Social Media Marketing Strategy (1) - 2 PDF

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When social media is used strategically, it is the ultimate way to practice inbound marketing. Because
of its unique nature as both a public and one-on-one medium, social media has the potential to shape
public conversations and perceptions, build brand awareness and loyalty, attract partners and
customers, and create brand evangelists.

1. Detail the product or service you are going to be sharing with your social media audience:
- Custom Vegie Garden Bags

2. Detail the social media platform your group has chosen for your product or service:
- Facebook

3. Social media campaign:

(E.g. job title, age, gender, salary, location, etc.)

Who is the target audience?
- Teachers/ the other group of boys selling veggies

What are the target audiences’ (E.g. entertainment, educational content, case studies, new products, etc.)
interests? - Vegies, teaching

Where does the target audience (E.g. Facebook, Instagram, etc. or niche platforms)
usually spend their time online? - Facebook

What times/days do you think (E.g. weekends, during their daily commute, etc.)
your content would be viewed - Weekdays

(E.g. to get better at their job, to become healthy, to stay up to date with
Why would the target audience be something, etc.)
interested in your content?
- It compliments the veggies well

How would the target audience (E.g. read blogs, listen to podcasts, watch videos, etc.)
engage in the content? - See social media posts and hear word of mouth

4. Detail the content goals for your social media campaign (e.g. educational, inspirational, enhance
● Facebook: Create an event and invite people that sell veggies (gain exposure)
● Facebook: Create a page for the bags and use # to gain followers (through a competition, repost a
photo of our product to possibly win a free bag).
5. Detail your social media engagement
goals (e.g. number of friends/followers, posts per day, promotions).
● Post 4 photos per week of the bags to 500 followers and vai the FB event.
● Send price updates and stock updates to the Facebook event for any potential customers.
● Have at least 100 shares through our Facebook competition.

6. ​Detail the aspects of your social media branding scheme (e.g. colours/logos/banners).
● Use another company's logo on our bag to attract business.
● The packaging will be brown with green.

7. What are your competitors doing? Research companies/organisations who are doing something
similar to you (e.g. social media popularity/content being shared /visual appeal).
● Competitors are selling other bags however they don't have the marketing to back them up.
● Competitors are selling planer bags or bags just one overall colour.

8. Research potential companies/organisations whom you think you could collaborate with (e.g.
shout outs/posts promoting your page/products or services linked to yours).
- We could collaborate with the other cert 3 business group who are selling veggies. We will also
collaborate with other businesses to use their logo on our bag to give them an idea of what it
would look like (to entice the potential customer).

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