proclaiming the Gospel.

V. 1:24-25- “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh, I am filling
up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the
church, 25 of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God that
was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known”

When we study Paul’s ministry we see that throughout his ministry he faced and gone
through numerous persecution for the sake of Christ. He suffered a lot in the time of
proclaiming the Gospel to let the people understand the love of God. But then he was
not discouraged or disappointed by the suffering he faced rather he rejoiced in his
suffering throughout his ministry. He was tortured and was put into prisons many
times (2 Corinthians 11:23-28), but he felt and took it as a privilege knowing that he
was filling what is lacking in Christ affliction for the sake of His body i.e. the Church.
Everyone who had been called, we are “called to share His Cross.”

He appreciated himself for what he was doing because he knew that what he was
doing was right in the eye of God. Therefore Paul even encouraged the Church that he
was rejoicing in sufferings for their sake in His flesh. Paul really suffered and
struggled to reach out to the unreached with the story of Christ, so as well we
(servants of God) are called to suffer and to be persecuted for the people and by the
people in fitting what is lacking in Christ affliction for His sake. For this purpose, he
By: Lark Murry

was appointed to be a minister to serve God’s people according to the will and
guidance of God who is the Father of all. He was assigned to let the people know the
Truth which he has fully known that God never called or saved us for self, but to show
Christ to others (1:28, 2:3).

V. 1:26-29- 2:1-3“the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to
his saints. 27 To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are
the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of
glory. 28 Him we proclaim, warning everyone, and teaching everyone with all
wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. 29 For this I toil, struggling
with all his energy that he powerfully works within me. 1 For I want you to know how
great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not
seen me face to face, 2 that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in
love, to reach all the riches of the full assurance of understanding and the knowledge
of God's mystery, which is Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom
and knowledge.”.

Paul continued to affirm what they were hearing from him about the Gospel that the
truth or mystery which was hidden in those eras now had been revealed to us through
Christ Jesus that “God is LOVE” (Ep 3:3; Col 2:2, 1:27). In the era of the Old
Testament, God communicated to His people in terms of vision and through angels,
therefore people failed to get the privilege to know the genuine truth. They were like
living in a place without light or in dim light.

The word mystery is something which is happen very rare or unusual things so when
Paul said ‘but now the mystery has revealed to his servants’ he understood what God
had done on our behalf. God came down from heaven to our level where we dwell for
He knew that we are finding it difficult to go to Him, failure, and loss. Therefore He
became one as we are. He came down seeking His lost sheep to give life that they may
live (Luke 19:10). God has already revealed to us if you believe. Therefore, we rejoice
(1:24) for this work (1:28) to other rich in Christ through Christi in us.
By: Lark Murry

For it is the purpose and plan of God from the very beginning of the world. He had
been waiting this time to come and in a right time God came down to our level (Gal
4:4) to show us what He wants, the glory which is kept from the beginning – the hope
of glory for all people both Greek and Jews. So Paul was telling the church which was
hidden in those days had been revealed to them- the hope of glory. By telling this
mystery to them they might grow mature in Christ. Interestingly as God designed,
Paul’s desire was to bring them in His love through the knowledge of the mystery.
And to make them to be strong and wanted to see them growing mature in Christ and
that’s why he suffered for them in Christ. What do you suffer? What is your message?

V. 2:4-5 “I say this in order that no one may delude you with plausible
arguments. 5 For though I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to
see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ”.

As it is written in the first chapter that Paul had so much concern for the believers in
Colossians, so he did not only encouraged them with the word of God but to make the
believers known the actual thing of becoming one in the body of Christ he also
encouraged them his experiences that he was gone through. Paul was strong and well
known of what the truth was, so he suffered for what and whom he knew and
believed. By sharing his sufferings to the Church he wanted them to see the beauty of
a true believer in Christ Jesus that none of them may fall into the trap of this fancy

Paul’s main desire was that the Church might stand firm in the faith of Christ, and
therefore he was with the Church in spirit. He rejoiced for them and pronounced a
prayer for the Church that they might become mature in faith. As a leader we must put
a wall (2:4) by giving firm foundation 1:28, 2:2-3) that believers may live secure in
By: Lark Murry

V. 2:6-7- “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7 rooted
and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in

Therefore – it is a continuation word from the previous paragraph or text. It shows that
the reason has been told and explained. He reminded the church; now you have
already received Christ in your heart as you all choose to live in Him. By the work of
the Holy Spirit who nurtures your heart by showing up your position of where you
were and helped you the need to accept and allowing Christ to dwell in you.

Walk-in Him: this is not a one-time show or one-time event. It doesn’t end up by the
time when we accept Jesus Christ, but by the moment we chose to accept Him as our
personal Savior, we began to walk in and with Christ. Then how do we walk?

Rooted and Build up in Him: to walk with Christ is not easy if we don’t abide in
Him. The more we build up our lives in Christ Jesus that much we become stronger.
Can a man be born without parents? Impossible! How will you walk without Christ,
because walking with Him that itself is a big task. It requires a decision and
commitment i.e. to be rooted or abide in Him alone. If our hearts and minds is rooted
in Him alone, than we will find it easy to walk with Him. Unless we build up in Him
we can’t walk with and in Him because we are limited. We need to walk with Him
and to walk with Him we need to be rooted in his word (Ps 1:2). This is the
responsibility of Christians and the reason of receiving Christ.

Establish in the Faith: faith is something to do with unseen things, but it has to do
with a will. Faith is a gift of God by grace and the Holy Spirit helps us to receive and
have faith in Christ Jesus. The question is how do we establish faith in Him? The
word of God says faith comes through the hearing of God’s word (Romans 10:17).

Faith is something that we fully hanging on Christ even if we don’t understand and
see. Faith is something that we don’t see but we can experience Him through His word
if we choose to experience and have faith. Because the more we depend on Him that
much we will experience Him in our lives and will see the fruit of being in faith.
Apostle Paul encouraged the church by saying as you were taught (v.7), Christ was
By: Lark Murry

not for the first time they were hearing but they had already heard even before Paul’s
letter. And since they had already heard who Christ was and is, Paul continued in
reminding them to walk with Christ being rooted, and build up in Christ and establish
faith in Christ Jesus.

Paul did not end with that but furthermore; he encouraged them to be thankful to God
constantly. Here what we can see is that a person who has received Christ and chooses
to walk with Him by being rooted in Him will have the desire to thank God
constantly. Thanking God is not out of force or because people are doing but it comes
out naturally when one’s faith is rooted in Christ Jesus. In every situation, Paul gave
thanks to God not that he was a force to but because he knew that God was always
with him in all circumstances that he faced.

V. 2:8 “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit,
according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not
according to Christ”

The battle for us is not end. We are still in a battle field. How do we fight the battle?
We need to fight the battle through and by verse 6 and 7. Paul is trying to give an
understanding of how to live by reminding them of what they had been heard (v.6-7),
here in verse 8 Paul was warning the believers not to fall on any wrong notions and
actions apart from the Truth “see to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and
empty deceit according to human tradition and according to world spirit” (v.8).

See to it: When Paul wrote this letter, the Church in Colossians had been influenced
by Gnosticism, and as it is mentioned in verse 8. So Paul was warning them to live in
awareness of what was happening within them/Church. Their faith was shaken, they
were disturbed and tracking them away by wrong teaching. They began to doubt what
they heard and what they had been believed. Some of them were already got by the
worldly wisdom which was contrary to Christ. Once they were very strong of what
they believed and in whom they have believed (v.1:3-4). But then their faith was
fading away and for this reason, Paul warned them to be watchful, to be alert of what
was happening.
By: Lark Murry

During that era, there were teachings of Gnosticism and the wrong view based on
human intellectual and philosophy. And with these notions of teaching the Church
was influenced because they seem to be supportive of the worldly notions. So many
flattering words were spread at that time and therefore Paul warned them not to be
fallen in those empty cuckold words.

Another issue was human tradition according to world view and spirit. The Church in
Colossians accepted Jesus Christ, but on the other hand, they were yet to remove their
old practices based on their own belief. Therefore, Paul was so much concerned about
their faith and their souls. He doesn’t want them to lost their souls or wanted them to
go back to their old being before AC, because they had already created a new being
when they had received Christ in their hearts at first “if anyone is in Christ he is a new
creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17). So he urged them to be watchful.

Even in the present scenario, many Christians are falling in the belief of human
traditions BC. They find it difficult to remove their traditions and which it brings
contrary to the Church. Many Christians fail to understand that the word of God is
higher than human traditions. And some Christians started to change the Gospel by the
traditions of the human lifestyle, saying to see the context. Christians must live life to
transform the traditions by the Gospel. And to stay away from what verse 8 says we
must understand well verses 6 and 7 of chapter 2. If we walk and live in Christ, then
no one can snatch away from the hand of our Father (John 10:28).

V. 2: 9-10 – “For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, 10 and you have
been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority”.

Here we see Paul dealing with the Church regards the beauty in Christ. The deity of
God (Father) dwells in Christ Jesus and we see all the natures of God in Christ Jesus
i.e. Love- in Christ Jesus, we have seen love and it is not just a one-time show, but it is
like a stream of water which flows constantly. Mercy and Grace – He is full of mercy
and grace (John 1:16), Christ always shows mercy to us. Even though we disobey and
commit sin before Him, but instead of punishment, He shows mercy. “We deserve
punishment but He forgives” Grace- If He didn’t show and give us His grace where
By: Lark Murry

and how we would be? He gives what we don’t even deserve at all. He gives life even
though we don’t deserve it. Why He gives grace upon grace to us.

Furthermore, Paul reminded them that in Christ they were filled because they choose
to believe Him by His help. We all are filled in Christ by the moment we receive and
we become one in Him and been united in Him who is the ruler of our lives and the
author and giver of life. And in the meanwhile who is the supreme over all authorities
under heaven and on earth.

V. 2: 11-12: “In him also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without
hands, by putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, 12 having
been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith
in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead”

Paul was repeating how they were circumcised. We now are circumcised in Christ
Jesus through His tremendous work on the cross. Now we don’t need to circumcise by
the hand of man or to cut off even pieces of flesh. Since the Church gave more
importance to tradition than what was taught them by Epaphras. In Jews custom
circumcision is mass to count a Jew, so one has to circumcise as long as they are Jews.
And the Church in Colossians were still holding the notion of their old being
traditions. Hence to make them understand Paul was explaining that the work of
Christ on the cross was more than enough for them to be a part of Him and in Him. So
do, no more hands require for us to be cut off the skin for the act of circumcision,
because what Christ did cover all in all for us. Christ did it by hanging on the tree, and
now we all are circumcised in Him.

In a time being Paul clarified to them that they were also had been buried in Christ
Jesus in the act of Baptism. This impales to all. When we agree in him of His act and
decided to be being a part of Baptism we also raise with and in Him from the old
being to the new being. Because we also having been buried with Him in baptism.
And in which we also raised with Him through faith in the wonderful working power
of God. So once a person is decided to accept Christ Jesus he has to go through
baptism, for it the symbolic act of being a part of His death and resurrection.
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V. 2:13-14 “And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the circumcision of your
flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 14 by
cancelling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set
aside, nailing it to the cross”.

And you who were dead in your trespasses- Apostle Paul was telling the believers in
Colossians that once they were dead because of their sins before God. The knowledge
of Paul and what he heard about them was very fruitful and had a good reputation
when they heard the gospel at first but then they started to ignore what they heard.
Because of the wrong philosophy and stronghold of traditional events they were
backslidden from sound teaching. They ignored the living God who sustains by being
a part of an evil world, giving their mind, soul, and attention to their own will.

Once the Church in Colossians was fully dead in the circumcision act of the flesh and
became a slave of evil. Their reputation was going down before God because they
didn’t maintain the standard of morality. They were dead because they were unclean
and unworthy even in the flesh. They gave importance to their flesh desire rather than
God. Their world in God and the journey of the spiritual world was no more exist.
They are involved in the activities of world desire and flesh desire based on the

But God made you alive with Him (13b). Even though once they were totally dead
and were a man of hopelessness, now Christ made them alive. By giving breath in the
inner and flesh you came to live. He knew your moral standard and the life journey.
Paul's future helped them to understand that Christ knew all in and out, all their marks,
sins still He chooses to forgive all your transgression. Christ forgives your ignorance.
He is God who redeems. He has forgiven your will to disobey Him. He didn’t forgive
only and just let you go but He chose to bring you to God (Father) by cancelling the
records of your debts you had. How did He do that?

Everything He cancelled all the debts you had before God by nailing Himself on the
cross. Your works deserve eternal death (12), also didn’t deserve of being alive or to
exist but He decided to give you lives by putting Himself in your place and hanged on
By: Lark Murry

the tree. He raised you from the dead with Him. Now then He has given you lives in
Him by cancelling everything that is blocking to approach God. He has shown His
unfailing love to flow in you constantly that we might be freed. So be free because
Christ set you free for freedom (Gal 5:1). God the Father has recreated us in Christ as
it was in the beginning (Gen 1:27).

V. 2:15- “He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by
triumphing over them in him”.

Apostle Paul also instructed the Church that when Christ was hanged on the cross He
did not only set them free from the bondage of sin, but He also disarmed all the
powers of Satan. He took all the authority of Satan which took from mankind in the
Garden of Eden. Christ has taken all the authority of Satan and given to mankind
again on the cross. Since Christ put Satan to sham publicly now you no longer under
the authority of Satan, for they (we) are free and have given the authority to overcome
and cast out Satan in His name. So now if you don’t choose to let Satan rule you and
give your authority to Satan then you can overcome and control them in Christ’s
name. You can command them to flee from you and it will flee (James 4:7) because
now you/we have the power and authority to cast them out and overcome through
Christ who strengthens you/us (Philippians 4:13).

V. 2:16-19 – “Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and
drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17These are a shadow
of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. 18 Let no one disqualify
you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions,
puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, 19 and not holding fast to the Head,
from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and
ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God”.

Apostle Paul was very careful and felt for the Christians in Colossians that he wanted
them to maintain dignity and integrity in every angle. Therefore he encouraged them
“let no one pass judgment on you in the question of your lifestyle. There were
believers who had a bad reputation and had bad conduct which distracts others. The
By: Lark Murry

believers were still holding their old road, through by choosing to take part or
involving in the participating in the flesh (food and drinks) which was already
sacrificed to idols. They failed to distinguish clear and unclear – pure and impure.

They brought back their old tradition, the tradition before Christ found them. In those
days they were so deep in their religion, giving more priority to what they felt good.
They celebrated festivals or a Sabbath apart of what Christ demands. Christ is the
creator but their mind diverted to worship the creations “new moon”. Sabbath is not
greater than Christ but they gave more attention to the season than reason or in other
words, they gave emphases on traditional conduct than Christ Jesus. The Church in
Colossians gave more on their knowledge and notions. They tried to reach God apart
from Christ, because of their wrong knowledge (Gnosticism), worshiped angels to
find salvation. We give importance only to the events. What about the other days are
those days are not important to worship God? Whereas the Bible says Jesus Christ is
the same yesterday, today, and forever. The problem in us is, most of the time we are
capture by outward things and we do things just to show, no sense to worship God.

Therefore Paul warned them. Not only that but also they gave more on vision
assuming that their dream are from God and that the way to gain salvation (V. 18).
But that was a wrong step. Their intellectual was taking them far from Christ. All the
occasions or events will come and go but Christ remains (Heb 13:8). Therefore,
Apostle Paul warned and encouraged their wrong intention and told them to know
what they have believed. As they had preached Christ Jesus Paul urged them to
establish faith in Him – to build in Him (2:6-7), because He made them alive in the
time of resurrection.

V. 2:20-23 “If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you
were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations 21 “Do not handle, Do not
taste, Do not touch” 22 ( referring to things that all perish as they are used)—
according to human precepts and teachings? 23 These have indeed an appearance of
wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but
they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh”.
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In the preceding verses, Paul had explained to the Church why and how they were
separated (dead) with Christ Jesus (2:8-15), so he was reminding the Church of what
they are supposed to be saying they were all died with Christ to the elements of the
world so they must have remained in Him. Once a person is made alive by Christ
Jesus he becomes a new being in nature, fully relying on Christ Jesus by denying
everything of the elements of this world. Paul’s intention was that since the Church
had already resurrected with Christ by accepting Him through faith. They were now
sons and daughters of God belong to Him and no more from the world.

Believers are so much adored by God and made them His, therefore Paul was arguing
that if they were dead with Christ and dead to the world why then they were still
living in the elements of the world? Christ made them alive by giving the power to
defeat the evil, elements spirit of the world, but they still choose to serve the world
and the desire of the flesh and the longing i.e. lust, philosophy, flattering world, and
traditions, etc. They were still submitted to the elements of the world rather than
Christ? Paul was encouraging the Church not to submit to the elemental spirit of the
world because since they had died with Christ Jesus and He has given the power to

He also encouraged not to take part in the worldly activities or involve in all perishing
things “don’t handle, test, touch (2:21). Apostle Paul advised them not to listen to any
teaching rather than the Gospel. He warned them not to give ear to traditional
teaching, philosophy, and Gnostic which track them away from the truth. Because all
these human wisdom traditions and elemental spirit will perish, only Christ will
remain for He alone is eternal. It is because of Christ events began so events with
Christ is meaningful but without Him death (V.18-19).

V. 3:1-4- “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above,
where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are
above, not on things that are on earth. 3 For you have died, and your life is hidden
with Christ in God. 4 When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear
with him in glory”.
By: Lark Murry

We should run towards the future glory in Christ Jesus. Chapter 3 inaugurated with
something that had happened before “if then you have been raised with Christ”. In the
first two chapters, Paul acknowledged them also encouraged them. They were
alienated- totally cut off from God (1:21), since they were badly influencing by the
fancy teaching or notions and involving in all the demands of the flesh. Paul continue
to give them a crystal picture of the Gospel that Christ had reconciled and brought
them back to the Father (God) by putting their punishment on Him (1:20) on the cross.
Christ had cancelled all the depts. and in the meanwhile, he also makes them known
who Christ was and is. Once again he reminded them that they had been raised with
Christ Jesus (1:6-7, 2:13), so to set their minds things on above by seeking Christ (3:1-

Christ is the head of all in all in heaven and on earth (1:15-20), therefore he stimulated
them to focus on Christ. Since then, we have been born in Christ (2 Cor 5:17) we must
seek the kingdom of God and yearn for the place where Christ is. Our first thought,
word, action should be Christ Jesus (3:1c). This worldly things are perishable but
heavenly things remains, so let it be Jesus in all. Heaven is the place where we began
so if set our mind on Christ, He will direct us to where we belong (1:20, 22). The
church been born with Christ, now their lives were hidden with Him in God (v.3).

Every believer becomes a new creation and united in Christ when he/she accepts
Christ’s supremacy. The believers in Colossians became one body in Christ, no more
belongs to the world. So do Christ had raised us from the dead therefore we must live
dead to this world because now our lives is hidden from this world that we may be
presented blameless on that day. Christ have hidden our lives in Him (1:10; 2:13-
15Gen 3:24; Ps 91:4; Ep 1:14). In verse 4 Paul also assured that God will share them
His glory in Christ Jesus if they set their minds on Him alone. Christ is their life lives
in them, so when He appears they will also appear with Him in His glory (4). The
glory which exists even before all things, the glory that the world had never seen that
glory He will share with them/us. Now, our life is hidden in Christ so that we don’t
become a slave of sin anymore. He hid our life that we might be presented blameless
on that glorious day (1:10, 3:4), He cares for us, for we are his’ (1:16).
By: Lark Murry

V. 3:5-11- “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity,
passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. 6 On account of these the
wrath of God is coming. 7 In these you too once walked, when you were living in
them. 8 But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and
obscene talk from your mouth. 9 Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put
off the old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being
renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. 11 Here there is not Greek and
Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is
all, and in all”.

No one can gain everlasting salvation holding in the elemental spirit of the world. And
the Church in Colossians gave effort in that but Paul urged them to put to death things
that belong to earth because they had been died and raised with Christ Jesus through
faith in Him by grace. The reason is the worldly things never go with heavenly things.
Both are totally contracted with one another. It can’t appear one at a time. On top of
that God can’t tolerate evil. When they received Christ to believe in their hearts that
very moment they began their journey with Him in His holiness. Thus God wants
everyone who walks with Him to maintain purity and to denounce all worldly stuff.

Likewise, Paul also encouraged them to death to the world i.e. (v.5-11), because being
in the world it is awkward to please God and approach Him. Self-desire for the world
will take away the fear of the Lord and the Church seem to be forgotten Christ who is
the supreme/preeminent. Paul also knew that fulfilling the longing of the flesh will
take the peace and the harmony even in them because this is the desire of Satan to hate
one another- discrimination between themselves (v.11). However, Paul was reminding
them that there was no difference between Greek, Jew, Circumcise and
uncircumcised, slave and free but Christ is all in all and for all. In Christ all are equal.

Putting off all the worldly stuff or put dead to the world is requiring to follow and
walk with Christ. Putting new being (cloths) (Romans 13:11-4) is very much essential
by renewing in knowledge after the image of its Creator (Christ) (v.9-10). The Church
was still living in old beings and because of that, the image of Christ has not seen in
By: Lark Murry

them. So Paul encouraged them to put off the old and put on new being in Christ Jesus
that Christ's beauty might be seen in them.

V. 3:12- Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts,
kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,

The believers become God’s chosen people and so much adored by God when they
chose to believe in Christ (Ephesians 1:4-5). Paul refreshed them with the Gospel to
hold and maintain the likeness of Christ in their daily life.

Compassionate hearts- Christ was filled with compassion when He saw the crowd for
they were sheep without a shepherd (Mark 6:34). Kindness- Christ didn’t show and
respond to any unkind word even when they judged Him in the wrong
accord. Humility- Christ became so humble for mankind's sake. He came down to our
level (John 1:14, Phil 2:1-11). Once a person is loved by God and walks in and with
Him, habitually life will produce the beauty of Christ, i.e. humility. Meekness- Christ
was silent when people shouted at Him. Patient- Christ was filled with self-control
(Ephesians 4:2).

V. 3:13- bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another
forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.

God has forgiven and shown how to forgive to others through Christ Jesus and now it
is the responsibility of every believer to practice what Christ had shown to all. Paul
advised the Church to practice forgiveness as the Lord has forgiven them (us). Christ
had shown even in His last breath on the cross “Father forgive them” (Luke 23:34).
Forgiveness holds a big key that can open a wide door that wich can connect to the
deep down in the heart. So Paul directed them to forgive each other that they too may
find peace.

V. 3:14- And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect

Love is eternal beauty and it produces all the above branches (v.12-13). Love is the
main key of life (John 3:16) that gives life even to the dead. By knowing that Paul
By: Lark Murry

understood the purpose of Christ coming to us and He saw that love from Christ and
practiced that love to others. And now he also encouraged and encouraged the Church
to practice loving each other as Christ loves them (us).

V. 3:15 “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were
called in one body. And be thankful.

Paul was asking them to allow the peace of Christ to rule their hearts for he knows
that, that is the purpose God had chosen them through Christi Jesus. The peace of
Christ is the perfect peace for mankind and there’s no way to get or find such peace.
No one can give like the peace He gives (John 14:27). Life is not a matter of how rich,
healthy, etc. or no matter how far we try to find peace by choosing worldly elements.
But it about abides with Christ. And only the peace of Christ will and can give inner
peace and to get that peace one needs to intimate and rooted in Christ Jesus. No one
can take away if they (you) allow Christ’s peace to rule their (your) hearts.

V. 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one
another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with
thankfulness in your hearts to God”.

The word that comes out from the mouth of God gives life and strengthens the weak.
So they were fading away in their faith in Christ Jesus and ignored what the Truth is –
the word of God. Paul reminded them to abide in the word of God in the right
teaching. The word of God gives wisdom and an increase in the knowledge of God
and by abiding in God’s word even the weakest person becomes strong for it
strengthen their strength because there’s a power in His word. The word of God has
the potential to correct and rebuke in them of wrong teaching (2 Timothy 3:16). And
the more we study and meditate in God’s word we will find the hidden truth because
God gave His word to show us His eternal purpose. Therefore who seeks His will find
the heavenly wisdom for Christ dwells in you.

When Christ dwells in us, we will have His peace and when we have His peace our
heart will be filled with joy that produces to praise God in return. We will be thankful
to Him in every step we take. In the meanwhile, we will be influencing others.
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V. 3:17 “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the
Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him”.

And so then Paul encouraged them to do everything in the name of Lord Jesus Christ,
which means he urged them to speak a word that will be pleasing to one another- for
the benefit of the community that would be accepted by Christ Jesus. Alone with that
even in deeds, he asked them not to do anything with fear or in the fear of man or with
grumbling but to do it in the name of Christ. For once they were rich in the word of
God and the praises poured out from their mouth with thankful hearts. Paul
encouraged the Church to have the love of God and allow the peace of Christ to rule
their hearts and to be rooted and abides in the word of God. Every child of God is
expected to be rooted in Christ, because if we have all of these then whatever we do or
speak we will do and speak in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. A true Christian will
always be thanking God for what Christ has done for us.

V. 3:18 – “Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord”.

The conditions in Colossians among the believers seem they were confused or
forgotten the responsibility of being a Christian not only in the community but also
within the husband and wife's responsibility has lost. The purpose of two persons
becoming one had lost, because they have forgotten the law of God (Genesis 2:24). So
Paul urged the women to submit to their husbands, but note verse doesn’t mean that
men and females are different. Both are equal. the husband is the head of the family
indeed but doesn’t mean to dominate the wife or rule over her. In every angle, God
created equally with a different responsibility.

The word submits is not to fear her husband or to control neither to rule over her. The
word means to respect her husband, obey him willingly. Paul encouraged the wife to
give respect to their spouse, to obey willingly, not with completion, but submit as is
fitting in the Lord. He asked the wife to respect her spouse willingly. It should be her
By: Lark Murry

choice to give respect and submit because he is her husband and because she obeys
the Lord. And when Paul talks about as it is fitting in the Lord, he was talking all
about fully respect for she fears God. Sarah called her husband “my Lord” (1 Peter
3:6). It was not Abraham forced her to call him that way but Sarah was willing and
chooses to respect her husband fully without any spot. The thing is Sarah knew her
responsibility towards her husband in God.

You submit to your husband because you choose to respect and to obey him willingly
and more than that because you know that God will be happy and be please in your
choice in submitting to your husband.

V. 3:19- “Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them”.

Husbands are told to love their wives by any means. There’s no other option to replace
love whether you like it or not. Love is eternal because God has shared with mankind
a heavenly treasure. And as God loves us, husbands are supposed to love their spouse.
Love is brought down heaven to us that we may anticipate in that and since husband
and wife are like Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5:22-25), the husband has to love
their spouse as Christ loves the Church. Don’t be harsh to your wife but show patient
and lead her to a better stage than to please God. Paul encouraged the believers to put
on all the beauty of Christ (12-13), which binds all these in one word and action i.e.
LOVE (14). Husbands have compassionate hearts to your wives, be kind, show
humility and meekness, and be patient to your wives. Bear with your wives and
practice forgiveness for which you are told. Love is the stump or spinal cord and
verses 12 and 13 are the branches.

V. 3:20- “Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord”.

In a time of instruction to the family, Paul also reminded the responsibility of being a
child (children). Every parent deserves respect and obedience from all children. They
are quite fit to be respected for their task and to be honoured. Respect and obey is not
just an event or one time to give but it has to go on. So Paul was inserting a lifelong
education and task to the children. The word obey is to do with an action in a visible
way. It has to show in actions of what one has to give back to parents. Apostle Paul
By: Lark Murry

might hear things that make him instruct the children as well when he spoke on family
crises. He wanted them to take seriously to respect and to obey their parents.

At the same time here children might also (can) refers to all the believers in Christ
Jesus because by the time we believe in Him, God made us His own sons and
daughters John 1:12). So we may or can say that Paul is telling every believer in
Colossians to obey God the Father in everything. Again when we see closely the
Scripture we see the word ‘everything’ which means Paul was telling them to obey not
just an occasional or sake but to obey, all in all, continues obedience. Honouring
parents comes only if we fear God and that please God in return.

V. 3:21- “Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged”.

Being a well-educated person in his time Apostle Paul knew that whatever the fathers
(also include mothers) do children follow in the same footsteps. Therefore, Paul had a
concern for the children that their ways should be clear without any stumbling block
from the parents. Children are the fruits of the parents and for that, the word of God
talks many times in regards to equip the children (Ephesians 6:4, Proverbs 22:6). He
wanted the Church to train their children in the fear of the Lord and according to what
He wants. Since parents are the guide and the leader of their children, Paul asked them
not to show any wrong directions or examples which disappoint them.

The responsibility of being parents is to equip the children base on the word of God
that they will be cherished even after they are gone. Do not provoke them rather show
compassion and kindness in the process of disciplining your children. Paul knew that
children are the result of the parents, so whatever parents sow in children’s minds they
bear that fruits and follow up. He urged the parents to be very careful in equipping the
children, knowing what role they have to be shown to the children.

V. 3:22-4:1- “Salves, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not by
way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the
Lord. 23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for
men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.
You are serving the Lord Christ. 25 For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the
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wrong he has done, and there is no partiality. 4: 1 Masters, treat your bondservants
justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven”.

In further instruction, Paul also encouraged even the slaves to obey their masters in
everything. He counselled them (slaves) to listen to what their earthly masters say
them to do without any question. He asked them to follow and obey not just the eye
service to please others. In other words, he encouraged them not just to act or obey in
their master’s presence but to obey and to do with whole heart, sincerity in the heart,
to do it in the fear of the Lord.

Paul asked them (slaves) to obey and d as for the Lord because he knew that if one
fears the Lord then the respect and obedience will come out in them.

The reason to obey their masters was that there is a reward that they will be getting in
the end. If they obey as in the Lord to their masters then the reward will be for them.
But in contrast to that if they do just in the eye of man then their wrongdoing will get
back again because they are serving the Lord Christ for God shows no partiality. So as
well masters should also respect their slaves who obey them for the slaves are there
not to torture nor tread them harshly manner but with respect because we all have a
master who is in heaven i.e. the heavenly Father.

V. 4:2-6- “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. 3 At

the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to
declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— 4 that I may make
it clear, which is how I ought to speak. 5. Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making
the best use of the time. 6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so
that you may know how you ought to answer each person”.

In summing up his letter to the Church in Colossians Paul gave little further
instruction to the believers telling them to be watchful with incessant steadfastness in
prayer. He knew the situation over there and that why he doesn’t want them to fall
apart from the Gospel of what they have heard. As he was in prayer for them he also
requested them to be devoted themselves in prayers that they might be aware of what
was happening in and out of the Church. Paul also requested the believers to intercede
By: Lark Murry

on his behalf that God may open a wide door for the word to proclaim about the
mystery of Christ even he was in a prison. Paul didn’t ask only for himself but gave
more concern for the believers (in Colossians) therefore he advised them to be a man
and women of God in every season as like the salt.

Salt is very useful in many ways to preserve things for benefit in season out of season,
so likewise Paul asked them to be useful in lifestyle that people may be blessed and be
benefited through them. And also Paul encouraged them to practice their faith even in
their speech and inactions by filling with gracious words in their speech that will be
pleasing God and of man “let your speech always be gracious”. We must seek God’s
heart to win them with love.

V. 4: 7-18- “Tychicus will tell you all about my activities. He is a beloved brother and
faithful minister and fellow servant1 in the Lord. 8 I have sent him to you for this very
purpose, that you may know how we are and that he may encourage your
hearts, 9 and with him Onesimus, our faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you.
They will tell you of everything that has taken place here. 10 Aristarchus my fellow
prisoner greets you, and Mark the cousin of Barnabas (concerning whom you have
received instructions— if he comes to you, welcome him), 11 and Jesus who is called
Justus. These are the only men of the circumcision among my fellow workers for the
kingdom of God, and they have been a comfort to me. 12 Epaphras, who is one of you,
a servant of Christ Jesus, greets you, always struggling on your behalf in his prayers,
that you may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God. 13 For I bear him
witness that he has worked hard for you and for those in Laodicea and in
Hierapolis. 14 Luke the beloved physician greets you, as does Demas. 15 Give my
greetings to the brothers2 at Laodicea, and to Nympha and the church in her
house. 16 And when this letter has been read among you, have it also read in the
church of the Laodiceans; and see that you also read the letter from Laodicea. 17 And
say to Archippus, “See that you fulfill the ministry that you have received in the
Lord.”18 I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace
be with you”.
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After writing what is needed and supposed to be told to the Church, he ends up with
an appreciation and final greetings. Paul was a man who always lifted people up in the
truth and who deserved to be lifted up. As he was conveying the Gospel to the Church
he too greeted the Church on behalf of his co-workers who were with him. He wanted
them to know how we're working with him in Christ. He mentioned every person who
worked with him and was thankful to God for their service. After all, Paul reminded
the Church to remember the grace they have received from Christ Jesus.

As like the Church in Colossians, in today’s Christian scenario many people are
denying the deity of Christ. People are becoming more confused and ignorant by
chasing with modern philosophy and even bringing back past traditional ideology.
And therefore many Christians are failing to understand Christ Jesus. So we must be
aware of modern philosophy and traditions, Gnostic teaching that to gain salvation
without Christ. Every believer must be careful of what the fashionable teachers bring.

Apostle Paul set a tremendous example for all the servants of the Lord to give full
attention and energy in the work of the Lord for He called us for this purpose. Paul
had taught us how to give concern to others than ourselves and also breakdown and
build up in the eye of God. We all must be like him in telling the word about the
mystery of God which had been revealed to us in Christ Jesus. You (we) are called to
proclaim the Gospel, not for fame. You are called to give hope to the hopeless with
the mystery of God, not to spoil them. Be a good disciple of Christ Jesus and a biblical
modern teacher.

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