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Williams 1

Jay Williams

Tamera Davis

English 1213

28 Jan 2020

Why Communication is One of the Most Vital Necessities to Human Existence

Conversation holds an immense power that is undefined. Without communication, life

would be meaningless. Conversation is important because speaking to one another can build

great friendships, and communication can also help people reach out to one another for help.

Humans are not made to live alone, they are actually made to depend on each other for many

reasons. In my life, communication has solved most of my problems. Talking through my

problems has helped me get the weight off of my shoulders. One of the problems I face today is

bad communication within my relationship. Bad communication causes fighting, and I get

through it by talking about it to make a solution. I believe that communication could move to a

bigger picture for world peace. For example, If the president of the United States could sit down

and have a real conversation with Supreme Leader of North Korea. I believe that we could create

peace based on morals. I also believe that these two significant figures could work together to

create a safer environment for the rest of the world. Communication can work wonders,

especially in this world full of forgiveness. Communication is extremely important because it can

mend many problems; communication has solved most of the problems in my life and is sure to

solve bigger problems in this world.

The importance of conversation lies in the hands of the community of the universe. We

rely on it to send messages or to speak with others. A good reason that communication is
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important is because it can build strong relationships that can last a lifetime. Conversation can

help one another understand each others feelings. The best way a conversation works, is when

both sides are flowing evenly and thoroughly. Sherry Turkle, who has accompanied a joint

doctorate in personality psychology and sociology, reports “... people don’t just speak but listen,

both to others and themselves” (382). I find this really important because taking the action of

active listening instead of passively hearing makes a big difference. To fully understand and

comprehend what someone is saying with zero distractions can be really important to the person

speaking. A big problem that school is having lately is that kids are distracted on their cell

phones instead of actually listening and fully comprehending lectures. I have also found that

communication is an important role in my life.

The relationship that I share with my girlfriend is a prime example of how

communication takes a role in my life. I figured out that if we do not make an effort to

communicate, that the relationship will fall. I am a concurrent student, so I have school at the

highschool and at NOC. School plays an immense stress in my life because I am trying to keep a

4.0 grade point average. Going to counseling has helped me through many personal problems

and also takes the weight of school off of my shoulders by conversing my stress to someone else.

Cell phones have been created to help people communicate easier, but these cell phones have

also brought problems to the table. We admit to a huge fault that we would rather send an email

or a text message instead of face to face conversation (Turkle 378). A flight from conversation is

not a good trait that is prevalent in today's society. Overtime this will result in the new

generation of children not being able to have good communication skills. Conversing happens in

many people's lives individually but can also affect the world as a whole.
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Communication needs to be happening at small levels and large levels. A major concern

for world peace is the communication of our leaders. If our leaders had better communicate it

would fix some of the political problems that we still face today and the world would be a safer

place. In society, we are constantly connected through cell phones, but for some reason

face-to-face conversation is rare (Turkle 379). I believe that this relates to people having a flight

from conversation, which results in people being reserved. The world needs more heroic people

that stand up and people that are not afraid to speak on behalf of the world. A major problem

today is ocean pollution. I believe that we can spread awareness through communication. From

these people that communicate it to others, the more people they tell about it, the more people

that are available to help. I truly believe that society as a whole has it in them to solve world

hunger, or to even reverse global warming.

Communication can work wonders, especially in this world full of forgiveness.

Communication is extremely important because it can mend many problems; communication has

solved most of the problems in my life and is sure to solve bigger problems in this world. I have

learned that life's purpose is not fulfilled without communication. In my life, communication has

an important role because it helps me release my stress to other people. Through the view of the

bigger scope for world communication. It can be helped by people standing up to solve world

problems. Specifically speaking out to others about world hunger, ocean pollution, or global

warming. These world issues can be solved by the population of the earth working together

through conversing. Communication is the most humane trait on this planet. Sadly we are losing

communication skills due to smartphone usage, and if communication continues through online

messaging. The human race will forever fear face-to-face conversation.

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Works Cited

Turkle, Sherry. “The Empathy Diaries.” ​Emerging,​ edited by Barclay Barrios, Bedford/St.
Martins, 2019, 378-387

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