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Proposal: School Transformation Programme

A Proposal for
School Transformation Programme

Bachpan Banao 1
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

Table of Contents
1. Background.......................................................................................................................................3
2. Our Philosophy / Theory of Change.................................................................................................4
Key Principles..................................................................................................................................5
3. Concept.............................................................................................................................................6
4. Approach...........................................................................................................................................7
Areas of Contribution......................................................................................................................7
5. Action Plan.....................................................................................................................................10
6. Evaluation Plan...............................................................................................................................16
7. Resource Requirements..................................................................................................................17
7.1 Human Resources....................................................................................................................17
7.2 Infrastructure / Logistics/ Material..........................................................................................17
7.3 Knowledge / Mentoring...........................................................................................................17
7.4 Fund.........................................................................................................................................17
Annexure A: Detailed estimation of fund requirements for School Transformation Programme......18

Bachpan Banao 2
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

1. Background
Over years, many people from outside Dantewada have come and settled in different parts of the
district (even in the entire Bastar region). Because these outsiders (non-tribal) were more exposed
and connected to outside world, they were better placed in the current socio-economic system.
Many of these outsiders used their privileged position to strengthen their place and status in the
society but in the process the local / native people were either exploited or largely ignored. On the
other hand, government also didn't make significant efforts towards development of the region or
providing basic facilities to the native tribal. As a result, even today very few of the native people
are at important positions in the system and true needs / voices of native people are under-
represented at the State / Nation level. This long history of exploitation and neglect might as well
have contributed to prospering of LWE (Left-Wing Extremists) movement in the region.

If we look at the Education domain, the scenario is not very pleasant either. Percentage of native
people reaching higher education / graduation is still in single digit. The number of native teachers,
who could speak native language, in the system is also countable. Majority of the native students in
the schools are first-generation learners. The current education system (curriculum, teaching-
learning experience, student learning) hardly adds any value to life (quality of life, livelihood,
decision making, happiness) of the native people. In simple words, as a country we have failed to
provide relevant education opportunities to the native children that make them independent thinkers
and informed decision makers without losing their culture and traditions.

When we reflect on the experience and learning of working in Dantewada for last couple of years,
we can summarize the insights in following points -

1. Known shortage of livelihood opportunities for educated youth

2. Lack of awareness among tribal (as well as critical thinking) about their own rights –
therefore easily manipulated / exploited by various parties
3. People here have high acceptance towards corruption and exploitation
4. Clear lack of political will / political representation
5. Deficiency of planning – as practice and skill
6. Lack of exposure – resulting in lower aspirations / poor motivation → Need to establish
local role models
7. Clear shortage of qualified and trained human resources at all the levels in the current
education system. Out of all the levels, the shortage of trained and competent teachers is
impacting provision of quality education the most. (Therefore, need for capacity building)
8. Disconnect between state curriculum, policies (e.g. Hindi as medium of instruction),
schedule, and local / tribal life-style and priorities.
9. Difference of Socio-economic background between teachers and students
10. Strong determination power of students – mostly untapped
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Bachpan Banao 3
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

2. Our Philosophy / Theory of Change

Social Change:
We believe that it is not possible to isolate one issue or aspect of a society and work on it. One
needs to understand how different aspects of society are connected and influence each other to be
able to create a better society. In simple words, the efforts to improve any society has to be
integrated and holistic.

At the same time, looking at our competencies and available resources we would like to restrict our
direct efforts in the domain of education and try our best to contribute to other aspects (livelihood,
health, environment, rights, re-culturation) of society by inviting / cooperating with people working
in those domains. We also look forward to understand connections of education with other domains
to use education as a catalyst tool to contribute to other issues/domains.

Educational Change:
In the education domain as well, we would like have a need-based, holistic and integrated approach
where we contribute to all aspects of education (curriculum, pedagogy, capacity building,
administrative reform and infrastructure) to create few model life-centric learning centers and
experiences instead of working on one or two aspects/areas at large scale or in isolation. The idea
behind creating models is to provide people alternative ways of thinking, approaches and
experiences to help them make more informed choices for their own future and not dictate one

Individual Change:
We believe that individual change/transformation is at the root of all other solutions to various
problems of the world/society. Our attitude, behaviour and actions are influenced by the our beliefs
(to great extent, if not completely). The level of influence depends on the strength of these beliefs
and other external influential factors. For us, transformed individual is not an absolute state but a
state of co-existence where the individual is always looking out for opportunity to be a better
individual and contribute for the betterment of the whole Eco-system.

We also believe that beliefs can't be changed through words but can only be strengthen / weaken
through life experiences. Hence, the facilitation process of individual transformation requires
creation / provision of diverse experiences. We look at individual change as both 'means' and 'ends'
of educational change process. Therefore, our approach would be to provide such diverse
experiences to individuals and support them in their own transformation journey.

Bachpan Banao 4
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

Key Principles
In line with our theory of change, our efforts would be guided by following key principles -

1) Need-based approach
All our efforts would be towards fulfillment identified needs of the community with whom we work
and not towards felt needs of outsiders. We will ensure that we continuously capture needs and
expectations of the community through constant dialogue and engagements.

2) Role-model development
As believe in giving alternative experience and thinking to help people more informed choices and
not taking decisions on behalf of people, our approach would be to create few models to help them
experience alternative learning methods / approaches / content. And if they find these models worth
taking forward, we would be happy to give them required support.

3) Act as facilitator (not as leader)

As mentioned above, we do not believe in taking decision on behalf of people, we want people to
take decision for their own life and we will support them in taking more informed decisions by
providing them all required information and support. Even during our efforts towards providing
alternative experiences to them, we would like people from their community to take lead and we
would like to act as facilitator.

4) Customized and contextual approach (avoid one approach for all)

Respecting the diversity and uniqueness of individuals in the society, we would not like to devise or
suggest a common approach to diverse people with different needs residing in diverse settings. We
would rather help communities in identifying their needs and devising or customize contextual
solutions to meet those needs.

5) Supporting existing institutions, government bodies, members in the

While communities solve their own problems, as facilitators we would like to provide required
support through existing institutions / bodies which are suppose to do similar work. We would try to
revitalize such institutions / bodies by empowering their members and by reforming their processes
& structures.

6) Stay connected with children

The ultimate objective of our efforts is to provide meaningful learning experience to children, we
would always want to stay connected with children to be able to inform our efforts by
understanding their expectations, needs and world. Experience of working directly with children
also give us required competencies to be able to demonstrate and share best practices with others.

7) Decentralize power with gradual empowerment of the local community

Another principle that we would like to keep ourselves reminded of would be of 'entering a
community with an exit plan'. And the complete efforts would be towards empowering the local
community to take care of needs of their community members by making informed choices and
resolve all possible problems at local level.

Bachpan Banao 5
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

3. Concept
The idea is not to reform the education system of the entire district or block instead create a couple
of demonstrative schools operating under the same conditions, with the same set of resources and
similar constraints but still providing quality education and learning opportunities to children with
due contribution of all the stakeholders (parents, community, teachers, and govt officials). These
few performing schools shall act as catalyst for other schools and people, provide them required
inspiration, demonstration and experiences to start contributing in their own capacities towards
transformation of education in their own vicinity and of the entire district.

Aligned with our principles, the effort would be towards identifying local people (in and outside
system) who can play leading role in creation of such model schools and provide them required
support by empowering existing infrastructure (physical and non-physical*) and building capacity
of all the stakeholders. Platforms shall also be created / provided to these change agents for sharing
their experiences and success stories. 'Individual transformation' being a means for the educational
change process, participants and stakeholders will get opportunities, guidance and support to
transform their own lives.
*Non-physical infrastructure includes – existing institutions like DIET, SSA structure, SMCs, VECs, etc.

1. To provide children holistic and contextual learning opportunities and experiences
2. To create a pool of competent teachers cum instructional leaders
3. To create model schools that meets both educational objectives as well as local community
4. To provide people alternative ways of thinking, approaches and experiences through
demonstration learning centres (model schools)
5. To build a sense of ownership among all the stakeholders (school staff, community, govt.
officials, and children)
6. To create conducive environment for change by building a culture of trust, cooperation and
7. To create change-agents in form of teachers who will work towards well-being of their
society and its members

School Staff (head master, principal, teachers, peon), Community (parents, VEC, SMC, panchayat),
Children, Govt. officials (CRCs, BRCs, BEOs)

Potential Partners
SCERT, DIET, SIEMAT, RGSM staff, other non-profits, educationists

Bachpan Banao 6
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

4. Approach
Considering the availability of limited resources it is obvious that one not only needs to prioritize
suitable interventions but also needs to be choosy about selection of people, location and conditions.
Taking insights from Roger's curve, it would be wise to start with early adopters, promising location
and favouring conditions so to gain maximum output in given resources and constraints.

Therefore, the approach is to invite people / schools who wish to improve their own schools with
the support from other stakeholders. The School Transformation Programme (STP) should provide
such a school and its members required structured opportunities, guidance and support for the
desired transformation. The STP programme shall help school in -
a) Identify needs of the community and children
b) Map the needs with school / education goals
c) Enroll / involve different stakeholders in the transformation efforts
d) Capacity building of all the (potential) contributors
e) Ensuring required support and mentoring from district administration and experts

Areas of Contribution
STP could be visualize as a holistic programme with a set of integrated interventions focusing on
above mentioned aspects/areas of Education and Society.

a) Needs Assessment / Field Research

Effort in this area, at school level, will help school members identify needs of the community,
school and children through various interactive platforms (SMC meeting, parent-teacher meeting,
student-teacher meeting, suggestion box, essay writing); planning of suitable approaches to fulfill
those needs; execution of the plan and making the change self-sustainable in future years.

Similarly, efforts will be made to capture needs and expectations of community and other
stakeholders in the system through systematic field research to inform future action of the
organization. Findings of such researches will also be shared with the stakeholders at appropriate
levels of understanding.

b) School Fellow
The idea is to identify and invite existing school staff (teacher, HM, principal) who are willing to
learn and put in extra efforts towards development of their schools and themselves to be able to
provide better education to the children in their schools. These fellows will take ownership of
transforming their own schools into ideal schools by being a catalyst of change. Further, these
transformed schools and motivated teachers will act as role-models for others in the society.
Bachpan Banao will act as facilitator for these teachers and schools and support their efforts by
providing necessary support (conducive environment, adequate technical support, access to better
working examples / role-models, and reward-recognition).

As we know the current system is highly bureaucratic, completely driven by commands and has
very few staff members who are driven by internal desire to contribute towards education (/welfare)
of the native people/children. There is an obvious need to convert extrinsic motivation of staff
members to intrinsic motivation in long run. But for those very few having intrinsic motivation

Bachpan Banao 7
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

there is a lack of - i) conducive environment, ii) adequate technical support, iii) access to better
working examples / role-models, and iv) reward-recognition mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary
that the above mentioned aspects are given due attention to ensure that those few already motivated
members continue to contribute as well as motivate many more to join the reform efforts.

Selected fellows will enroll and commit for at least 2 years of their time at their respective schools.
In the first year, teachers will go through extensive training and will receive intense hand-holding /
mentoring. In the second year, they will be given required support on the basis of need/demand.

For the purpose of mentoring the selected teachers, well-qualified and competent mentor fellows
will be selected through the current fellowship process.

- Create a pool of competent teachers cum instructional leaders at the school level
- Build a sense of ownership among school staff and among other stakeholders through teachers
- Create role models for other school staff in the system
- Identify, mentor and support motivated staff members in the system in their efforts towards
improving quality of overall learning experience (of children)

c) Leadership Development
Work with people positioned in various leadership roles, like, HM, Principal, Govt officials (BEO,
DEO, APCs, ABEOs) and Bal Panchayat members to help them improve their leadership skills and
other competencies required for their their work-profile.

Leadership training – leadership skills for Govt officials, HMs, HTs, Principals, teachers and Bal-
panchyat members.

d) Community Engagement
Community engagement – educating parents, community, VEC/SMC members and Panchyat
members about their rights, duties, roles and responsibilities; educating school staff on potential
ways of engaging community constructively.

e) Engagement with Children

Engage children in school operations (through Bal Panchayat), self-development, co-curricular
activities and students' club activities. Empower them to run these activities on their own.

Sample activities for Children Engagement - Science Workshops, Mobile Science Lab, Rangila,
Summer Camps, Preparation for Competitive Exams, Career Counseling, Ignite, Art-Music
Workshops, Math workshops, and Literacy movement (library / reading club / story telling / letter-
exchange between schools)

f) Capacity Building of Stakeholders

To achieve true decentralization it is necessary that we empower all the decision makers with the
required knowledge and skills so that they can make their own informed choices. And for that we
need to work towards increasing capacity of all the stakeholders in the system so that they can
perform their duties better as well as work towards education and capacity building of others.

Bachpan Banao 8
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

Teacher training – subject specific trainings (pedagogy and content), instructional competencies
(like classroom management, student engagement, activity based learning, facilitation skills), co-
curricular activities, holistic development and self-growth.

Support – both on-field and off-field support will be provided to the stakeholders as they change
their practices. Exposure visits, resource provision, visit by experts/role-models/mentors, support
from peers and superiors, and conducive environment. Capacity building of people in the system
who needs to provide required support to schools on an ongoing basis.

g) Policy Advocacy
Though we wish to work with a small set of schools, children and stakeholders, we would still be
using lot of resources and getting useful learning. It is our duty to pass on the learning and insights
from our experiences and work to the people in the system so that they can make better choices
when it comes to policy building and implementation.

h) Administrative Reform
Effective administration will not only help us perform our work (at small scale) better but will also
benefits large of schools and staff members across district. Hence it is crucial to work towards
reforming administrative structures, processes and practices to enhance the overall experience of all
the contributors in the system.

Sample areas for reform - Process optimization, Structural Reform, Digitization

i) Being a Learning Community

Looking from the sustainability point of view, the ultimate goal would be a learning community
where everyone in the community is eager to learn and share their knowledge, skills and
experiences. The community itself creates, maintains and enhances various platforms and forums
for provding everyone meaningful learning experiences.

Ideas / Concepts / Areas -

- Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
- Formal Public Forums and Platforms (like Library, Community Learning Centre)
- Informal Skills / Knowledge exchange platforms
- Adult Learning Programme / Saksharta Abhiyan
- Individual Transformation Platforms (E.g. Jeevan Vidya / Art of Living)

Bachpan Banao 9
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

5. Action Plan
Action plan for the School Transformation Programme would broadly include following steps -

I) Voluntary enrollment in the Programme

1. Inviting applications from schools who wish to improve quality of overall learning
experience of children.
2. Assessing various aspects of the applicant schools to ensure that we have the competencies
to provide necessary support and the school also has promising features.
3. Discussion with all the stakeholders of the applicant schools to explain the programme and
get their commitment for the entire duration of the programme.

II) Baseline survey and needs assessment

1. Take stock of current status of the school in terms of infrastructure, resources, facilities,
staff, children, teaching-learning processes, teacher competencies, community participation,
and support from govt machinery.
2. Conduct discussions with different stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations.
3. Perform mapping of needs / expectations of stakeholders and educational goals to identify
gaps in the current system.
4. Perform SWOT analysis of the situation (social, political, economical), local culture and
potential contributors for better planning, execution and evaluation of the engagement.
(Potential contributors could also include - mothers, religious groups, youth, local transport
operators, etc)

III) Facilitate the planning process for desired transformation

1. Conduct separate meetings with different contributors to plan their contributions (how, what,
2. Carry out large group discussions with all the contributors to chalk-out overall school
transformation journey and aware each group about others' contributions and dependencies.
Also, design rubrics and processes to evaluate work at regular intervals to track and improve
overall efforts towards school transformation.
3. Help potential contributors identify their competency-gap and design their own learning

IV) Help in accomplishing the planned transformation out

1. Provide necessary exposure and ideas to contributors through visits and trainings based on
their common and individual learning needs.
2. Provide on-field support and mentoring to contributors as they carry out transformation in
their respective schools and fields.
3. Develop processes to help contributors track their commitment and achieve desired

Bachpan Banao 10
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

4. Provide a platform for contributors to share their success stories, challenges and learnings.

v) Institutionalize the change

1. Create platforms to share work, best practices and experiences of contributors with other
schools and stakeholders
2. Create or strengthen existing processes and frameworks for ensuring the good work of
contributors continue to prosper
3. Inculcate desire and habit of life-long learning among contributors and stakeholders
4. Facilitate creation of self managed learning communities

Bachpan Banao 11
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

Road Map
What How much, or to Who will By when What Communication
actions or what extent, carry out they will resources (who should know
changes these actions will these take place, (i.e., money, what?)
will occur occur changes / and for staff) are
actions how long needed to
carry out
School 16 schools (4 Schools June 15, BB resource Potential applicant
enrollment per block) themselves 2015 persons, govt schools, govt officials
for the with the schools officials, should have required
(STP) help of BB will be school staff, information about the
Programm resource enrolled in enrollment programme and its
e persons the forms, application procedure;
programme discussion

Baseline For all 16 schools, BB resource By June BB resource BB representatives

survey and their staff and persons, 30, 2015 persons, should understand the
needs respective interns, baseline interns, importance and
assessment villages/clusters/co volunteers survey and volunteers, process capturing
mmunities and need survey and baseline / need
stakeholders assessment discussion assessment,
will be material participants should
over understand the
usefulness of the

Planning Each enrolled Schools By July 20, BB resource BB Resource persons

for the school will have its themselves 2015 each persons, should have excellent
desired own plan for its with the school will framework facilitation skills for
transforma own desired help of govt have first and material community and
tion transformation officials, draft and for facilitating stakeholder
community by July 30, planning discussions
and BB final draft process,
resource of the plan
persons ready

Bachpan Banao 12
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

What How much, or to Who will By when What Communication

actions or what extent, carry out they will resources (who should know
changes these actions will these take place, (i.e., money, what?)
will occur occur changes / and for staff) are
actions how long needed to
carry out
Execution Each school and its School staff, Till desired Execution and Each stakeholder
of the plan stakeholders will govt results are support should understand
work together to officials, achieved framework, his/her role in the
achieve desired community resource larger effort and
results; resource with persons, importance of his/her
persons will necessary technical contribution, should
support their facilitation material have required
efforts by BB competencies to be
resource able to contribute
persons meaningful

Review of Each school will School staff, At the end Evaluation Each stakeholder
Transform review their govt important rubrics, self- should know about the
ation progress with officials, milestones/ assessment review process,
Process respect to their community quarterly. forms, Reviewers should
own with independent possess 'review
transformation necessary reviewers, discussion' facilitation
plan and objectives facilitation skills, Contributors
by BB should have self-
resource evaluation skills and
persons reflective abilities

Better Child-friendly School staff, By end of Efforts from School staff should
teaching- fearless Children, first year all the understand concepts
learning environment, Resource contributors, like – holistic, child-
experience Learning is persons, contextual friendly, contextual,
s for contextual and Govt curriculum need-based learning
children relevant, Children officials, and teaching- and active
play an active role Community learning participation of
in their own material, learner.
learning, experts to
customized and train and
diverse teaching mentor
techniques to suit
diverse learners

Bachpan Banao 13
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

What How much, or to Who will By when What Communication

actions or what extent, carry out they will resources (who should know
changes these actions will these take place, (i.e., money, what?)
will occur occur changes / and for staff) are
actions how long needed to
carry out
School owned by School staff, 1-2 years / Resource Each stakeholder
all the stakeholders Children, efforts persons, should
collectively, all of Resource towards (regular know/understand how
them working persons, betterment supply of) a co-owned school will
towards creating a Govt will resource be, what kind of
Transform better society officials, continue material for society they wish to
ed School through education Community for ever continuous live in, how does their
learning, efforts in education
contribute to creation
of that society and
what role each of them
should play.

The transformation School staff, Around 2 None Each person would

process continues Children, years (Stakeholders understand that the
without external Govt will arrange world is about co-
support. Each officials, required existence and
stakeholder looks Community resources on everyone's
beyond the school their own) contribution is equally
alize the
at the larger society important.
and starts
transformation of
larger society

Bachpan Banao 14
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

How-What-Why Diagram

Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes Impact

Resource persons, Trainings, Competent school Empowered Critical thinking

programme exposure visits, staff, improved school staff, population having
coordinators, mentoring, on- teaching-learning enabling govt humane and
teaching-learning field and off-field processes, officials, collaborative and
resources, training support, enhanced cooperative local approaches
and reading experiences of community community, making equitable
material, basic alternative participation, informed parents, choices for a
infrastructure and teaching-learning holistic self-learning, sustainable society
facilities approaches engagement of creative and
children caring children,

Bachpan Banao 15
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

6. Evaluation Plan

Social Impact Assessment:

Social impacts include changes in people’s way of life, their culture, community, political systems,
environment, health and wellbeing, their personal and property rights and their fears and
aspirations. The term also includes cultural impacts involving changes to the norms, values, and
beliefs that guide and rationalize their cognition of themselves and their society.

• Lifestyle impacts – on the way people behave and relate to family, friends and cohorts on a
day-to-day basis
• Cultural impacts – on shared customs, obligations, values, language, religious belief and
other elements which make a social or ethnic group distinct
• Community impacts – on infrastructure, services, voluntary organisations, activity networks
and cohesion
• Quality of life impacts – on sense of place, aesthetics and heritage, perception of belonging,
security and livability, and aspirations for the future
• Health impacts – on mental, physical and social well being, although these aspects are also
the subject of health impact assessment

How will this change be measured?

1. Assess change in the knowledge and attitudes of children, school staff, govt officials and
community members.
2. Evaluate the quality of teaching-learning experiences children had in their schools
(including environment, culture and interactions)
3. Evaluate achievement of educational goals and local community needs/expectations
4. Assess whether the changes in knowledge and attitudes translated into changes in practice
over time.
5. Assess change in the ownership equation of the school – who takes lead in what, who owns
what kind of responsibilities, and who participates in the school activities.
6. Evaluate exposure of children in terms of diversity, contextual-ness, meaningfullness, and

Bachpan Banao 16
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

7. Resource Requirements
7.1 Human Resources
As we plan to provide consistent on-field support to the schools undergoing transformation, we
would need one person for every two enrolled schools. The resource person would not only provide
support to the school staff but would also work with other stakeholders of those schools including
children, communities members (Panchayat, SMC, VEC, parents), and govt officials (CRCs, BRC,
We also need committed volunteers to help us engage with children and provide them exposure in
diverse non-academic areas for their holistic development.

7.2 Infrastructure / Logistics/ Material

As we expect our resource persons to stay in the field around the schools they support, we would
have to help them arrange their accommodation and food. Moreover, depending on the availability
of safe accommodation we might also need to help them with their daily commutation in the form
of a bicycle or a vehicle.

7.3 Knowledge / Mentoring

Being a small and new organisation, we do not have required expertise to support capacity building
of all the stakeholders. We would need extensive support from various organizations and individuals
in the following areas.
• Teacher training (content + pedagogy + classroom management + empathy + counseling)
• Leadership development
• Community Participation
• Training for Resource Persons (content, pedagogy, classroom management, empathy,
counseling, community mobilisation, participatory approach, metoring skills,...)
• Capacity building for Coordinators (leadership, coordination, participatory, resource

7.4 Fund
We would like to ensure that we make best use of resources and do not duplicate them in our efforts
to enhance the quality of overall learning experience of children. Therefore, we would like to take
help of existing institutions and funds for meeting appropriate needs. For example, to enhance
capacity of government staff, we would like to take help of DIET, RGSM and DEO office and make
best use of available funds and resources.
At the same time, we would like to raise funds to meet other requirements to ensure that we get free
hand to carry out our efforts. Therefore, we seek support from people to meet our requirements
related to human resources, infrastructure, logistics and knowledge support. An estimation of fund
requirement for FY 2015-16 has been detailed out in Annexure A.

Bachpan Banao 17
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

Annexure A: Detailed estimation of fund requirements for

School Transformation Programme
Sr# Head Details Amount Total Amount
(per person)
A. Bachpan Banao Team
1 Salary of resource Total 8 resource persons 3 lacs p.a. 24,00,000
persons (Basic + HRA + DA + TA) (3,00,000 x 8)
2 Salary of STP Total 2 Coordinators 3 lacs p.a. 6,00,000
coordinators (Basic + HRA + DA + TA) (3,00,000 x 2)
3 Capacity Building of Orientation, Bi-weekly 200 per day 64,000
Resource Persons trainings, exposure visits (200 x 40 days x 8)
(DA + TA + material)
4 Remuneration for For orientation and bi- 5000 per 50,000
external expertise weekly trainings day (5000 x 10)
5 Volunteers (TA + DA) 5 volunteers 100 per day 1,50,000
(100 x 5 x 300 days)
Sub-total 32,54,000
B. Towards Capacity Building of School Staff
5 Capacity Building of Orientation, Bi-weekly 200 per day 1,28,000
School Staff trainings, exposure visits (200 x 40 days x 16 x 2)
(of HM and School Fellow)
6 Remuneration for For orientation and bi- 5000 per 50,000
external expertise weekly trainings day (5000 x 10)
Sub-total 1,78,000
C. Towards Capacity Building of Government Staff
7 Capacity Building of Trainings, exposure visits 200 per day 1,28,000
officials (of CRCs, BRCs, BEOs, APCs) (200 x 20 days x 32)
8 Remuneration for Trainings 5000 per 50,000
external expertise day (5000 x 10)
Sub-total 1,78, 000
D. Towards Capacity Building of Community
9 Capacity Building of Trainings, exposure visits 200 per day 64,000
Community (of SMC, VEC, Panchayat and (200 x 10 days x 16 x 2)
10 Remuneration for Trainings 5000 per 50,000
external expertise day (5000 x 5)
Sub-total 1,14,000
Total 36,34,000

Bachpan Banao 18
Proposal: School Transformation Programme

Administrative Expenses (7% of the overall expenditure) 2,54,380

Grand Total 38,88,380

Bachpan Banao 19

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