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Installation Notes

ATI Stream SDK v2.3

The Microsoft® Windows® installer is delivered as self-extracting executable files: for each type
of supported system (32- or 64-bit, Windows XP, Windows Vista®/Windows 7). The Linux installer
is delivered as a gzip-compressed tar archive.

1 Prerequisites
To install and run the ATI Stream SDK v2.3 requires that you have:

• administrative privileges on the system.

• installed the latest version of the ATI Catalyst™ driver on your system in order to take
adavantage of the AMD GPU’s capabilities with OpenCL™.
• removed from your system any previous version of the ATI Stream SDK.
• the following updates installed on a Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit system.
– Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3).
– Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package.
– Optionally (for building the Microsoft Visual Studio® projects): Microsoft Visual Studio
2008 Professional Edition.
• the following updates installed on a Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit system.
– Microsoft Windows XP x64 Service Pack 2 (SP2).
– Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 (x64) Redistributable Package.
– Optionally (for building the Microsoft Visual Studio projects): Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Professional Edition.
• the following updates installed on a 32-bit Windows 7 or Microsoft Windows Vista system.
– For Windows Vista only: Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1).
– Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package.
– Optionally (for building the Microsoft Visual Studio projects): Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Professional Edition.
• the following updates installed on a 64-bit Windows 7 or Windows Vista system.
– For Windows Vista only: Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1).
– Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 (x64) Redistributable Package.
– Optionally (for building the Microsoft Visual Studio projects): Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Professional Edition.

ATI Stream SDK v2.3 1 of 6

2 Installing the SDK
• Uninstall any prior ATI Stream SDK you have on your system. To do this:
a. Reboot.
b. Use Programs and Features (Windows Vista or 7) or Add/Remove Programs (Windows
XP) to uninstall the prior SDK files.
c. Manually remove any ATI Stream directories under My Documents and under Program
Files or Program Files (x86).
d. Search for, and remove, all atiocl* files on the system.
• If a pre-lease version of SDK 2.3 is on your system, follow the uninstall directions above; then,
ensure that the previously generated temporary folder is also deleted. Paths to this folder are:
XP 32-bit: C:\ATI\SUPPORT\streamsdk_2-3_xp32
XP 64-bit: C:\ATI\SUPPORT\streamsdk_2-3_xp64
Vista and Win7 32-bit: C:\ATI\SUPPORT\streamsdk_2-3_win732
Vista and Win7 64-bit: C:\ATI\SUPPORT\streamsdk_2-3_win764

2.1 On Windows Systems

Step 1. Choose the ATI Stream SDK .exe file appropriate for your system, and double-click it.
– For 32-bit Windows XP systems, choose ati-stream-sdk-v2.3-xp32.exe.
– For 64-bit Windows XP systems, choose ati-stream-sdk-v2.3-xp64.exe.
– For 32-bit Windows Vista or Windows 7 systems, choose ati-stream-sdk-
– For 64-bit Windows Vista or Windows 7 systems, choose ati-stream-sdk-
The extracted files are placed automatically into C:\ATI\SUPPORT\<name of file you
Step 2. If the setup program does not start automatically after the files have been extracted,
access the subdirectory of C:\ATI\SUPPORT\ with the extracted files, and double-click
Setup.exe. A welcome screen appears, prompting you to choose a language. The
default is English. Click Next. The Select Installation Operation screen appears.
Step 3. Click the install icon. The resulting screen lets you choose the type of installation, as
well as the default installation location.
Choosing Express installs:
– ATI Stream SDK v2 Developer
– ATI Stream SDK v2 Samples
– ATI Stream Profiler 2.1
– Stream KernelAnalyzer 1.7
Choosing Custom lets you select the components (Developer, Samples, Profiler,
KernelAnalyzer) to install. If you select Express, continue with Step 4. If you select
Custom, skip to Step 13.

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Step 4. If you select Express and click Next, the End User License Agreement appears. Click
Accept. This causes a temporary “Analyzing System” screen to appear. The program is
detecting the type of graphics hardware and software currently installed on the system.
If an older version of one of the components is already installed, a warning appears,
indicating that the installation cannot continue before it is removed. (In this case, use
Add/Remove Programs (in Windows XP) or Program and Features (in Windows Vista
or Windows 7) to remove the older version of the component named above the lower
progress bar.)

If you have a graphics card that does not support OpenCL™, another warning pops up
with the title ATI Stream SDK v2 Developer: “The display driver installed on this system
does not have OpenCL support for AMD GPUs. If you continue with the current
installation, you will still be able to run OpenCL on compatible x86 CPUs. Do you wish
to continue?” Click Yes.
Step 5. When the InstallShield Wizard screen appears, click Next. This results in a prompt to
accept or change the default folder into which the extracted files are placed. Click Next.
Step 6. When the License Agreement appears, first click the button next to “I accept the terms
in the license agreement.” Then, click Next.
Step 7. On the next screen, click Install to begin installing the SDK files. A progress bar
appears. After the installation is complete, a confirmation screen appears. Click Finish.
This completes the installation of the ATI Stream SDK v2.3 Samples files.

Immediately following this, the ATI Stream Profiler setup screen appears.
Step 8. Click Next. In the following license agreement screen, click the “I accept the license
agreement” button, then click Next.
Step 9. The resulting screen prompts you for the destination folder for the files to be extracted,
as well as to specify who is allowed to use the Profiler program. Click Next.
Step 10. Click Next again to start the installation.

Immediately following this, the Stream KernelAnalyzer setup screen appears.

Step 11. Repeat step 8, step 9, and step 10.
Step 12. When installation is complete, a confirmation screen appears. Click Finish. The
following steps are only if Custom was selected in Step 3.
Step 13. If you clicked Custom in Step 3., above, and click Next, a temporary “Analyzing System”
screen appears. The program is detecting the type of graphics hardware and software
currently installed on the system. After several seconds, the Customize Install screen
appears. This lets you specify which components you want to install. By default, all
three components are checked.
Step 14. Select the component(s) you want to install, and click Next. The End User License
Agreement appears. Click Accept. If you have a graphics card installed that does not
support OpenCL, another warning pops up with the title ATI Stream SDK v2 Developer:
“The display driver installed on this system does not have OpenCL support for AMD
GPUs. If you continue with the current installation, you can still run OpenCL on
compatible x86 CPUs. Do you wish to continue?” Click Yes.
Step 15. When the InstallShield Wizard screen appears, click Next. This results in a prompt to
accept or change the default folder into which the extracted files are placed. Click Next.

ATI Stream SDK v2.3 3 of 6

Step 16. When the License Agreement appears, first click the button next to “I accept the terms
in the license agreement.” Then, click Next.
Step 17. Clicking the Install button on the next screen starts the installation. A progress bar
appears, followed by a confirmation screen that the installation is complete. Click Finish.

Manually Setting Environment Variables

If your environment variables become corrupted, ensure the proper settings for the following.

The ATISTREAMSDKROOT variable must be set to:

C:\Program Files\ATI Stream (for 32-bit systems)

C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Stream (for 64-bit systems)

If the default configuration was not used, modify the value to the location specified
during the installation.

The ATISTREAMSDKSAMPLESROOT variable must be set to:

C:\Users\<username>\Documents (for Windows Vista or Windows 7)

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents (for Windows XP)

If the default configuration was not used, modify the value to the location specified
during the installation.

The path variable must include:

$(ATISTREAMSDKROOT)\bin\x86 (for 32-bit systems)

$(ATISTREAMSDKROOT)\bin\x86_64 (for 64-bit systems)

2.2 On Linux Systems

You must have root permissions to install this SDK. Also note that the latest version of the ATI
Catalyst™ driver must be installed separately.

1. Untar the SDK to a location of your choice.

For 32-bit systems, unzip the .tgz file by entering
tar -xvzf ati-stream-sdk-v2.3-lnx32.tgz.
For 64-bit systems, unzip the .tgz file by entering
tar -xvzf ati-stream-sdk-v2.3-lnx64.tgz.
2. Set the environment variable ATISTREAMSDKROOT:
export ATISTREAMSDKROOT=<location where sdk is extracted>
3. Set the environment variable ATISTREAMSDKSAMPLESROOT:
export ATISTREAMSDKSAMPLESROOT=<location where sdk is extracted>
4. Set the library path LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
– For 32-bit systems:
– For 64-bit systems:

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– For the 32-bit SDK to run on 64-bit systems:

5. You must register the OpenCL ICD; samples and other applications will fail to execute if this
is not done. To register the ICD, enter (as root):
cd /
tar xfz $ATISTREAMSDKROOT/icd-registration.tgz
If this is not done, samples and other applications do not execute, and a
CL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR (-1001) error is issued.

3 Uninstalling SDK Components

3.1 On Windows Systems

Uninstalling on a Windows XP System

Step 1. Select Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.

Step 2. Select ATI Stream SDK component you want to uninstall.
Step 3. Click Uninstall.

This removes all originally installed files. It leaves any temporary or newly created files. To ensure
a clean uninstall, verify that the ATISTREAMSDKROOT and PATH environment variables are also

Uninstalling on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 System

Step 1. Select Control Panel > Programs and Features.

Step 2. Select ATI Stream SDK component you want to uninstall.
Step 3. Click Uninstall/Change, and follow the prompts.

This removes all originally installed files. It leaves any temporary or newly created files. To ensure
a clean uninstall, verify that the ATISTREAMSDKROOT and PATH environment variables are also

When uninstalling SDK 2.3, ensure the following link in the Windows Start | All Programs pane
is removed: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing Math Libraries. To do this, right-click on the
link, and select Delete.

3.2 On Linux Systems

To uninstall the SDK, delete the directory pointed to by the ATISTREAMSDKROOT environment
variable. Unset the ATISTREAMSDKROOT and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables. Also,
manually delete the atiocl[32][64].so files from /etc/OpenCL/vendors. Temporary and new
files created with OpenCL must be removed manually.

ATI Stream SDK v2.3 5 of 6

Contact Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. For Stream Computing:
One AMD Place URL:
P.O. Box 3453 Questions:
Sunnyvale, CA, 94088-3453 Developing: ATI_Stream_SDK_Help_Request
Phone: +1.408.749.4000 Forum:

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