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Title: Apt 3E
Genre: Drama, Narrative, Short Film
Format: 5 minutes, 21 seconds
Shooting Format: 16mm film 24fps
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Edited with: Final Cut Pro
Finished with: Final Cut Pro
Exhibition Format: DVD
Release Date: January 2008
Original Language: English
Executive: Marie Estime
Producer: Marie Estime
The New School
Director: Marie Estime
Marie Estime-Director
Marie Estime has always had a passion in pursuing a career in the entertainment
industry, especially film and television. She has Bachelors in Mass Communications
and recently received a Masters in Media Studies along with a Film Production
Certificate at The New School in New York City.

Marie has interned at NY1 News and through the internship she got the opportunity
to work in the technical department. Also, Marie’s interned at MTV Networks in the
Development department, where she gained valuable experience in current and
newly released MTV programming like The College Humor Show.
In addition, Marie has crewed on independent and short film projects. She is
currently researching an independent project and continues to write, produce, and
direct her own independent short films.
Anne-Sophie Martin-Mondiere-Actor (Deanna-Supporting)
Originally from Europe, Anne-Sophie Martin-Mondiere recently graduated
from the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts. Film credits include
Asleep in the Deep and Where There is no Light. She is also a singer,
model and writer.
Laura Thies-Actor (Ella-Lead)
Clem McIntosh-Actor (Richard-Lead)

3-Line Synopsis Ella, a manager of an apartment building lives a lonely and reclusive
existence until an encounter with one of her tenants sparks a fire in her. She takes a
step toward the edge by setting up a hidden camera in her tenants’ apartment.

Medium Synopsis A woman whom is the manager of a residential building is very

lonely and reclusive beyond her managerial responsibilities. While she is sweeping the
halls of the apartment, she runs into one of her tenants Richard. The encounter ignites
new life into Ella and wanting to hold onto the feeing she takes a drastic step when she
entrench herself in Richards life by setting up a hidden camera in his apartment.

Emelie Gevalt-Production Assistant/Crew

Sean David Johnson-Production Assistant/Assistant Camera


1. What was it like working with professional actors?

As a new filmmaker it was a little nerve racking. My previous
projects were video based and I usually worked with friends and
family. So this was the first time I was actually going use 16mm film
and work with professional actors. It was an amazing experience the
actors were professional and open to my ideas and it was rewarding.

2.If you had to do it over again, what would you do

Yes, I would definitely hire more production crew, it was my first
time using 16mm film and I had no idea how intense it would be and
how much intricate details to attend too. But the crew I had was
wonderful really stepped up and helped as much as they cut and
even some of my actors doubled as production crew.

3.What did you learn about directing films?

This definitely is not for the faint of heart. If you are not willing to
fail and face rejection then this is not the business for you. It takes a
lot of devotion before you will see any success from your work if ever.
For myself it solidified why I could never see myself in an office job, I
felt more alive while filming than I have ever in anything I have

4.How did you cast the actors in your film?

Well since my short was developed at The New School, I started with
the collection of headshot available through the Film Production
office. My lead actress Laura Thies is also a graduate of the Media
Studies and film Production program at New School. She did an
amazing job.

5. Who are your influences?

It is funny I have such an eclectic style, there is not one specific
genre I cling too, but as I come with ideas for my films my main
characters are always a little unusual. So I guess sci-fi, fantasy,
romance drama are the categories my stories tend to fall into.

I appreciate Quentin Tarantino, M. Night Shamalan, if I could be an

apprentice to either one of them for a week I would learn a years
worth of knowledge. They are not afraid to step out of the box and
tell that story with an ending that doesn’t have a pretty ribbon on it.

Kasi lemons is an inspiration as an African-American woman who

also struggle to tell interesting stories, Eve’s Bayou is a beautifully
shot story of African-American culture, family, and relationships.

6.Where do you see the future of filmmaking?

I hope to continue to make more independent projects, a feature
length years down the line. But if I can work with reputable creative
members in the industry, I am a sponge and I want to learn

7. What inspired you to come up with this story?

Well, if you are thinking it I have never spied on any past or present
lovers and do not know of anyone who has. The story at the core is
about loneliness and how the intensity of the feeling can drive people
to do unusual thing s to create the illusion of connections.

8.What projects are you’re currently working on?

I am editing another short film also developed through The New
School. Eventually I want to submit it to film festivals. I am also
working on a science fiction feature length script.

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