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Name : Gustia Mega Putri

Class : English Literature 6A

NIM : 403170873
Subject : The answer of quiz 7

Question : make a discourse models of a conversation/interview ( consult the book for

Examples) and provide an analysis for the model (300 words).

Answer : in this part discuss about discourse models and example about it.
For me, Discourse Models is talking about how do we analyze the implied meaning of word
or sentence. According to the book that i have read, discourse models are an important tool
of inquiry because they mediate between the “micro” (small) level of interaction an the
“macro” (large) level of institutions. Mediate beetween the “micro” and “macro” levels, here
means to analyze the meaning implicit and explicit or in other words analyze the actual
meaning that we do not know yet until the general meaning. Then here there are types of
Discourse Models that i know from book :
1. Espoused models : models which we consciously espouse.
Espoused here that means supported, models that we consciously support.
2. Evaluative models : models which we use, consciously or unconsciously, to judge
ourselves or others.
3. Models-in-(inter)action : models that consciously or unconsciously guide our actual
actions and interactions in the world.
The example that i use refers to the Discourse Models in number 3 that is model in
interaction. Let’s to see at an example of the discourse models that i understand:

Interviewer : um, why do you think the goverment is running a social distancing program in
Indonesia ?
Stanza 1
1. Because the goverment wants to reduce the population affected by corona virus
2. So as not get corona virus
3. Prevent the spread of Covid 19
4. Reduce close contact with other people to slow the spread of the virus between one
person to another
Stanza 2
5. And you know, the people can be protected
6. You know, make us have a lot of time at home
7. Make us have a lot time with family
Stanza 3
8. But you know, this program make activites more limited
9. A little makes us feel anxious
Stanza 4
10. Doing a lot of homework
11. More college assignments must be completed
Stanza 5
12. Have a moment of me time for relaxation from fatigue at work
13. Can be more focused channeling a hobby at home

As we can see from little interview above, that many opinions have the same meaning and
also different meaning. The inconsistency of the Discourses models refelect the fact that we
all have many diverse and conflicting experiences, we all belong to different groups that
sometimes are conflicting. We are all influenced by a variety of groups, texts, institutions and
media that may be influence our thingking. Then from teks above we can conclude that
discourse models also are talking about different perspectives actually in social situations.

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